#fuckin. how do i tag thisnone
obitv · 2 years
do you have any drey/chip/william/insert character headcanons that might not be relevant to canon but are real to u
wiwi time.... i have so many. honestly. a lot of it is from back when i was first getting into the show and the way i fell asleep every night was pondering the many mysteries of eilliam eisp til i had headcanoned enough to be happy. so...
firstly. his body is like.... weird......... even before dying the million extra timed the wisps like. Arent human anatomy experts? theyre keeping him running, sure, but thats it. if william thinks he should be able to eat, he can eat. if he thinks he can sleep, he can sleep. if he thinks his hair should grow, etc etc. obviously after the train death things get... wonky. because not only are the wisps mad at him but having that connection severed weakened it when he got back. sleeping was harder, he ate less, when he DID eat it honestly just hurt sometimes? stuff like that. + wouldve been when his heartbeat started to get irregular and the decay very slowly began to set in. he started painting his nails a lot more around this time so people would stop asking him why his fingernails were purple (fun thing that happens when yr blood doesnt flow right. this isnt projection its called uh. uh. writing what you know).
also iirc smokijg because are you really a wiwi wisper if you dont have elaborate hcs on his relationship with smoking. he wouldve Very casually smoked back in deadwood, more of a "if my friend is smoking and offers me a drag or the ends ill take it, but ill never ask or buy my oen" kinda guy. when he joins the pd he DEFINITELY doesnt pick it back up because if tide didnt kill him dakota probably would since. dakota definitely would have strong opinions on that shut esp when he knew william was. uh. unstable. over the timeskip though uh. he never Planned to take it back up but he was the only one of thrm who kept going to school so he didnt HAVE anyone in the school since i assume he was avoiding summer or something (they said at the start of s2 that he wouldve stayed in school to graduate im working off that). so he started skipping class and ended up in the unofficial student smoking area and. it started as just sitting there bc he knew teachers wouldnt show up but then. well. stressful time, he had a LOT of thingd he didnt wanna think about yeah he definitely fell into it. vyncent minded a But but like. do they have tobacco on fauna idk man. hed ask will not to smoke inskde and kinda leave it at that because lbr those teo didnt talk NEARLY as much as they shouldve. it doesnt even do much for him by the time s2 starts because. yknow. Decay. no blood means no actual nicotine. but its very much habit by then
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