#fun fact alex used to kill his prey first before eating them because like hes not a sadist
creative-clawmarks · 3 days
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feeding upon feeding upon feeding upon feeding upon feeding upon
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Everything Awesome about COIE Hour 3
This one is Long, guys.
Also a more accurate title would be Everything Awesome and some Less So about COIE Hour 3
But I wanted the posts to match, so.
So I never watched Birds of Prey because I never knew it EXISTED when it was on, but as a fan of the Birds of Prey team in general, and the characters Huntress and Oracle...not gonna lie, t’was sad to hear Helena desperately calling out to Barbara before they were destroyed by the anti-matter wave. So I give that cameo a thumbs up.
How is it only just NOW occurring to me that the Waverider (Wave Rider?) is serving the same function as the Monitor’s Satellite from the comics????
J’onn!!!! I’m so glad he’s here! Bearing news about the supporting cast of Supergirl! And the entirety of Earth-38!
So glad that they’re alive! And safe! And not dead! And that they are sure to remain that way, for the rest of the crossover! XD
It’s what he deserves.
And then like four different subplots are set up in short order: They gotta to to Purgatory to get Oliver’s soul; they gotta get Ryan Choi; they gotta go to the cave where the Anti-Monitor was hanging out until fairly recently; Kara’s gotta be talked out of using the Book of Destiny.
It’s...a lot.
Also Vibe is back!
“Maybe you didn’t hear me under those voluminous mutton chops of yours--!”
Another nice Iris/Barry scene, BUT, for my money, it’s the second one, later in the episode, that really tugs at them there heartstrings.
All the Pariah stuff is as accurate as the Arrowverse could possibly MAKE a Pariah. Good, solid, good.
Then the British Fellows Ham it Up for a few minutes, before The Soul Searching group goes to Lian Yu, because of COURSE it’s Lian Yu, as if Oliver would allow his soul to languish anywhere else. 
Then we’re back in the Anti-Monitor’s room domain and COSMIC TREADMILL! AW YIISSSSSS
All of the good treadmill jokes have been made already so I’ll just move on.
This is very comic-y! The Anti-Monitor used Barry to power his Anti-Matter ray in the comic, and he ultimately destroyed it as well, dying in the process.
HERE, we discover that when Earth-90 Barry vanished last year, he was captured by the Anti-Monitor, and then CONDEMNED TO A FATE WORSE THAN DEATH; HE WAS TO RUN, FOREVER, ON A TREADMILL.
(...Pretty sure that joke was made on the after show, but I couldn’t help it. IT WAS RIGHT THERE.)
So they bust Earth-90 Barry out with the help of Jefferson!!!! 
I love that he’s got his line in there, the, ‘whose life is this’ line. Good, yes, good.
(Listen: there is no greater proof that the Arrowverse will go back to some version of the multiverse model, than Jefferson’s inclusion here.)
I’m getting a little ahead of myself...BACK TO THE OTHER SUBPLOTS!
Ryan Choi is great! I don’t keep up with Legends, but it’d be cool if he stuck around, since Ray is leaving.
ALSO GREAT???? Routh Supes’ explanation of the black shield. ‘Hope cuts through the darkness.’
(And the Superman theeeeeeeme I never tire of hearing it)
There’s some Kate and Kara stuff here but I wanna cover that later so FIRST...
The Oliver reunion on Lian Yu happened way too fast! But then, many things happened way too fast! But this one REALLY FELT WAY TOO FAST.
Like: He’s ready to kill us! But no? YAY, OLIVER IS COMING BACK! But No? Wait, he’s Spectre now????
But also...SPECTRE!!!!!!
Spectre is the deus ex machina of the Crisis comic, so it’s fitting that he’s just. A sudden thing that pops up out of LITERAL NOWHERE and is apparently vital.
So I guess Oliver’s final form ISN’T Team Dad, it’s Mysictal Green Hooded Guy.
(Man we should have seen this coming.)
(I like that Oliver is Spectre, just to be clear.)
Iris’ pep talk with Ryan was lovely.
(And then there’s the moment I mentioned earlier, where Barry’s like, ‘I might die’ and Iris is like, ‘I don’t want to go, I want to be with you.’)
(I will admit...that part got me a little.)
I honestly don’t know if I’m impressed or annoyed by this cop-out.
I will give them props for the inclusion of the original Flash show footage, that was very nice.
(And I say that as someone who has but a passing familiarity with the original TV show.)
The disintegration effect, as well as the Flash emblem being the only thing left, are really great direct homages to art from the comic.
I’m gonna talk more about this part LATER so let’s jump back toooooo....
Oh! The Barry and Jefferson scene!
It was so niiiiiice.
Very emotional, and a nice bonding moment, and this bit:
“I don’t think Henry and Alvin raised quitters, so we should rage against the dying of the light.”
Another Kate and Kara bit, which again, I wanna get into in a minute, BUT, before we do, I will say that: this buddy dynamic is very nice, but it takes the place of the Kara and Alex stuff from crossovers past, which I might have been okay with...if not for the severe LACK of Danvers Sisters content in the SG season proper.
Here’s hoping 5B gives us...something.
(Also I know it’s very much because Kate is like, the lead of one of the five main shows being crossed over so obviously they’re teaming up instead of Alex and Kara hanging out but I just. Love the Danvers Sisters, okay?)
(Related side note: Really glad this crossover isn’t so focused on romantic pairings! It’s a nice change of pace! I mean we’ve got Iris and Barry obviously, as well as Lois and Clark but I’m just recalling the Double Wedding nonsense of Earth-X and...*shudder*)
(This is an improvement, IMO.)
And crashing on this Vanishing Point because technically we’re HooOOooOOomeless!
Aw man I was so sad to see Routh Supes go...and be replaced by LEX, ugh. 
(But it’s very Lex, so.)
And Kara’s desperate, ‘Kal, Kal! What do I do?’
OKAY so I kinda wanna talk about the Kara stuff, the Barry stuff, and the Kate and Kara stuff.
This crossover does some interesting things, re-contextualizing the two ‘Big Deaths’ from Crisis. 
In the comic, both Kara and Barry die, and their deaths are kind of like...thesis statements, on their brand of heroism.
They’re willing to give up everything--even their very LIFE--to ensure the safety and survival of others.
And both are treated as kind of remarkable things, even among their peers, who are other, selfless superheroes.
Which is WHY...the Barry thing is kind of...a massive let down. 
In the after show, Marc Guggenheim talked about how they could have their cake, and eat it too, because Barry was ready to give up his life, but was denied the opportunity.
And...I get that logic, but man, they spent all of season 6A dragging out that ol Barry-Dies-Angst.
And last season too! The WHOLE SEASON LONG PLOT with Nora was centered on Barry’s disappearance during Crisis and thus, her growing up without him and now...
That’s all just out the door? Because a different Barry decided to take his place? AN ELEVENTH HOUR LOOPHOLE?
It’s so audacious...that’s why I’m also kind of impressed, as well as annoyed.
And they don’t quite do the same thing with Kara, since they haven’t so much as TEASED anything resembling her comic death--I kind of assumed they might with the Book of Destiny stuff, but she didn’t even open the thing.
(And ultimately this is GOOD because if they’d done something similar to Barry--a last minute bait and switch--HOO BOY. There would have been...WORDS. OF STERN DISAPPOINTMENT.)
Instead, the crossover frames living as the more heroic option, because these heroes are Paragons, and thus are needed for some...other purpose, put in motion by the Monitor.
So if they die, they’re actually DOOMING the multiverse.
As mentioned! It’s kind of an interesting inversion, and until we know being a Paragon fully entails--it is difficult to say if it’s a positive or negative change!
(Still love that Kara and J’onn are Paragons, tho, cause they’re my Favs.)
OKAY so that’s the Kara and the Barry stuff. NOW, for the Kate and Kara stuff!
Yeah, you thought we were DONE talking about Supergirl-specific plot lines...BUT THINK AGAIN!
LET’S TALK ABOUT HOOOOOWWWWW Kate was gonna use that Kryptonite...BUT DECIDED NOT TO, AND THEN WILLINGLY HANDED IT OVER TO KARA because she knew that 1.) SHE WOULDN’T NEED IT and 2.) Kara deserved to have the deadly poison THAT IS ONLY POISONOUS TO HER AND HER SINGLE SURVIVING BLOOD RELATIVE to decide how to dispose of it.
AND THEN...Kara tells Kate to keep it, and I thought, for one HORRIFYING MOMENT, that Kara would insist that she might someday NEED it, should Kara ever go rogue, thus VINDICATING every stupid pro-Kryptonite debate ever BUT...
NO! Instead she’s like, ‘I know you won’t use it!’
And folks.
If nothing else. If nothing else. Please. PLEASE. Let this fun week of death and destruction be a learning moment for Kara, that she both HAS and DESERVES better friends, than a woman who casually subjected her to Kryptonite to further her own ends.
Anyway! That’s hour three! And now we have to wait an ENTIRE MONTH to see how this plays out! XD
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