#fuck off willoughby. Laura's infinitely more competent
laura-de-milf · 2 years
I've been thinking about how long it took everyone to buffer after the anti-age fog and to process what happened: it took Rita's glasses for her to place herself in 1937, and Vic only registered what was happening when he felt his braces--both long after the fog disappeared.
How potent must Laura's teenage trauma have been for her to feel even the first hint of it and immediately clock what the fog was doing--without yet having the visual clue of seeing what had happened to the others? She had only just walked into the room and had no context for the potion bottle; she had no reason to suspect it was an anti-ageing spell, but it took only the fractional moments of fog-blindness for her to figure it out and shapeshift accordingly.
Laura de Mille is the most intelligent, quick-thinking, and competent person in that house. And she is also full of so much pain. 😔
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