#funny prank to pull on your parents: murdering your sister- ali probably
leulah · 1 year
thinking about the pll books and how nothing can ever compete with the absolutely insane sister dynamic that melissa spencer ali and courtney shared
a few examples include: stealing your sister’s 24 y.o. boyfriend at 16, stealing your sister’s 18 y.o. boyfriend when you’re 13 (twice), gaslighting your sister into having schizophrenia and sending her to the insane asylum, stealing your sister’s life, accusing your sister’s boyfriend of murdering your other sister, killing your sister’s boyfriend, kidnapping your sister and locking her in the closet with the rotting corpse of the aforementioned boyfriend, blackmailing your sister, forging a video tape of your sister murdering another girl and sending it to the police, trying to kill your sister, actually murdering your other sister, sending your sister to jail (twice), etc etc.
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