#fucking why did she say howdy ? ma’am u are almost 600 years old what are u doing
fromfires · 1 year
@fatesalign for caleb !
coat, previously draped over her arm, is throw carelessly into the booth. purse is pulled from her shoulder and tossed along with her jacket. she makes no point to be small in her actions. in fact, she made herself known by the push of the door. made a point to shove it just a bit too hard, made a point to pause and bask in the attention that graced her. she slides into the booth, a half - smirk, half - smile graces her features. “howdy.” a small laugh echos behind her words, as she finds comfort in her seat. eyes glance towards a nearing waitress, her smile pulls deeper onto her face. “long island for me, thanks.” elbows leans across the table, as she leans forward, her eyes searching out his. “alright, caleb, tell me you’ve missed me, i know you have.”
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