#fun daeron youngdragon fact: cregan stark sent his only heir to go die in dorne with him. which cause the stark dancelike succession crisis
visenyaism · 9 months
Okay but what’s your daeron ranking from most to least exciting I’ve got to love gay flight daeron son of the unlikely vanishing from the narrative
1) war criminal daeron, imperialist. jon snow kinned him as a child and the idea of him shouting IM THE YOUNG DRAGON in the winterfell courtyard is everything to me. why was his fantasy to die young doing futile dumb war. i mean i know why that’s the shit jon has always been on. but anyways daeron watching his father never ever mentally escape the effects of the dance of the dragons until he dies relatively young because war is hell and then immediately being like LETS START ANOTHER WAR the second he was crowned king at 14. anything to fill the void of not having a dragon.
2) gay daeron who invented gay marriage. we know not much about him except he was too based to live so Aelora’s opps from FIFTY YEARS EARLIER somehow returned to take him out. rip
3) war criminal daeron, 8th grader domestic terrorist. Love the greens inexplicably having one completely normal member who is just cheerfully committing mass casualty events because his big brother told him to. cant wait to see him on television when he shows up in season 2 (he will. you’ll see.$
4) daeron the good. should be a sicko given that his three parental figures in his life were aegon iv naerys and aemon. and 3/4 of his children were at least a little bit dragon madness pilled and yet. a boring pretty chill nerd king who almost got usurped just because daemon blackfyre could do a cartwheel and he couldn’t. bear the sword next time
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