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Benjamin Fulford Publication Links - January 20, 2020: 
“On January 16th, President [Herman] Gref of Federal Central Bank Sberbank got so drunk with grief that he was taken to the Odintsovo Hospital suffering from acute alcohol poisoning. That is why he suddenly cancelled his speech at the Gaidar Forum.” https://en.gaidarforum.ru/
On January 18th, Gref told Tass News, “We should brace for the collapse of the existing world order. It will be very painful.” https://tass.com/top-officials/1043741
One other thing they reported to us was that Yevgeny Zinichev, “the head of the Ministry of Emergencies, will become the head of the FSB, but this will also not be for long.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Zinichev
British royal family sources confirm this and say that Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako have been invited to the UK this spring where, among other things, they will discuss the creation of a world future planning agency. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-royals-japan/japanese-emperor-to-make-state-visit-to-united-kingdom-idUSKBN1ZD0LK
Representatives of the P3 Freemasons, the British Commonwealth, and Asian secret societies are planning to meet in London, possibly in February, to discuss the creation of this agency. They will also discuss preparations for human colonization of space, P3 sources say. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2020/01/space-force-trump/604951/
“The Summit will be hosted by the Prime Minister and will bring together businesses, governments and international institutions to showcase and promote the breadth and quality of investment opportunities across Africa. The Summit will strengthen the UK’s partnership with African nations to build a secure and prosperous future for all our citizens. It will mobilize new and substantial investment to create jobs and boost mutual prosperity.” https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/uk-africa-investment-summit-2020/about
The Chinese are also now taking the lead on environmental protection, the sources say. Recent news items backing this up include Chinese plans to ban single-use plastic and a ten-year fishing moratorium on the Yangtze. https://in.reuters.com/article/china-environment-plastic-idINKBN1ZI0MR?utm_source=reddit.com
The fact that the plane was remotely hijacked and flown towards an Iranian military base—a clear war crime—is now being reported by mainstream news outlets. https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/iran/3818-who-targeted-ukraine-airlines-flight-752.html
Also, in a sign of a real break in the Anglo world, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is blaming the U.S. for downing the Ukrainian airliner. This is happening as UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace says his country is ending its military alliance with the Trump regime. https://nypost.com/2020/01/14/canadian-pm-justin-trudeau-blames-downing-of-ukraine-jet-on-us-escalation/
A clear sign of how rogue the U.S. regime has become was when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “The destruction of Soleimani is an example of a new U.S. strategy aimed at deterring its opponents. This applies equally to Iran, China, and Russia.” Someone should point out to Pompeo that assassination is a two-way street. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/01/17/lunatic-pompeo-threatens-putin-with-drone-assassination/
The Trump regime is also doing things like threatening Europe and pulling out of NATO military exercises. https://www.debka.com/us-forces-withdraw-from-nato-march-drill-in-norway-due-to-mid-east-tension/
Finally, we are hearing increasingly credible information about battles taking place in deep underground bases from multiple sources. First take a look at the seismographs from an Indian underground nuclear test versus those from a natural earthquake. https://www.flickr.com/photos/confederateyankee/265119334/
Multiple sources tell us they have found children in cages and other horrors in some of these bases that are now being taken over or destroyed by the white hats. Japanese sources tell us that 14,000 Japanese children were being sold each year to the Khazarian mafia. FBI statistics show that 40,000 children go missing each year in the U.S. Many of them are now being rescued from cages in underground bases, Pentagon sources say. The 38-minute video at the link below provides good background information on this no longer very secret war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=F0NEd9gEHFs&feature=emb_title
------------------------End of  the Links----------------------
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford
*****ONLY TEXT*****
January 20 - 2020 - Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
Benjamin Fulford |  January 13 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/LGs2TPvSAaI
Benjamin Fulford |  January 6 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/8JIAi7ccK9U
Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford | Age of Aquarius Activation | Financial System: https://youtu.be/_luQ-M49Pvc
Benjamin Fulford | December 23 - 2019 https://youtu.be/0_i2Yw3eyzs
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Benjamin Fulford | TEXT ONLY | January 6 - 2020
Benjamin Fulford Publication Links - January 6, 2020:
“…Eliminating officials of another UN member state…blatantly violates the principles of international law and should be condemned,” was Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s response to the incident.  The world community will support Iranian war crime charges against Trump and he will eventually end up in jail for this crime, Russian FSB sources promise. https://tass.com/politics/1105565
Veteran’s Today is reporting that the U.S. government committed a war crime by officially inviting Soleimani, under the promise of diplomatic immunity and the lifting of sanctions on Iran, only to ambush and kill him. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/01/05/breaking-confirmed-solemeini-killed-on-diplomatic-mission-to-iraq-to-receive-trump-pompeo-missive/
The Zionists may have made this desperate attempt to start war against Iran because of the dragnet that’s closing in on them.  For example, evidence is appearing in the mainstream press that chemical weapons attacks on Syria were faked by the Zionist-controlled Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.  This means their information control grid is collapsing. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-war-chemical-weapons-watchdog-opcw-assad-damascus-russia-a9262336.html
The Baltic Dry Index has plunged 64% in the past three months as the world stops trading with the U.S. https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BDIY:IND
U.S. used truck prices fell 50% year on year in December, while rail freight dropped 11.5%. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/used-truck-prices-collapse-much-50-ugly-outlook-continue
Another indication the U.S. Corporation is desperate for funds is the fact that NASA (Not A Space Agency) is seeking survival money from Japan. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20200101/p2a/00m/0na/006000c
This time may be different, because so far only the Federal Reserve Board is buying U.S. stocks and U.S. Treasuries.
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However, FRB funny money is not acceptable for the U.S. Corporation’s international payments that are due January 31st.
The fact is that U.S. debt is soaring, while population bombs and denying reality with funny money are not going to solve the problem.
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Meanwhile, the massive wildfires threatening Australia are now being labeled by Australian police and military sources as a deliberate attack on that country.  This arson is being accompanied by a huge corporate media campaign aimed at trying to force the Australian government to pay a carbon tax to cabalists, Australian secret intelligence service sources report.  Police say most of the fires have been caused by arsonists and not by “global warming.” https://summit.news/2020/01/03/australian-police-say-arsonists-lightning-to-blame-for-bushfires-not-climate-change/
Also, as in California, some of the Australian fires look unnatural.  Why are only the vehicles burned, as seen in the picture at the link below? https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/01/australia-bushfires-defence-forces-sent-to-help-battle-huge-blazes
France, for its part, is facing a revolution as the Zionists try to keep themselves afloat by stealing French pension money just like they already stole Japan’s pension funds.  The massive strikes and year of demonstrations are only intensifying as French living standards continue to plunge under the regime of Rothschild-slave president Emmanuel Macron. https://news.yahoo.com/thousands-march-against-pension-reform-paris-143216438.html
The other underreported but drastic event taking place is secret warfare between the Chinese and the Khazarian satanists.  China’s food supply is being hit with “pig ebola” and “army worms,” and now Chinese people are coming down with a SARS-like disease. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3044723/six-more-hong-kong-patients-hospitalised-over
The Zionists are also now rattling their nuclear sabre as satanist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accidentally on purpose says Israel is a “nuclear power.” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-netanyahu-nuclear/netanyahu-in-apparent-stumble-calls-israel-nuclear-power-idUSKBN1Z40CS?utm_source=reddit.com
They have also been making multiple threats against Japan recently, claim Japanese right-wing and other sources.  The latest is a renewed threat to use directed energy weapons to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/01/03/national/300-years-majestic-mount-fuji-standby-next-eruption/
Iran’s government has been in peace talks with Saudi Arabia and the U.S.  That’s why Iranian President Hassan Rouhani recently visited Japan.  After the attack on Soleimani, the Gulf States including Saudi Arabia called for peace. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-01-05/saudi-deputy-defense-minister-to-visit-washington-london-paper
------------------------------------End of links-----------------------------
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford 
 *****ONLY TEXT***** 
 January 6 - 2020 - 
Source: www.benjaminfulford.net 
 Benjamin Fulford | December 30 - 2019 https://youtu.be/waaNHwAYie4
Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford | Age of Aquarius Activation | Financial System: https://youtu.be/_luQ-M49Pvc 
 Benjamin Fulford | December 23 - 2019 https://youtu.be/0_i2Yw3eyzs
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Benjamin Fulford Publication Links - February 24 - 2020
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Benjamin Fulford Publication Links - February 24 - 2020:
“I support your cooperation with relevant Chinese institutions, and look forward to enhanced coordination and concerted efforts in the international community for the sake of health and well-being of all.” http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-02/22/c_138807761.htm
We also note that Trump has lost much of his military support.  That’s why he was forced to hire the openly gay flaming Zionist U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as acting Director for National Intelligence.  It’s also why Trump-Q-anon is pushing his flunky Kashyap Patel as a “name to remember.” https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8200021.html#8200492
It does look like Indonesia has been chosen by the Zionist cabal to take over from China in the manufacturing sector.  There are no coincidences.  https://news.yahoo.com/indonesia-backs-calls-coordinated-global-095844961.html
What these groups do not support is a Zionist-controlled, fascist New World Order run by Satan-worshipping Khazarian gangsters.  These people are still stubbornly clinging to a biblical end-times scenario that involves killing 90% of the world’s population and enslaving the rest.  Some of their recent fear-mongering about “10 plagues hitting the planet” can be seen at the following link. http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/10-plagues-that-are-hitting-our-planet-simultaneously
It is also worth noting that the Rothschild and Angelli family-owned Economist magazine featured the four horsemen of the apocalypse on its “The Year in 2019” cover. https://shop.economist.com/products/the-world-in-2019
What we are seeing is industrial shutdowns, pandemic street performances and other such acts in scores of countries.  https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/coronavirus-panic-goes-global-skorea-warns-watershed-moment-italy-quarantines-12-towns
“It’s a little worrying.  Until this happened in Padua it almost seemed like a media stunt,” says Marco Bertoni, who lives in the northern city of Feltre.  https://www.newsweek.com/italy-coronavirus-iran-lebanon-israel-1488564
In Japan, there is an elaborate corporate media play-act about people who were quarantined on a cruise ship and then sent all over the world without being properly tested. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20200220_12/
Even Iran is participating in the pandemic kabuki theater. https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2020/02/23/2209395/iran-intensifying-efforts-to-contain-coronavirus
However, it looks like South Korea, whose film “Parasite” recently won an Oscar, is now about to get the best pandemic acting award.  There is so much fear porn spinning around this latest virus that it has now infected all the patients in an insane asylum in South Korea. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/almost-all-patient-south-korean-psychiatric-ward-are-infected-coronavirus
That is exactly what is now happening.  https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/largest-shipping-decline-2009-and-thats-coronavirus
We are also starting to see empty store shelves and will see plenty more of those before this is all over.  In Japan, it is now impossible to buy facemasks or disinfectant alcohol unless you buy from profiteers.  A cut in medical supplies from China is going to increasingly affect the U.S. too.  This is just the crest of the wave.  The links below provide multiple examples of the world economy now grinding to a halt.
As a Goldman Sachs trader recently told me, “I will continue to dance as long as the party goes on but I will stay close to the door.”  Just like the Mongols used human shields to protect their warriors, the oligarchs are now using retail investors to protect their profits.  The links below show how retail investors all jumped in at the last minute, just in time to take the hit.  https://www.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/retail%20stocks%20feb%202020_1.jpg?itok=O-sim0y_
Mexican politicians meanwhile are calling for a ban on silver exports and urging citizens to invest their savings in silver. https://www.silverdoctors.com/silver/silver-news/mexican-govt-considering-not-exporting-silver-urging-citizens-to-save-in-silver/
One is that so-called First Nations activists are trying to shut down rail traffic in Canada.  Canadian government sources say these people are receiving money from the Rockefeller Brothers’ foundation to stop pipelines meant to export oil to Asia.
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford
 *****ONLY TEXT***** 
 February 24 - 2020 
- Source: www.benjaminfulford.net 
Benjamin Fulford |  February 17 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |: https://youtu.be/fZOrmEVrKSk 
 Benjamin Fulford |  February 10 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |: https://youtu.be/lhJDTeh2SJc 
 Benjamin Fulford |  January 27 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |: https://youtu.be/8YFl5bnveJU 
 Benjamin Fulford |  January 20 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |: https://youtu.be/laZlhj4qGdA 
 Benjamin Fulford |  January 13 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/LGs2TPvSAaI 
 Benjamin Fulford |  January 6 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/8JIAi7ccK9U 
 Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford | Age of Aquarius Activation | Financial System: https://youtu.be/_luQ-M49Pvc 
 Benjamin Fulford | December 23 - 2019 https://youtu.be/0_i2Yw3eyzs
 #benjaminfulford #benfulford #DivulgacionAlternativa #fulfordnews #News #Fulford #DA #coronavirus 
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Benjamin Fulford Publication Links - February 17, 2020
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Benjamin Fulford Publication Links - February 17, 2020:
“Or in other words…the Rothschild Banking Dynasty-Federal Reserve has called in the loans and simply seized the entire country as collateral,” the sources say. Pentagon sources confirm this and say that the Trump-U.S. Corporate government is now being run by an Israeli cyber-security outfit in New York.   https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/76263/nyc-taxpayers-spending-millions-on-cyber-center-with-controversial-ties-to-israeli.html
The bioweapon attack on China is a good example. It was designed to be highly lethal, and if their models had been right people I know in Japan should be dying by now. Instead, the Satanists are forced to carry out psyops using a cruise ship and fake videos “from China” to spread their fear porn. For example, according to this fear-mongering article by Bloomberg News, two-thirds of the world’s population should catch this virus.   https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-13/coronavirus-could-infect-two-thirds-of-globe-researcher-says
The panicking corporate propaganda media is working overtime to spread fear and is now promoting locust swarms as well as pandemics. This is all part of a failing attempt to maintain control over the people of the world. https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1242268/end-world-coronavirus-africa-locust-swarm-iran-us-conflict-apocalypse-bible-jesus-spt
Beware of self-described Satanists like Leo Zagami trying to use religion as a cover for mass murder. The problem is we have forensic evidence that proves events like Fukushima and the bioweapon attack on China are being carried out by humans, who are being caught and arrested or killed. The world is no longer being fooled by their tricks. http://leozagami.com/2020/02/09/the-third-secret-of-fatima-a-new-virus-and-the-chinese-billionaire-censured-by-zero-edge/
For example, this five-minute video is very relevant now as it provides detailed evidence about vaccines, the demonic Bill Gates and his teammates. We have solid proof that pharmaceutical companies are trying to kill us, and that means we need to defend ourselves by any means possible. https://youtu.be/T3WfRwr4Oyo
Furthermore, the economic implosion the world is now going through is already causing world trade to seize up. The Baltic Dry Index, which measures the cost of shipping, is already below the low point it reached after the “Lehman shock.” Unlike the stock market, this index is based on real ships and cannot be manipulated with central bank funny money like the stock markets. https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/baltic
Speaking about funny money and the stock markets, the chart below shows how even as U.S.-China trade seizes up, the U.S. stock market keeps rising. This is part of a planned implosion that will take down both the U.S. and Chinese governments, according to CIA sources.
We dismissed this statement at the time because predictions of the Chinese collapse have been failing to come true for decades. However, it’s now being backed by an article in the Chinese government-linked Global Times saying the country is headed for austerity. The Chinese know that pumping in money in the face of a freeze in real economic activity is futile. “In this situation, it won’t be feasible to adopt a proactive fiscal policy,” Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun wrote. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1179749.shtml
The chart below shows that failing banks are a symptom of a very deep structural problem similar to the one that caused the Soviet Union to collapse. Increasing levels of investment and debt are leading to increasingly lower, and eventually negative returns.   https://www.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/cs5.jpg?itok=79_2Av6v
However, as the next chart shows, the entire world is now facing the same problem and it’s ultimately the result of creating money out of thin air and laundering it through greed-motivated, multi-national corporations. https://www.zerohedge.com/s3/files/inline-images/GDP-Economic-Deficit-020519_1.png?itok=IAdT3LRX
“We need to get rid of the division of the East and the West and go beyond the difference between the South and the North, in a bid to build a community with a shared future for mankind.” 
---------------------------------End of the Links----------------------------
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford
*****ONLY TEXT*****
February 17 - 2020 - Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
Benjamin Fulford |  February 10 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |:
Benjamin Fulford |  January 27 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |: https://youtu.be/8YFl5bnveJU
Benjamin Fulford |  January 20 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |: https://youtu.be/laZlhj4qGdA
Benjamin Fulford |  January 13 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/LGs2TPvSAaI
Benjamin Fulford |  January 6 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/8JIAi7ccK9U
Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford | Age of Aquarius Activation | Financial System: https://youtu.be/_luQ-M49Pvc
Benjamin Fulford | December 23 - 2019 https://youtu.be/0_i2Yw3eyzs
#benjaminfulford #benfulford #DivulgacionAlternativa #fulfordnews #News #Fulford #DA
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Benjamin Fulford: Links of the publication of January 27, 2020
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Links of the publication of January 27, 2020:
First of all, there was a systematic attack on all Internet sites that provide news suppressed by the corporate propaganda media.  For example, Natural News, with its long history of exposing vaccine-related scandals, was shut down.  Jimstone Freelance was also hit harder than usual.  Other journalists are being hit with bogus criminal charges. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/empires-war-oppositional-journalism-continues-escalate
It looks like they had a rehearsal on October 18, 2019, when a huge exercise was held in the U.S. simulating a pandemic and the resulting economic collapse.  The sponsors of this event were the World Economic Forum (Davos), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins University.  In other words, Cabal Central.  Then just as the World Economic Forum was having its annual meeting in Davos on January 21-24, 2020, a real pandemic broke out and was given saturation publicity. http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/
However, this plot, if it is one, is blowing up in their faces, because alternative news sites like Prepare for Change put out some of the massive evidence that exists showing that the U.S. Corporate government has been manufacturing and spreading bio-weapons ever since George Bush Jr. stole the election in 2000.  Remember, these are the guys who said an ethnic-specific bio-weapon would be a “useful political tool.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_bioweapon
Here, for example, is a U.S. government patent on coronaviruses: https://prepareforchange.net/2020/01/24/c-i-a-patent-us7220852b1-coronavirus-aka-sars/
Now there is a huge campaign to spread the message that this was a naturally occurring virus or that it was spread by the Chinese. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/did-china-steal-coronavirus-canada-and-weaponize-it
If that’s true, then why is it that “More than half a million medical staff have joined the epidemic prevention, control, and treatment of patients in Hubei”? http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/26/c_138735415.htm
Also, if there are only a few more than a thousand patients, why in Wuhan, a “mega-city that hosts a number of nationally renowned mega-hospitals,” are people “working around the clock to build two makeshift hospitals in suburban Wuhan”? http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-01/26/c_138735285.htm
Anybody with any real market experience will tell you that a black swan event is unfolding.  If you look at the charts below, you can see that the financial markets are facing the mathematical certainty of a meltdown.
A few other bits of news show that it is not business as usual.  For one thing, we have a huge plague of locusts hitting Africa’s breadbasket region at the same time as China fights a pandemic.  Coincidence? https://www.scmp.com/news/world/africa/article/3047674/skies-go-black-africas-worst-locust-swarm-attack-decades
Then we have NATO preparations for a war against Russia. https://tass.com/politics/1109995
Meanwhile, U.S. Central Command appears to be ignoring orders from Washington and is beefing up in the Middle East and financing itself with the oil fields there.
Also, U.S. Corporate president Donald Trump is about to announce an arrogant Israeli peace plan that is already dead on arrival. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/BJyqRUobU
At the same event, the unpopular Prince Charles of the UK actually made some very good policy proposals.  In particular, he called for “genuinely” mobilizing “the kind of trillions of dollars needed” to fix the planet. https://www.princeofwales.gov.uk/speech/keynote-speech-delivered-hrh-prince-wales-world-economic-forum-davos-switzerland
The biggest news is that the quarantine on the planet Earth is about to be ended and humanity will be allowed out into space, according to senior leaders of the secret space program.  It is no coincidence that the newly announced U.S. Space Force has a logo that looks very similar to the one in Star Trek. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51245262
-----------------------END OF LINKS----------------------------
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford
*****ONLY TEXT*****
January 27 - 2020 - Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
Benjamin Fulford |  January 20 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY |:
Benjamin Fulford |  January 13 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/LGs2TPvSAaI
Benjamin Fulford |  January 6 - 2020 | TEXT ONLY | https://youtu.be/8JIAi7ccK9U
Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford | Age of Aquarius Activation | Financial System: https://youtu.be/_luQ-M49Pvc
Benjamin Fulford | December 23 - 2019 https://youtu.be/0_i2Yw3eyzs
#benjaminfulford #benfulford #DivulgacionAlternativa #fulfordnews #News #Fulford #DA
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Benjamin Fulford | December 30 - 2019
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford 
 *****ONLY TEXT***** 
 December 30 - 2019 
- Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
Interview with Cobra and Benjamin Fulford | Age of Aquarius Activation | Financial System: https://youtu.be/_luQ-M49Pvc
Benjamin Fulford | December 23 - 2019 https://youtu.be/0_i2Yw3eyzs
0 notes
Benjamin Fulford | December 9 - 2019
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford
 *****ONLY TEXT***** 
 December 9 - 2019
 - Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
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Benjamin Fulford | December 2 - 2019
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford 
 *****ONLY TEXT***** 
 December 2 - 2019 
- Source: www.benjaminfulford.net 
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Benjamin Fulford | November 25 - 2019
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford
 *****ONLY TEXT***** November 25 
- 2019 - Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
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Benjamin Fulford | November 11 - 2019
*****ONLY TEXT***** Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford November 11 - 2019 
- Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
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Benjamin Fulford | November 4, 2019
*****ONLY TEXT***** Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford November 4, 2019
 - Source: www.benjaminfulford.net
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Benjamin Fulford | December 16 - 2019
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis by Benjamin Fulford 
 *****ONLY TEXT***** 
 December 16 - 2019 
- Source: www.benjaminfulford.net 
# benjaminfulford #benfulford #DivulgacionAlternativa #fulfordnews #News
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