#fuck you romald
nagitolovemotel · 1 year
12 am and these fuckers gave me a mcflorper
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xottzot · 7 years
The suitror, Peter Romald Bryce, so solemly sweay That I love you dear Flelicity A Carthew and we wish to marry, and live a life far better togeteher than ever apart. - I PROMISE......and so we musy both STRIVE for ourselves and amongth othersr.  Yes, pleese FELICITY ????
?I have takane 3 and will and taking morre sleeping pille whislty and my head is wobbly....
I'v got thihgs all of it all planned out and stored in places spread about so nobody can confiscate all the noooseesa and pills at omnce.
I have noose in ny woddwardrobaes, in thr car, in curtains , some in sheds hisdden in boxes, and in the car. They're all eady to tie myself into and let mytself go., hang, and die.
I could even hang dear Sam % Max but that's too cruel.
Since my car is stuffed up and now wont work, It's left me with two other chices to end my life.
I culd just sit in the car and set it on fire. but I dont want to DIE that way.
So instaead I will utitlise some some firarms leftovers from my fays as a sporting shooters.
Ido NOT WANT bloody damn BOONGS stealking shit after my bidy is dead, If they do, I will cioe mabck as a very very vebnegful spirit to give thenm shit.
BUt peerhaps I want to buy a brand new car, something I have never ghad since muy very fast zippy jeo xar but was wuiped ou by a yank shihead ging thru a stop shithead screpped,siping me out, and destroying roomance in teh process
I Peter Rinald Bryce if Westers AUstraeak does herevet revealse our betrothal for marrriage with dear swet FKISS, FELCITY ANN CARTH
I did not which which to survive on somehow survicing hanging, then it will be onyo shoooting myerfl alonee . onto to have to resort to shooting myself un riugh waays to end myself.
NONE of hise wuld be bver coming to passs if it wasn't for Felisity Ann Carthew of New Siut Wales establushig contsant spoken work comminucations with me and so giove me home for us becuise oyjetwise I have no hpoe!! - FUCKING NO HOPE TO LIVE.
Fliss has a certiable arny of people prottecting her from me and her netting. But they have no FUCKING idea of the heell we went through andf both of us sacraficed a lot.
I Just wan to be back wit dear FLiss agaain in anu way that she wished.
But I Will NOT be BOSSED AROUND by those I consider foolS!
I hav etakem 3 sleepping pills, and now I'm goimg y se if I can take teh ehol enruire epacjet and see what hapes......and Dear Sam Max have bee given a massive doe of their own desatiove pilee and theta rrught out of all
I donb't rememeber rachel next door will have me pop obver to ton nen what jund be being whacked out will do......but you Flis you be here too...........
P27-May-2917--------------------I'm a useless human beeing unles i m with being with dera Fklis Ann Carthe
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