#furthering my willie + furbies agenda
innytoes · 1 year
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Doodle dump: redrawing the ‘but we’re not alone because we always have each other’ moment and realising I still don’t know how plaid works, Alex unamused at finding a pink Furby in his bed for @bananakarenina, a smiley Julie in a smiley sweater, and Willie wearing a Trophy Husband shirt because @legolasghosty mentioned it in this post.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Me furthering my willie&furby agenda by asking for It’s my emotional support Furby for Willie/anyone please and thank you
When Willie and Alex first started dating, Willie was a bit nervous to have Alex in his room. What if he made fun of the glow in the dark stars still stuck to the ceiling? What if he thought the fact that Lancelot stayed in the bed with him made him childish? What if he found all Willie’s weird art off putting and dumped him?
Alex of course, did none of those things. He thought the glow in the dark stars were wicked, even more so when he noticed that they were arranged in constellations and not just randomly strewn everyone. He praised Willie’s art, claiming he wanted the abstract sunset one when it was finished.
“It’s yours,” he promised.
Plus he loved Lancelot, hugging the plush dragon tight, wishing he had an awesome childhood stuffy, all he ever had was lame bears and his parents made him give those up once he got double digits.
“You got anything else huggable?” Alex asked. “Otherwise I might end up borrowing Lancelot here.”
“Only Wilbur,” Willie replied, pointing to the tuft of hair sticking up behind some pillows in his little nook.
Alex gleefully reached over and grabbed Wilbur out, then stared at it. “What the fuck is this?”
“That’s Wilbur,” Willie replied, as if that explained everything. “He’s my emotional support Furby.”
“He’s huge!” Alex exclaimed.
“Well I longified him,” Willie said with a shrug, but Alex still look confused. So Willie got to launch into an explanation of long Furbies, showing him the Pinterest board of ones he had saved. “Caleb gave me Wilbur when I was younger, but then his speaker broke, and we fixed him together. Made him long and freaky. Now he serves as emotional support when I need him.”
“That’s pretty cool actually,” Alex said, finally holding Wilbur closer to admire the details they had added to him, like the sparkly sequins now adorning the inside of his ears and the rainbow patterned hair for his tail. “Can you make me one?”
“How about we make one together?” Willie suggested. “Might be fun.”
“I’d like that,” Alex admitted.
In the end, they made Alex his own colourful little friend named Bowie, who became best friends with Wilbur, and they two of them lived a long and happy life together, proudly on display in Alex and Willie’s first house.
And when they adopted Isla, they made her one too.
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innytoes · 1 year
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Morning in the Wiggie household: snuggling pooches, morning cartoons, surprise furbies. You know, business as usual.
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innytoes · 2 years
Winter/X-mas Prompts #7: “If you’re cold they’re cold, let them in.” - “That’s a raccoon.” Luke pairing of your choice
He's neck deep in a song, music and melodies flowing through his brain, out his pen, but the lyrics aren't coming as easily as he would like. His humming and mumbling had long since driven Alex and Bobby away, leaving only Reggie (who was hyper-focussed on trying to make a friendship bracelet for Julie) and Willie behind in the living room.
Willie was fiddling with clay, sculpting tiny little antlers for his latest long furby monstrosity. It was snowing outside, the fake fireplace was going (Alex did not trust them enough to buy a house with a real fireplace, and he was right to), and all in all it would be a perfect cozy afternoon if he weren't stuck on this damn chorus.
"Oh hey," Willie said suddenly, breaking the not-quite-silence-because-Luke-wouldn't-stop-humming-the-same-four-notes. "Kitty's here."
"Hmm?" Luke asked, not looking up from his songbook. Maybe if he swapped the words around, it would be easier to find a rhyme with 'forget'.
"The stray I've been feeding. Don't tell Alex and Bobby." Yeah, Lex and Bobbert were all weird about rabies and fleas sometimes.
"It's freezing outside," Reggie said, worried. "Maybe we should make it like a little box or something, with some warm blankets?"
"If you're cold, they're cold, let them in," Luke muttered, half-remembering some kind of commercial that had been on TV a lot when he was a kid. Yeah, 'forget' worked way better as a final word.
He ignored the chill of Willie opening the sliding door, making cooing noises at the stray cat until it apparently came inside. "Do you want some smoked salmon, baby?" he asked. "Do you want to be a bougie boy? Yes you do!"
With the chorus finished, he could go on to the part where he'd switch off with Julie, maybe with Reggie too. He ignored Reggie whispering excitedly that Kitty was 'just so cute', ignored Willie sitting back down, ignored the little smacking sounds of a cat eating the last smoked salmon and the fact that Alex would probably be annoyed because he was hoping to have it as a snack on some crackers later...
"What the hell is this?"
Speak of the devil. Alex and Bobby had returned home.
"It was Luke's idea!" Reggie and Willie immediately threw him under the bus, which, rude. Even though he had been the one to suggest bringing the cat inside.
"Come on guys," he said, finally looking up from his song book to give a confused Alex and an annoyed Bobby his best puppy eyes. "It's super cold outside, you can't be mad at Willie for taking in a stray and saving it from..." He looked over at where Willie was sitting. On his lap, a raccoon was happily eating smoked salmon, clutching it in its little hands.
"That's a raccoon," he told Willie blankly.
"Yeah," Willie beamed. "Luke, meet Kitty."
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innytoes · 2 years
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I was in the mood to draw so... doodle dump. Up at the top, Willie with a Long Furby and Reggie with Bobby Junior.
Then, I sent this post to @hawkguyhasstarbucks and they sent back: ‘magic au where this happens, and krux is reggies familiar’. So I had to draw it.
And bottom right: Willie and Kitty the raccoon from my prompt fill ficlet, along with a very confused Luke.
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innytoes · 2 years
Back on my Willie + Furbies bullshit with a fic idea I will never write: Sunset Skater AU where the band makes it big and they have all this money that they can spend on frivolous things, which somehow ends in them each commissioning Long Furby Creator Willie. 
Some of them are well intended, like the first one. Reggie wants to make Bobby Junior, his and Bobby’s child. Obviously it needs to be red and black themed, and Willie has a blast discussing options. He even makes it a little birth certificate to go with it, and swaddles it before putting it in the box to ship.
Bobby is amused, and even more so when Alex recoils, because he thinks it is terrifying.
Obviously the next time Alex really annoys him, he contacts Willie to make the pinkest, gayest, most creepy furby on the planet. Can you get fur in the colour of his hoodie, please? Yes please can it have little creepy hands. Obviously it needs rainbow tufts at the ears. Can it have a little necklace that says ‘come play with me Alex’.
Bobby hides it in Alex’ room, and Willie gets a video, clearly taken from a closet, of Alex walking in, seeing the Furby on his desk chair holding his drumsticks, and shrieking. The video cuts off when Bobby can’t hold his laughter anymore and Alex chases him all over the house.
It’s only then that he realises this is like, Sunset Curve. That’s the drummer he’s had a crush on for the past six months. That means that Reggie and Bobby weren’t just a coincidence, he’s actually been in contact with Reggie Peters and Bobby Shaw!
He sends a little ‘Dear Alex, I’m so sorry I didn’t know this was a Spite Furby, he just wants to love you, let him into your heart’ message to the official Sunset Curve Instagram. He wakes up the next day to find four new private users follow him. When he follows them back, he realises it’s the guys Finstas, the private accounts they use to be normal people (or chaos gremlins).
Reggie’s account is filled with not only cute dogs, but also Bobby Junior having Adventures around their house. Bobby’s has at least two more videos of scaring Alex with the pink Furby. It takes a bit of courage (and some ribbing from his friends about being a coward), but he starts commenting on the Furby posts. And then other ones. And the guys always comment back and heart his comments. And somehow, everything gets kind of flirty? Willie has no idea what’s going on but he’s living for it.
Luke is next, because he’s kind of jealous he doesn’t have a Long Furby now. He’s annoying to Bobby plenty!
For his birthday Bobby and Reggie team up to get him one. It comes with a little orange beanie (with gaps for the ears to stick out). They didn’t ask for that, but Willie’s seen him wear it a lot when he stalks casually looks at the guys’ Instagrams. He gets many delighted comments back. The three Longbois have a tea party on Reggie’s account. They’re found in between the remnants of Luke’s birthday party, passed out and wasted, on Bobby’s page.
Willie delights in it all. On his business account, he posts his non-custom creations, taking inspiration from the guys’ shenanigans. He even brings one of two to Caleb’s house for his monthly ‘gotta have dinner with the Uncle who took me in while he casually grills me about if I’m dating yet but hey free food’ dinner. Caleb watches amused as he wraps the Furby along the banister of the fancy stairwell in the hall. And maybe even gets a ladder so Willie can put one in the chandelier.
When he announces he’s going to be at a convention in LA on his business account, he immediately gets four hearts. He spends a lot of time making new Longbois and other creations for his booth, sometimes working deep into the night with the Sunset Curve soundtrack on.
When he looks at his latest creation, black with a flannel plaid belly, and pretty sparkly eyes, and cute little deer horns and a little cowboy hat accessory, he thinks: oh no.
Because that Furby is clearly for Reggie.
He almost doesn’t take it with him, but well, he needs stuff to fill out his booth. He wraps the Reggie Furby along the bar that holds up his backdrop, hoping nobody will ask him if it’s for sale.
He’s doing alright, selling mostly his smaller pieces, artwork, and furby inspired jewelry, though someone dressed up as Miss Frizzle does purchase the galaxy inspired long Furby he made. She leaves with it draped over her shoulders, and he passes her some extra cards just in case.
And then it happens. What he’d been fearing, dreaming about. From up ahead, he heard a familiar voice say: “Oh my god there it is!”
Sunset Curve had come to the convention. Most of them were in costume, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker and Poe Dameron... and Alex, though his familiar pink hoodie was swapped out with a Baby Yoda t-shirt and jean jacket. Willie didn’t miss how he was using Reggie as a human shield, put between him and the furbies.
“Uh, hi!” he says, trying and failing to be casual. “It’s so nice to meet you in person.”
They talk, he shows off some of his wares. Alex even comes closer to look at some of the non-Furby art Willie is selling, when Reggie’s eyes wander up and he gasps.
“Guys,” he whispers, pointing. “It’s perfect.”
They look up and oh no, there it is. They’ve spotted the Reggie Furby. Willie feels his cheeks flame, but he can’t very well look away. “I ah... maybe made him with you in mind,” he admits. “Not that you have to buy him! I mean I just... I was listening to your album while working and it just happened and...”
A giant wad of cash is slammed on the table, Reggie making grabby hands until Willie unwraps the Furby from the stand and hands it over. He tries to argue that it wasn’t a custom job, so the price is actually lower, but Reggie doesn’t listen, cuddling the Furby close. 
“Well,” Bobby sighs dramatically. “If you feel that bad about it, maybe you should just take us out on a date to make up for it.”
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innytoes · 2 years
Do you have any more headcanons about the Stranger Things fusion? 👀
Do I ever have headcanons about the JATP Stranger Things fusion.
-Willie likes Victoria's cooking, but he also likes Eggos. He solves this problem by combining the two. Ray comes downstairs one morning to see Willie eating an Eggo topped with her ropa vieja and just... tries not to look at it too closely. He doesn't want to know if Willie put syrup on it or not.
-Julie made Willie a flower crown and he wears it until it dries out and falls apart. He looks so sad that she heads to the craft store and makes him a new one with fake flowers.
-They bring Flynn into the whole 'so anyway monsters are real' and Flynn is like 'this is a shitty prank guys, Reggie was just missing and it was very traumatic' and Alex just walks to the freezer, opens the door, and a frozen hellhound falls out.
-Ray: =/ Really? On top of my frozen veggies???
Luke: WE THOUGHT WE MIGHT NEED IT FOR SOMETHING. And we did! See, Flynn is convinced. Flynn stop screaming it's already dead it's fine.
-Flynn is the queen of making traps and weapons out of household appliances. She and her dad watched McGuyver and The A-Team a lot together.
-Like we said, the demogorgon is called Vox (after an amp brand), the mindflayer is called Eleanor Rigby (because it has no face), and they call Vecna Jolene (because fuck him that's why).
-Vecna/Jolene gets his little creepy claws around Alex, because his anxiety is easy to turn to fear.
-Instead of Running Up That Hill, Vecna is defeated by a mix of Edge of Great and the other kids singing JOLENE, JOLENE, JOLENE JOOOO-LEEEE-HEEE-HEEEENNNNNNEEE. Even Luke. Alex has to fight his way back specifically so he can make fun of Luke that Reggie finally found a way to make him sing country.
-Willie's emotional support Furby goes with him almost everywhere for a while. He uses it to speak for him when he gets overwhelmed. He also sometimes floats it into the studio to announce his and Alex' presence so Julie, Luke, and Reggie know it's time to stop making out.
-Ray decides to homeschool Willie until he feels confident Willie can hold his own at a modern curriculum. Also until he can get Willie to stop making things around him float when he's trying to do math.
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innytoes · 2 years
5 headcanons for Caleb's Harem plz?
-Dante is their driver, Fuego is Caleb's Personal Assistant. They're 100% dating. They may or may not complain about their boss and his scantily clad boys from time to time when they get home.
-One time, they were all going out to dinner at this really fancy, really hard to get in place. But Alex got sick and he was feeling terrible, and he insisted they should go without him but nobody wanted to leave him home alone so of course they cancelled but Caleb looked really sour. And Alex was about to go in a guilt spiral before he took out his phone and called Fuego like: are you and Dante free? Yes I know it's your day off, you and three of your friends now have a table at Fancy Restaurant under the name Covington. Don't you dare not go, I know the next person on the wait list was Elon Musk and I refuse to give my table to him.
-When Alex is sick he wants a very specific soup, an old VHS of Barbie and the Sensations: Rockin' Back to Earth, and Reggie playing with his hair. So that's what they end up doing, Alex curled up on the couch with his head in Reggie's lap while Luke croons the songs at him until he falls asleep. (Willie makes them watch the end of the movie because he is Invested okay.)
-Yes Reggie made sure to stock Alex and Luke's comfort foods somewhere deep in the giant pantry. He also still has a tv with a vhs player. And a walkman.
-Willie has several custom long furbies. He introduces the other boys to Etsy, and they go wild. Luke gets custom guitar picks. Alex gets all kinds of pretty gay art and a custom cat tree for Winifred. Reggie gets Waffles a rain coat that costs more than his entire pre-Caleb wardrobe. And lots of family portraits.
-Caleb calls each of the boys 'darling', but he has special nicknames for all of them too. Willie is menace (affectionate) and 'my sweet boy', Luke is brat (usually affectionate) and 'pretty boy', Alex swoons over 'my love' and 'my golden boy' (but only ever when they're alone), and Reggie is 'baby' and 'my good boy'.
Send me an AU and I will give you 5 or more headcanons about it
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