#fun fact: I used to speak Laotian as a kid until I forgot about it and only knows English as I get older
pkmacabre-shadow · 3 months
Captain N: Adventures in Smash
Chapter 8
AN: Fair Warning: There are some horribly translated words that I attempt for this chapter when Wren is being introduced to the boxers at the WVBA. So reader’s discretion is advised. Also it’s implied that Mac has some feelings for Wren at the end, so do look out for that. Enjoy the fanfic and constructive criticism is welcome (to help me improve my writing).
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They finally made it: The WVBA, the famous place well known in the Punch Out franchise.
Doc Louis: Here we are kids, the world famous WVBA.
Little Mac: Hey Doc, mind if I give Wren a tour of this place?
Doc Louis: Of course son. After that, we’ll be seeing the boxers.
Little Mac: Thanks!
Little Mac then gave Wren a tour of the WVBA, with Doc Louis following around for their supervision. The more notable ones being the seats and the boxing stadium, the gym, the locker rooms, and the hall of fame. Once the tours over, Mac finally spoke.
Little Mac: Are you ready to meet the boxers?
Wren hummed as she nod her head.
Doc Louis: Alright. You may know this from Mac’s tour but there are three different circuits: Minor, Major, and World. They represent their ranks of each circuit. But don’t get intimidated, they’re like us but with strength and honor.
Wren: I’ll be fine Doc. Where’s the harm in that?
Mac’s trainer smiled at her statement. Then he walked to the gym, gesturing both teens to follow him. He opened the door.
Doc Louis: Welcome to the WVBA family, Wren!
Among the gym are many boxers who are either practicing or working out.
Little Mac spots Glass Joe practicing his footwork in front of a mirror.
Little Mac: Hey Joe!
Glass Joe: Ah! Bonjour Little Mac! Who’s this?
Little Mac: Her name’s Wren. She’s only training at the Smash House learning about martial arts and boxing.
Glass Joe: Hm intéressant. Bienvenue Wren.
They moved on to see Von Kaiser, an older man with a mustache who is shadow boxing with intense focus. He noticed Little Mac, so he turned to greet him.
Von Kaiser: Ah Hallo, Little Mac. Who’s this new blood?
Little Mac: That’s Wren. She’s eager to learn from the best.
Von Kaiser: Ah, Guten Tag Wren! Remember that discipline and strategy are the keys.
They then meet up with Disco Kid, who is currently doing some fancy footwork while listening to disco music. He took off his earphones after seeing his friend.
Disco Kid: Yo Mac, my guy! How’s it going? Who’s this?
Little Mac: Wassup Disco! This girl’s name is Wren and she would like to saw hi.
Wren: Hey.
Little Mac: Also, I wanted to ask you a bit of a favor here regarding next week.
Disco Kid: Okay, I’m listening. Lay it on me, Mac.
Little Mac: One of Wren’s friends is having a birthday party next week, and we may need some music to accompany the party. Do you mind playing some music for her?
Disco Kid: Of course! Anything for my pal here. I hope she likes disco.
Wren: Oh trust me pal, she would listen to whatever kind of genre you throw at her. Rock, Jazz, you name it. I’m also like her, but it depends on the mood, y’know?
Disco Kid: I get it. I’ll be putting up some songs that’ll give us the mood to dance!
The meeting of the boxers continues. So far, Wren has met King Hippo, Piston Hondo, Bear Hugger, Great Tiger, Don Flamenco, Aran Ryan, Soda Popinski, Bald Bull, Super Macho Man, and Mr.Sandman. Much less to Wren’s surprise, everyone is incredibly colorful in personality, especially with the fact that most of them got away from cheating.
Each of the boxers greet the girl with their own unique flair such as jokes, sharing tips, and words of encouragement. Wren became awestruck by the presence of the fighters.
Wren: Wow… I can’t even believe that I’m meeting these famous boxers face to face…
King Hippo: *chuckling* Maybe one day you’ll be one of us. Keep training hard, kid.
Piston Hondo: Dedication and honor will take you far into the ring, my friend.
Great Tiger: *nods* The tiger spirit resides in all of us.
Little Mac: Well Wren, these are all the boxers of the WVBA. Learn from them and respect them, and one day you’ll become the best.
Wren smiled, taking their advices to heart.
Fast forward to night, the three finally made it to the Smash House.
Wren: Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for taking me to New York City, the WVBA, and meeting the boxers there. Especially asking Disco a favor.
Little Mac: Aw it’s no problem Wren. It’s what friends are for, right?
Wren: Yeah. Well thanks anyways. Night Mac, see you at the party.
Little Mac: Night Wren.
Doc Louis: Bye Wren.
As Wren finally left with Chester and Melody, Doc Louis turned to his trainee.
Doc Louis: You’re starting to like Wren, don’t you son?
Little Mac: S-shut up, Doc!
Doc Louis: *chuckles* Alright son, get some rest, you’re planning your next match with someone right?
Little Mac: Yeah, yeah, I got you.
And with that, Little Mac had entered his room, getting the much needed rest while the birthday party is currently being worked on behind the scenes.
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