#fuck you hamassholes
I think about the fact there is a mosque on top of our destroyed Second Temple.
The part that makes me sad, is that I bet so many prayers are said wanting to kill Jews, as they pray on our Holy Land.
I am torn. I want vengeance of course, but I also don't want to hateful. I want justice, I don't want "vengeance". Justice for all that our people have gone through. Justice for all of those who are so antisemitic and hateful. Saying they want to listen, but they scream over you, they don't listen.
Israel was brutally attacked out of nowhere in the middle of the night on a Jewish High Holiday, aiming for civilians... not caring if his citizens are collateral damage. That is clear-cut terrorism. If this isn't, then the USA needs to be tried for war crimes, as well as many other countries.
Do you not care about any other suffering but your own?
You broke into a building, breaking the law, damaging it, then when not even 24 hours later you are asking to be fed... but... what about the starving Palestinians? They haven't eaten in days, you just need your breakfast...
Stupidity of this world, the twisted ways of thinking, brainwashed youth...
We have said it so many times. We just want to be independent, we want to have a right to exist, we want Land promised to us by G-D. There is nothing wrong with people living next to Israel, as long as they are not constantly sending teenage suicide bombers, and shooters. Not teaching their children to be terrorists and that martyrdom isn't the way to "get into heaven".
Please. Help us.
P.s. About 1/3 of the population of Israel is Arab, and some are even white. Do they deserve to die?
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About me:
Male, he/him/his
Proud Jew ✡️
Proud to be half Aboriginal (Cree Tribe)
I stand up for what is right
ASD, Fibro, learning disabilities, reading comprehension issues (mostly social interactions), lack of social skills, hard of hearing, bad fine motor skills, cluster B disorder, speech impediments, unreliable speech.
Born somewhere between 1975-1989
Licensed social worker
I've lived one wild ride of a life
I do more research than a final year law student, for fun...
I grew up without internet
I don't know new slang
I am a proud Zionist 🇮🇱 Israel has every right to exist as it sets an example for decolonization
If you support hamasshole, you are a terrorist sympathizer and an antisemite
anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are the same thing
There can not possibly be a genocide in Gaza as they are Islamic Arabs like other countries in the region and all over the world that make up over 24% of the population
Islam is not a religion of peace, don't feed me that
Return our hostages
Recognize Israeli pain
Recognize that you have been brainwashed by a terrorist
You all feel bad for being colonizers and for being Islamophobic for so long you think killing all the Jews or giving them no home is okay because it makes up for your other hate
There is no such thing as righteous hate, you're just being hateful and evil
Hamas started a war he can't finish
Israel and Jews will be here when you hateful goyium garbage are all long gone. We outlasted many Dynasties.
Fuck you leftists, I hope you see your ways and you feel horrible for supporting what you did just to fit in.
No I don't want every Palestinian to die, that's hamassholes thing
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People always put words in my mouth. I love how people say "I'm okay with stolen land", uh, I'm really not. Have you read anything on my blog?
"Well I lost family during WW2", again did you read my blog? I lost my entire extended family in conservation camps... wrong again...
This war has a the lowest civilian casualties of any war in modern history.
The UN and hamasshole are constantly caught lying.
Israel is not stolen land, learn your damn history.
And learn where Palestinians actually came from. Being rejected by other Arabic countries for extremism.
I swear the educational system is failing you all so hard.
Is critical thinking not a thing?
Is wanting peace just not a thing?
Is wanting to be safe in public just not a thing?
Apparently it's "shameful" to want peace and a two state solution?
K, Karen's. Just, k.
When you post a link to an actual educated article that is peer reviewed, we will talk. I don't get my information from social media... I'm not a fucking idiot.
Bye-bye 👋
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