#fundamentalism vs. apostasy
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cyber-soul-smartz · 6 months ago
Navigating the Wilderness of Faith: Mistrust, Uncertainty and Polarized Behaviors
Life's wilderness of faith can be daunting and lonely, filled with doubt and uncertainty. Yet, it's in these moments we find our true strength and connection to a higher power. Embrace the journey; it's where growth happens. #faithjourney #spiritualgrowth
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delwray-blog · 6 years ago
STUPID DUMB CHRISTIANS ARE LIKE SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER By Pastor Del Wray Something is wrong with America! What was it that destroyed the Roman Empire? Let me suggest three things that caused Rome to collapse. First Rome “Rotted from Within Morally”. Second, she made too much of “Sporting Events” with her large coliseums and third, she “Over Taxed” her citizens. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Today's newspapers are full of stories about the rampant rise in divorce rates; the increasing abuse of children by some parents; increases in the incidence of rape; pornography being read by an increasing number of people; more crimes against property; demands for world government; urgings for national borders to fall; Christian churches being closed because they will not seek licensing by the state; etc. But why are these things happening? Why are all of the legacies of the past, the family, national borders, the right to practice any chosen religion, the right to private property, amongst other things, under such attack? Is it possible that there are actually people and organizations who really want to change the basic order of things? Clues to the answers to these questions can be gleaned from some comments made by people and organizations that are talking about these wide-reaching changes in the nature of our lifestyle. Could it be that American Christians have turned from their Creator? Yes all of the above, but there is an unseen hand at work behind the scenes seeking to destroy American Democracy and rid America of Christianity. American Christians are blindly relishing in their materialism having become lazy and apathetic about this unseen enemy that is out to tear down and obliterate its freedom. They’re like sheep hell-bent to the slaughter, stupid and dumb, blind and deceived, unbelieving and refusing to obey God just as the Jews in ancient times. Any student of the Bible who has studied Holy Scripture for any length of time knows the Church Age ends in apostasy followed by 7 years of Tribulation, 31/2 years of Jewish domination of the world under their false messiah, the Jewish anti-Christ, when tens of millions of Christians will be killed for refusing to follow after this satanic One World leader. It’s estimated that over 200,000,000 Americans will be slaughtered by way of the guillotine and decapitation. After which, begins the second 31/2 years of trumpet and viol judgments known as the Great Tribulation, upon the Jewish nation for rejecting their true Messiah and becoming the instruments of death and slaughter of all those who have been martyred in the name of Jesus Christ and Christianity down through the centuries. Jesus Christ returns in His glory destroying His enemies and reins over the earth for one thousand years, called the Age of Righteousness or the Millennial Kingdom. Then God’s people will be removed from the earth and a New Havens and New Earth is spoken into existence. The Holy Spirit then cries out to John, there on the Isle of Patmos… "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new..." Rev. 21:3-5 What is wrong with America? The Jews are what is wrong with America. "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees."— Universal Jewish Encyclopedia The very people Jesus spoke vilest about. Today, the Christian church stands at a crossroads. The divine and sacred mission of the Christian faith faces a danger at this juncture in history which is greater than any it has faced in 2,000 years. If the day ever comes when Christians cannot profess their faith as they do today in America, then we will see the beginning of the end. The history of the world, for the past several Centuries and current events at home and abroad, confirm to the intelligent person that there is indeed something wrong with America, a conspiracy is afoot to destroy Christian civilization. The world-wide plot of these diabolical conspirators has been instituted while most Christians have been asleep in front of their pulpits and their TV's. For the most part, the Christian clergy, who should have been in the forefront of exposing this danger, have been indifferent or ignorant and have been the ones who assisted the enemies of Christ in their efforts to destroy us. This ignorance and indifference have dealt a blow to the Christian faith from which many will never recover. Christian fundamentalist believes in The End Times, the Rapture, the physical return of Jesus Christ, Armageddon and the Millennium. I have no argument with those who do just as long as they aren't aiding and abetting the New World Order, as exemplified by the so-called Christian Zionist John Hagee ministries out of Texas. Our shamefully dumbed-down American public refuses to take these warnings seriously, like sheep to the slaughter because they cannot imagine that the betrayal is as huge as it actually is and they are so utterly dependent on what they witness locally, meaning that since they don't see the 20 foot high barb wire fences around FEMA concentration camps in their neighborhoods, they must not exist. Well, just 8 miles from our church is Camp Somerset, an X-WW2 German POW camp being prepared right now by FEMA to be used as a Concentration Camp. I have observed myself FEMA vehicles/trucks coming and going from this camp. Why? Woe to you foolish Americans when they come for you and your family... There should be no confusion in the minds of Christians when it comes to the fundamentals of the faith. The mindlessness and confusion in this country would not exist if it were not for those of the preachers who are allies with the enemy who seeks to destroy them. There are countless Christians who are standing on the sidelines watching as their faith withers on the vine, and their freedom is about to drop into the laps of their enemies like overripe fruit. This cup will become bitterer when they realize that it is the ignorance and indifference of their spiritual leaders which has caused the deplorable condition of Christianity today. When Christians see their leaders in defeat on every front, they too will become confused and afraid. To stop this surrender, the clergy MUST make an about-face, no matter how painful it may be. They must take a stand against the invisible and intangible ideological war which is being waged against Christianity. How stupid can we be? As one preacher said, “we ought to sue our brains for non-support”. Let me say to those who read here, don’t be stupid all your life. America is deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to their spiritual well being, reaping the consequences of our sin. I do not utilize the aforementioned terms in a derisive or derogatory manner to those who may be physically handicapped, but rather I am referring to those millions of Christian in this land of ours who are mentally and spiritually deaf, dumb, and or blind.   Before considering these conditions, it would be wise to look at the definitions of these terms so that we may have a better understanding. DEAF: unable to hear; refusing to listen. DUMB: without the power of speech; bereft of the power of speech temporarily; that which does not speak or is little addicted to speaking. BLIND: lacking the sense of sight; unable or unwilling to try to understand; not controlled by reason; not possessing or proceeding from intelligence; lacking all awareness.   I fully understand that the "remnant" reading this article is cognizant of the matters which I will present herein, but this message very likely is applicable to your friends and family who may appear blissfully unaware of the coming judgment of the Almighty. Are you fulfilling your role as a Christian watchman in accordance with Ezekiel 33:6?   Over the years, since Roe vs. Wade, we have witnessed more than fifty million babies being murdered under the guise of abortion. Sadly the vast majority of these have been babies. We don't see foreigners and strangers having a great number of abortions. After all, more babies mean more public assistance.   Our people whether we like to acknowledge it or not, are under the Law. Those who say the Law was "nailed to the cross" are in serious error. The only thing nailed to the cross were the "ordinances," mostly pertaining to the animal sacrifices, since the Lamb of God was slain for us, there is no need for further blood sacrifices, And our people are deaf dumb and blind.   Violent crime, murder, rape, physical assault, armed robbery, etc. continues to escalate throughout the country and the U.S. Justice Department statistics indicate one such type of crime occurs every four minutes somewhere in the nation. The growth of Hispanic and Oriental gangs in the past decade had been epidemic with senseless initiation-type murders, car-jacking, home-invasions, drive-by shootings, etc. It has reached the point where those who are supposed to protect us are in fear for their own lives. And while our people may appear to be concerned, they are in truth, deaf dumb, and blind.   While the Scriptures are very clear on homosexuality, Lev. 18:22, 20:13, Rom. 1:24-28, et al. We have in the past two decades witnessed an explosion in the open flaunting of such decadent behavior. Prior to that time, these sodomizers dared not parade their disgusting acts in public. Today they have parades in our major cities and special "queer" weekends at "theme parks," and "resorts" and they openly demand "their rights" to do so. In addition, we have elected politicians who openly admit that they are "gay" and who continue to be re-elected by their mainly ungodly constituents. And our people, while they may disapprove, are deaf dumb, and blind. Our God is not mocked! Judgment cometh!   Have you noticed the tremendous growth in pornography, in all forms: print, movies, television, etc. that is sweeping the country? And it is not all "adult" in nature but it is expanding into the area of intimate acts of child porn. Notice if you will the heavy involvement of the Jewish Talmudists in these endeavors. And our people, some of whom subscribe to this filth are deaf dumb and blind.   We are literally being invaded today by tens of millions of aliens and strangers from all of the third world countries of the world. These illegals bring into our nation sickness, filth and disease, and non-Christian traits and living conditions. We have been informed in Scripture that we shall not "put a stranger over thee," and yet today we don't seem to understand this admonition. If our political leaders would listen to, and abide by the Word of God, illegal immigration would cease immediately. Miscegenation/race-mixing is on the increase and why would we expect anything else? Read the history of our people! And yet, most of our people are deaf dumb and blind to what our God states with regard to this.   Our so-called "excellent" system of public education is costing hundreds of billions of dollars every year to achieve nothing better than mediocre or failing grades and dumbed-down graduates. According to the U. S. Dept. of Education, almost 46% of the students who graduate from high school are considered "semi-literate." We have allowed the humanists, the AFT, and the NEA, and dare I say, the "Satanists" to take over our schools. We have "outlawed" school prayer, and removed God from our schools. Yet, even though parents clamor for more educational resources, they are deaf dumb and blind to the many shortfalls. Is it any wonder that many of our people have commenced "homeschooling"? From about 1,000 children twenty-five years ago, home-schooling now numbers almost 8 million children.   As a nation, we have expended huge sums in the "wars," the war on poverty, the war on drugs, etc., and we have obviously LOST all of these. Drugs and Poverty are still with us, and more so than ever. We have exported our manufacturing and industry in the name of corporate greed. Our manufacturing is now done in Thailand, Japan, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nigeria, Cambodia, Peru, India, Pakistan, China, and other nations in Africa and South America. Just look at the labels on most all of the products you buy. We have become an "information" and "service" society! We are a destitute nation who has given our God-given resources to third-world nations that despise us. And our people and our leaders are deaf dumb and blind to the consequences.   We have no morality and ethical levels of conduct left. We see the corruption and greed running rampant among our leaders. We have more lawyers in this nation than all the rest of the world combined. Contrary to Scripture, we have become a "suing" people. And our people, for the most part, are deaf dumb, and blind as to what the Word of God says.   We have expended hundreds of billions of dollars in aid and support to the ungodly Jewish Talmudists. We are even now involved in the war in Iraq at a cost of 2,000+ of our sons, fathers, husbands, mothers, sisters, and brothers. I would like to pose to President Trump, the question asked by Jehu, son of Hanani, of King Jehoshaphat of Judah long ago: "Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord." 2 Chron. 19:2. And the Fundamentalists and Evangelicals and many from Protestantism are deaf dumb and blind. The Zionists reject Jesus Christ, and such conduct was unheard of fifty years ago.   Our churches, for the most part, have become hollow, empty and Godless buildings. Many of the pastors, ministers, and priests follow the traditions of men over the Word of God. Materialism governs the established church. The pastors, ministers, and priests are supposed to be teaching the Word of God, but many have no idea of what the Gospel message is. There are some who deny the "virgin birth" of our Saviour as mere fiction. There are others who question the truth of the resurrection without which there is no salvation for Jew or Gentile. There are others who see nothing wrong with same-sex marriage. There are some who are practicing homosexuals and lesbians. For many of the clergy, it is a career, and not a heartfelt commitment to work for the LORD our God. And our people follow these blind leaders and are deaf dumb, and blind to what the Scriptures say.   We are a sick and troubled nation! We are sick and troubled people!   We are deaf. We don't want to hear about such unpleasant things as I have mentioned in this article. We are mentally and spiritually unwilling to hear.   We are dumb. We don't want to use the power of speech to speak out on the critical and important issues that we face as a people and a nation. We prefer not to get involved.   Some may think that we are religious extremists or kooks, or at best religious intolerants. Remember, whatever the issue, if it conflicts with the Word of God, we have both the duty and the responsibility, and the right to speak out. Use the power of speech!   We are blind. We don't want to see what is going on all around us. Many do not want to search the Scriptures to find out what God has to say about some issue. When you know the truth, you have to react in accordance with the Word, or pay the price of disobedience, and isn't that price SIN? You cannot merely pay lip service to God. God is not mocked!   We have had the "blessings" as stated in Deuteronomy 28:1-14, and now we have progressed to the "curses" section of verses for disobedience. Read this chapter of Scripture and compare what we have been and what we are today.   There does appear to be somewhat of an "awakening" on the part of our people today as they question some of the concerns that I have enumerated herein. And surely, the ultimate solution to all of our problems is to follow the instructions contained in that famous verse of 2 Chronicles 7:14.  
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