#fuck you csp for not having an easy button for it
pinkalliums · 1 year
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is that aubrey from omori?!?!? (tap for better quality lmaoo tumblr killed my png cause of the texture i added i think)
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arcaneyouth · 2 years
What kind of art supplies do you use?
I do exclusively digital art with the exception of doodling with these random glitter pens I found in my old purse! I use mainly Paint Tool SAI as my art program, but also do some things in Clip Studio Paint. CSP is big and scary tho and has a lot of buttons that confuse me so much, so I prefer working with SAI since I actually know how to use it. I use a Huion H610 Pro tablet and have been ever since I got into digital art. Other than the occasional glitch out that I've learned how to fix really fast, it's been a super reliable tablet and I'd hate to have to switch to another one. I also sometimes use paint . net because SAI doesn't have a shape tool, and if CSP does I haven't found it yet. Paint . net also just has cooler filters than CSP
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