2girls1log · 10 months
866 words to understand
i had a close friend bring up my love life yesterday. made me think abt it the whole day because i didn't tell her honestly how i felt because i didn't have the right words to explain the situation. this made me spend the whole day writing about it. 866 words in total.
couldn't sleep until 4 am cuz my body hasn't been able to adjust to night time room temp when i'm abt to get my period. good timing cuz i had an exam at 9:30am. imma try expanding my vocabulary so imma use a new word for every entry. at least my lack of sleep didn't enervate my exam performance, instead it was just a skill issue.
lost track there whoops so basically the period part was necessary cuz it made me cry over the "love life" situation at 3:40am. it's a ridiculous situation that i've finally been able to come to better terms with after writing it down and thinking through it logically.
im moving on cuz like my coworkar said, it's emotionally draining (it's not but i don't want to create a false reality).
im praying to the academic weapon gods for a good time for finals. like im gonna go crazy the next three weeks and maybe it'll be enough to completely distract me from the "mess" that my delusion has put me in. after my calc test, which will go terribly, im gonna have a redbull, take a nap, and then gym and then grind.
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astabetrayer · 2 years
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It’s an ironic shirt because I hate JavaScript and it was written by a Prop 8 supporting homophobe, so fuck that guy. Enjoy a trans woman wearing it! Haha, asshole.
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lucifer-themself · 3 years
Fuck html, and javascript, and whoever made them.
on the other hand, coding is cool, uni less so.
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