#full disclosure it sounds angsty in my little preview but it will probably get goofy and whimsical as does all my writing
hana-bobo-finch · 14 days
guess who’s writing a fanfic abt the formation of the current rescue corps told through shepherd’s diary entries
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early draft of the first entry woah ↴ ↴ ↴
“My father believes it’s time for me to become the next standing captain in command for the corps. Is being the rescue pup trainer not good enough? I’m perfectly content with that job. Who wouldn’t be? As much as it’s an honor to continue on this legacy of rescue captains, I worry. I worry I’m not prepared to be a captain, I worry my generosity doesn’t match that of my ancestors, I worry I’ll lead my team into danger we can’t get out of. If I fill the role of captain, I’ll be the 99th in my family. One generation away from a full hundred. How can I possibly live up to those standards? One mistake on my end, and I ruin a legacy centuries in the making. Worse yet, and maybe it’s selfish on my end, I’ve no doubt I’ll be but another small, disregarded blip in the long Shepherd family history. Already some of the previous captains are being ignored, if not forgotten with time. The ones who weren’t as prestigious, not as important in the eyes of the wider universe. I see it even in my grandmother—a talented, brave woman, yet even the memories of her are fading quickly, despite her passing only being of recent. I’m sure to follow in her footsteps.”
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