#fun fact raripie is my fav ship
krowfics · 3 years
True Love (And Understanding)
Fandom: MLP:FiM
Ship: Raripie
Plot: Rarity wakes up to early one morning, Pinkie is here to help
Notes: hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, Rarity has OCD and chronic pain, technically apart of my self indulgent au but context isn’t necessary nor written yet, ponyville’s a college town in this au tho, title is from Hey Lover by The Daughters Of Eve
Rarity wasn’t exactly sure what woke her up at first.
She couldn’t remember her dream or if she even had one and there was no loud alarm or bustling party sounds in the distance, even if there were, Rarity would’ve probably slept through them, having been made used to them by living in a college town her whole life.
She could feel the dip in the mattress next to her, and feel the heat radiating off her marefriend, giving soft puffs of air in her direction. That is if it is her marefriend, it could be some stalker pony who climbed through the window at night and took Pinkie’s place. Rarity should check.
She blinked her eyes open, just barely tilting to look and… it was Pinkie, of course it was Pinkie. Pinkie crawled into bed last night, pressed a kiss to her temple and cuddled up next to her, and now the pink mare laid on her back, her mouth cartoonishly open, breathing in such a way that was not a snore but distinctly not awake.
Rarity should check again. She did. And then she did again.
This was stupid, it’s not like Pinkie was magically going to disappear in between glances, not when she was so clearly asleep at least.
Rarity sighed and checked again, turning this time and- “Sweet Celestia.” she breathed. Well, she’d figured out what woke her.
She carefully turned her head back, biting her lip to hold in the whimper of pain.
Her neck, or her entire spine rather, stiffened and ached. She’d only been awake for a moment but a moment’s all it takes to know that today was going to be bad.
She rolled out of bed, knowing it'll get better if she stretches, and that she'd have to stand to get pain killers even if she didn't bother to stretch. Her lower back protested her movement particularly strongly, so it seemed that just all of her was a mess today.
She groggily waddled into place, and levitated her yoga mat over. It wasn't really necessary but it did make her feel more booshie and less broken. She stepped on and laid her head in between her forehooves, arching her back with her flank in the air. Trying to breathe through it, no matter how much her body protested, she leaned up and possibly reminiscent of Opal slinking up from a nap. She slowly moved from position to position, trying to release any tension she can.
"Rarity?" A voice said softly.
The unicorn blinked over, "Yes, sorry for waking you, love." She said as she stepped over to the mattress again but didn't lay down, "You can go back to sleep."
Pinkie rubbed her face into the pillow or maybe she was attempting to shake her head, "Mmno. My pretty marefriend is up and I wanna be to." She said stubbornly, "Wha’s wrong?"
Rarity shook her head with a small movement, “Just my back, dearest, go back to sleep.”
“Didyu take your meds yet?” she asked insistently, though her eyes were already closed again.
“Not yet,” Rarity murmured, “I will in a moment.”
Pinkie huffed and then dramatically pushed herself up to stand on the bed.
“Pinkie, you don’t have to-” but by the time the words were out of her mouth, Pinkie had jumped down and carefully but quickly pressed their lips together.
“Keep stretching.” She said, trotting to the door, “Zecora’s or Doctor H’s?”
Rarity rolled her eyes fondly, “Zecora’s, they don’t make me jittery.” If she jittered, there was no way she’d go back to sleep, plus Zecora’s had a calming side effect that made her drowsy, making it better for night and unreasonably early morning’s anyway.
Pinkie skipped the rest of the way out of the room despite the fact that she had only just woken up, but that's just Pinkie being Pinkie. Rarity couldn’t stop herself from smiling and shaking her head fondly as she stepped back to the yoga mat to continue her stretching.
She looked up and arched her back and then looked down and hunched her shoulders. She repeated that motion a few more times, pushing passed the boredom and full tiredness that filled her to keep repeating the stretch.
She was laying on her back, one leg crossed over each other, making her twist, when her bubbly marefriend bounced in, a little vile wrapped in her mane bouncing along with her.
"One portion of Zecora's achy go away-ey medicine for the prettiest mare in all of Equestria." She smiled.
Rarity took the bottle in her magic, "Hardy har." She said, but couldn't help but grin, "That sounds fairly inaccurate darling, I think there's a few that have me beat."
"I don't."
"Well, you sound quite confident, but you're sorely mistaken. I can't be the prettiest mare in all of Equestria because I'm staring at her right now."
"Oh, you." Pinkie swooned, stepping forward to nuzzle Rarity's cheek and then press a kiss to her lips, too slow to be a peck but too tired to be anything heated. She then stepped away and towards the bed.
Rarity downed the vial, setting it on the nightstand to deal with in the morning, and then crawled into bed, still stiff and sore. The stretching helped but not as much as she'd like. Luckily, Zecora's  medicine tended to work quickly.
Pinkie shuffled closer but didn't touch, though she really looked a bit put out by it, like she wanted nothing more than to hook her head under Rarity's chin and wrap her limbs around the unicorn. Rarity wanted that too but she appreciated the restraint, if bitterly.
Pinkie offered her hoof and that placated some of the sour feelings in Rarity's gut at the thought of her pain stopping their cuddling. Rarity took the hoof gratefully.
"I love you." Rarity said, perhaps a tad bit more desperately than necessary.
Pinkie just hummed, raising the white hoof to her lips to press a kiss to it like some type of fairy tale princess. "I love you too."
heres that fic that i said id edit and then i didnt but look i finally did!!
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