#fuck you if you don't like hellokitty
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imagineweasley · 15 days ago
Puppy Love: Part III
Sirius Black x Fem reader
summary: you and your friends are fascinated by animagi and one day, decide to take a risk and become one. it proves to be an interesting experience - one day you are wandering the forest when things take a turn and secrets are revealed...
read part 1 here! read part 2 here!
y/n: your name
y/h: your house
y/c: your color
submit a request!
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taglist: @hellokitty-girl666
I should have brought an umbrella. I thought I would have more time before the drizzling would intensify, so I hadn't bothered to go to my room to get a jacket or anything. An umbrella would have been too conspicuous anyway. Plus, Mrs. Norris had caught me and after a silent staring game for a minute or two, had stalked away to rat me out to Filch. I was on a time crunch now.
I clutched my bag closer to my side, trying to become as small as possible. If you saw me from the side, you would probably be reminded of one of those large shrimp that restaurants bring to you fully intact, shell and all. I never understood that! How many times a day do restaurants get people like me, who can never understand how to eat them, no matter how many times you ask a waiter to demonstrate for you? Then you still don't get it, and end up getting a piece of shell in every bite anyway.
That's not what I should be focusing on. I pushed the shrimp out of my brain and returned to the task on hand. I trekked to the greenhouse, through dirt that was quickly turning into mud with the downpour. The rain slapped me on the face from all angles as the wind blew this way and that. Even though I was shivering and wet, I was a little thankful for the extra cover this storm was providing me.
Suddenly, a clap of thunder rang out, and shortly after, lightning shattered the black sky. Better hurry.
I hopped over the last puddle before cracking open the door to the greenhouse and sliding through. I set my bag down and pushed some wet hair out of my eyes before making my way over to the back corner where the mandrakes were. All I could do was hope that in the last twelve hours, the plants had dropped at least one more leaf for me.
I reached the corner and let out a sigh of relief. I had gotten lucky, and there was a single leaf laying in the dirt in a pot three rows back, right smack in the middle. I retrieved my bag from its place by the door and leaned over the pots, assessing what would be the best angle to not disturb the sleeping mandrakes.
Tongue sticking out of my mouth with concentration, I carefully curved my arm over the first two rows of pots. I squinted to focus better in the dark and reached my fingers through the vegetation. I dared not breathe in case it would disturb the plants.
Unfortunately, I do scare easily, so when thunder rolled through overhead, I started and my pinky grazed the mandrake to the right.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." I quickly grabbed the leaf with my fingertips, less careful than I had been before, and quickly withdrew, managing to not bump any other plant. Even so, I could already see the mandrake stirring, stretching the branches that had been disturbed. I hurried to wrap the leaf in some tissue I brought with me, and stuck it carefully in a pouch on inside my bag.
The mandrake started whimpering, and I knew I only had a matter of time before it started wailing. I ran to the greenhouse door and sure enough, as soon as I rammed it open, a shriek pierced through the air, overtaking the pouring rain.
"Fuck!" I gritted my teeth and let the door swing shut and started running. I thought I was almost to safety, but I should have been more careful. I didn't know that someone had been watching me.
Sirius's POV
I made sure to stay at least a good distance behind y/n. Luckily, I had worn my quietest trainers today and I was able to keep my footsteps from echoing through the halls. Y/n looked like she was trying to be as quiet as she could too, sneaking on the balls of her feet and occasionally flashing a glance behind her. I was well aware that I was being sort of creepy, but I couldn't help it; I was intrigued by what y/n, someone who's always been a rule-follower, could be doing out at night.
I narrowed my eyes as she left the confines of the castle and headed towards... the greenhouse? It was pouring rain and she had no jacket on; I wanted to run after her to offer her mine but I couldn't reveal myself. She sloshed through the mud and slipped in through the door. I pressed my back against the wall, mind racing as I went through all of the possibilities. Was she just a herbology nerd? Had some urgent homework to complete? I doubted it. From what I heard, y/n's strength is transfiguration, not herbology.
I made eye contact with a witch gardening in a very tall hat in the painting across the hall to me. She raised a knowing eyebrow at me and I held my finger to my lips, silently begging her to not reveal my position. She sniffed and turned her nose up at me before returning to her tulips.
I waited a couple minutes before peeking around the corner again. Y/n was returning, head down to shield herself from the rain. She was clutching her bag.
"Y/n, what on earth are you up to?" I muttered.
As she got closer to the castle, I decided to play it cool by leaning sideways on the wall and crossing my arms. The nosiness in me just couldn't let this go.
She reentered the castle and paused to peel some hair off her face.
"Fancy seeing you out this late?"
She jumped and turned wide-eyed. I flashed a grin at her even though I could already feel my cheeks growing hot. Thank god it was dark.
"Sirius! I - I - what are you doing?" She nervously looked around her shoulder at the greenhouse before clearing her throat and crossing her arms, attempting to look casual.
"Sometimes when the boys are annoying me I'll go on a walk, but I don't normally see you around." I pushed myself off the wall and walked slowly towards her. She stayed where she was, her arms stayed crossed and defiant. She was still shivering though, which made her just a tad less formidable.
"Maybe you just never see me because I'm good at not being caught."
"I don't think so, y/n. Trust me, I have my ways of knowing," I thought of the Marauder's Map, "And plus, it's just not like you."
"How do you know that it's not like me?"
I hesitated, thinking I revealed too much but resolutely waved it off. "Don't worry about it."
I was a mere foot away from her now and even in the dark, I could see her y/c eyes, looking stormier than usual. I almost backed down at the glint in her eyes, but held my ground. I'd never been this close to her and I was enjoying it, even though I could hear my heartbeat rushing in my ears.
"You're shivering."
"Nice observation, Black." She retorted, smirking. I let out a breathy laugh and then shrugged my jacket off.
"Take my jacket."
"No, I can't-"
"Just take it. Also, you have mud on your face."
"But you'll be cold-"
"Merlin's saggy left ball just take it! You're soaked!"
Y/n paused, and then laughed her bright, deep laugh, the one that comes from her stomach. The one that she only laughed when she thought something was actually funny.
I beamed and helped her into my jacket from behind. She slid her arms in, bag still slung around her so it was tucked underneath. I brushed some fuzz off the shoulder before she turned around, and without even thinking, I raised a hand to wipe the mud off her face.
As soon as I made contact with her pink cheek, the air went electric and I froze. I stood cupping her face, and gazed into her y/c eyes; the storm that had been brewing in them had settled down, and the defiant glint had become a soft glimmer. Her lips were slightly parted and my eyes flickered down, imagining what I would give to be able to feel them on my own lips, just once...
I cleared my throat to snap myself out of my reverie, and she coughed and flushed red. I stepped back and shuffled my feet awkwardly before asking, "Can I walk you back to your dorm?"
"Yes, of course." Her words spilled out like water and I managed a shaky smile.
We started heading towards her dorm, tension still filling the air, but somehow, the silence was comfortable. Every so often, our fingers would brush and I thought I would throw up the butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't help sneak looks at her in my jacket.
"You look good in my clothes."
I earned another quiet laugh from her (that's two now!) before she said, "Sirius, what a smooth talker you are."
"I'm serious, you look good in the jacket. Leather suits you. Not that you don't look good in your normal clothes, you look good in everything, everyday you look fantastic, I mean..." I trailed off, very aware of the fact that I was rambling. What a mess you are, Sirius Black.
Y/n looked up at me, amused, and we continued in silence but in my mind I was screaming.
We reached the entrance of the y/h dormitories and turned to face each other. She slid the jacket off of her body and held it out.
"Well... thank you for this. For walking me back. And for the jacket. I appreciate it."
"Of course, y/n. It was my pleasure. If you decide to go on a late night walk ever again... let me know."
She looked up at me through her lashes, and the way she looked at me combined with the soft orange glow of the torch turned my knees to jello. Then she hesitantly took my hand in hers. My breath hitched.
"Who ever thought Sirius Black would be such a gentleman?"
I still could barely breathe and couldn't stop staring at our hands, but managed to splutter, "I - yes, I - of course - I -" Y/n giggled before letting go and uttered the password to the dorms. She waved before she disappeared around the corner and the entrance slowly swung shut.
I sighed and leaned my head against the wall; I needed some support to keep myself standing. Between all the blushing and the banter, I had forgotten to ask all of my questions like what were you doing in the greenhouse and why were you talking about James' invisibility cloak? Whatever. It's not like my brain had been working properly tonight anyways.
I lightly banged my forehead against the wall a few times, cringing at what a fool I had made out of myself, but in the back of my mind there was now a whisper of something resembling hope, a whisper that hadn’t been there before. Her holding my hand and looking up at me the way she did... maybe there was a world where she felt the same about me, and maybe that world was this one... All I knew that I'd be haunting the halls every night from now on, hoping that I'd catch her again.
A small shadow in the corner revealed itself to be Mrs. Norris. She gazed haughtily at me and I held my hands out welcomingly, flashing a smile that dripped with sweetness.
"Come on beautiful, you'll let me off the hook tonight, right?" She merely threw her head back and trotted off. I called after her, "Oh, sod off Mrs. Norris!"
That was my cue to leave. I managed to pull myself together and, in a trance, floated back to my bed.
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ijuswannacry · 1 year ago
Sick Brain Cult
 Once me and Sickdog got to know one another he finally decided to bring me in as a member of his group. They called themselves the Sick Brain Cult- being clear they weren't actually a cult, it was just a moniker they used. It was closer to a hacktivist collective, with all the members having supernatural skills given by their patrons. 
I don't know if there's a correct word for it, but within the group me and everyone else is mentally joined with a....Ghost? Demon? Angel? Aliens? I've had mine as long as I can remember, but others obtained them at various points in their lives and once you have one you're stuck with it. 
Sickdog told me a lot of people go off the edge fighting theirs, but sometimes someone has a good head on them and manages to work with theirs instead of against it. A lot of them just want to exist, and in exchange for the continued mostly sane housing they give up some of their mojo for us. Some are stronger, some not so much.
Everyone on the crew contributed, all it took to be a member was having a patron and being able to work with it. Sickdog didn't care if someone was useful for operations, if you wanted to help he would find a way to let you.
Its hard to explain what our goal as a group was. We had some simple ideas, such extremes as "The government should be a public service" and "being alive is a basic right" I mean we also liked to get involved in things when we needed to, but Sickdog wanted us to use our skills to make the world better for people, even if it was exposing creeps and posing politicians financial records on liveleak.
Most of us had backgounds in tech or otherwise provided something for the overall operation. Hellokitty was into the occult and her patron let her use her magic stuff for us, she kept watch over star charts and everything because if you're about to put on a headset and hack secrets from somewhere you want to do it when mercury isn't on it's gatorade. Blackice liked to work specifically on creeps, they'd get jacked up on monster and spend hours luring these fucks in and then sending the screenshots to their family.
Sickdog did the programming side. I handled gear, like weapons, my VR project that worked to create functional cyberspace headsets with Sickdogs help. Gracie was once in medical engineering before they got a patron and she helped us create all of our bio gear and kept us from frying ourselves.
Sick Brain was the only thing in my life then, it's members were my family. 
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hellosweetdayspng · 1 year ago
i am not gatekeeping. simply not making a tutorial is not gatekeeping. type into google or youtube "how to make a transparent image in [insert your editing software of choice]" and you will find a tutorial that suits your needs.
if you look at my response to your original message that you found "rude" you will find i never even told you no, that i wasn't making a tutorial. all i did was ask for patience and then explain that you only need to send one message, for i am one person and there are reasons i can't always be as on top of things as i would like. i had actually still planned to do a tutorial up until i had recieved a message from @/hellokitty-chan a few hours later, followed by a thinly veiled doxxing threat telling me "it's only going to get worse" and that "reddit is going crazy over this" (which i have found no proof of), and a few more telling me off for gatekeeping. all of these messages came from the same IP address. at that point i decided i wasnt going to make a tutorial any time soon because i didn't care to appease somebody who was threatening me.
i answered the ask you're talking about almost two weeks ago at this point and haven't said anything else, i've only been posting photosets. in the last two weeks and since i have turned off anonymous asks, i have gotten many messages from 4 different sockpuppet accounts ranging from telling me im stealing my edits, demanding i make a tutorial to calling me a gatekeeper to telling me the picsart community is mad at me to demanding we private message to "talk about my attitude" to telling me im being rude to my "fans". my notes are currently flooded with more sockpuppet accounts telling me im messed up and im gatekeeping and asking what the fuck is wrong with me that i'm a 21 year old man who "gatekeeps sanrio".
i really don't think i was being rude, but if i was, your response to my rudeness is completely disproportionate to my initial transgression. after all this talk about how rudeness and gatekeeping doesn't align with sanrio's values, please consider if what you're doing aligns with sanrio's values either. i personally wouldn't be able to see hello kitty getting angry at somebody for asking for patience then proceeding to send passive aggressive messages and threats to them for two weeks.
you can..... do whatever from this point but i won't be talking about this or answering any of your messages after this. by the way, ibispaint is my editing software of choice.
(You can post this if you want! I just wanted to bring awareness towards this)
Hey so there are a few accounts that do this but one that was really rude towards a member of the Sanrio community was this account @hellosweetdayspng they’ve been gatekeeping their edits and getting mad at fans who ask for the tutorials and are just curious on how they get their pictures…there’s a few posts about going around and that’s why I brought this here! (I have messages from the account I’m going to dm to you)
The Sanrio community is an open space that supports inclusivity and we should be encouraging and supporting each other and their ways of contributing to the community!
To be rude to the people who support and LIKE YOUR CONTENT is truly a dumb thing to do.
Note to people who follow!
* you should not be gatekeeping edits as it is Sanrio’s content
@hellosweetdayspng I hope you start to realize that gatekeeping is a terrible thing to do! And your followers and the Sanrio community were just asking questions…….
You have time to make edits so why don’t you just post the apps you use and where you get your screenshots from in a post when you post your next edit..?
Ok thank you for information!
I feel sad when the community is not being nice.
Everyone should be respectful
I will post the picture for education reason
Thank you again and please tell me if this happen again
Please be more kind to communities you are a apart of
The community is trying to be nice and apart of the edits and space! why exclude them from enjoying Sanrio @hellosweetdayspng ??????
as someone who is born in Japan this is disappointing and really upsets me and goes against Sanrio and their warm fanbase. I'm sorry you guys are going through this. Just keep bringing awareness toward problem.
Let me know if you guys ever want a tutorial I'll learn something for you guys and post!
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reallyromealone · 2 years ago
Heyo! I was wondering if you could possibly do a femboy/hellokitty lover male reader w/ Bonten. Like Bonten meets him off of instagram or tiktok and are instantly hooked. I'll leave the rest 2 you of u even eanna write this abomanation :p Thank you<3
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Fuck it sure
It started when ran was scrolling instagram, somehow stumbling across @(instahandle) who was the prettiest man he ever saw.
Soft pinks and cute skirts was what his eyes met every post along with flirty little thirst traps, the pretty man had Ran in a chokehold.
It didn't take him long to show the femboy to the rest of Bonten and soon enough all of them were looking at all his... Promiscuous pictures and donated like crazy on his livestreams.
This would eventually catch the pretty boys attention, checking his biggest donors pages to see that they were all executive's or high high ranking to 'Sano family Trade enterprise' and were... Really fucking hot.
He didn't really care for the money aspect, it was just a bonus as he began talking to the men.
Bonten practically whispered sweet nothings to him through text, making his knees weak with their flirty texts.
Bonten was obsessed, spending all their free time texting him and even getting some adorable photos of him during his day to day and if they were lucky some more racier pictures.
'can we meet?' (name) was panicking as he sent that to them, not sure if they would find him weird or creepy for wanting to meet him...but he was just so inthralled by the men.
He's never been so wanted by people.
Sure he had his fans but these men...the way they wanted him made him feel like he was the only one.
So here he was sitting in a coffee shop that was incredibly fancy as per the men's request while sipping on (drink of choice), when he stated to the person who does the seating his Reservation...they looked startled but (name) didn't pay that much mind.
He wore his cutest outfit for them, an even cuter pair of men's lace panties under his skirt.
He was worried though, what if they didn't show up? What if that a sick joke or a catfish...
Bonten walked in and immediately went to the area they knew (name) would be in, eyes raking his being as the angel drank his beverage.
"God those pictures don't do you any justice" Ran said huskily as he slid beside (name), the rest of Bonten following suit as they stared at (name) with an intensity that would scare most people but (name) was just hypnotized by their eyes.
Why did such pretty men have to have such captivating eyes?
If the men were menaces in text, they were demons in real life.
Even Mikey was flirting in his own Mikey way.
"That's a real cute skirt" Koko commented as he played with the fabric, hands touching (name)s thighs "thank you..." (Name) mumbled, the man's cold hands feeling weird against his warm skin but he didn't mind.
When the meet came to an end (name) was completely entranced by these men and their dynamics and found behind the flirty charm they were very fun to hang with.
"I had..a lot of fun today" (name) didn't know why he felt so comfortable with the men, even letting them drive him home as Mikey "I was wondering if you guys wanted to do this again"
When Bonten saw (name), they thought he would be just a cute little play toy but now... They didn't want to let him go.
"Bold of you to assume we haven't already planned a real date"
"But this was a date?"
"Oh darling, you haven't even begun to see what kind of dates we put together"
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JIHOON KIM (지훈이 ₊˚⊹♡)
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💗🎀🎂 (x)
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