#fun fact: this was written with Transylvanian Concubine in the background
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Germanic Rarepairs: Prussia and Romania
Prussia was sitting and writing down his thoughts before they vanished. It was an unsettled night, and his mind felt equally tumultuous. He was taking down notes of which of his old allies could be counted on to support Germany.
He was running through scenarios in his head. He was already planning on wars that were not yet declared or fought. This was one of Graf von Bismarck’s many lessons that he should be prepared to be several steps ahead. Germany had given Prussia a prominent position in the government and he intended to be useful.
It was strange and stressful to contemplate alliances that were all contingent on his brother securing them. Those who he had cultivated ties with could easily slip away if Germany did not handle them deftly. For the moment Bismarck would be enough to keep things stable. But once he retired it would be hard to say. The uncertainty was enough to give Prussia a headache, especially when he could no longer control diplomacy directly.
Romania settled himself on the divan right next to Prussia and put his head on the man’s shoulder. He said, glancing at the diary in Prussia’s lap, “What are you doing?”
Prussia bit the inside of his lip and tried to decide how much he could say. Romania was a new ally, and was not nearly as comfortable as the old ones. Prussia was counting on his grudge against Hungary to provide a counterbalance against Austria’s empire, but that hardly made him trustworthy. If he were talking to Russia, he would simply voice his thoughts. But the man beside him was not Russia, and it was no longer that easy.
Instead, he snapped the book closed and said, “Just thinking about the future. I want to be prepared.”
Romania gave him a skeptical glance and said, as he put a hand on Prussia’s thigh, “You do look stressed though. Too much of that isn’t good for you.”
Prussia chuckled and replied, “And are you going to offer me something to help me relax?”
He felt like he already knew the answer, and the look in Romania’s eyes only confirmed it. In the dim candlelight his eyes were the most perplexing shade of hazel, and it reminded Prussia distinctly of a wolf. The man seemed to be part predator, both alluring and foreboding.
Romania moved his hand assertively up Prussia’s leg and answered, “Only the best kind of stress relief.” He leaned closer and said in the other’s ear, “Put away the boring work, and I promise I’ll make you forget it.”
Prussia thought for a moment about turning him down, but the temptation was too great with a handsome man pressed against his body. He replied, “Very well. Do your worst.”
Romania smirked and climbed fully into his lap, pushing the book to the side as he did so. He then took Prussia’s face assertively in his hands, and kissed him deeply.
The man tasted like vice. Like sin and lust. Prussia had never experienced quite the same sensation of doing something deeply sinful before, even when he had kissed other in absolute secret. Stolen kisses were not like one made with full knowledge of how damning it was. But it was impossible to pull away.
Romania only paused briefly to shift his attention to the other’s neck right above the stiff collar of his uniform. Prussia exhaled sharply as he felt teeth against his skin. It was equal parts exhilarating and taboo, like he should not allow a mark where the world would see it. Germany already looked at him with suspicion when he returned from his trips to Bucharest.
The urge to push Romania away passed quickly as the man said, in a voice that caused goosebumps on Prussia’s pale skin, “You know you like it. Let me spoil you.”
His mind already made up for the night, Prussia turned his head and allowed Romania to kiss him again.
Historical notes under cut:
- After the removal of Alexandru Iona Cuza from power in 1866, a coalition offered the throne to a Hohenzollern prince.
- He accepted the throne and ruled as King Carol I, creating a dynastic link between Prussia and Romania.
- Romania was officially internationally recognized with the backing of the German government at the treaty of Berlin in 1879.
-An independent Romanian kingdom was declared in 1881, with the house of Hohenzollern-Sigmarigen as the royal house.
-Romania remained effectively pro-German in its international politics until the outbreak of the first World War. When any pro-German sentiment was overridden by the desire to oppose both Hungary and Bulgaria.
-Romania benefited immensely from dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire and the Treaty of Trianon.
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