#fun fact: muddy mittens is what I named my cat in a Minecraft world I had with my friends 2 years ago
andro-dino · 2 years
wooo currently on the road rn and I’m gonna be for a while so I’m gonna drop some miscellaneous hcs I’ve been thinking abt. feel free to gimme some hcs too I get the feeling I’m gonna be very bored for the next 20 hours
- in one of the wild fang episodes, I think Madoka mentions that Vulcan horuseus has a very unique fusion wheel and energy ring so I like to think that Nile designed them himself
- an idea I thought was neat is that the reason karura wears all those bandages is because he’s got a ton of burn scars that he’s covering up. At the time of canon, he’s memorized the exact patterns of the terrain and fire bursts around DNA’s base, but that must’ve taken a lot of trial and error to figure out, so I imagine he’s probably got a good couple scars to show for that
- sakyo at some point starts occasionally calling takanosuke “taka” and he tries to be casual about it but people start teasing him once they pick up on that
- on that note, I really like to think that even though sakyo tries to be super cool and intimidating even after he’s technically become friends with everyone, no one else really takes him that seriously and none of them hesitate to make fun of him
- I’ve talked abt this so much before and I will never stop talking abt it I love the main friend group of shogun steel (Zyro Shinobu ren and kite). They’re all incredibly silly together and I think even though they make fun of each other all the time, they’re very openly affectionate and comfortable with each other. Also, even thought they’re all very smart and capable people in their own respects by themselves, together, the collective iq instantly drops. All of them are constantly fighting for custody of the singular collective braincell they share
- on the note of shogun steel friend groups, I’ve talked abt this idea with shekel a bit and I love it dearly, dna/bttf all share an apartment post-canon. It goes about as well as you would expect. Very constant clashing personalities and arguments, balancing different food preferences while grocery shopping, all of them have different sleep cycles and half of them are basically nocturnal, genjuro’s the only one who even vaguely resembles a functional human being, it’s a mess and they wouldn’t trade it for anything.
- baihu is the one person who doesn’t have a designated sleeping spot. Technically he has his own little blanket and pillow den in one of the closets but mostly he just goes where he so pleases and no one has any power to stop him. Sometimes he sleeps on top of the kitchen cabinets, sometimes on the floor. Sometimes the others wake up with him sleeping on top of them, sometimes they (mostly spike. I think he’d be a heavy sleeper) wake up on the floor with him in their beds instead. I’m not convinced he hasn’t somehow slept on the roof at least once.
In light of the recent uptick in second gen characters n stuff, I’ve been thinking abt some ideas with some of the other characters.
- Zeo is very much in the camp of not wanting kids because he does not trust himself enough to raise another human being. He and the rest of team dungeon would already have their hands full enough as is with all of the new dungeon gym kids also.
- I don’t think King and Masamune would mind having kids though. They’d be surprisingly functional parents i think. Toby and Zeo would be good babysitters.
- Benkei I think would want kids of his own, but already feels fulfilled enough with all the shogun steel kiddos, and is probably also too busy running bull burger and the bey park to think about it.
- Axyl and Chao Xin settle for pets over human children. They have a ragdoll cat called Muddy Mittens (Axyl’s idea) and a chocolate lab named Tico (Chao Xin’s idea. He seems like a chocolate lab kind of guy yk?). Axyl also wanted pet rats but decided that would not be a good idea with Mud. Essi meanwhile is disgusted that her sibling has become a “no real kids just fur babies” adult.
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