brucereavis · 3 months
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brucereavis · 7 months
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Takes 2 hands to handle a whopper USDA certified prime Beef. Hundreds served and satisfied 💯
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brucereavis · 8 days
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brucereavis · 16 days
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brucereavis · 17 days
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Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.🙏🏾👑
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brucereavis · 18 days
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Father, I thank You that Your Word is right and all of Your work is done in truth. I thank You for the expressed and spoken word by interpretation. You have anointed me to command the rhema word of God. It will take feet and become the Word in action because of the Greater One who is inside of me. I am a child of the King, an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. Because I am in covenant with God and my brothers and sisters, what I speak shall come to pass 🙏🏾 👑
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brucereavis · 20 days
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Behold I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you 🙏🏾 👑
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brucereavis · 21 days
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brucereavis · 26 days
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Dear Lord, we are grateful for Your presence in our lives each day. We praise Your name with thankful hearts always and forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.🙏🏾👑
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brucereavis · 27 days
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brucereavis · 1 month
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brucereavis · 1 month
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Sometimes, we needlessly complicate our faith, and that can quickly put us on the wrong path. Fad teachings and new doctrines seem to emerge every day, but we already have God’s word and we already have the Lord’s Supper. We need not reinvent our faith with extraneous rituals, they only lead to polluted doctrine. Instead, let us hold to the simple gatherings and foundational truth that we have already been given.🙏🏾👑
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brucereavis · 1 month
Father, You have given me the gift of life, and for that, I give You thanks. And You have called me to the abundant life of eternity. Help me to reject the ways of this world and seek my peace in You, so that I may live for eternity even now, and for all of my remaining days. In Jesus’ name, amen.🙏🏾👑
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brucereavis · 1 month
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brucereavis · 1 month
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But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.🙏🏾👑
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brucereavis · 1 month
Lord, as I take in the voices and ideas around me, I am swept up in a whirlwind of information. Help me to hear Your voice over the clamor. Give me the wisdom to recognize hollow and vain philosophies that are not of You. Instead, teach me to rely on Your truth, even if the world around me sways in another direction. In Jesus’ name, amen.🙏🏾👑
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