#fucking biscuit stuff I CAN GET IN DERRY
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billyboisfangirlarmy · 6 years ago
Dare Me
Part 1
And he held her close for the first time. This new found heat coming from within her was relishing. He moved even closer to her. Their lips just about to meet…
I turn the TV off and scoff tossing the remote across from me. The two girls look at me with wide eyes and gamping mouths. “Close your lips ladies!” I wink at both of them as I smirk to myself. Julie stands next to my laying form fuming. “Why would you cut it off? It was getting so good!” I laugh shaking my head.
Carly tilts her head and nods knowingly. “This is about her not thinking love exists.” Julie gasps a hand over her mouth shocked. “You don’t believe in love (y/n) Tozier? You? Of all people!” I shrug simply. “It’s nothing honestly. I mean I’ve never seen it, not experience it so why do i have a reason to try or even have the effort.” “But you’ve liked guys before!” I smile at her protests. “Ture, but I’ve never felt what it’s like to love someone else. I’ve never felt the yearn for their attention or get pleasure out of feeling their touch. I’ve never missed anyone of my relationships before. I’m just living Jules. Take it or leave it honey!”
I grab my 4th bottle and begin to down whatever it contained. As I stand moving to her balcony (completely ignoring what she was going on about) opening the doors and stepping outside. I place a blunt between my lips lighting up the slider cylinder with ease. I draw my breath in, hold, and back out again. Another couple minutes passed and most of my blunt had passed away to ash.
I hadn’t taken the effort to look around my view. I look up at the night sky astonished by the many bright stars that appar. I look to my left and see the trees looking dark and ombuns. I look to my right and suddenly the trees look more inviting. My eyes met the cold one of the famous psycho in Derry; Patrick Hockstetter.
His lanky finger leaned up against Belch’s balkony chugging his beers and tossing them at trees to see them bust. He hadn’t noticed me at all. As i crouch crouch down to try and get even further away from his eyesight the door swings open and a drunk Julie appears. “Hey (y/n)! Oh I missed you! What are you doing on the ground? Get up and hug me bitch!” She pulls me up from my sitting position and wraps me in her arms. I move my eyes to Partick and he’s way ahead of me. His eyes are boring into mine and his lips are in a devious smirk. He waves and turns on his heels; the smirk becoming wider as he leaves.
“Damnit Julie why did you have to be such a good friend. Coming out here just because you missed me! I love you, But dammit! I’m fucked now.” Carly furrows her eyebrows in confusion. “Patrick saw me when your drunk ass walk out here.” Jule hugs me apologizing a hundred times over.
Carly shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe he won’t tell them.” As if on cue a hard knock was heard on the door.
Bang, bang, bang.
None of us dared go open it. Instead of doing anything we just looked at eachother.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
Harder the knocks rang through the wooden plate blocking them from us. Carly and I look at each other and not knowingly.
“1… 2… 3…”
We push Julie to the door and hide the best we can. I go outside closing the doors behind me and climbing onto the roof of the house. “Oh, this is so stupid!”
3rd POV:
As (y/n) rushed to the roof, Carly hid in the closet (typical). Julie walked up to the door and opened it to see Patrick and Belch. “Hey there Jelly Bean! Quick question. I smell something fishy in here. Mind if I take a look?” Patrick and Belch push their way through. Belch looking sorry as they do. Patrick searches the whole room, finding Carly in the process, but no (Y/n) Tozier. He walks outside jumps to see the roof, but he still didn’t see her. He shakes his head laughing. “If she’s here she’ll have to come out some time.” With a shrug the boys brought the girls away from the room and down the steps where they were convinced to have a movie night together.
(Y/n) Tozier sits on top on the roof for another 10 minutes about to freeze at this point; the october weather nipping at her. She slides down the roof and steps her way onto the rail of the balcony. Once on the solid wood she grasps the handel and gives it a twist.
(Y/n) POV:
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I twist the knob once more but the same squeak and disappointment rang once more. I look down into the darkness. Way too far to jump…
Belch’s room it is then! I climb across the roof and go onto his balony. I look at the room inside to see it clear. I twist the knob gaining entry. I step quicky to the door, but I am slamed into my a solid body.
I gasp and tumble backwards bringing them with me onto the soft bed. “Shit!” I look up to meet the voice to the body of Bowers. He furrows his eyes then shoves himself off of me. “What the hell are you doing here Tozier? Creeping around here to get with your best friends brother? Really low for you slut!” Henry searches for a reaction on my face, but I just roll my eyes (slightly hurt) and make my way to the door. He grabs my wrist catching my attention. “No response bitch?” His smirk doesn’t last for long as I rip my arm away from him and push him back. “What the hell did I ever do to you Henry? Ever since 6th grade you decided you hated me! Whatever I did fucking hell I’m sorry for it! I can’t stand getting fucking named called by you every fucking day! So either treat me as a fucking equal or never speak to me again Henry!”
Henry steps back stunned. Tears streaming down my cheeks in a heat of anger. I storm out of the room grabbing my stuff and going down the steps, but getting blocked by Patrick. “Where do you think you’re going pussy cat? The nights just begun! Show me how easy it is to get into that garden doll.” I attempt to push past Partick, but he blocks my way.
“Let (y/n) go by Patrick. Stop being an ass.”
I look up to meet Henry’s eyes. His blue eyes looked down at me. Their softer than usual. He scans over my figure and nods his head to move forward without his friend in my way.
The girls protest as I storm out of the house and to my car. “Not with Henry fucking Bowers in the same house as me! I’m sorry girls another night. Richie is home alone anyway. I’ll catch you later.” I slam my door trying to calm my nerves from my years of frustrations against the Bowers boy.
I pull into my driveway, looking up and seeing Richie’s light on. I enter the house, make my way up our creaky steps, and straight into his room scaring him. He shrieks reaching for a baseball bat next to his bed.
I double over in laughter still very buzzed and happy. “Fuck! Don’t do that (y/n)! I could’ve been tickling my pickle!” I push him down and sit next to him on his bed. “Just calling it that proves you’ve never done that kid.” Richie pushes me playfully. I kiss his head standing up. “I love you Richie. Get some sleep. We’ve got a long weekend.” I wink at him as i close his door.
In the bright morning light my stomach is punched in by a small knee. “Ouch Richie!” I wahle in pain! He laughs and continues to crawl over me to snuggle in beside his older sister. “What are we doing today?” I huff and check the time. 8:46.
“How about we go to Pats for Breakfast. My treat.” Richie’s eyes grew 3x the size of his glasses. He latches his arms around me and says a billion thank yous in my ear. “Go on and get dressed. Meet me at my car in 10 minutes.” I stand up my feet hitting the cold wooden floor. I pick out an outfit to wear, place my makeup neatly on my sink, and grab my purse as i exit the door only to see Richie tugging on the handle. I press the button on my keys unlocking the car and laughing at my brother. “You could’ve just waited inside.” He rolls his eyes laughing. “Just feed me sis.”
Pushing the door open to the diner the instant temperature change feeling good on my chiled cheeks. Carly looks up in excitement upon my arrival. She grabs two menus and rushes to us. “Good morning loves! How was the rest of your night party pooper!” I roll my eyes and follow her to a booth near the bar. “I was just fine. I had a great night's sleep. I feel refreshed!” Carly rolls her eyes shaking her head smirking. “I know something you don’t. I’m not going to tell you. Hahaha.” “You’re such a child. What did you hear?” SHe shrugs and takes out her pen ready for us to order. Richie treats himself to a huge stack of pancakes while I just get a chicken biscuit.
Carly winks at me from the bar laughing. What the hell has she heard?
The front door swings open and a panicked Julie rushes in. She ties her apron around her waist and stops when she passes us. “Oh there they love lady!” I furrow my brows at her. “Love lady?” “Yeah. Did you not hear H-” Julie is pulls away by her ponytail by Carly. “What the fuck has gotten into them?” I look at Richie pressing my pointer finger and thumb together twice. “Beep beep Richie.” He huffs and sits back waiting for his food.
The door opens once more and four figures stroll in sucking the air out of the room. “Do you have to follow me everywhere now?” Carly sasses to Patrick with a smirk. “Hard to with an ass like yours.” “Pig.” She scoffs and goes off to another table.
Henry POV: I woke up feeling hungover and weirdly lighter. My whole stature felt different. Something's been off the whole morning. Belch throws a pillow at me telling me to get up. Soon after we’re all piled in the car on the way to Pat’s to get some food.
Upon entering we go straight to the bar. “Do you have to follow me everywhere now?” Carly sasses to Patrick. “Hard to with an ass like yours.” “Pig.” She scoffs and goes off to another table.
I sit on the stool feeling almost loney. Not in a way I’ve ever felt before though. I look over my shoulder and see little four eyes Tozier munching on some pancakes. “Wonder if he’s here with his faggot friends.” I smirk and stand walking over to him. His eyes meet my frame and his face drains of any color. “Hey there faggot.” I lean on the table yet to revert my eyes to the other side. “Next week at schools going to be a hurt train for you and your fagot friends.” I point a finger at  him aggressively.
“You’ll do nothing to him or those kids Bowers.” I shut up as my eyes meet hers. Her eyes threatening me. I move my frame to a softer stance and lower my shoulders. “I thought we were on a first name basis princess.” I brush my fingertips under her chin. She stays still quite as shocked as I was. Richie looks red in the face. Oh this might be better than hurting him physically… Almost… very close second.
She moves her face away a light blush rising on her cheeks. This small action makes me smile. Patrick's hand lands on my shoulder and he grimes at the two sitting there. “Look at this! A four eyed loser, and his shameful of a slut sister!” (Y/n) looks at me shaking her head. She moves to stand up without words. “Come on Richie.” She grabs his hand leading him to the door, and then outside. I sigh feeling heavy again. Her eyes switched as the words left Patricks mouth. She became hurt. I let her be hurt.
Guilt. That’s what it is. I’m feeling guilty for letting her be pushed around, name called, slut shamed.
“She’s no fun anymore.” Patrick rolls his eyes picking at the leftover food. Julie comes by picking up the plates. “You guys are such asses. What did she ever do to you?”
“Prick.” “What did you just call me?” Julie asks offended. “No. Not you. Fucking Pats.” I push past him and go back to my seat. “You didn’t need to call her that.” “Why not? She is what she is.” The depth in my chest twists and turns hurting me.
“ So either treat me as a fucking equal or never speak to me again Henry!” Her words rang in my head. I look at the boys and sigh. “No more messing around with Tozier’s sister. She’s gone through it long enough.” Julie leans on the counter with a pleasant expression. “I always knew this would happen.” “What are you talking about?”
She laughs. “Aw you really don’t remember? Poor Henry. Going to have to go through all this again.” I tilt my head looking at her in pure confusion. “What? Oh man how drunk was I?” I grab my head in frustration. “Pretty drunk. Just saying drunk words sober thoughts. Might want to search through there a little bit.” Julie says smirking. Well she’s no help!
I turn to my friends and see all their faces as confused as mine, all except for Belch. I point at him. “We’re talking later.” He shrugs and plunges a mouthful of food into his own. “Might want to involve the girls. They heard a lot more than I did.” I lay my head in my hands. Oh fuck Tozier. What have you done?
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photosbymae · 10 years ago
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