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chaskipum · 6 years ago
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Y de repente vas caminando por la calle y te encontrás tirado un tesoro. . . . #fuerzasergio #sergiodenis #cassette #vintage . . . . . #festilindo #tvpublica #fiesta #españa https://www.instagram.com/p/B1tg6wbgD4W/?igshid=130uqq06x5aao
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doradeleal · 8 years ago
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#FuerzaSergioFlores #fuerzasergioflores #fuerzasergio
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iwriteficsandtragedies · 6 years ago
Could you maybe please write something fluffy with sergio where he is with a smart girl or something and he feels insecure for once like he is not good enough for her bc he is just a footballer and she tells him it is not true? I hope you are well😘
I’m always down to write my favorite guy ♥️ Thank you for the idea, honey, let me know what you think!
Sergio watches as she closes her laptop and turns off her work cell phone, pressing her fingers to her temples to rub small circles against her head. She looks like hell, though he’d never tell her such a thing. There are dark circles under her eyes. She’s been working late into the night for days, and he can’t remember the last time they went to bed before midnight.
“Done for the night?” He asks the question, even though he knows the answer.
“Finally,” she sighs. “I’ll be so glad when this is finished.”
“What is it that’s got you working so hard?”
“There’s a new law taking effect next month and we’re not at all in compliance. If we don’t get our shit together by the end of next week we’re looking at a massive fine.” She rubs her eyes and pushes her chair back from the table, leaning over to stretch out her shoulders and back. She sits up and rolls her head from side to side, softly moaning.
“Come here.” Sergio pats his leg, motioning for her to join him on the sofa, and she crosses the room to straddle his lap. This has become a nightly routine for them. She leans forward to rest her head on his shoulder, her hands resting in his lap. He parts her hair and presses his fingers into her trapezius muscles, dragging them slowly up to her neck and back down again. He pays attention to the way her body reacts, adjusting his pressure and speed as he goes. She slowly relaxes into him, soft whimpers of appreciation coming from her lips.
“Thank you baby.” She sits up and stretches her arms over her head. “When this is done I’m taking us for real massages.”
“What’s this law you’ve got to follow now?”
“Honestly, it’s really complicated. Can I try to explain it tomorrow when my brain is less… mushy?” 
“Yeah. I probably won’t understand it anyway.”
She runs a hand through his hair. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing. You’re just so much smarter than me. Sometimes I can’t understand what you see in me.” He casts his eyes downward, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. “Sometimes I think you’re out of my league.”
“Baby, you’ve literally been on magazine covers. Entire sections of the Internet are dedicated to you with your shirt off, which I am very grateful for, by the way.”
He wrinkles his nose. “That will fade with time though. You’re just… better than me, I think, in some ways.”
“Sergio, that’s not true. Last year I told you we were having trouble getting funding for the cancer ward renovations and you made what, like three phone calls? And we were fully funded by the end of the week. That’s incredible. I couldn’t do that. Nobody I know could have done that.”
“I just know people, that’s not a skill.”
“You have a silver tongue.” She smiles, brushing a stray hair away from his face. “Not many people can just call up someone, get them to write a check for six million euros, and have them think it was their idea. That’s a talent, and you use that talent for good.”
He runs his hands over her thighs, his eyes downcast. “You’re so smart.”
“You’ve said that. I paid a lot of money to go to school for a very long time, I damn well better be.”
A smile plays across his lips and she smooths her hands gently over his chest to rest on his shoulders. 
“You can’t compare us like that. You’re a world class footballer and I trip walking across our living room on a daily basis. We’re different people, Sergio, we have different strengths.”
He laughs. “That’s true.” He raises his eyes to hers, and she strokes her hand across his cheek. “I had a coffee table with square corners before you moved in.”
“And I have the scar on my shin to remember it by.” She leans forward to nuzzle her nose against his, and he tilts his head to meet her lips for a sweet kiss before he pulls her into him for a tight embrace. 
“Let’s get you into bed, sleepy girl.” 
“Mmm, bed.” She yawns loudly. “Sounds dreamy.”
“Was that a pun?” He chuckles. “That was bad.”
“Well let’s add jokes to the list of things you’re better at then,” she says, poking a finger to his chest. “Take me to bed please, before I pass out right here.” She pushes herself off his lap to stand, stretching her arms out wide. He rises from the couch and holds a hand out to her as he turns towards their room.
“When you’re done with this I’m sending you to the spa for a whole day, not just a massage,” he says, looking serious.
“Deal.” She purses her lips for another kiss, and he’s happy to oblige her. “But you’re coming with me.” Her eyes are so heavy from exhaustion she looks drunk, he thinks to himself.
“Anything for you, my brilliant lady. Come on.” He wraps an arm around her and leads her towards their room. He knows he’s a lucky man to be with a woman like her. 
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tweetsymemesdechile · 11 years ago
Giorgio Jackson @GiorgioJackson         12:47 14/01/2014
Oigan @IsapreMasvida... un poco de pudor o sentido de la vergüenza, con ese nombre que eligieron. #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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Difamadores @difamadores         23:28 13/01/2014
Fuerte y claro!! #YoMarcoComoSpamAIsapreMásVida Por si no conoce la cuenta, es esta: @isapremasvida. #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
AnonOps Chile @AnonOps_CL         01:27 14/01/2014
El email del ger. de @IsapreMasvida: [email protected] Envie quejas y hagalo colapsar. No olvide reportar la cuenta. #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Difamadores @difamadores         23:08 13/01/2014
Amigos, esta es otra cuenta de la Isapre Menos Vida. También a marcar como spam a @AyudaMasvida. #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Inti Histórico @intihistorico         10:47 14/01/2014
Amigos necesitamos que la Suprema Corte emita fallo esta semana para salvar la vida de @sergioneira7 RT! #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Difamadores @difamadores         11:33 13/01/2014
Todos invitados a ocupar el HT #FuerzaSergio, en apoyo a @sergioneira7. Q los ctms d @IsapreMasvida pague su tratamiento. Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Sergio Lagos @sergiolagos         20:05 12/01/2014
Si la isapre gana tanto. Resulta imposible aceptar q la vida de uno de sus afiliados sea sólo examinada en términos económicos #fuerzasergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Difamadores @difamadores         11:27 13/01/2014
#FuerzaSergio que nunca más una isapre condene a muerte a una persona enferma. Aguante @sergioneira7 Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Marcela Vacarezza E @mvacarezza         01:11 14/01/2014
#FuerzaSergio. Muy buenas noches a todos menos a isapre Más Vida. Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
El Megáfono Popular® @MegafonoPopular         23:15 13/01/2014
Los poderes FASTICOS empresariales suspenden cta de @sergioneira joven que pelea contra @IsapreMasvida para seguir viviendo #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Difamadores @difamadores         23:51 13/01/2014
Porque ud puede ser la próxima víctima. #YoMarcoComoSpamAIsapreMásVida #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
Rodrigo Ulloa @rodrigoulloa         11:29 14/01/2014
Por favor,ayúdenos a difundir esto. A @sergioneira7 le están negando el tratamiento.Abuso inmoral #FuerzaSergio Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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AnonOps Chile @AnonOps_CL         00:15 14/01/2014
DOWN! #FuerzaSergio. No olviden reportar la cuenta de la isapre de medicos matones @IsapreMasvida Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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AnonOps Chile @AnonOps_CL         00:46 14/01/2014
Info personal del Ger. General de @IsapreMasvida: Con la vida no se lucra! #FuerzaSergio. Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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