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From Pixels to Power: Orchestrating a Video-First Symphony in Online Publishing
The internet used to be a library, a sprawling archive of text and images. Now, it's an amphitheater, alive with the dynamic rhythm of video. Online publishers, once confined to the static page, are now maestros composing symphonies of sight and sound, captivating audiences and rewriting the rules of engagement. This is the era of the video-first strategy, a paradigm shift where pixels become power, weaving narratives that resonate, inspire, and ignite action.The Allure of the Moving ImageWhy does video reign supreme? It's an assault on the senses, a sensory feast that stimulates our brains in ways text never could. Imagine a complex scientific concept explained not through dry paragraphs, but through a mesmerizing animation, its vibrant colors and playful visuals dancing across the screen. That's video's magic – it bypasses the cognitive firewall and lodges information directly into our emotional memory, making learning an exhilarating adventure.Continue reading at https://digitrendz.blog/digital-publishing/4424/from-pixels-to-power-orchestrating-a-video-first-symphony-in-online-publishing/ Read the full article
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Amazon's Book Publishing Revolution: Empowering Authors, Expanding Readership! #Amazonpublishing #Audible #contractterms #controversy #customerdataandanalytics #democratizingbookpublishing #dominance #futureofpublishing #KindleDirectPublishingKDP #KindleUnlimited #marketpower #marketingandpromotion #royaltyrates #selfpublishing #traditionalpublishers
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#interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu3eu4DCS7/?igshid=rfz97sucf61c
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RT @LAReviewofBooks: Learn about book, magazine, and online editing at the LARB/USC Publishing Workshop this summer! #FutureofPublishing http://bit.ly/2DFQGOt http://bit.ly/2nfpF9C
Learn about book, magazine, and online editing at the LARB/USC Publishing Workshop this summer! #FutureofPublishing https://t.co/0RiUUu7E8V pic.twitter.com/1NYuZkA6fc
— LA Review of Books (@LAReviewofBooks) January 27, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/bjohnson January 26, 2018 at 08:29PM via IFTTT
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Nieuwe Types: The Future of Publishing Summit
Ook dit jaar organiseren we tijdens Nieuwe Types weer The Future of Publishing Summit: over de toekomst van het publiceren. Deze editie buigen diverse sprekers zich over het thema ‘Mediaconvergentie versus -divergentie’. Niels ‘t Hooft is evenals vorig jaar te gast om te vertellen over de voortgang van zijn innovatieve projecten en zijn visie op de toekomst van het publiceren en zijn eigen schrijverschap. Niels ‘t Hooft schrijft, doet onderzoek naar digitale leeservaring en lezersfeedback en ontwikkelt een appboek, Geometry Girl. De hybride schrijver Niels ‘t Hooft Vorig jaar vertelde ik op The Future of Publishing Summit over wat de literatuur kan leren van games, zie ook de blogpost die ik daar destijds over schreef. Dit jaar kom ik terug, en verleg ik het accent naar mijn eigen recente werk en onderzoek, een brede verkenning van alle schakels tussen schrijver en lezer, en de manieren waarop die (kunnen) veranderen in de digitale omgeving. Onlangs heb ik bij TEDxDelft een samenvatting gegeven van mijn werk. Kijk vooral de video, want daarin leg ik volgens mij heel aardig uit wat mijn onderzoek behelst, en wat ik bedoel met 'hybride schrijver’, het label dat ik voor mezelf heb bedacht. Dat scheelt een boel woorden en handgebaren. Tijdens The Future of Publishing Summit ga ik drie dingen doen. Ten eerste schets ik een ietwat futuristisch beeld van hoe ik ooit mijn werk als romanschrijver hoop uit te oefenen. Hoe ga ik te werk, tijdens het onderzoek voorafgaand aan het schrijven, het schrijven zelf en het redactieproces? Hoe breng ik mijn woorden naar mijn lezers, hoe lezen zij die vervolgens, en hoe laten zij me weten wat ze van mijn creaties vinden? En natuurlijk hoe die laatste stap naadloos kan aansluiten op de eerste. Ten tweede ga ik dit alles wat schematischer uitsplitsen, en toelichten hoe ik mijn onderzoek heb aangepakt. Bij alle fases van het traject tussen schrijver en lezer zijn er interessante bronnen, experimenten en voorbeelden. Zo schreef ik al over de alternatieven voor scrollen op mijn website. Ten derde laat ik in Arnhem het eerste publieke prototype zien van Geometry Girl, een app die veel van de lessen uit mijn onderzoek probeert toe te passen, maar vooral veel doet met de manier waarop je op digitale apparaten (beter) leest. Het is geen game, maar bouwt wel op dezelfde principes: zo gebruik ik het kleurenscherm en de stereospeakers voor een leeservaring die een diepere sensatie van onderdompeling oproept. O, en dan is het ook nog een nieuwe novelle. Waarvan je volgende week al de eerste twee hoofdstukken kunt lezen. Meer op de Summit! NIEUWE TYPES Festival voor nieuwe literatuur Donderdag 23 juni wordt het festival geopend in Focus Filmtheater met de vertoning van The End of the Tour. De speelfilm over David Foster Wallace wordt omlijst door literair programma. Vrijdagmiddag 24 juni spreekt een spraakmakend gezelschap van schrijvers, denkers en uitgevers over de toekomst van het boek bij The Future of Publishing Summit. Vrijdagavond 24 juni zijn er op talloze locaties in de Arnhemse binnenstad performances, interviews en voordrachten. Daarnaast worden zowel de winnaar van dichtwedstrijd Doe Maar Dicht Maar als de Nieuwe Types Afstudeerprijs bekendgemaakt. Op zaterdagavond 25 juni presenteren de jonge schrijvers uit de tweede lichting van de opleiding Creative Writing zich in huize Oostpool, de avond begint echter in Showroom. Datum: do 23 t/m za 25 juni 2016 Locaties: Meer dan 10 locaties in Arnhem Meer info: nieuwetypes.nl
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ModMag14 – Thank you
A huge thank you to everyone involved in making last week’s The Modern Magazine 2014 such a success. The LCC theatre was full to hear some great lectures and discussions about the state of our industry.
Thank you to all the speakers for putting so much energy into the day, to everyone at the London College of Communication, to the student volunteers, the magCulture team (Lesley, Steph, Jese, and Raechel) and to Liv Siddall for smart hosting. Supporters Park Communications,Sappi and Commercial Type deserve a thank you too, as does Tyler Brulé and Monocle for providing the drinks at the end of the day. Thank you all!
But it would be nothing without an audience, so thnaks as well are due to everyone who took a day out of their work and/or studies to join us. I hope you enoyed the day too.
There’s plenty more to share; for now have a listen to me and some of the speakers on the weekend’s edition of The Stack on Monocle24.
Look out here for a series of video interviews from the day over the next few weeks, along with more photos. And read Sarah Snaith’s series of live posts form the event:
the-modern-magazine-2014-part-1 the-modern-magazine-2014-part-2 the-modern-magazine-2014-part-3 the-modern-magazine-2014-part-4
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Kindle, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
If you know me, you know I’ve wanted a Kindle for at least 3 years now. I’ve dropped hint after hint on Twitter and Facebook around the holidays, on my birthday, on Jesus's birthday, but no one ever bit. I finally resigned myself to biting the bullet and buying it myself. Tax season was right around the corner anyway.
My Kindle is literally the best purchase I’ve ever made. Better than my Mac Book, my vintage Prada pants, my favorite lipstick (MAC Heroine) or my many, MANY curly hair products. It’s completely revolutionized my most beloved activity. I've been saying for a while that I don't believe in the demise of the publishing industry, only in its revolution. Indeed, people will never stop reading (at least I hope not, for everyone's sake), but the way they consume literature has to. The Kindle is only a part of the changes that are bound to happen in the book world. Here are a few ways my Kindle has changed my life:
1 - Nothing will make you read more into a quote than seeing the dashed line telling you that 43,550 more people highlighted a quote. I can't help but think: if all these people highlighted this sentence, it has to be deep and meaningful. The Kindle has made reading an activity that allows for connection - not only with the characters, but with your fellow readers.
2 - If I didn't find time to read in college, imagine how difficult it is now that I have a full time job and am a member of two book clubs. After getting a Kindle, I found that I was grossly overestimating my reading speed. Turns out I cannot finish those last 300 pages of The Corrections in 2 days. Go figure. Nothing will light a fire under your ass more than seeing that you're only 5% through the book and that you still have another 2 hours and 24 minutes to finish the chapter.
3 - The search functions inform my reading in ways a dictionary never could. I was never the type to look up words while I was reading; it's so disruptive to have to put the book down, search for the word you don't know and then apply it in context. With the Kindle, you can search while you're reading - and not only for words, but for characters (imagine reading Game of Thrones and actually knowing who's who!) as well as cultural references or events (on Wikipedia).
Don't get me wrong, there is definitely room for improvement: sometimes the reaction time is slow when I'm writing notes or highlighting text, the keyboard isn't incredibly accurate - but the pros far outweigh the cons. Having it be a device strictly for reading, with no distractions like apps or fancy features, makes it feel almost like reading a 'real' book. The Kindle modernizes and enhances reading without taking away from the escapism that made me fall in love with books to begin with.
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Next mini 1.9 : #interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #graphicnovel #googletiltbrush #googlepoly #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #kinda #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics https://www.instagram.com/p/B97lUbCjxbt/?igshid=19fkw86ntkk89
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He was quite aware: #interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #kinda #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Z4fJQnhra/?igshid=wbuuos8yled6
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New Chapter #interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsIyiJj87u/?igshid=1bdgl0ng5fiq7
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New iterations #interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAsFG1YjmoX/?igshid=160uag9rgk9fu
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#interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics, #digitalComics #stories, #spatialstorytelling, #emergingtech, #storytelling, (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBheYeRD2lq/?igshid=kocd4ksjla4c
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#interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories, #spatialstorytelling, #emergingtech https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWvHXWDrDE/?igshid=1i6030gf88boj
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#interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAy6tiujxN1/?igshid=erfvz7aqkyvk
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#interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwHGqqDImA/?igshid=g1try70sshjb
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Next Chapter starting: #interactiveart #art #interactivenotebooks #graphicnovel #interactive #googleartsandculture #artbook #illustration #graphicdesign #interactiondesign #interactivedesign #digitalart #interactivegraphicnovel #futureofstorytelling #digitalbooks #futureofpublishing #immersiveStorytelling in #VR #AR #graphicNovel @oculus @googleVRAR #interactivecomics #interactivecomic #digitalComics #stories https://www.instagram.com/p/CAs0wR5jBjs/?igshid=1q2norsqv8o2d
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