#funny in an EXTREMELY wholesome way to specify
who-is-page · 11 months
It's very funny to me that Alterhuman Tumblr is coming out of the woodwork to realize us, Orion, and Chi are all Big Gays together lol
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butchsophiewalten · 7 months
2/27/24 Twitter Space Recap
Martin, Kyle and Eva held a twitter space earlier today, featuring a short Q&A portion like halfway through! Here's some stuff they talked about:
Martin talks about how "Bon", in his behavior and manner of speech, was inspired in part by Paul Dano's Riddler. "Very unhinged and childish."
The "Wonderland" scene at the end of TWF4 was written by Eva, and Martin talks about how the vision he had for that scene was a lot less subtle, and involved Bon's behavior being much more obviously villainous. But when he shared it with Eva, she came back to him with an idea for a much more subtle and manipulative approach to Bon, which he though was "such a cool vision for [the] character."
-Eva mentions how when writing for "Bon", she couldn't help but get actually upset and frustrated with how manipulative he was being.
-Martin mentions how he's always kind of imagined Bon to be in contrast to Felix, where Felix's behavior is very regretful and cowardly, Bon is just unabashedly a "very, very evil person."
-Eva mentions how the decision to have them voice "Bon" in TWF4 was made only a few weeks before the episode's release. Martin says he'd love to talk about that more, but he's still very attached to the idea he originally had for Bon's voice, and wants to revisit it eventually.
-Eva mentions that a lot of the episode's most iconic and impactful scenes were made "only a few weeks ago". The intro scene with Edd & Molly, The Jack and Felix scenes, and the Wonderland scene at the end were all made extremely recently before the episode's publication. Martin talks about how when he broke TWF4 into 3 episodes, he realized the new TWF4 seemed honestly like it was going to be really boring, and he thought people were going to hate it, so he went back and started adding small scenes to give the episode more interest.
Martin says he thinks those scenes elevate the episode so much, but he was under so much time crunch when making them that he wasn't really taking the time to appreciate them, and was honestly really disappointed with and embarrassed by them immediately after he finished, and was really surprised when TWF4 got such a positive reception. He brings up the Jack scene specifically, saying he thought it was so shit when he first finished it, that it didn't turn at all like he imagined, how he felt like he was just screaming into a microphone as Jack, and how the scene didn't have as much animation as he originally envisioned. He says that he's come around to appreciate it more, though.
-Martin says that between 4, 5, and 6, episode 4 is his least favorite, and that episode 6 is his favorite episode in the series.
-Kyle says he's really insecure about his performance as Charles in TWF4, that he wasn't really used to the voice yet and wasn't really confident in performing it.
-Martin recalls a funny tweet he saw begging for TWF5 to be a slice of life episode, and says that it actually kind of is a lot like that, just not in a wholesome way. He says TWF5 is a much calmer episode.
-He says episode 6 is "such a fucking nightmare", and that it's "a very traumatic moment for these characters", and is a turning point for one specific character. He specifies, though, that it doesn't mean the episode is going to have a lot of analog horror jumpscares or anything.
-Martin mentions that in 1974 Charles is divorced, but is very recently divorced. He says that Charles and his wife (who the thinks is named Emily, but doesn't remember exactly) divorced "a few months before everything goes down", and that if Charles didn't go missing, they probably would have resolved things between each other. Probably not that they would have remarried, but that they absolutely love each other and would have stayed close as friends.
Martin specifically contrasts this to Felix, saying that Charles is a very selfless person who can recognize that this relationship he's in is bad for both him and his wife, and is willing to take the steps to separate but stay friends, where Felix would never have done that despite being in a genuinely very similar situation with Linda.
-Kyle says that his favorite dynamic between any of the characters in The Walten Files is the dynamic between Charles and Susan, and Martin says that their dynamic is very endearing. He says that "they really care for each other", and that they're "the bestest of friends".
Martin mentions, however, that he was really afraid that after episode 4, he was going to start seeing people shipping Charles and Susan. He says he definitely wrote them to be just like a good platonic friendship.
-Martin starts talking about Jack & Felix's friendship. "Felix & Jack, to me, I've always wrote them as people who seem very social and friendly, but are actually very isolated people, in their own way. So, Jack, I think the only person Jack is completely and entirely honest with is Rosemary. That's the only person that knows Jack very well. And Felix is just, Like, someone that doesn't- people wonder, like, 'oh, how could Jack not know about Felix's addiction if they've been friends for years,' and I think that Felix would definitely be the type of person to try his hardest to hide it from Jack.... Felix looks up to Jack. To me, Felix sees Jack as this person that he would love to be. So, even if there's some love there, some affection, there's also a lot of envy. That Felix is trying his hardest to be on this person's good side, so he would not tell Jack about this."
-Kyle mentions that a personal pet peeve of his is when people come up with ship names for characters for are married, like "Jackmary" or "Homarge". He says that Jophie gets to be an exception, because they aren't married, and Martin jokes that they could get married and still be Jophie, as "Sophie Jophie" and "Jenny Jophie".
Kyle and Eva joke that if Sophie and Jenny got married, they would do rock, paper, scissors to decide who's taking on the other's last name, and Kyle asks Martin who would win. He says Jenny is "great at rock, paper, scissors." Martin says "Yeah, I think Sophie would change her name to Sophie Letterson if they got married... I think she would not like to be reminded of the last name of everyone that's missing, y'know?"
-"Does "Bon" ever reveal his own motive for his actions in the series, or is it never explained?" "He doesn't try to hide it, to some people, but he doesn't reveal it. He's not like your classic kind of villain, and goes 'ah, yes, my plan is doing this and to do this'. I think something I've kinda learned is that actions speak more than just outright saying it, y'know? It would be really boring if Bon just, like, sat down and explained what he was doing. I think it's more fun to see him actually go through his plan and keep you guessing, until it's really clear what he's trying to do."
-"Do we have any small videos on Chris, or will he have any mentions in the episodes?" "Ah, I think he's mentioned- He appears in photos, but not mentioned. The little I can say of Chris is that I think he's someone who knows how to, like, turn a situation in his favor. He's a real go-getter kind of character, and I think it's a really- the dynamics he has later on in the series with the main characters- they're all really interesting. I really like Chris... I really love this character. I think, uh, there's still a long way to show it- there's a design we have for Chris that's one of my favorite designs we have for a character in the series, it's so cool. It's, uh, the design you see in episode 2, where he has like, the caretaker outfit, uh, he has a different design later on, and I really love that." Eva chimes in, asking, "Oh, is that the 1982 design?", to which Martin responds. "Yes. I fucking love that design... I can't wait for people to see his role in 1982, because, uh, it- it's way different than what people think it is. I think people just think 'Oh, he's just like one more employee', but- augh, I can't say anything."
Eva responds saying "One thing I will say is that people- Obviously, there is no like, "correct" understanding of Chris at the moment, because we know nothing about him, but I think a lot of people seem to be very, um, have a very different expectation of who he is." to which Martin says "He's silly. I-I- think Chris is a really good blend of a silly character, but also a very serious character when he needs to be. I think Chris is very similar to Charles in a lot of ways, just less naive in some aspects."
-Someone asks for a Charles fact, and Martin says that he's someone that will always put his daughter first before everything, and Martin likes to think that he would bring Lily to work a lot, and that everyone would make time to play with her, even if they were working on something important. He adds that it'd be funny if Felix ended up telling Lily that Santa didn't exist, or something like that, on accident.
-Someone asks for a Brian Stells Fact. Martin announces, with a lot of fanfare, that Brian's type of women would be "middle-aged single mothers", and that he definitely would've tried flirting with Rosemary after Jack's disappearance. He then posts this drawing to Twitter:
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-They keep joking about Brian trying to hit on Rose, saying that he'd show up at the Walten household before Jack's disappearance, and that Jack would meet him at the door with a shotgun. Martin jokes that Jack would shoot a perfect outline around Brian as a warning, and that he's actually a really good shooter, and that there would be "more on that in episode 5."
-"If there's one thing we can say about Chris, it's that Chris is like a more mature Jesse Pinkman. He-he has like that silliness. He's like the season 4-season 5 version of Jesse."
-Martin says he got approached by a company that's currently producing the Harmony & Horror VHS tape for Battington, wanting to make a similar VHS of episodes 1-6 of The Walten Files, but it couldn't be done because of the amount of copyrighted material in the series. So Martin pitched an idea of an entire 10-episode season of a Showstoppers cartoon in the style of the merch videos to release Direct-To-VHS. They say that after the tapes have sold, they'll release the entire series to YouTube. They all seem very enthused and excited to work on it.
-"I have this idea that CyberTelly should be like the lawyer of the Showstoppers. Whenever they fuck up, he cleans everything up behind the scenes, and that's why everything goes back to normal the next episode."
-"Susan or Linda Thompson fact?" "I think the only other person Linda talked to when she was leaving was Susan. Because they were good friends, so she definitely wanted to say goodbye to her."
-"What was the hardest scene to animate in TWF4?" "The hardest scene to animate was probably, um... the Felix scene, when he's on the river. Most of the other scenes are in very dark places, so that saves a lot of time because I don't have to add that much detail to everything. But with the Felix scene it's so lit up, it's in the middle of the day. Augh, that was such a pain in the ass to animate, so yeah."
-Martin says the planned Showstoppers cartoon would consist of 10 11-minute episodes, and that there's going to be a lot of recurring characters, and a lot of characters that had to be designed to fit in with the style of the series.
-Someone asks what would be Rosemary's favorite character she designed, outside of Sha. Martin answers that Sha was definitely her favorite, but next would definitely be Billy, because he's always imagined that she really loves clowns. Her ranking of favorite characters would go: Sha, Billy, Bon, Boozoo, and last would be Banny, because she's just Bon but Purple.
-"I think Edd would be a very mischievous kind of fellow. And he would try to like, do a lot of pranks and stuff like that. I think between Sophie, Edd, and Molly, he'd be the most rebellious of all. He'd be very, like, 'Augh, stupid house! Stupid fathers!* I'm grounded!' and, uh, Molly would be more like, 'No! Edd! You can't do this, you can't blow up the school, that's not right!'" (*My Note: By 'fathers' Martin definitely means 'parents'. This is a really common mistake to make when speaking English and Spanish is your first language, and is a slipup he's made in Spaces before.)
-"Was Molly a feral child?" "Nah, I think she was very behaved."
-Martin says that Rosemary's sister's name is Laura Peony, and that she's intended to appear in Season Two. He says that Rosemary and her sister don't really speak too much, and that Rosemary doesn't like her family that much, and doesn't speak to either her sister or her mother.
-Kyle asks Martin to list a favorite drink for everyone in the Walten Family. Martin complains about this question, saying that it's so much work, and asking how the hell he's supposed to know that, but spitballs some answers anyway. He says that Jack would like Ramazzotti or Wine, that Sophie would probably like Mojito, that Rosemary would like Champagne, and that Edd & Molly are too young to drink :( .
Kyle chastises Martin for his interpretation of the question, and tells him to pick non-alcoholic answers. Martin says that Molly would like Pepsi, and that Edd would like liquid mercury. He also jokes that Jack would have a gallon of root beer in his office.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + inumaki toge from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues 
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 17 january
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : hello there!! i rlly love your works and i'm glad that you're finally back in business <3 can i request kabedon hcs for itadori, gojo, megumi and inumaki?? it's okay if you don't want to do inumaki since you said last time that he's kinda hard to write
↳ barista’s notes : i have to confess, this isn’t my best piece of work and i apologise for that since you all deserve the best coffees ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ but how are you all today? i haven’t been active with a few request since my teachers love to pile homework since i am doing online learning right now ʕ ﹷ ᴥ ﹷʔ but moving on from that, i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and please come back to the cafe again soon ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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Kabedon with Itadori is a mix between it being intentional and accidental because sometimes he is a cute little clueless cinnamon bun.
Let me admit, you probably tripped on something - maybe you tripped on oxygen molecules (I don’t blame you because I do as well) - and he didn’t want you to fall down and hurt yourself.
In the beginning, he was just supposed to catch you but somehow his body will just turn and cause your back to be against the wall with one of his hands beside your head - just magic children.
Itadori will apologise to you for what’s going on but will probably make no effort to move because he actually likes the position that the both of you are in now - I feel like he relishes in having close contact with you.
He will have his cute little smile on his face and you probably can’t help but smile at him back since he is just so adorable - at this point, there is no point of being embarrassed since he is just making the situation wholesome.
“Ah, it’s nice to be close to each other isn't it?” he would say before placing his forehead against yours - because Itadori is just an endearing bun.
Both you and Itadori will lightly laugh with each other and please hug him because being in a kabedon position after a while is quite awkward - he will tightly hug you back definitely.
Even though it is a weird situation, in the beginning, it just turns wholesome since Itadori has that presence to make anything just adorable.
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When Fushiguro ignited the kabedon on you, just completely acknowledge the fact that it was a complete accident - the boy probably doesn’t even know what it is.
The reason why we know it was accidental is because of his reaction after the action has been committed - fully on tomato face.
Fushiguro is the type to have his hands on either side of your head, trapping you between his body and the wall behind you - let me admit, you both don’t know how you guys got into this situation, it’s probably the same reason why Itadori kadedoned you.
The thing is, you can see Fushiguro blushing because he makes no effort to remove his hands from the wall but he will look down to hide his face from you.
He would quietly apologise to you before continuing to hide his face by placing his head on the crook of your neck - because the boy is shy…..cute.
However, there will be times when Fushiguro would be annoyed and just kabedon you to tell you he is being serious - you can tell by the look in his eyes.
If he is at his breaking out, he will uncharacteristically kiss you which leads to a makeout since he is just stressed.
He will once again apologise to you but please comfort him with a hug and play with his hair since he just wants to be love when this happens.
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Gojo will do kabedon just to embarrass and tease you because that is just who he is as a person - like what did you expect, this was done with intentional purpose.
He has a full-on cheeky smirk on his face because he knows that you are feeling extremely embarrassed - because come on, like who wouldn’t?
Gojo would have one hand on the wall beside your head but he will definitely lean closer to you to completely trap you - like if you try to slide down to escape, he will slide down with you.
When he leans in closer to you, just know he will lean his face closer to yours because he wants a closer look at your blushing face and to tease you by acting like he is going to kiss you.
If you have covered your face with your hands, expect him to use his other one to remove them and don’t be surprised when you see his beautiful blue eyes staring at you - yes...he took his eye mask off to make you more embarrassed.
“Oya~ why are you so red honey? Too much for you~” - just know that this will be whispered in your ear to tease you even more.
Sometimes he will take his eye mask off really slowly when you don’t cover your face as a way to seduce you - oh my~
Gojo will kiss you eventually - after a few more minutes of teasing of his lips lightly tracing your cheek as well as your lips - with his other hand tilting your chin up.
Overall, kabedon is just another tactic he will use on you to tease you on a daily basis, so don’t be surprised when your back is against the wall 24/7.
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I feel like Inumaki will do kabedon as a full-on joke since we all know that he likes to play tricks here and there - but I feel like you would make him do it to see how it feels.
You and Inumaki would just pause and stare at each other for a bit, trying to comprehend what is going on at this moment in time.
Like a full-on pause. Like silence as if time had stopped at that very moment when his hands had hit the wall.
You are probably trying to either hold in your laughter because it’s just a funny situation to be in with Inumaki or you are trying to cover your face since you are blushing.
If you are blushing and you cover your face, just know that Inumake will have the cutest expression on his face before telling you to move your hands so he can see you.
If you bust out of laughter, Inumaki will also laugh with you - because your laugh is contagious to him - before giving you a quick peck on the cheek since he just loves how cute you look right now.
Inumaki will probably kabedon you at like the most random times just to try to surprise you and catch you off guard - Maki will punch his head a lot because of it and you will probably just laugh out loud.
Kabedon is now a little trick he will use on you now, so when he is not around you, please beware of your surroundings because you’ll never know when you are just trapping between the wall and his body.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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circahollywood · 7 years
First Time Owner Information On How To keep Chickens
Wholesome and happy chickens also make their owners proud to show them off. As well as, wholesome and blissful chickens convey joy to 1's life just by being appealing creatures with their gentle clucking. For many who like taking care of chickens, it is vital to give the chickens themselves numerous love and care similar to any other pet. In doing so, one will uncover the joys of looking after chickens and the benefits which they deliver. Searching for more tips on looking after chickens in the again backyard? Uncover every part it's good to know and the way easy it is to raise your individual hen. Separate yourself from the same old chicken house owners and keep away from expensive mistakes. Log in or Create Account to submit a remark. Writer: TrevoJohnso Have you really thought of elevating some chickens? Writer: James Harley There are so many explanation why anyone with a vacant lot and the time to spare to begin caring for chickens. Though the target of the activity zeroes in on including important quantities of cash to the monthly household price range, it cannot be denied that dwelling rooster farming can also deliver priceless, intangible issues that can further hold the family collectively. What Can Elevating Chicken Do For You? Publisher: Invoice M Bailey People raise hen for lots of reasons. In any case, folks have been elevating rooster since 5400 BC. The domestication of the rooster has largely advanced into a major food manufacturing endeavor for human consumption. At present, domesticated chickens in farm houses are more various than wild fowl in forests across the world. Publisher: Chris Santina In case you have never thought of constructing a rooster coop now's the right time to at least think about it. Not solely will you obtain the benefit of free, recent and organic eggs; you will assist sustainable dwelling practices and the humane treatment of animals in the method.
Despite the fragility inherent in chickens, you'll be able to relaxation assured they have ways to endure through the harshest seasons in the year. Be sure you remember that there are inherent differences in all chickens as effectively and it doesn't matter what you need to be careful for his or her properly being. So make sure you do protect them in the harshest of seasons. Though you possibly can encounter chickens that may hold up in winter, summers might be preferable. Simply keep this stuff in thoughts, as well as the weather that you are experiencing in the course of the time you decide to purchase chickens, so you be sure to get the suitable ones which will allow them to survive in your care. Be sure your chickens will not be heated for the smallest cause when the weather starts to get chilly, especially in wintertime. The flock might be useless because of that. Just so you know, due to their potential to alter their metabolism, chickens are highly adaptable, so keep that in mind. After the bath, I seen Rosco was performing strange. She was standing funny and bobbing her head up and down. Just a few weeks earlier, I had a difficult time waking her up and had began really noticing how grey her fur had been getting. Noah cuddled together with her for a couple of hours, but her signs did not appear to improve. Her eyes weren't as shiny as regular, she was bobbing her head, she had a difficult time walking, and she appeared to have misplaced coordination in her back legs. I used to be very unhappy and thought she was most likely dying. We introduced her exterior and showed her around the farm. We confirmed her the barn and alpacas and laid together with her within the grass within the sunshine. Despite her symptoms, she appeared to be hanging on. We spent the following week caring for her and making her snug. She was shedding weight despite Noah hand feeding her chicken baby food and holding her on the water bowl so she might drink with out falling in.
But the nice news is the truth that eggs produce when the hen is older is much better high quality than the eggs produce by younger chicken. So you still wind up with winning eggs no matter amount. The weather can also be other explanation why eggs lay by hens are sometimes fewer than expected. Heat weather is conducive for hen to lay eggs persistently and so anticipate lots of eggs during this period. However do not be stunned within the occasion you can’t even get 1 egg throughout winter and extreme heat. This is regular and also you don't have anything to be afraid of primarily because just like human the hen may expertise discomfort. Now, if the weather is fine plus the eggs all of a sudden drop to what's your regular harvest, which signifies your hens, could be unhealthy. If you will see that plenty of feathers or molting taking place then much better to test your coop as there could possibly be mites which are making them sick and unable to lay eggs consistently.
He was racing around the sector and would run right up to Riphaeus (who was of course right at his mommy's side) and leap facet methods. It reminded me of a scene from Bambi. Riphaeus didn't seem to take the bait. Hopefully he will loosen up and begin enjoying with the new little guy who has tons of energy and loves to run! About fifty minutes after the cria was born, the placenta was born. Between the cria and the placenta, Maree Sol is now 30 lbs lighter! Beneath, the cria is trying to nurse off Sol's neck. He still hadn't discovered the milk machine however had been trying diligently for the final 45 minutes while he was running around. The placenta was intact and all the things regarded good. Sol is a wonderful mom. She continued to try and direct the cria to the milk machine and ran after him humming each time he took off. Just lately nonetheless she has been refusing her bottle and has been seen with milky chops. After hours of observations we now have seen her sneakily feeding from four completely different mothers! She seems to watch and wait and when a cria goes beneath she whips spherical to the opposite aspect and wham bam thank you mam! Una, racing off as a cria starts to feed on the other facet of the field! It is now that the women get complicated. Two days after Verity was born, we came dwelling from a lunch out to seek out that Minstrel had popped out a lovely little black girl who we now have named Violet. She is, as you can see, beautiful. I think that is her. This is when it all begins to get complicated you see. Right here is Ulani, daughter of Bobby, I feel. Then now we have Willow, with Umbria and someone else in the background.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina - The roars of lions, snorts of rhinos and trumpets of elephants still blend with the cacophony of honking buses and screeching vehicles passing nearby in one of the most closely congested areas of Argentina's capital. A 12 months after the 140-12 months-previous Buenos Aires zoo closed its doorways and was reworked into a park, hundreds of animals remain behind bars and in a noisy limbo. Builders final July promised to relocate most of the zoo's 1,500 animals to sanctuaries in Argentina and abroad, but that they had made no agency preparations to do so. And a new master plan introduced Tuesday still would not specify how they will accomplish it. Most of the animals are so zoo-educated that experts worry they might die if moved, even to wild animal preserves. Conservationists additionally complain that the remaining animals still stay in antiquated enclosures widely considered inhumane by modern standards — and say the town government's new plan gives few specifics of how improvements might be made. Claudio Bertonatti, a former Buenos Aires zoo director and consultant for the Fundacion Azara non-governmental organization. Writer: bbqfood Ribs are a summertime favourite dish for everybody. Faraway Alpacas Different chef use totally different kinds to cook ribs. The secret for cooking ribs is that they need to be cook at low temperature. Writer: Andre Savoie Are you searching for recommendation on fuel grill cooking time for hen? Checkout our guide for cooking hen outdoors together with tips on the way to know when the hen is cooked, the way to get great style and even what to do with the bones in or out. Publisher: bbqfood A barbeque social gathering is the fantastic option to impress your relations, friends or loved ones. You can also make youparty extra enjoyable with the right planning and the fitting environment. Your relations, pals or beloved ones will remember your celebration eternally. BBQ on-line is the best way for your party arrangement. Publisher: Chef Brian The main focus of this dish is the meat. When making my BBQ Lasagna, I like to use shredded or chopped pork instead of ground beef. BBQ pork is one thing everyone seems to be familiar with and is perfect on this recipe. Most of the time when i make this recipe I am using leftover pork from an earlier cookout, but you'll be able to just as simply make it all in sooner or later. Writer: Barbara Wibault Rooster is very versatile and an incredible meat to make use of in Barbecue and grill recipes. It is simple to work with, not practically as costly as beef, however can really compete with it. There are a couple of methods to good BBQ Rooster Recipes. These two very tasty rooster variations will really get you going. Publisher: Gareth Hoyle Having simply loved the most well liked April in historical past, Britain basks in more solar as Could continues in the identical trend. The previous few financial institution holiday weekends have been extremely satisfying and record sales of barbecues have been reported.
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