#fun fact: the story Misto says about his first time seeing a meteor
naturepointstheway · 2 years
Flufftober22: Day 8: Shooting Star
Cats the Musical - Tuggoffelees - University AU - Mute autistic Mistoffelees (based on Zurich production) - Rating: G. @flufftober
Ordinarily, being awoken at one in the morning by a text would annoy Tugger (who would still check anyway lest it was an emergency), but when a cursory glance at the screen told him it was from Mistoffelees, he immediately grabbed his phone to read it. 
You’re watching the meteor shower too, right?
Meteor shower? That was the first time Tugger had ever heard anyone talk about it--he’d heard about them before but had never paid much attention. To be honest, it wasn’t as though he hung around people interested in them--he wasn’t much of a space fan like Misto clearly was.
There’s a meteor shower? 2nite?
Yes - are you going to see it?
Not every1 is interested in watching meteor showers.
One second after he sent that, he immediately wanted to take it back, realising too late how it sounded over text.
Shit I meant I didn’t know any1 interested in meteor showers.
Until now.
He waited about half a minute to check if Misto was going to respond. A minute passed before he grew worried.
Hey, Misto. It’s ur giant bore here.
I’m always bothering people.
And it’s 1 am.
No ur not. I luv wen u get excited about things you love.
So, meteor shower outside now?
Also 1 am?
You KNOW I’ve pulled all nighters. 1 am is nothing.
It’s happening right now if you go outside.
Of course you would be a chronic all-nighter ;)
Lol, thx. I think.
Awsum! Gonna grab a jacket first. I’ll txt u wen I’m outside.
With that, Tugger went to grab his jacket tossed over the back of his chair and pocketed the phone. As he quietly shut the bedroom door and made his way down the hall, excitement sparked inside him, surprising him. He never got this excited about space things--or perhaps he was excited by Misto’s excitement about this spectacle--his love for everything he was passionate about always remained nothing short of infectious and heartwarming.
Finally reaching the front door, he pulled it open, making sure it wouldn’t lock him out (he half hoped it would--just so he could have an excuse to ask Misto if his flat had a spare sofa for him to sleep on), and sat down on the steps, craning his head back to stare at the stars sparkling above him. He knew it would take time for his eyes to adjust enough to see more stars--and hopefully shooting stars too.
Hey Misto. I’m outside now. It’s actually nice out here.
I hope you don’t have too much light pollution where you are.
Not 2 bad I think. Can see the Milky Way pretty well.
Oh good. You will be able to see them.
Tugger suddenly had an idea.
I have the app that turns txt msgs to voice.
If u tell me all about shooting stars, I can have txt to voice read it aloud.
You’re interested?
Sure! I LUV wen u tell me everything u know about ur passions! LUV. Heart Eyes.
Ok. I will try.
First off: are they actually stars?
Tugger quickly turned on text to voice so he could pay more attention to the stars, looking for the elusive meteor shower Misto was talking about. Not a minute later, text to voice reported a new text from “My stow”:
“No,” the voice read aloud, “They are actually very tiny pieces of space rocks, usually asteroid fragments, or even dust that burns up in the atmosphere.”
A pause passed before it read aloud new texts.
“They can burn really hot, over 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s why they’re so bright they can leave an afterimage on your eyes.”
Isn’t that the same temperature as the sun?
“Not quite,” the app read aloud the response, “The sun’s surface is at least 9000 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s 27 million degrees at its core.”
Damn. And we can feel it from--
“Amazing that we can still feel the power of the sun’s heat even from 93 million miles away, isn’t it?”
It sure the hell is.
I was *just* thinking about that!
So, seen any meteors? Shooting stars?
Uh what would you prefer me to call them?
Again, he waited for the read aloud of the response.
“Technically you should call them meteors. But shooting stars is fine. Incorrect but everyone calls them that so asterisk shrugs asterisk. I have seen a couple so far.”
Haha I’m lving that the app just read aloud your asterisks too.
A couple? Damn I best keep my eyes to the stars, huh?
Wen did u first see a meteor?
And hey, feel free to give me all the fun facts on meteors!
I’ll tell u if I c 1!
With that, Tugger put his phone back down and leaned back, stretching out his long legs as he locked his eyes onto the stars. This was honestly quite relaxing, being out here with nothing but the stars above him and a stillness to the world as everyone slumbered or did whatever they did at this time of night.
He rested his arms behind him as the text to voice app continued to read aloud Misto’s messages, filled with excitement at telling him when he had seen his first shooting star--he had been looking through a telescope at the Belt of Orion at the time when a meteor streaked straight through the field of vision, leaving an afterimage on his eyes for a few minutes afterward.
And then!
Even though no one was around, Tugger still gasped and pointed up at the sky when a shooting star streaked for half a second across a tiny star, burning brilliant and glorious before fading out forever.
Oh...OH. I get it! I get why Misto loves this so much! Space is still horrifying though.
Tugger swiftly grabbed his phone and began typing at breakneck speed.
Misto! I saw one! I SAW one!
I get y u love this so much!
Space is still horror but it’s sexy when it wants to be.
He quickly turned off the text to audio app, his curiosity now satisfied. Still, he wanted to stay out here, texting with Misto.
:) :) :)
Space is sexy? Oh Tugger, never change ;)
Now I really wish I was there with you.
That would have been perfect.
Sharing this moment together.
But we did. Just in different flats.
Texting still counts.
I don’t feel as lonely even when texting you.
<3 <3
I’m always here for you, Misto.
Thanks, Tugger, for sharing this moment with me. I appreciate it. :) <3
U gng to bed soon? Or?
I think I might watch a little longer. Then maybe I’ll sleep.
Me too.
Goodnight, Tugger. Thank you, again, for sharing this with me.
Night, Misto :) Don’t let the shooting stars fall on you ;)
Tugger vowed never to forget this magical night, ever.
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