#furutsugu akishino
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waifuoftomonori · 2 months ago
What I spent an embarrassing portion of my day doing
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More image-less Scarlet Fate character alignment charts for your perusal. <3 Tomorrow I should probably get back to, y’know, actually writing. Look, my dog was sick and I wanted something lighthearted to take my mind off of things.
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readermishok · 4 years ago
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Hi! As I promised I uploaded my collection of CD Drama focusing on Scarlet fate (Hiiro no Kakera 4). It was long and hard work, I was glad to finally finish it.
Enjoy it and feel free to tell your friends about it!
For incredible high-quality translation my appreciation goes out to  @hikari-kaitou!
If you want to thank me - here you go.
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claritabeaumont · 9 years ago
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http://claritabeaumontsanctuary.blogspot.sg/2016/02/shall-we-date-scarlet-fate-furutsugu.html (walkthrough)
Check out Furutsugu’s Walkthrough!
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lavenderwitch89 · 10 years ago
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~warm up doodles for today~
how dare you make me fall in love with you, Furutsugu
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waifuoftomonori · 1 year ago
Aki After Tentacles: Chapter 3 - Vulture (Part 1)
Story Summary: After defending the Princess from a tentacled Void-like monster, Akifusa wakes up biologically female. The only way for him to regain his former body (and hopefully get over his newfound attraction to his male best friend, who also happens to be Shiki’s husband) is to become pregnant. Or: I don’t know how to properly classify what I’ve written but I had (and am having) fun writing it. *** “I know what the problem is. You need to seduce him.” Furutsugu flashed a jovial wink as they left the temple together. “Use your womanly charms to your advantage.”
Akifusa scowled, keeping a safe distance between himself and the diviner. How much did Furutsugu know about what had happened a few nights ago? How had he even learned? “None of your business,” he muttered, glancing to either side to make sure no one had overheard.
“Oh? With all due respect, Aki-chan, I think it’s very much my business. If things don’t work out with Tomonori, I’m your next best option, after all.” Akifusa hastily stepped back, provoking a melodious laugh. “Relax, I’m joking. It’s just a friendly piece of advice, given in good faith. There’s no need to read too much into it… unless you want to. My offer still stands.”
“I’m good, thanks!”
“I just thought I would ask.” Furutsugu shrugged fluidly and started to saunter off.
“Wait,” Akifusa heard himself blurt out. His face flamed scarlet as Furutsugu turned around; his hands curled into fists at his sides. He didn’t really want to rely on Furutsugu of all people, but… well, out of everyone in Kifu, the scumbag sorcerer was probably the most experienced when it came to this kind of thing. “What do you mean, my ‘womanly charms’?”
Furutsugu blinked, and then a slow, devious smile unfolded across his features. “Let’s take a little stroll around the pond, shall we? I’ll tell you everything I think could be valuable.”
Akifusa’s first lesson was focused entirely on walking like a woman. “With every step, sway your hips from side to side— you have such soft, voluptuous hips, Aki-chan; it would be a crime not to show them off to the world.” Furutsugu was walking a few paces behind him, insisting he could give better advice if he had a clear view.
Akifusa gritted his teeth but did his best to follow instructions, swinging his newly feminine hips one way and then the other, trying not to think about how much his butt was wiggling and how much his perverted one-man audience was probably loving it. If this worked, all of the humiliation would be worth it. 
“Slow down a little, Aki-chan. Give Tomonori a chance to admire those gorgeous curves in motion. …Lovely, just like that. You’re very fetching as a woman, Aki-chan; there’s not a man alive who could look at you without picturing you naked.”
His head whipped around. “What—”
“Haven’t you noticed all the stares as we’ve been walking? I guarantee every one of those men was imagining you moaning his name and writhing in ecstasy beneath him, your sumptuous curves on full display. Perhaps a few of them were picturing you with their wives as well. I’m so lucky that such a beautiful woman is honoring me with a private show!” Furutsugu laughed at his expression. “Why is that such a surprise? Your new body is irresistible to men, and you asked me to instruct you in the art of seduction.”
“Only for Tomonori—”
“I have good news for you, Aki-chan. Tomonori is a man.” The diviner dropped him a wink while Akifusa was still spluttering. “Once you shake that shapely backside in his face a few times, he won’t be able to resist your charms.”
Akifusa tried not to shiver at this sentence, tried not to imagine Tomonori’s lips parting while his crimson eyes darkened with desire, tried not to imagine Tomonori seizing his waist in a fit of passion, shoving him up against the wall, and smacking his bum around while murmuring in his ear, telling Akifusa how big a fool he was, and failed miserably.
Furutsugu, who’d been closely watching his expression, licked his lips. “I don’t mean to be crass by bringing up the matter of payment, but—”
“Then shut up!” Snapping back to his senses, Akifusa defended his honor with a well-aimed knee (a practical move the Princess had taught him specifically for this purpose) and sprinted off.
That afternoon, though, when he found Tomonori seated alone in the main hall, writing something on a scroll, he figured he might as well try it. What more was there to lose? His dignity? He’d never had much of that in Tomonori’s eyes, and he had even less now, trapped in this stupid body he’d never asked for.
“Uh. Hey, Tomonori,” he mumbled, and Tomonori lifted his head. Under his sudden attention, Akifusa froze, thighs spasming— but swallowed his shame and approached anyway. Every slow, swinging step required tremendous willpower, especially as Tomonori’s russet gaze fell to his rolling hips and a wrinkle appeared in his forehead.
“Why are you walking so strangely? Did you injure yourself again?”
“Huh?” Akifusa halted halfway across the hall, a tsunami of heat crashing over his skin. “No, that’s not…” He gulped, averting his gaze before the blush could consume him entirely.
After a brief pause, Tomonori heaved a sigh and stashed his brush away. “So you went to Furutsugu for advice?”
“What?! How did you—”
“I thought as much. Look at me, Akifusa.” Biting his tongue, Akifusa obeyed to find his friend studying him with weary exasperation, not even bothering to stand. “You would agree with me,” Tomonori said quietly, “that Shiki is beautiful. Wouldn’t you?”
Akifusa shifted his weight, growing uncomfortable. “Y-yeah. Is this a test, or…”
Hearing Tomonori pronounce that word, staring him directly in the eyes, only fed the flames lapping over his soul, but Akifusa managed to nod.
It took him a moment to understand the question. “Well, she’s…” He shut his eyes so he didn’t have Tomonori’s equally attractive features to distract him, mentally conjuring the Princess’s oft-recalled figure. “She’s so tiny, and she looks so soft and delicate, almost like she’d break if you squeezed her too hard— but then once you see her in battle, you realize how strong she really is, so fast but at the same time so graceful, she’s so powerful, and that just makes her even more beautiful—”
“Your tastes are even simpler than I thought,” Tomonori cut in, a frosty edge creeping into his voice. “I was expecting a less physical explanation.”
His eyes flashed open in a surge of wounded betrayal. Obviously Akifusa admired her as a person, but hadn’t the question been about physical desire? “But you asked—”
“I was trying to prove a point. Let’s just say my preferences are… more complex than yours.” Tomonori paused, fixing on him an expectant look; stung and baffled, Akifusa could only stare back. “I’m telling you this for future reference, before you wind up humiliating yourself in front of everyone: you’re not going to ‘seduce’ me via physical stratagems alone. And the next time Furutsugu offers you advice, try to remember that he always has his own best interests at heart.” He smiled ruefully before his gaze fell once more to the scroll before him.
Stupefied, Akifusa just stood there and stared, hating how aroused he felt in that moment. There was something about being dismissed by Tomonori, brushed aside so casually in favor of paperwork, that made his nipples stiffen.
“That being said,” Tomonori said quietly, glancing up, “I appreciate the effort. You can have another kiss, if you’d like.”
Akifusa’s jaw fell open. Lips quirking, Tomonori beckoned him closer with a finger, and he all but stumbled across the tatami in his eagerness, eyes closing even before he fell to his knees. When Tomonori’s lightly callused hands wrapped around his cheekbones and guided him firmly into the promised kiss, mouths sliding together as smooth as ink flowing over parchment, it was enough to erase all the embarrassment Akifusa had endured and envelop him in a haze of mindless, quivering want. 
Tugging away, Tomonori patted his cheek, looking as unperturbed as ever. “Keep trying, Aki-kun.” With another quick, damnably calm smile, he returned to his work, and Akifusa’s desire settled back down to a slow, excruciating simmer.
He didn’t really want to go back to Furutsugu for advice, especially after the reminder that he was a selfish, sleazy bastard. But several days crept by with no progress and no more kisses, and Akifusa was forced to admit that he didn’t have the slightest idea what Tomonori considered attractive, other than the obvious answer of “the Princess”— and he apparently liked her for different reasons than Akifusa did, so that wasn’t much help either.
He had considered asking her, actually, but decided against it. True, she had offered to answer any questions he had, but he quailed at the thought of conversing with her as one woman to another, of cementing that impression in her mind any further. Out of everyone, she was probably the person whose perception of him as male mattered the most. It wasn’t even a question of appealing to her romantically anymore; it was just a matter of pride.
Thus, shortly after breakfast a few days later, Akifusa grudgingly pulled Furutsugu aside to a private corner of the shrine. “The thing you told me to do last time didn’t work.”
“No?” Furutsugu raised his eyebrows. “Are you certain you did it correctly?”
Akifusa shifted his weight uncomfortably, crossing his arms— and then dropping them when that only drew the diviner’s amused gaze to his chest. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “but… well, I guess it sort of worked.”
“And what does that mean, Aki-chan?” Furutsugu’s mouth curled, eyes glittering in private mirth; Akifus struggled not to reveal anything, to keep his expression as inscrutable as Tomonori’s, but his thoughts flickered back to Tomonori’s soft sandalwood scent and long, capable fingers, and he felt the blood swiftly pooling in his cheeks. “Did he at least kiss you?”
Dammit. “That’s not the point!”
“Really? I thought that was precisely the point. Is Tomo-kun a good kisser?” Furutsugu leaned in close, lowering his voice to a sly purr. “Does thinking about him get you wet?”
“You—!” Akifusa’s hands balled into fists. Forget all the other changes— in that instant, he would have given anything to regain his old height so he could punch that stupid smirk off Furutsugu’s face. At least the move the Princess had taught him worked effectively on a taller opponent—
“I don’t think so.” Furutsugu’s hands darted forward and held his knees in place. “I have no desire to repeat that experience.”
“Get your hands off me, you… you fiend!” Akifusa pried them off, glowering; the diviner took a quick step back.
“Let’s start over, shall we? I was under the impression you wanted my help.”
“Not if you’re going to make me do anything weird or— or talk about my friends like that!”
“It was just a bit of friendly teasing. I didn’t mean any harm. And I would never force a lady to do anything against—”
“I’m not a lady!” Dammit, did his voice have to sound so shrill?
Furutsugu smiled, apparently unfazed. “Of course not. My apologies. You’re a man who’s developed an erotic fixation with his childhood friend, and you‘re desperate to learn how to stoke his libido for a chance to act out your long-forbidden fantasies.”
Akifusa sucked in a sharp breath. “It’s not like that,” he mumbled, dropping his gaze. Why did the bastard have to make everything sound filthy?
“There’s no need to be embarrassed. It’s not unheard of in the capital for men to enter… intimate liaisons with one another—”
“I don’t need to hear about this!”
“I thought it might be reassuring. Of course there are plenty of people who disapprove— everyone acts so judgmental about these things in public; it’s ridiculous— but I don’t see the harm in it. And if I were in your position, I would most likely use my assets to my advantage as well. You even have permission from his wife. All that remains is to whet his appetite.”
Blood climbed up to his ears, scorching them mercilessly. “I-I’m not trying to manipulate him or anything like that.”
“No?” Furutsugu chuckled. “Then why ask for my advice? Seduction is the finest form of manipulation, Akifusa— I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out by now. It sounds like Tomonori has you wrapped around his little finger, perhaps even more tightly than our lovely Princess.”
“That’s not true!” he snapped. “They’re my friends. They would never use me or… or do that kind of thing.” But as soon as the words left his mouth, Akifusa remembered the Princess laying a hand on his arm and telling him bashfully that she’d feel much safer if he’d accompany her back to her room, despite being one of the bravest people Akifusa knew, just to ask him about what had happened with Tomonori. And although Tomonori had seemed pretty sincere that night, it was only last winter that he’d masterminded a plan to free the Princess from the Sword’s curse without telling anyone beforehand, not even his two closest friends, because he’d known they would stop him.
But that was different from manipulation. Wasn’t it?
Furutsugu had an annoying gleam in his eye, like he knew exactly what was running through Akifusa’s mind, but he smiled and said, “Of course they wouldn’t. Tomonori only kissed you because he was unable to resist your feminine appeal, and he only stopped out of courtesy, because he wasn’t entirely convinced you were ready.”
“That’s not—”
“Or perhaps he kissed you out of genuine pity for your plight, even though he didn’t especially want to do so?” Akifusa shut his mouth and nodded warily, causing the diviner’s smile to broaden. “How selfless of him. I must admit, kissing beautiful women is my favorite charity act as well. So you’d like my help wooing him in hopes of earning more than just a kiss?”
“Well, it depends. Are you going to make it creepy again? Last time you said you wanted me to pay you, even though we said nothing about that at first, and…” He struggled to put it in words. “It was gross, and if you do it again, I won’t hold back! I’ll use both my knees if I have to!”
“You really need to stop taking my little jokes so seriously, Aki-chan.”
“It sure didn’t seem like a joke at the time!”
Furutsugu waved the matter airily aside. “If I had designs on you, why would I bother helping you seduce Tomonori? You admitted my advice was at least partially successful. We simply need to take it further.”
Akifusa scowled. Something about this still smelled fishy. “Fine. But if you touch me or make that stupid ‘joke’ again—”
“I promise I’ll behave. As I mentioned, I wouldn’t dream of forcing a woman— or any of my friends— into a situation against their will. And we are friends, aren’t we, Aki-chan?”
“No,” he said immediately, drawing a pout to Furutsugu’s face.
“Well, I consider you a friend, at least. I wouldn’t offer you my assistance without asking anything in return if I felt otherwise.” Furutsugu shrugged amiably. “But if you’d rather try figuring it out on your own—”
“No, please!” The words came out louder than he’d meant them, his eyes growing wide; he hastily forced his voice back down. “Please, I don’t know anything about this seduction stuff. I’ll take any advice you can give me. Just don’t make it weird.”
Furutsugu���s eyes crinkled with his smile. “Oh, I won’t. You’re in good hands, Aki-chan.” He pulled away from the wall with exaggerated nonchalance. “Let’s figure out how to catch Tomo’s attention, shall we?” When he started striding toward the pond, morning mist swiftly swallowing his steps, Akifusa was left with little choice but to follow.
His second lesson centered around physical appearance. “Perhaps we should have started here before moving on to more advanced topics,” Furutsugu said. “Let’s start with clothing. You have the body of a woman now, Aki-chan, but you’re still dressing like a man.” Ignoring Akifusa’s protests that he was a man and all of Kifu’s soldiers wore the same standard military uniform regardless of gender (though it was true that Kifu wasn’t a large village, and the male soldiers outnumbered the females), the diviner insisted that Akifusa don a form-fitting kimono in the same red hue with a plunging neckline even when it was firmly sashed. Of course, he “just happened” to have one on him. “Naturally, you’ll have to forgo the layers underneath for maximum effect— and you can stop binding those lovely breasts as well. The poor things seem like they’re suffocating.”
Akifusa’s first reaction was to go for the balls again, but Furutsugu stopped him by saying, “Tomonori will love it.”
“He loves the Princess,” he replied uncertainly, “and she doesn’t dress like this.” But he lowered his knee, considering. If the Princess did wear this kind of thing, she’d probably have even more admirers, perverted as they might be.
“She doesn’t need to,” Furutsugu said with an elegant shrug. “She’s not trying to impress anyone; her husband is enamored with her as she is, and you’ve seen the way she looks at him. The rest of us never even stood a chance. But Tomonori’s oblivious to your charms at present, so we’ll need to ramp up our efforts.”
They moved on to makeup. Akifusa’s discomfort skyrocketed the second Furutsugu started talking about face powders and lip rouge. “I have a shade that will match that kimono perfectly,” he said, cheerfully producing a small clay pot and a long, delicate brush. “You can apply a bit to your cheeks as well— though you have such a charming natural blush whenever your thoughts travel to Tomonori that you may not even need it for that purpose.”
Akifusa stared doubtfully into the green-painted interior of the pot. “Why do you have so much of this stuff, anyway?”
“It makes a lovely gift whenever I need to flatter a woman in my diplomatic duties— or for more personal reasons.” Furutsugu flashed him a wink. “Also, I use a bit myself. You don’t think I look this good naturally, do you? Again, it’s common practice in the capital.”
“But we’re not in the capital,” he said, but Furutsugu just laughed.
“All the more reason to use it here. You’ll stand out beautifully with your red lips in your matching kimono— Tomonori won’t be able to resist stealing glances, even in public. And once he gets you alone, well…” Akifusa’s face prickled with heat as Furutsugu trailed off, mouth curling into an insufferable smirk.
In the end, he agreed to take the safflower rouge, but he refused to put anything else on his face. Maybe nobles in the capital rubbed all sorts of weird pigments on their skin, but he’d also heard how women there shaved their eyebrows only to draw them higher on their foreheads, which made even less sense in his opinion. He wanted Tomonori’s attention, but there had to be some limits, and the kimono was already pushing them.
There was also the matter of choosing a personal fragrance, Furutsugu told him, but that was complicated enough to be its own lesson; they could delve into it tomorrow. “For now, I think the addition to your wardrobe and the new cosmetics will work wonders. Let me know how it goes.” *** [For those uncomfortable with the recent development, rest assured that Part 2 of this chapter contains 0% Furutsugu; I don’t think I can say more than that without giving away any involuntary spoilers. Sorry for the delay in posting. It was caused in part by anxiety and in part by holiday travel plans. Happy belated Thanksgiving to those who also celebrate. Also, formatting these posts is swiftly becoming a thorn in my side; if anyone knows how to navigate the errors of disappearing post titles and sporadically enlarged asterisks after copy-and-pasting, please contact me at your earliest convenience.]
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readermishok · 4 years ago
Preview of CD Drama “Princess Tamayori Caught a Cold”. Unlike the others it’s short bittersweet story linked with main game. Somewhere in between departure from Kifu and arrival at capital. All CD Drama’s will be availalble for public December 1. 
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ohlookitssamm · 10 years ago
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Akifusa stop being so nice and cute while I play Furutsugu's route it really makes me want to play your sequel now 😤❤️😳😍😍
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lozard · 10 years ago
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Favorite Otome Characters
Scarlet Fate (2/2): Furutsugu Akishino
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ohlookitssamm · 10 years ago
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Haha!!!!! 😂😂😂😍😍😍😘😘😘 Furutsugu I didn't know you owned a business known as "Playboy" 😂
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ohlookitssamm · 10 years ago
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Finished Furutsugu's route and I'm pretty happy 😍😘😳
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