#fuckimg wheres my natural light
fangsandsoftgrass · 2 months
Why does zenimax consistently place outfit stations in spaces with the worst possible lighting
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juuheizou · 5 years
Ok but like in light of ur last repost, I think Tg’s writing (since the very beginning) was balls to the walls so fuckimg dumb for making what is essentially a minority being discriminated against and yet most of the big baddies are from said minority. It’s only saving grace was the characters and their interactions/development and then Tg:Re happened-
Honestly his attempt at in-universe oppression was completely doomed from the start. If I can get my thoughts coherently together, I might rant abt it another time, but basically any attempt to make the ghoul/human thing a matter of oppression shows a total misunderstanding of how oppression works bc there is no system of oppression on this Earth has a, for lack of a better word, good reason to exist. The attempted “minority” being the natural predator of the “majority” should already be a glaring disqualifier for calling the dynamic between ghouls and humans a good or even passable representation of discrimination.
Ngl the concept of a world where humans have a natural predator that lives among them and actively hunts them, seeing as no real-life animal (even those that theoretically could eat a human) does that, would have been so interesting if done right. Bc we don’t have a concept of animal welfare for an animal that not even a version of exists in real life, and so u have a fricking playground of grey morality and a sandbox of potential solutions to that driving conflict. But no. Ishida decided to go all PETA on us and say ghouls are discriminated by humans not wanting to be the prey animal that gets eaten so actually it’s p black and white and “peace” is actually v simple, it just took volumes and volumes to get to it bc… reasons.
And I’m totally w u as far as the characters have /always/ fricking saved the series and Ishida screwed himself right over when he decided to go and butcher the one thing that really made TG compelling to read.
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