novuscaelum · 8 days
Novus appreciated the sentiment to a degree, except what the Prince wasn't speaking of was the activity that he was working on which was an art project for school. It was more along the lines of practicing his warping and other emerging powers, the former specifically.
"It's warping and stuff." The boy answered giving Ignis a glance. "It's just..." A beat. "Uncle Prompto told me how great and powerful everybody was when you guys did your trip and I know that people tell me that I'm gonna get better at stuff but...I kind of want it to be now. I dunno how to make it happen faster either." Novus knew he was being impatient but there were underlying reasons.
There had been an incident at school that the boy wanted to keep on the down low so he'd been trying his best to train more than usual when he could which was great, except Gladio wasn't skilled in magic use, neither was Prompto. He figured Ignis wasn't either but the man did hold the title of 'advisor' for very good reason. "You've been with Dad for forever. How'd his powers show up and how'd he get 'em faster?"
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tenebraeknight · 1 day
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There was a tired sigh from the ex-commander turned hunter. He was leaning against a building as he watched the other hunters move around. There hadn't been any daemons that needed hunting lately and Ravus found that odd, especially the fleeting sunlight. Surely there was something he could do besides being idle.
It was then Ignis came into his line of sight and canted his head to the side in acknowledgement of the man.
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"I don't like standing idly by but this is leaving me feeling unnerved." he stated.
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stonecoldmeme · 4 days
@fujubun liked for a thing!
"Ignis, I'm serious here!" Prompto insisted, gently picking through all of the things. The different ingredients that made up one of Ignis' salads. More than green leaves and tomatoes! There were even chopped-up leaves and precisely-cut pieces of tomato! And colors! So many colors!
He recognized the really thin strips of carrot, and... some other green things? Different shades of green, some a little softer and some crunchy, and some bits of radish? Maybe? And other stuff, and it was all covered in a dressing that was light but had flavor to it, and--
"I never actually knew salad could be a good thing before I tried yours! I used to think croutons were fancy! And, by the way, even your croutons are fancy."
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azhorratha · 5 years
@fujubun [x]
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That was not enough chicken nugget in Noct’s mind. His head was sluggish with sleep but he stared at the piece of food handed to him.
Bone app the teeth.
For a second, it didn’t register and Noctis stared dumbly but, when it hit, he almost cackled. “Specs, you did not! Did you just meme back at me? When did you learn this? ...Also, do we have more of these? I’m gonna need at least two plates of them. Thanks.”
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ahundredwars · 5 years
pinkillusion replied to your post: //Dabs would anyone be interested in my Galahdan...
I’m interested!
accursedadagium replied to your post: //Dabs would anyone be interested in my Galahdan...
fujubun replied to your post ://Dabs would anyone be interested in my Galahdan...
pickpocketarc replied to your post ://Dabs would anyone be interested in my Galahdan...
//That’s all the validation I need to annoy the everloving hell out of everyone
Firstly: hello everyone my name is Ghost and I’ve only had this blog two days but I’ve been rping Nyx for a few months now privately. I worldbuild a LOT. its my favorite thing
Secondly: there is no secondly, but hi ilu thanks for being here I’m glad you all exist. make sure you take a sippy sip of a nice beverage and stretch occasionally.
Lets get into this mess
ALRIGHT. so we don’t know much canonically about Galahd aside from a few small things:
Its a group of islands with a huge river running through one of them.
They have some Funky music and I love it.
They stan Ultros like. Way too much. (But I mean it could be Kenny Crow instead, so)
They like meat on a stick??
So! I took the liberties of thinking up some of my own. Always willing to change or evolve them, eventually I’ll have enough for its own page on my blog probably. But! Let’s begin.
Galahdans are surprisingly openly affectionate. Its not unusual for people to hug or cuddle or hold hands, they don’t assume right away that you’re trying to get all up on someone if you’re loving or touchy.
The braids are absolutely Galahdan culture, but its mostly men that wear braids. 
The braids are culturally important as a sort of remembrance type of deal. You get a new braid when something significant happens in your life.
The beads you hold your braids together with are generally given as gifts by people important to you. (more on this in a bit)
Tattoos are also very important, every one of them having a meaning of some sort.
If you get a huge tattoo then you either had something huge and important happen, or you’re seen as a bit of a douche.
Hunting is seen as a relatively big thing there. Nyx taking down that Coeurl seen in that art of his was a huge deal. 
They drink their Respect Women Juice on the daily.
Galahd was often treated like a tourist trap at times, with the bigger towns just accepting it and delightfully messing with the tourists.
They have their own language.
Romance and such:
If you give a bead to a dude, that’s basically implying you want to be a part of his family. 
This CAN be platonic or familial, but is generally used for proposing.
Making a weapon for someone can also be seen as a huge act of love and trust. Whether or not you make it yourself or have it made and give it.
Braiding someone’s hair/fixing a braid is something strictly for family, unless the two people are extremely close and in a relationship/married.
Family stuff:
Family is really big in Galahd.
Really big.
Found families and adopted families are very common.
Considering someone a part of your family means some really big things to them. Betraying family members is pretty much unheard of.
When I think of more, bet your tootsies im gonna be putting them here
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sxrtis · 5 years
{ @toilalo​ | from here. }
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She couldn’t really explain why cooking interested her so much, it just did. Whenever Noctis would write to her about the woes of having to learn (pictures attached) she would wistfully imagine what it would be like to actually have the freedoms to do so. Her diet was so restricted, partially to ensure that nutrients were there to offset the Scourge, and to remind her of her place as a prisoner she supposed. Maria mostly did the cooking, but the recipes were provided to her.
It wasn’t until Ignis made a remark that Luna realized it was probably obvious she’d been staring. ❝Oh! I...❞ She wrung her hands, nervous, still learning that it was okay to speak here, that she could answer honestly. There would be no repercussions to actually speaking her mind.  ❝Yes. I would like to learn. I have no idea where to even begin, however. Unfortunately, the little ‘tips’ Noctis has sent me over the years were in the form of Cup Noodles and burnt dishes...❞
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gingersmiith · 5 years
[ Shibutoi || hxksgdjdgjdkhdjx I'm so sorry-- ] "Vibe check!", he drop kicks Tredd, winding himself in the process.
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what in the actual fuck
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floweringeclipse · 5 years
Ignis flopped himself a bit dramatically on his adoptive little sister, a loud, equally dramatic sigh escaping him. Its been awhile since he's been home, and even longer since he's been able to see Iris -- what better way to greet her than to squash her?
{ @fujubun // @toilalo }
There’s clearly no lack of drama in this little family of hers. Iris, in return, groans theatrically as if the sudden weight pressing down on her frame will crush her any moment now. 
No squirming in protest, though. Absolutely not. This kind of loving attention is always appreciated, always needed, always misses especially once work takes everyone’s attentions for months on end. It has been quite a long while since she’d seen Ignis and she’s going to enjoy every bit of moment she has with him right now.
“Ig,” she laughs, reaching to mess up his neatly-done hair just a little. “Missed ya, too!”
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triggerxhappy · 5 years
what is your muse’s love language? >u>
Even with his friends, Prompto is really touchy and enjoys hugging them and patting their shoulders, so with his lover, once they’re together, he’s even more touchy and he almost needs her hand in his when they are side by side because it feels comforting. Before they’re together though, he’s too shy to even think of touching her, but it’s written in his face that he’s interested :P
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fujubun replied to your post: [ Shibutoi -- I'm so sorry ] Silver walks up...
gremlin behavior gets gremlin certification)
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ofglaiveandguard · 5 years
[ Everheir ] Noctis was quiet as ever, uncertain of what to say even in the company of the Immortal. Still, he would try, he would have to learn how to be personable at some point, right? "Doesn't it get boring shuttling me around everywhere?" he tempted out quietly, tensely, "Wouldn't you rather be doing something else?"
Cor was comfortable behind a steering wheel. He’d driven Regis around his fair share when they were younger and he was good at it. The exception to that was the day Noctis was born. Cor had been in such a rush that he had almost crashed the Regalia in his effort to get Regis to the hospital in time to see his son be born.
The man scoffed, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he waited for the traffic lights to change.
“Like the endless pile of paperwork on my desk?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced back at the Prince. Some would argue that there were better ways for the Marshal to spend his time, but both Regis and Cor would argue that there was no better use of the Marshal’s time than protecting the Crown Prince. “Besides, somebody had to keep you out of trouble. You’re notorious for losing retainers and guards in crowds, Your Highness. Wanna try that with me?”
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thekingsshield · 6 years
scorch me daddy
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bitterroyalty-blog · 7 years
fujubun replied to your post: sobs all i wanted was to write angst and smut and...
I guess you could say its not a very rad blog now, huh
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ahundredwars · 5 years
Silver sits next to Nyx, "Pewwish." He ( gently ) pushes Nyx over.
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sxrtis · 5 years
fortnite dances threateningly
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dragoonmirage · 7 years
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           “ --- you act like you’ve never seen a miqo’te before! “  /  @fujubun
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