#fun fact: the name of this au came from that one borderlands three trailer!
aliensmoothie · 4 years
Borderlands: The Broken Mask
pt. 1
word count: 2509
summary: the inciting action
Fiona approached the run-down building. It was just a small shack out in the desert, in a canyon between two orange rock cliff-faces. It was also where she assumed the person who reached out to her was. As she awkwardly stood and debated whether or not she should just enter or knock or something, she heard footsteps approaching and turned around.
and there, walking towards her, was her younger sister (and partner in crime), Sasha. Her sister gave her a smile and said, "Good to see you too, Fi."
"What are you doing out here?" Fiona asked, crossing her arms at her sister, trying to contain her smile. It's been a while.
"Well, someone reached out to me. some job?"
"Huh, that's weird…" Fiona trailed off, looking at the shack, "I'm here for a job too."
"huh, yeah, weird coincidence." Sasha conceded.
"Holy shit-" a voice from behind the girls said
"Vaughn???" said the both of them, turning to face the unintimidating bandit lord.
"Sasha, Fiona!" Vaughn said, opening his arms to his friends "Bring it in!"
Sasha and Fiona looked at each other, then back to Vaughn (still holding his arms out). 
As the three friends hugged, Vaughn said "It's been a grip guys, where have you been?"
"Well, it hasn't been that long, right?" Fiona asked. Sasha shook her head.
Vaughn broke from the hug and smiled up at his friends "Yeah, only around a month or something. Still, I've missed you two! I'm not that caught up in bandit lord...ing."
"I've just been taking odd jobs, really, nothing interesting." Sasha shrugged.
"Yeah, same here," Fiona said "but it's good to know that your 'bandit-lording' is still going well"
"Oh like you have a better word for it," Vaughn quipped, "but yeah! The Children of Helios are still together… Albeit in smaller numbers than ever- but still together!"
"So what are you doing here?" Sasha asked, bringing the elephant in the room into focus.
"Oh, I got contact from some guy out here. Said he had a job, and honestly I just needed a break from the stress of bandit life."
"Huh, guess it's almost like old times." Fiona said, evoking a sad smile from her friends. 
It's been about a month since the three saw each other, and maybe that wasn't completely an accident. Every time they get together, even after five years, it's hard not to think about their missing team member. 
When Rhys disappeared, they all searched like crazy, but after a year of it, they had no choice but to assume he was gone. It was the most likely thing at that point. He may have gotten through some crazy shit, but at the end of the day, Rhys was a middle management coder at Hyperion. It's not like he was particularly well-suited for Pandora.
"So, is our employer home or what?" Fiona said, breaking the silence and turning towards the rundown shack.
"I mean, we can probably just go in," Vaughn started, "but maybe we should knock firs-"
Before Vaughn could finish his sentence, someone jumped down from the cliff-face behind the shack, onto the roof. As the figure landed, they saw that it was infamous assassin and vault hunter, Zer0. And as Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn stood in awe for a moment, they flashed a smiley-face emoticon on their helmet's display.
"Zer0? Did you get a job here too?" Fiona questioned.
Zer0 jumps down from the roof, remaining silent. Fiona had heard it'd been a while since they've said much of anything, really.
Fiona didn't know why she had really expected an answer, but decided to take their silence as a yes, given the circumstances. "Cool, cool…"
Fiona, Sasha, and Vaughn all look at eachother for a moment in puzzlement. Who was this employer, and why did they choose this fucking wild grab bag of a team.
As they turned back to Zer0 to ask them if they knew anything, they saw that they were already attempting to answer the question, and entering the shack.
The three entered after them, and were faced with who they assumed to be their employer. They wore a cyan hoodie, a brown bomber jacket, and (this being their most notable feature) a pink biker's helmet, decorated with a few stickers, and a cyan 'X' spray painted on their left eye, and a cyan 'O' on their right. Behind them, there is a sizable splattering of blood on the wall, just starting to coagulate.
"Well, you're all here." the person said, in a voice distorted and crackled through their helmet, "I'd offer you something to drink but we should probably just leave."
The four paused for a moment, recovering from the slight whiplash of this stranger's lack of niceties.
"Are you uh- Are you our employer?" Vaughn stammered.
"Well, 'employer' isn't really right. But I am the person who contacted you four, yes." the stranger answered.
"Hold on, you're paying us, right?" Fiona asked, one foot practically out the door already.
"No, but my... employers probably will. I can only assume that's what they want with you." the stranger said, walking towards the door, "Now, if you have more questions- and want them answered- you should start walking."
As the stranger left, the four paused once again. Whoever this was, they didn't wait for goddamn anyone. But either they had no other choice, or really just nothing better to do, because all four began to follow them out of the shack.
After walking in silence for a moment, Sasha said, "So… Who exactly are you?"
"My name is Janus," they said.
"Are you going to tell us where we're going, Janus?"
"To my 'employers'" 
"And where are they?"
"Not that far. There's a base near here that we can contact them from." Janus answered calmly, "And in case you were wondering, we don't have to walk all the way there. We should have a ride closeby-"
Just as they finished their sentence, the group spotted what ride Janus was talking about. An only slightly busted bandit technical, parked at the beginning of the canyon. The only issue being, a bandit was indeed in the technical, and as the group approached he began to draw his gun.
"Cool it, Aleks," Janus began "It's me."
And, as soon as the bandit- Aleks- registered Janus, he took a far more friendly disposition. He hopped out of technical, and walked over to Janus to give them a hearty clap on the back, to which they seemed almost completely unfazed (but a little irritated) by.
"Janey! It's good to see ya man! what ya doin out here!" 
"A job."
"Oh really? without any cameras on ya-" the bandit began to say, laughing, but was cut off when he noticed the rest of the group.
"Hold on, did Tyreen send you out to get those four?" the Bandit said softly.
the bandit started inching back to the technical "Shit… uh. let me just uh. make a call on my Echo real quick?"
Janus stared for a moment "We need your car."
Aleks turned back to Janus "whuh- uh, no, dude. the other dudes are still fuckin about, and they told me to watch the te---"
Janus raised their pistol, and without hesitation, shot Aleks clean through the skull. They holstered their gun, and hopped into the technical, with the blood splatter still on it.
Janus looked expectantly at the group, and they reluctantly hopped into the back of the bandit technical.
After driving for a while in awkward silence, Vaughn spoke up, "Was that one of yours?"
"huh?" Janus asked
"The guy you shot, Aleks. Does- did he work with you?"
"Your uh… employers probably aren't going to be really happy about you shooting him, right?"
"No, I actually think they might be somewhat happy with me."
The group paused in confusion for a moment, until Fiona asked "who exactly are your 'employers'?"
"Tyreen and Troy Calypso of the COV- The Children Of the Vault." Janus answered.
"What do you do there?" 
"I do the same thing as most everyone else. We... entertain, I guess."
The conversation ended there. The pause left before "entertain" was far too unsettling, and nobody wanted to ask them what exactly they meant. 
The technical slowed down as they approached an abandoned Hyperion base. Well, abandoned by Hyperion that is, because in terms of bandits and the like, it was pretty well stocked. 
"This is it. We'll head inside, and we can call The Twins from there." Janus said, hopping out of the technical.
The group walked towards the entrance, which had an uncomfortable amount (read: any) standing near it. None of them seemed to acknowledge the group entering, luckily. It doesn't seem like it would get too violent with Janus with them, but it definitely wouldn't be pleasant.
The continued in through the base, which looked to be in fairly good condition, but heavily… "decorated" by the bandits now occupying it. As they went further in, there seemed to be less bandits mulling about, and they finally entered a room that was completely empty of people. 
It seemed to be some sort of gathering area, covered almost wall to wall in screens of varying sizes, and a large holographic communicator in the middle, to which Janus walked towards.
They punched something into the small keyboard panel on the side, and looked up, waiting for the call to start.
" -oy shut the fuck up i have a call coming in- oh hey, Janey! How's my number one superfan?" Said (who the group could only assume was) Tyreen.
"I got the people you were looking for."
"Always straight to the point Jan, I'll give you that." Tyreen said, turning her attention towards the rest of the group "Wow… You really got all of them! How did you manage that?"
After a moment of Janus not responding, Tyreen glared, but shrugged it off, "Anyways, I have a proposition of sorts for you four."
"What kind of proposition?" Vaughn asked.
"Well, I'm sure Janey over there has told you what we're all about, right?" Tyreen quizzed.
"Uh… They said you. 'Entertain'? Or something?" Sasha said, almost unsure that that was the right answer.
"Exactly!" Tyreen exclaimed, "And we do it with a skillset that suits pandora- and you four- quite well."
"... And what exactly is that?" Fiona asked.
"Bloodshed, gore, murder- we're the bloodiest goddamn streamers on the ECHOnet!"
At that, most of the group took pause. It makes sense that they'd want Zer0, but the rest of them aren't particularly competent murderers.
Tyreen seemed to read their confusion, as she began to explain, "You all had involvement in the opening of the Vault of The Traveller. That's a preeeetty big deal, it was a vault that was known to be wicked elusive, until you and a few others cracked it. We got ahold of most of those 'others' too, but they weren't uhh… too sympathetic to our cause, or whatever."
After a moment of hesitation from the group, Fiona spoke up, "Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but it's a no from me."
"Same here." Sasha said.
"Yeah, I think I'm good." Vaughn agreed, as the group cast glances back at Zer0. If anyone, they'd be the one to say y-
"No." Zer0 said, to everyone's surprise. And seemingly to Tyreen's dissapointment
"Well, I was honestly hoping we'd get one of you on board, at least." Tyreen sighed, "But hey, that's why we got Janus in on it, this time."
"What do you mean?" Fion asked.
"To make sure you guys don't walk out of here." And with that, the door to the room slammed shut, and Tyreen pressed something on her ECHO device, activating all the screens, showing footage of the same room they were all in.
"Hey brothers and sisters! God Queen Tyreen here, and today we got a showdown between Janus, and our four special guests! I'll be commentating over the stream, but I'll hang up and Jan, and leave the rest to them." She said, and the hologram shut down, leaving just the five in the room.
But Janus didn't have their weapons drawn.
In fact, they seemed like they weren't even thinking of fighting the four of them, despite Zer0 already having their sword drawn.
"I hacked the cameras in this room before I left. We don't have long until someone realizes the footage is looping and comes in here." Janus said, turning towards the back wall of the room, "There's a secret door somewhere around here, help me find it."
"Wait, you aren't going to try and kill us?" Sasha asked.
"No. You four would absolutely kill me. I may be the longest surviving person here, but I don't fight Vault Hunters." Janus answered. "Now help me find the door."
The four looked all along the walls, trying to see if there was something behind one of the screens, which were all looping the footage of the five of them standing there.
After a moment of searching, Janus hit a button on one of the screens, and a small panel of the wall opened up, revealing the outside of the building.
As the rest of the group made their way out of the door, the main door to the room opened up, with quite a few bandits on the other side.
"Shit- I got them, just run!" Janus yelled, shoving the rest out of the door, and closing it behind them.
Just a moment passed, and the door opened again, revealing the room, now painted with exploded bandits, and Janus, who seemed just fine as they started to run away from the building.
The group followed them, and they ran through the desert, hearing a crowd of bandits beginning to follow after them.
"Where are we going to go!?" Vaughn yelled.
"I don't know- somewhere away from here!" Janus yelled back.
"You didn't have a plan!?" Fiona snapped.
"I did have a plan!" Janus defended, "But the cameras were the extent of it!"
"Look, there's no way we're outrunning them! can't we just fight them!?" Sasha yelled.
Fiona glanced over her shoulder, "No way, they outnumber us!"
"Alright, fuck this-" Janus said, and then pulled out a gun, "Just try to fire a few shots while you're running!"
The group did so without protest, as it was really the best option, though the only one who landed any actual shots was Zer0.
"If we can find a fast travel station- we should be able to throw them off!" Vaughn yelled, "Get back to the Children of Helios or something!"
"Good idea! I know one nearby!" Janus agreed.
As they kept running, they approached the entrance of what looked like an abandoned desert town, which had a quick travel station right there.
Vaughn was the first to get to it, and he hurriedly started interfacing with it.
"Speed it up, Vaughn!" Fiona hissed, still out of breath.
 "I'm doing my best! I don't use these things alo-"
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