#fun fact: deaf/HOH people will usually touch people to get their attention when they want to talk to them
I’d imagine that due to the nature of being touch-telepaths, that Vulcans consider it incredibly rude to touch someone when you want their attention
So how do you think they’d get others’ attention? Personally, because I can’t really remember any Vulcans really raising their voice, I think they step in front of the person they want to talk to and it startles the fuck out of Humans every single time because of how quiet they are
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Hello there,can you imagine the organization members meeting there female s/o who is deaf but can use sign language and teaches them how plus is also a sweetheart
I guess that this could be a companion piece to This Post about a blind s/o. Fun fact: one of my best friends in the whole world is deaf.  I’m actually in the process of perfecting my own sign language skills, but I’m really terrible at it.
Also, I didn’t mention this in the other post, but it deserves to be said: just because a person has a disability, does not mean that they are not capable of anything that everyone else is.
Below the cut because it got longer than I expected.
Tries his hardest to learn sign language for two reasons: 1) it’s the best and easiest way to communicate with you and 2) none of the other members know sign language and it’s an easy way to talk to you without anyone else knowing what you’re saying.  Picks up the language fairly easily, but he’s always been good at that sort of thing.
God forbid someone attempted to say something about your disability within his earshot.  If they see you both talking in sign language and assume you’re both death, but then they say some sort of bad comment about you??? Damn, Xemnas would go absolutely ballistic.  Meanwhile, you literally wouldn’t know what happened.  To you, it’s as if Xemnas randomly attacked some people, but he doesn’t bother explaining what they said about you.  Instead, he simply takes you by the arm and leads you away to continue whatever it was that you were doing in the first place.
Tries not to be helpful but he’s a real softy on the inside.  Learns Sign Language in secret and surprises you one day when he signs, shakily but still correct, You’re So Beautiful.  It pretty much brings you to tears because it was such a big surprise.
Knows that sometimes you can’t tell when people are actually talking to or when people enter the room or something, so he’ll gently tap your hand to get your attention.  It’s a good, subtle way of helping you out, but you’re sure he doesn’t realize how important those small gestures are to you.
Anybody who mocks you definitely wouldn’t last very long.  There’s literally no way to say it nicely.  Where Xemnas would kill you and be done with it, Xigbar would make it a slow death until you were begging for mercy and giving an apology through broken teeth.  Making fun of you is absolutely unacceptable.  Keep in mind that you have no idea that this ever happens because if you did then you would probably do your best to stop it.
Very protective of you naturally, so if you had a disability, he would be even more protective than he already was.  Doesn’t want anyone to try and take advantage of you, so he kind of shelters you until you have to put your foot down and explain to him that you’re capable of taking care of yourself.
It is extremely hard for him to learn sign language.  For some reason, he just has trouble picking it up.  But you are very patient and help him practice super often, so there are some phrases that he knows really well. Other things, he learns to just let you read his lips or he’ll write it down to let you read it.  It makes communication a little difficult, but the two of you are determined and it ends up working fairly well for you.
You like it when the two of you sleep near each other because, while you can’t necessarily hear him speak, you can feel the vibrations of his chest move when he talks.  When you lay on his chest, you love hearing the hum and rumble of his chest or even the way you feel his lips move against your neck.
Already knew sign language because he had a friend in his youth who was mute.  They communicated with sign language, so it basically takes a small refresher course before he becomes decently fluent and is able to communicate with you fluidly.
Wants to do whatever he can to help you hear things.  Makes you these really fancy hearing aids to help you out, but you don’t like to wear them.  Firstly, even though it was a sweet gesture, you don’t like the feeling of something in your ear like that.  Secondly, it’s kind of noticeable and you don’t like people staring at you.  Besides, you’re so used to not being able to hear things that having noises attack your brain is really jarring and uncomfortable.
Learns sign language with some difficulty - gets both you and Zexion to help him sometimes just for the extra practice.  It kind of works for him because he’s not much of a talker anyway, so speaking with his hands is right up his alley.
Would try to make things easy for you as much as he possibly could. Will touch your arm when someone is trying to get your attention, always has your back when you’re overwhelmed, and take you out to do things that you wouldn’t normally do by yourself. Will watch movies with the subtitles with you, definitely, and glares at anyone who tries to mention it.
Hesitant to spar or brawl with you even when you ask.  You don’t let him go easy on you.  You have your sight, of course, and Lexaeus is a big guy, so sometimes you can feel the vibrations of his heavy steps on the floor.  He’s happy to see that you’re a very challenging opponent!
Always likes a challenge and gets all kinds of books on Sign Language as well as books and information packets on how to act around people who are deaf because he doesn’t want to accidentally do or say anything offensive that might hurt your feelings.  Will definitely go to you for daily sign language practice sessions so you can show him what he’s doing wrong.
Becomes so good at sign language that sometimes you have to stop him and tell him to slow down because he literally goes through them so fast.  It becomes another part of him, basically, where he just signs as he speaks.
Has a notebook for all of his sign language notes, tips, tricks, etc.  He tries his best to study up and manages to get used to the new language fairly easily.  It’s really nice to be able to practice it while he speaks.
The man respects the hell out of people who live their life doing hard work and you are no different.  To be able to be as powerful as you are plus being able to do as much as you can - as much as the other members if not more - he’s very impressed by you.  Knows that you had to come a long way to get to where you are, so he definitely respects the struggles you’ve had.
You aren’t so much as completely deaf as you are Hard of Hearing (HOH).  You lost most of your hearing during your time as an organization member when an explosion happens like right next to your ear and basically destroys your hearing.  Axel feels somewhat guilty because he wasn’t there to help you or prevent it from happening, but you know that it isn’t his fault and you never blamed him for it.
It’s difficult for you to to deal with and there are a lot of nights where you lock yourself in your room and refuse to be seen by anyone.  You are desperate to hear something so one night you actually scream your head off and scare the shit out of Axel, who literally thought you were being murdered.  After you get that out of your system, you become determined not to let this rule your life.
Axel is a big supporter of you.  He will definitely keep telling you that you’re amazing and still powerful, etc.  The two of you learn sign language together and he literally refuses to let you give up on yourself.
Immediately tries flirting with you when the two of you first meet and get disappointed when you literally just ignore him.  He usually gets a response, at least, even if it’s negative, but then he realizes that you’re deaf and he’s like “oh damn, I’m such an asshole.”
Does his best to communicate with you through really exaggerated charades, but definitely learns sign language on the side to be able to communicate with you easily.  Likes to pretend that it’s your own little secret language and he loves being able to share that with you.  Also likes to be able to talk shit about the other members without them knowing about it.
Loves being around you because you don’t mind if he sings 24 hours a day because you literally can’t hear him.  Sometimes you want to know what he’s singing, though, so he’ll let you put your hands on his throat to feel his vocal chords move as he speaks.
Had no idea why you never really spoke to others until you had to explain that you were deaf and you were slightly embarrassed of the way your voice sounded.  You preferred not to speak at all and read lips, though it was difficult for you in large groups of people when you were trying to keep up with a conversation.
Luxord is surprisingly helpful.  In large group meetings, after he learns sign language - and he’s pretty good at picking up the language - he’ll pretty much sign non-stop so you can keep up with what’s going on.  Then he’ll translate your own words to the rest of the members who can’t sign like you can.
Puts a lot of mirrors up around the castle.  Tells everyone that it’s because he likes to look at himself and wants to make sure that his hair is always immaculate, but he really put them up because he knows it helps you figure out whenever people are walking up behind you.  He’s surprisingly thoughtful that way.
He picks up sign language just as well as anyone else - not the best but he’s certainly not the worst.  Picks up the alphabet almost immediately, but some of the longer phrases take a bit to remember.  Eventually, though, he can easily communicate with you with only a few corrections here and there. You never knew how much he practiced, but apparently he had a book in his bedside table where he would practice a bit after you went to sleep every night.
Since you can’t hear, he knows that your other senses are twice as powerful.  Always makes sure to keep a sweet-smelling bouquet of flowers next to your bedside table to brighten your day, but has to make sure that the smell isn’t super overwhelming.
Was reluctant to learn sign language, if only because she knows she’s not good at picking up languages, but it turns out that sign language is a bit easier for her than actual speaking languages.  Incredibly impressed at your talents and her own and pleasantly surprised at how well she can implement sign language into missions.  It’s easy to sign across long, noisy distances when you can’t hear each other, and it’s also good for stealth missions, when the two of you are trying your best to be silent.
Consults Vexen and the others who are fairly knowledgeable about sign language to find ways that she can accommodate your disability without letting you know what she’s trying to do. She knows you’re very independent and that you’ve lived a long time without her making things easier for you, but that doesn’t change the fact that she wants to find some ways to help you.
Thinks that you’re one of the strongest people he’s ever met because you manage to be so wonderful, smart, and powerful despite the fact that you can’t hear anything.  You were born deaf, so it’s really hard to miss something you never had.
You grew up without hearing things and you’re fairly good at reading people’s lips, so you don’t feel too bad when Roxas turns out to be terrible at sign language.  He learns it, yes, but the pace is slow.  He often forgets certain words and phrases and it takes him a while to get the hang of basic letters, so you’ve managed to find other ways to communicate by writing notes, lip reading, and charades.
Definitely doesn’t judge you for having a disability.  In fact, she thinks you’re extremely impressive and loves to watch you sign as you teach her.  Sometimes she gets distracted because she’s so busy watching your hands that she doesn’t really learn the actual signs.  Pretty clumsy with sign language because her fingers aren’t really used to moving that way, but she gets used to it fairly quickly.
Tentatively asks whether or not you’ve ever thought about getting hearing aids or one of these new, fancy ear implant machines that help a deaf person gain some of their hearing back.  You aren’t offended, but you’ve spent so much time as a non-hearing person that 
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