#fuenciado fic
butchboromir · 6 months
there's only 78 fuenciado fics on ao3 ? i am going to kill myself in front of every writer on ao3 thus changing the course of their lives forever
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thebandficlibrary · 7 years
group ask #8 (final)
Once again, if you recognize any, please send us an ask or reply to this post. 
i need some kellic and perrentes stories where there are kings and queens and princes and all that stuff
Any hunger game AUs?
saddest jalex you can think of?
Hey! I was wondering if you had a link to the kellic where kellin breaks vics statue of his dad and he gets mad then kellin speaks to Vics mother? Ty :) it was a one shot btw
Hey is there any way you can find some Brustoff(Denis Stoff/ Ben Bruce) stories ?
Do you have any suggestions on Frerard fics where Gerard is a murderer? 
This is a weird one, but do you guys know any Jack/Alex/ofc threesomes?
do you have the link to the kellic that was published? It was called After or something?
Hey, I'm looking for a frerard fic where Gerard can see auras and he was made by scientists + at the end Gerard and Frank go back to the scientist lab and get revenge? I think it was on wattpad
Does anyone know of any active perrentes-shipping authors or ptv gay ships writer taking one-shot requests?
Would you happen to know of any dandy (Andy Leo/Dave Escamilla) fics??? Like AU where they're in high school or something? Thanks :)
Do you know any Kellic gang fanfictions, besides Bulletproof Love?
Do you know any fanfiction of Brian Dales and Jack Barakat
okay im looking for fem!kellin fics and either really hardcore smutty or fluffy perrentes can you guys help me out
okay also looking for some really dramatic fuenciado HAlp
Do you know if they are any Jalex and Kellic foursome five I've read the one on ao3 where their at a party do u know of any others?
this is vERY specific and old so it might not exist anymore but i was wondering if anyone knew of the fic that was on mibba and kellin and vic HATED eachother and ptv was being forced to tour w kellin and they were AWFUL to him and like assaulted him ??
Do you have any safe word fics? Any pairing
do you know any kellic+oc fics?
can you rec any long ryden fics
There's this fic where Vic is practically fucking everyone. Andy, Jaime, Kellin idek. I can't find the fic. Help meee ?
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batterycityraces · 8 years
do you have links for those fics you mentioned in the tags of the "we all have fics we want made into movies" post?
Yep! Here’s Safety Pins (Fuenciado), The Scene (Perrentes) and THROAM (Ryden) (it’s literally three full-length novels long, so if you’re into that, hold on tight because it’s a wild ride). 
Edit: THROAM didn’t link for some reason, sorry.
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girldisease · 11 years
Maybe It Was You All Along (Chapter 1)
Vic stumbled off the bar stool, searching for Jaime.
"Ah Jaime!" He yelled when the younger boy came up to him with a concerned look.
Vic turned around to get another drink, then whipping back around.
"Woah." He laughed, steadying himself.
"Hey, how about we get you back to your hotel room?" Jaime offered.
Vic rarely ever got drunk, but when he did, it usually ended badly.
"But I’m having fun here!" He whined before grabbing the shot off of the bar.
"I think you’ve had enough." The younger boy said, taking the small glass out of Vic’s hand.
"C’mon buddy, lets go." Jaime grasped Vic’s arm, pulling him along.
They walked in silence out the doors, before Vic turned around.
"Jaime, are you from Tennesee cause- Wait shit no sorry." He slurred.
"This way, Vic." He guided him, treating him like a child.
They walked towards the large building, only about a block away.
"I’ve found it!" Vic screeched, beaming at the Hotel like it was a lost artifact.
"Good job." The other boy said under his breath.
"No wait, I got this!" Vic, for about the 5th time, tried to put the key in the lock.
"Gimme it." Jaime snatched the key out of the other boys hand before he could protest.
"Hey Jaime." Vic leaned against the door for support.
"Yes?" He sighed, still strungling with the keys.
"Did you C- Clean your pants with Windex? Cause I can practically see myself in them." Vic slurred, smiling proudly at the pick up line.
He moved closer to the younger boy, going as far too move his hand to Jaime's upper thigh.
"Vic, no." Jaime pushed Vic's hand away which had started slowly rubbing his thigh.
"Jaime..." He whined.
"Aha!" The younger boy said, whipping the door open.
"Shit-" Vic stumbled into the room, falling onto the floor.
"C'mon, up you go." Jaime pulled him back up.
"Wanna kiss?" Vic said nonchalantly.
"Vic, you're drunk-"
"But I wanna." He whined.
"Let's get you to bed, okay-"
Jaime was suddenly cut off by Vic's lips against his.
"I said no." He pushed him away.
"Please..." He whined.
"No." Jaime said sternly.
Vic made a groaning sound and gave up.
He wasted no time in falling onto his bed and stripping down to his boxers.
"Will you stay with me?" Vic said sleepily, weakly grabbing his hand.
Jaime sighed.
"Sure." He climbed into the small, barely fitting.
Vic nuzzeled his head into the crook of Jaime's neck.
Jaime awkwardly shifted his position, wrapping his arms around Vic.
With Jaime still on Vic's mind, both boys drifted off to sleep.
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