#further proof she loves her sisters idec
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
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I found the version of the demo that has when cass follows ingrid into one of the girls bedroom.
ANYWAYS these are caps (slightly edited for clarity, click to expand assuming the update didnt take that away.) of one of the daughter's bedrooms: the one connected to the dungeon, as further proves that ingrid was never expected to survive and the daughters (or at least cassandra) and Alcina planned to have her be hunted. whether it was a final test to see if she was 'worthy', or she just annoyed them at some point, who knows! she was the closest to becoming alcina's fourth daughter (and, as i'm adding ingrid to the blog, I will include an AU where she did become her daughter after this event).
personally, even though the game pretty clearly hints towards this being cassandra's room (cass is the one that hunts you into it if you take too long, and lbr, bela would be heavily against a link from the dirty dungeons to her room being a fake wall lmao);;; the appearance still looks more like bela's to me. so this is what that means here: the girls rooms all have a similar base appearance (I do not believe they share one room), but they get to decorate it themselves. Cassandra mentions in game the fact she likes to hang her hunts heads on the wall, and the devs aid the animal heads around the castle all were cass' kills. logistically, there should be animal heads in her room too, since she's clearly into that (and even mentions making ethan the centerpiece to alcina's party.)
so for this blogs purposes: the room showed in the game is Cassandra's, but in my writing, there are animal heads, and there are not white dresses. cass might have a few somewhere, but not on display. she wouldn't be able to keep them clean that long. the white dresses on display would be a bela thing, because bela is the cleanest of the sisters. the white furniture is alcina's thing, the girls get no control over that. but cassandra's likely have noticeable blood stains from taking prey into her room.
inside the closets, only one would really have clothes. their flies become clothes, otherwise they wouldn't be able to have their clothing when they turn to the swarms by a logical standpoint. chances are, the clothes are just what they want you to see, or just to please mom who is pretty... well, conservative in that one singular regard. otherwise, really, they're probably naked a lot of the time lmao. like, at the basic point, their outfits don't make sense for their hobbies anyways, cassandra might have a few outfits here and there that alcina got her from the 'business trips' that were mentioned by the devs. but mostly, she probably has different types of weapons, because she likes torture and torment. she has a direct access point to the dungeon where they have medieval torture devices. her personal interest is attacking things and people. weapons hidden in her closet, if not pieces of 'snacks' and other items she doesn't want the servants to immediately see, that makes more sense than a ton of clothes she isn't even gonna wear.
now, this is from when i wrote cass as an entirely different character before i decided their personalities were similar enough, i might as well make what was essentially my oc 'become' cass after the endpoint of her prior saga. other things she has hidden in her room would be drawing supplies. here's the thing, in most situations, murder and torture is considered an art form by the perpetrator. and prior 'human' cass had an interest in drawing. when she's trapped in her home, and not playing with daniela who obviously gets bored the easiest and needs the attention, she's drawing in her room. probably mostly fantasies of things she does to others who bother her, but also some fletching's of memories she doesn't exactly remember, and possibly visions of others due to the cadou placement (which i promise i will go into eventually i'm lAZY).
she doesn't share the drawings, not even to mom. they aren't like the paintings held around the house, and internally, considering she's the only sibling not to mention being 'mother's favorite' (while ironically being shown time and time again to be the one called, the one most often needed, and probably actually is the favorite considering she's moms hunting companion) she does feel 'less than' as is pretty clear when she mentions never getting the first bite and always having to give what she finds to her sisters. she probably compares what she does draw to all the paintings around the house constantly, and just doesn't feel like it's good enough or worth it to show mom. she knows her killings and hunting skills make mom proud, she doesn't want any of her mom being proud of her to dwindle bc of anything else she might be interested in.
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