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funeralprocessor · 9 months ago
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Met a little buddy today and got to rescue them. Poor thing was sitting outside of the dentist's office and was super overheated and dehydrated. I put them in the shade and gave them a bit of water, and by the time I left them they'd perked up enough to be afraid of me.
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anarcho-masochist · 1 year ago
Every funeral is FUNeral to me
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dullahandyke · 2 years ago
This is reigens special move: cry and dont stop for 20 minutes so that you are crying more than your sister who's actually affected by death
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transsextual · 3 years ago
considering.... another url change.
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z0mbiefrank · 2 years ago
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@funeralpost: frank ft a slurpee yesterday while we were waiting in line [11.11.22]
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warriorrazor · 11 months ago
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“It feels… weird though… having a funeral for someone not even real…”
“Hey, this whole circus is weird. Besides, he’s real to you. So he’s just as real to us as well.”
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babysp-ce-blog · 6 years ago
@bambistan you’re lovely ):
@h3ydingus says the queen
@viohmy ur an angel !!
@funeralposts you look wonderful with red hair bert
@makeadamsure i went with chucky instead sorry /:
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tyforthevnm · 2 years ago
funeralpost: Idk why this is so funny to me
[November 12, 2022]
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funeralprocessor · 1 year ago
Morgan Rambles: My pet project
I don't think I've mentioned it before, but I've been working on a tabletop system for like, a while now. Working on is kind of doing a lot of heavy lifting as it's still just kind of a morass of mechanics and ideas, but I've been steadily chipping away at it for a while now. A big part of it has just been figuring out what I want it to be, because I didn't come at it from the outside trying to make a game that does X/Y/Z. It just sort of bubbled up organically from a lineage of horrible cobbled together pseudo-systems that existed only in full in my manic imagination and in like 20 google docs. Basically it's half "system that's geared towards stuff I personally like'' and half "mechanics/ideas orphanage" at this point, but It's slowly coming together into something kind of resembling a presentable thing. Not presentable for like, public use or anything, but like I could show this to potential players and I wouldn't look deranged. That may change and the whole mechanical core may collapse a few more times in the gestation process, but I think what I want it, tentatively called Ars Regia/ArRe, to be about/like/for is pretty well defined. Something I'm prepared to explain now that I've rambled for two paragraphs It's going to fundamentally going to be a game about power and how you use it, which sounds a bit generic I know but one of the core tenants of like the way I play and the way I run things is freedom and the many things that come from it. I like to run sandboxes with no "critical path" or main story, just a bunch of elements you can interact with as you see fit. This is a living world, or as close to one as I can simulate without losing my mind, and having characters interact with it, explore it, utilize it, or fall because they underestimated it is like one of my favorite parts of running a campaign. My job is to play the world, the players job is to decide how they want to live in it.
I also really like the collaborative storytelling and investment you get when players really dig into the world they inhabit and make parts of it theirs. That's why a big part of my design philosophy has been trying to come up with ways to empower the players to actually make big changes, and the "power level" I'm going for has kind of skewed higher as a result. Exalted and Godbound were big big influences on me (and Godbound's author Kevin Crawford/Sine Nomine Games is like one of my tabletop idols along with Jenna Moran and a few OSRsphere bloggers y'all should check out like GoblinPunch (The guy who made the false hydra! That's not a modern D&D thing that's an OSR beastie that escaped containment! All of his shit is good like that!), FalseMachine, Skerples/CoinsandScrolls, ThroneofSalt, and Against the Wicked City. Crawford's stuff is always really polished and even if you have 0 interest in running any of his games his GM tools are fucking immaculate and worth the price of admission on their own (especially since many of them have free versions)), but like mechanically/gamefeel wise aren't what I want. I'm also drawing a good bit from PbtA's enormous lineage, partially some BitD and Spire/Heart, but one of the major ones was Legacy: Life Among the Ruins. In addition to being one of my favorite games I can never convince anyone to play, Legacy does a *lot* different that I love. Your character isn't an individual, but a faction in a post apocalyptic world, with the nature of that world and that apocalypse really really shaped by the very act of character creation. If someone chooses the kaiju hunter faction, it kind of goes without saying that there are kaiju now, something that would not necessarily be the case had no one picked that playbook. That's really fascinating to me. It also has a neat system for kind of pseudo-troupe play. When you need to resolve a specific event in detail and actually RP it out, everyone creates a quick character relevant to the situation or picks one already established, which means you'll quickly get something of a cast of recurring characters for a particular faction, even if that character isn't always played by the same person. Also, because these characters aren't your "main" character it kind of lets you play a lot more fast and loose with them and take more risks. It's almost encouraged to angle for dramatactical deaths, b/c each class has a death move that can be pretty impactful and are all very resonant and fun. I'd been considering some kind of "lower decks" mechanic for ArRe since I imagine PCs will be involved with a lot of big/long term projects and this sort of thing seemed like *exactly* what I was looking for (alongside some domain management stuff). This turned out a lot less coherent than I'd hoped but w/e. Long story short is I'm basically trying to make a TTRPG all about getting players invested in and in control of the world, both by collaborating with them to create it and then giving them the tools and incentives to change it. It is kind of geared towards playing in my like established setting, but that's because I haven't actually had a chance to do any of the collab worldbuilding stuff yet. Amala is also just sort of a powderkeg and fun to throw demigods at so we're all good
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angparph · 8 years ago
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Letture importanti - #criticalreading #instapic #travelphotography #iphone7plus #readingtime #reading #manifesto #donne #donnemature #womanpower #funeralposters
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anarcho-masochist · 1 year ago
Oh yeah so I'm back home.
It was exactly as religious as I was dreading, but thankfully the new priest looked like Doug Jones (The Velocipastor) and of course the other looks kind of like Father Brown so I just zoned everything they were saying out and imagined a crossover for almost the entire service.
When the secret, third, newest priest asked if anyone wanted to say a bit about [dead relative], it was completely silent for like an entire minute 💀
No one came up and the priest had to say a story.
The priest decided that the story to tell was that all the way from the funeral home to the church, the hearse was followed by THREE EAGLES who, of course, then circled around the church before flying off.
Thought he might have made that up to fill the silence, but then, in the graveyard, this short, stout lady in a thick skirt/robes and layers of worn shawls who really looked like a caricature of an old forest woman (whom I know but is better explained by her description than her name) pointed to the sky and yelled "look!" Sure enough, there were huge eagles circling real close. Huh.
Later, at the funeral home, while I tried my hardest to focus on consuming an ill-advised quantity of food, this guy I've never seen before cornered me to tell me about his entire life story, including the death of his child.
Probably the worst funeral I've been to this year but at the previous one the funeral director was really hot, also, the deceased's ex-best friend (they hadn't spoken in 20 years) showed up and heavily implied that [dead lady] killed her husband so...it's kind of hard to top that.
Every funeral is FUNeral to me
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dullahandyke · 2 years ago
Ok funeral intermission yay heres a post
Gotta learn siúil a rúin for the sessions, if I have to keep singing the parting glass I will die an ugly death
Need to find out if tube tops work on big boobs. Seems like fun
Also I've been boymoding but I gotta buy some sports bras n a pencil skirt. I have range
It's not as hot as I thought it would be thank God. I am tired tho
I need to get in the habit of trying more things. What does lucozade taste like
When I get home I am CHILLING!!!! Playing portal and then cuddling w my cat until I sleep
FEELING: transgender 🥰
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dullahandyke · 2 years ago
My God never mind the funeral home, the fuckign GRAVEYARD is the place that's baking
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dullahandyke · 2 years ago
Ok well I gotta rustle up some things to ponder while at the removal. Last time I had a removal it lasted 4 hours just shaking ppls hands and this time I'm not even gonna be proper shaking ppls hands. I had fun doing statistics on how many hands I shook n now I just gotta like think abt my study schedule or some shit
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funeralprocessor · 1 year ago
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I am a woman of very particular vibes
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funeralprocessor · 1 year ago
If we're mutuals, and especially if we've ever interacted, just know I appreciate you a lot.
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