#fun way to spend a sunday morning 😖
dreamings-free · 22 days
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the Gallagher brothers by Simon Emmett 2024
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meowzfordayz · 10 months
Author’s Note: silly and sweet (and mildly sarcastic) convos. 😆🥰
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Hashira x Reader, Tokito Muichiro x Reader, Kamaboko x Reader
Word Count: ~2,000
CW: explicit language
These are just lil convos I imagine occurring between various characters and Reader. 💞
In specific regards to Shinobu’s convo: she isn’t policing Reader’s diet!!!!! Hers is predominantly inspired by my own sweet tooth 😋, and how I often tell my irl bf to not let me buy candy when we go grocery shopping (similar to reminding myself that I don’t need x, y, or z when I’m window shopping; I’d spend way too much $ otherwise 😂🥴).
+ I wasn’t sure how to format this fanfic (I recognize the Character: | Reader: format gets repetitive) since I couldn’t rely on italics/bold bc I also use them to provide emphasis in the convos themselves, so pls and ty bear w/ me! 🤓
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in the dining room; eating lunch
Zenitsu: You forgot to cut the crust off my sandwich. 😕
You: 🤨
Zenitsu: Are you mad at me? 🙁
Zenitsu: I’m sorry! ☹️
Zenitsu: I love you!!!!! 😭
You: Baby, Zenitsu, honey! I’m not mad at you! 
Zenitsu: But the crust… 😔
You: Are you kidding me? 😐
Zenitsu: … no? 🥲
You: Would you like me to cut off the crust? 🙃
Zenitsu: YES! 😍
You: 🫥
Zenitsu: Please? 🥹
You: I love you more than I should. 🙄
You: You’re actually the most dramatic person I know. 😃
Zenitsu: I have feelings! 😭 I am a sensitive man! 😭
You: I know, I know. 🫠 I love you. 🥰
Zenitsu: As much as you should? 🧐
You: As much as I should. 😁
Zenitsu: I love you. 🩷
You: I love you too. 🩷🩷
Zenitsu: I love you too, too. 🩷🩷🩷
You: I love you too times three. 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Zenitsu: That’s cheating. 😒
You: I’m not saying “too” three times. 
Zenitsu: You’re gonna have to say it fives times after I say I love you too, too, too, too. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
You: 😵
Zenitsu: 😭😭😭
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getting dressed for the day; summertime
Inosuke: Let’s get a pet squirrel. 😁 
You: Let’s not. 🙃
Inosuke: You’re so boring. 😒
You: You’re so obnoxious. 😌
Inosuke: At least I’m fun! 😎
You: Sure, darling, let’s get a pet squirrel. 😃
Inosuke: REALLY?! 😱🤯🥳🥳🥳
You: Inosuke, squirrels aren’t pets!!!!!
Inosuke: But they could be… 🥹
You: N. O. No. 
Inosuke: I’ll pay for everything and take care of it.
You: I already do that. 🤗
Inosuke: 🤔
You: 😶
Inosuke: Did you just call me a squirrel?
You: Mhmmm. 🐿️
Inosuke: I wish I could climb trees like them. 💔😭
You: Do you really want a pet squirrel?
Inosuke: I guess not, but could we go to the park and look at ‘em? ☺️
You: We can do that. ☺️
Inosuke: Do you want a pet? 
You: Are we ready for that?
Inosuke: Babe, we’re ready for anything.
Inosuke: I mean it. I love you.
You: I love you too, Inosuke. I love you too.
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in bed; a sunny Sunday morning
You: Hey love?
Gyomei: Hey what?
You: Would you love me more if I was a cat? 😻
Gyomei: 🤨
You: 👀
Gyomei: Of course not.
You: Sooo you would love me less? 😒
Gyomei: You’re putting words in my mouth. 
You: So if an evil witch turned me into a cat, you would love me less. 😒
Gyomei: When did I ever say that?
You: You admit it! 😭
Gyomei: ?????
You: Meow meow. 🥺😔😖
Gyomei: I would love you more! 😁💖
You: YOU WOULD LOVE ME MORE IF I WAS A CAT? Fine, Gyomei. I’ll just go find a cat to replace me, Himejima-loves-cats-more-than-me-Gyomei. 😭😭😭😭😭
Gyomei: ??????????
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in the kitchen; cooking dinner
You: Kaburamura needs a hat. 🤗
Obanai: No.
You: How about sunscreen? 🥺
Obanai: His face is perfectly fine in the sun.
You: But his pretty scales…
Obanai: You want to buy him a hat. 🤨
You: Correction, I want to make him a hat. A snake hat.
Obanai: A condom for his head.😐
You: You said it, not me.
Obanai: Kaburamura does not need a condom.
You: 🙃
Obanai: 😐
You: Pleeeease???! ☹️
Obanai: Whatever. Just don’t come crying when it immediately falls off.
You: I’ll tape it to him. 😌
You: With… Snake-t, tape. 😏
Obanai: 😬
You: Y’know, Duck-t tape, but Snake-t ta-
Obanai: Just stop.
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walking outside; a brisk spring day
Tanjirou: You’re so beautiful. 🥰
You: You’re so cheesy.
Tanjirou: You love cheese! 😋
You: I do. I love you a lot. 🥰
Tanjirou: Ooh, now who’s being cheesy?! 😉
You: I’m getting cold. 🥶
Tanjirou: You’re wearing three layers???
You: I can still get cold with three layers on. ☹️
Tanjirou: Do you want my jacket? 😁
You: It might not fit over my three layers.
Tanjirou: How about you swap me your thinnest layer for my jacket?
You: Tanjirou, I can’t just take off my t-shirt, right here, right now. 🤨
Tanjirou: But you’re so beautiful. 😌
You: That’s so far from the point.
Tanjirou: Piggyback ride? I can get us home faster. 😎
You: Is that a challenge? 🧐
Tanjirou: You want to race home instead? 👀
You: Nah. 💀
Tanjirou: Piggyback? 🤗
You: I bet you can’t carry me all the way back.
Tanjirou: Was that a challenge? 😏
You: You’re gonna be cooking dinner tonight. 😃
Tanjirou: I cook dinner most nights? 🙃
You: Again, so not the point. 😒
Tanjirou: That’s it. You’re shivering. All aboard the Tanjirou Train! 🥰
You: You’re so silly. 🥹
Tanjirou: There’s nobody around. 🥰
You: You’re still silly. 💞
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gazing at the stars through a mesh ceiling; camping
You: It’s late. 🥱
Mitsuri: But I want to stay up forever with you. 🥺
You: That doesn’t sound too healthy. 😅
Mitsuri: Let me be cute. 🥺
You: You’re the cutest. 🥰
Mitsuri: Thank you for going camping with me.
You: Thank you for setting everything up.
Mitsuri: Thank you for getting all the bug bites for me. 🤭
You: You should thank me again 😒, they’re so itchy. 😭
Mitsuri: Thank you times a billion! 🤪💖
You: I love you. 
Mitsuri: I love you more.
You: Most.
Mitsuri: You see those stars? 🌌
You: There’s a bunch.
Mitsuri: More than a bunch.
You: Definitely.
Mitsuri: That’s how much I love you. 💙
You: More than a bunch? 
Mitsuri: I love you more than a bunch. 💙💙
You: A bunch of stars. 🥹
Mitsuri: Is what I see when I look at you.
You: We’re delirious. 🥴
Mitsuri: Deliriously in love.
You: I think the sky is getting brighter. 🫣
Mitsuri: We should get some sleep.
You: I was trying to say that ten seconds ago.
Mitsuri: Let me take care of you. 🥺
You: Kanroji Mitsuri, I’ll let you do anything.
Mitsuri: You mean it?
You: I mean it. You’re the meaning.
Mitsuri: I feel like that was supposed to be super romantic, but I’m too tired to understand anything right now. 🤗
You: Same.
Mitsuri: For what it’s worth, you’re also the meaning. 💞
You: We are, The Meaning.
Mitsuri: The Meaning. 😃
You: Oh jeez, we really need to sleep. 😵‍💫
Mitsuri: C’mere, scoot your sleeping bag closer. Sleepy times! 😴💘
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searching for pancakes ingredients; a cloudy Saturday
You: We’re out of milk. 😞
Shinobu: So make something else? 
You: You won’t go to the store with me? 🥺
Shinobu: With you? 🧐
You: I mean, I wasn’t going to make you fetch my milk alone. 😃
Shinobu: Surprising. 🙃
You: Hmpf. 😒
Shinobu: I would’ve done it. ☺️
You: Shinooobu, my loveliest love, could you go buy some milk for me? 🤗
Shinobu: You won’t go to the store with me? 🙃😉
You: Using my own words against me. ☹️
Shinobu: Absolutely. 😈
You: Are we going to go buy milk or not? 
Shinobu: Or not.
You: Shinobu! 😭
Shinobu: I retract my previous statement. 😅 Let’s go buy milk.
You: Yay! 😍🥳🥳🥳
Shinobu: Do we need anything else?
You: Sugar. 😋
Shinobu: Actually? 🤨
You: We always need sugar. 😋😋
Shinobu: Incorrect.
You: Booooo. 😭😭😭
Shinobu: You’re about to make pancakes. You don’t need candy too.
You: But-
Shinobu: There’s ice cream in the fridge. 🍦
You: WAIT. 😳
Shinobu: ???
You: Ice cream equals dairy equals if we melt it then we could use it as milk?! 🫨🤯
Shinobu: 🤔
You: 😶 Shinobu: I don’t think that’s quite right. 🤓
You: Wanna try?! 🧫🧪
Shinobu: … how about you stay here and try while I go out and buy the real deal. 😌
You: Okay! 😁
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cuddling on the couch; a cozy winter evening
You: Would you love me if I farted?
Kyojuro: You fart all the time.
You: 😒
Kyojuro: And I obviously love you. ☺️
You: Good.
Kyojuro: What kind of man would I be if I did not love farting?
You: 😶
Kyojuro: Wait-
Kyojuro: That came out-
Kyojuro: You know what I meant. 😖
You: I love you so much. 😂💘
Kyojuro: I fart too. 🤗
You: I’m aware.
Kyojuro: What if I farted and blamed it on you? 👀
You: I would love you a little less. 
Kyojuro: Truly?
You: 🙃
Kyojuro: 😔
You: You would do that to me?! 😭
Kyojuro: … no! 🥴😃
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in the bathroom; getting ready for bed
You: I have a headache. 🥺
Sanemi: You always have a headache.
You: Yeah, ‘cause I have you. 🤭 Ooh, burrrn, tssst. 🔥
Sanemi: 🙄
You: 😎
Sanemi: You’re the worst.
You: Says the worstest. 😉
Sanemi: Are you finished insulting me? 😒
You: Not even close. 😇
Sanemi: Well I’m finished being insulted. 🙃
You: Aww, is someone feeling… sul-ty? 🧂
Sanemi: 😃
Sanemi: Yes. 😐 Sul-tier than the sea. 😐
You: I love you! 🥰
Sanemi: I love you too.
You: Hehehe. 😌
Sanemi: Nobody actually says “hehehe”. 🤓
You: You’re stupid.
Sanemi: ???
You: Because I literally just said, hehehe. 😝
Sanemi: Go away. 😭
You: No.😁
Sanemi: Shoo. 
You: I refuse. 😁
Sanemi: 😭
You: 😁
Sanemi: You’re the worst-er-est. 😑
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lying side by side on the bedroom rug; a lazy afternoon
You: We should go swimming. 🌊
Giyuu: It’s snowing outside. 🙃
You: We should go swimming! 🌊🌊
Giyuu: The nearest body of water isn’t within walking distance. 🤨
You: We should drive somewhere to go swimming! 🌊🌊🌊
Giyuu: You’ll freeze to death. 😔
You: We can bring hot rocks and heat the water first! 😁
Giyuu: Where are we getting the rocks from, and how are we getting them hot? 
You: The basement! 🤓
Giyuu: Furthermore, how will we transport rocks that are apparently hot enough to heat a body of water large enough for swimming without burning ourselves and our car? 🤔
You: With lots of love. 🥰
Giyuu: What do you actually want to do? 🙃
You: Go swimming? 🥺
Giyuu: … would you like me to prepare a bath for us? 
You: 👀
Giyuu: 👀
You: Sure! 😍 That’s a great idea. 🥳 Thanks babe! 
Giyuu: You’re so weird. 🥲
You: I looove yoouuu. 😘❤️
Giyuu: I love you too. 🥹
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lounging around the living room; deciding on a movie to watch
Tengen: Fuck you. 😌
You: No, fuck you. 😒
Makio: Fuck you both. 🥴
Hina: Already have. 😎
Makio: ... you win. 🙃
Suma: Do I win too? 🥺
You: Sure. ☺️
Tengen: We’re all winners. 😃
Hina: I mean, technically, yes, but that isn’t the point. 😐
Tengen: Fuck. You. Too. 😞
Suma: I’m a winner! 🥰
You: Let’s pick something before Hina falls asleep. 🤭
Hina: Please. 😭
Makio: You always miss the middle. 😆
Hina: And then Suma wakes me up for the end with her snoring. 😴
Suma: Heyyyyy! ☹️
Tengen: I believe it was my turn to choose? 😎
You, Hina, Makio, and Suma: NO.
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