lnstallationwizard · 1 month
ringing bell fan located
ringing bell fan located!!
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mlep · 5 months
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
I'll give you a few!!
Tome in linkage-miku!
Serizawa in violet-kaito!
And finally Reigen in trickster-len :D
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"I don't have hair long enough for these! What are they anyway, they look like little pizzas!"
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"A-am I posing right?"
"Your collar should be up, serizawa."
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"Did you have a scary dream? Why don't I make you a deal?"
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thecoolestdweeb · 1 year
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Lfls fanart but uts kinda meh
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winterdebts · 1 year
I need to get to the woods I need to go camping or something I’m going Crazy out here get me OUT
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
scratching at the mfing walls let me OUTTTT i HATE IT HERREEEEE
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Thats the first time ive measured orgasms over time rather than number, and ho-ly-shit, it this is what overstim and multiple orgasms have been like ive been mising out. Someone needs to make me their pet like this second, because if someone could do that to me in person? Id worship them like a fucking diety.
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percysheliey · 5 months
actually soooo funny the teacher asked the class if we plan parties and nobody responded and he was like oh none of you okay
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sisyphus-prime · 1 year
Guess who cried in front of his therapist TWICE in an hour aha 🤪
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thirdtechnician · 2 years
asked alexa to play punk music and she put on house of memories by brendon urie. im in the bad timeline
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nicromancytarot · 8 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings. I would tell you the cards I got but I pull like 20-30 cards each reading and that just slightly a strenuous task to write them all down lmao.
I asked my spirit guides what the person you’re thinking about would do to you if they could, this was crazy so pick a picture to find out!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
Bro’s fantasising, I put my music on shuffle and got this one song which triggered a memory of when I had a crush on this girl and sat in the car staring out of the window creating scenarios about her to the song lmao, so I feel as though your person may be on the same wavelength as me.
My entire body hurt during this reading, I was having full body channeling which was crazy for me, but as soon as I wrote down that my back and stomach were killing me, the pain went away, so your person may want to metaphorically break your back and possibly even get you pregnant, I was also randomly sweating like crazy so it’s gonna be steamy when they get to have you, I feel like you guys will be going for multiple rounds until both of you are absolutely exhausted and can’t take anymore.
Not going to lie, I see this being someone from the past? #Fuckexes. (Not literally.)
Firstly they may stalk your social media or keep tabs on you, I notice someone gasping at the others breasts if you have those, if they have breast than I’m pretty sure you love them, this is the type of conversation when someone can’t stop looking at the others breasts and is barely paying attention to the conversation.
They wanna watch you play with yourself, they may even want you to send them a video of you touching yourself.
For some of you I can see that they like butt-play, and they like having from behind cus they really enjoy your butt and shoulders, they may like to leave kisses or hickeys on the back of your shoulders. They may also only really see you in a room full of people romantically, but I do get senses that this person may have or might cheat if you were or get into a relationship.
They wanna wine and dine you prior to having sex with you, and I think that they also want to learn what you’re into and have a long winded conversation about both of your boundaries. They also really enjoy your breasts, or you enjoy theirs, I can see that either of you may want to leave a lot of kisses or hickeys there; maybe even for other people to see if you or they enjoy wearing low cut shirts and dresses.
They seem very gentle and worry about your pleasure more than their own, they do want to do some type of butt stuff with you. (What is it with the butt stuff today?) They want to eat the booty or go the full way with it.
At the end they want you to reward their hard efforts with some good ole’ head.
They want to offer a relationship before having sex with you, I do get the vibe that this could be a future spouse who picks you up after heartbreak as we have both the 4 of wands and the 3 of swords. This is the tile of sex that has you forgetting about all the bad things in your life and in the world.
There’s only one card in the spread where she’s not covering her stomach and it’s while she’s watching him count his money so you may only think about getting pregnant after you know they have enough money to sustain you and the baby (they do, they live a life of luxury.) Or you may show them that you have enough money before they think of allowing you to get them pregnant.
They want to take you from behind, finally we have a pile that doesn’t refer to butt-play (amen.) They’re pretty masculine so they would want to take over all of the masculine roles.
You may find them sneaking a glance at your breasts when you first meet.
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cvntyboylove-666 · 2 months
How abut being kept as a breeding bitch for somebody's tentacle monster? You're collared and leeshed and kept locked away most of the time, until you're led into another room and left there. It appears empty. Until they start slithering out of every nook and cranny. Ar first they're simply feeling around you, running along your legs and arms, getting a sense for the shape of you. Then the sudden change.they wrap around all of your limbs, pulling them apart spread eagle, while more tentacles slither their way towards your boycunt. At first they circle it and stroke it, getting you nice and wet before they plunge in, not holding back at all. You cry out, only for it to be stifled as another tentacle from seemingly out of nowhere shoves itself down your throat. More still wrap around your torso, hugging your stomach and caressing your boytits, all the while your pussy is being pounded without mercy. Every now and again another tentacle will worm its way out of god knows where, finding a part of you to wrap itself around and caress. Essentially your entire body is enclosed by them. And then they cum. Every single one of them, simultaneously. You can tell most are inert, but the ones inside of you? That is very fertile, filling your womb so much your tummy starts to bulge. The ones inside of you had much more cum than the others. They stay in you a while, not letting any drip out. They sinply know when its safe to pull out. And when they do, every single tentacle does, leaving you there, your womb full and your body painted. You're dragged back by a leesh to the room you're kept in, your legs barely able to function from the thorough fucking you just received. And this becomes your life. Every single day you're taken to the tentacles, fuckex within an inch of your life, and let go. Its your job, all the while a new brood is growing inside of you. Because of how continuous you're bring fucked and the strange effects of the tentacle cum, you're always pregnant. Always. No breaks in between. You will be constantly pregnant with a tentacle brood for the rest of your days.
Fuuuck. I think I'm in an empty room until I hear something slithering towards me and a wet appendage wraps itself around me. I panic and try to get away but there's no where to go in here and pretty soon there are tentacles wrapped around all my limbs, exploring me. When a big one brushes against my boycunt I can't help moaning. I struggle but the tentacles are restraining me. I can't push it away or close my legs, so I just have to let rub against me, I can't tell if I'm soak with it's juices or my own. Then it enters me and I yell for help, not that I'd get any, but I'm cut off when one circles my throat and forces it's way into my mouth and down my esophagus. Soon I'm being fucked rough from both ends mercilessly, and another tentacle comes to rub my boytits, sucker playing with my sensitive nipples and I become a slave to the pleasure, my mind breaking as I'm completely covered by them. One finds my ass and soon all my holes are being used. Then they shudder and tighten inside me and gallons of cum are poured into me, up my ass, down my throat and into my womb. The tentacles don't let a drop spill out, fucking their cum deep inside me. My stomach is so dissented I look ready to give birth. Despite being fuller than ever, I feel empty when they leave my body and I'm dragged out of the room. Good thing I'll be returning every day after this to breed tentacles for my owner <3
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destielgaysex · 3 months
like thats actually so fuckex up i hate this stupid show why why whyw hy
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thewickerking · 1 month
I aksnso. Am so si k this is so fuckex up. Im drinking so kuch mwater and peeing so mich this suxis ans i srill feel crazy dehyrdated . Negative cov8d test so good on thar front but stipl. Goddamn
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fragiledate · 1 month
world is a fuck. hate finding out artists i love where active this whole time on TikTok. i feel bettayed bruh theres all these speedpaints and edits and exclusive content this is fuckex up
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jam-does-audio · 5 months
Ohhh I fuckex up
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