#fuck it might not have lasted that much longer on a console/PC/whatever either
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alteredphoenix · 2 years ago
This is going to come off as very nitpicking as well as very selfish (and perhaps ungrateful, but I need to get this off my chest) but as much joy as I get from writing ToLumi fics there’s also something sad and bittersweet (more bitter than sweet, really), too, because you can clearly tell the section on AO3 was much more active when the game was running; and as soon as the EoS was announced and the game got Thanos Snapped, the reading numbers just dropped.
Like at least Crestoria has a manga that’s hanging on by a thread, so it has somewhat of a chance to finish what it started (which apparently from what I saw on Tales Twitter we were more than halfway through the story; like that’s ridiculously fucking fast for a mobile game), and that’s if people ignore the producer going ‘yeah well I only bought one copy of the manga to do my part Because Reasons and can’t do much despite the pull I have and could have on the IP now compared to That Other Guy, oh woe betide me’ and (try to) keep it running through pure spire and dedication alone. There is absolutely no guarantee Luminaria will get the same treatment because you know that Axed Manga ending got spliced together (three episodes!!) and that’s as far as I can with fic writing where canon - and BamCo - are concerned, and that pisses me off so fucking much.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #347
“lay your head down, child  /  i won’t let the bogeyman come  /  count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums”
Have you ever watched a whole hour long infomercial? Ha, Girt and I have one day when he was hanging out. It was about a vacuum, to be precise. Do you tend to cave into peer pressure? No. Do you think it's attractive for a man to wear eyeliner? Yeah. Are you listening to music currently? Yeah, it's this version of Manson's "Lunchbox" that I hadn't heard before. Have you ever done something you once thought you'd be too chicken to do? Yeah, like going on this one ride at a fair. Y'know, the kind that slowly brings you way up and abruptly drops you. What's your relationship to the child you’re around most? They're my nieces and nephew. Have you ever had an illegal substance in your blood stream? No. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to your hair? More than once, back when I had long hair, it would get so knotted from neglect that I'd brush out just... giant clumps of hair. The joys of depression, right? It's honestly part of the reason I cut it all off, and it's something I seriously recommend for people who struggle with brushing their hair. What do you think about cats? I adore them. Who do you want with you when you're afraid? Absolutely my mom. Who might as well just be your sibling? Ha, Sara. We're just so remarkably similar, and even when we first met in person, we clicked like it was nothing. Would you ever consider working for the government? No; I'm not working with corrupt, lying motherfuckers. What is the weirdest thing you have ever witnessed a sibling doing? Well, your sister "sleepwalking" or whatever she was actually doing and grabbing a knife she'd hidden under her mattress to creep towards her then-boyfriend was beyond just "weird." Your first best friend's name? Brianna. How do you act when you're uncomfortable? "Anxious, impatient, and fidgety." <<<< Same. It's very obvious I want to get out of the situation. What bug would you like to be extinct? Do wasps do like... anything for the environment? I don't want to give a definite answer here that ends up being ignorant, because I appreciate bugs that are even just a regular food source for more vital creatures like spiders, but I don't know a damn thing wasps do that are beneficial. They just kill bees, from what I know. Do you know anyone other than a cop who has ever owned a cop car? No. Have you ever felt fire? I mean, I've never directly touched fire, no. What would you do if your first love asked you back out? I REALLY DON'T WANT TO PICTURE THIS. Do you know anyone that is a lesbian? Yeah. What are your thoughts on roleplaying games? I think they're fun. Do you want to have a bachelor/bachelorette party before you get married? So, true story, I don't even know what those entail exactly. But considering how few friends I have, I probably wouldn't. Ever been texted by mistake and played along & acted like you knew them? No. Would you ever get a name tattooed on you? Noooo sir. Do your parents dress like they’re years younger? Does it gross you out? They don't, but it wouldn't gross me out...? They can dress however they damn well please. Obsession from childhood? Dinosaurs and Spyro probably top the list. Favorite activity to do in warm weather? Just swim, really. I hate warm weather. Favorite activity to do in cold weather? If there's snow, take pictures. If it's just cold, then I like to just stay inside and bundle up in bed. Five songs to describe you? I don't know five, but I know a few I resonate with: "Get Up" by Mother Mother, "That's What You Get" by Paramore, uhhh then idk. Best way for someone to bond with you? Hm. Probably just like... talk about life, like our stories and things we've been through, both good and bad. Just being mutually vulnerable makes me feel connected to people. I like bonding via music, too, and I find it pretty exciting to share songs and, once again, go deeper and share what they mean to you, etc. etc. In summary, I just like getting to know a person at their core. What is the first meme you remember seeing? Hell if I know. Lemonade or tea? Lemonade, by a landslide. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Fantasy. Favorite type of cheese? American. If you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? I relate very deeply to Henry Townshend from SH4 with saying "what the hell?" about literally everything. If you were an anime character, what genre of anime would it be? I'unno. Character you relate to? Since watching a playthrough of the game the first time, I've related to Max Caulfield from Life is Strange very deeply. An awkward photographer that cares a lot for people. Favorite website from your childhood? Webkinz. Least favorite flavor of food or drink? Grape, usually. Or orange. Favorite potato food? French fries. PC or console gaming? I prefer console games. Writing or drawing? Shit man, why you gotta make me choose? I feel much more satisfaction after drawing something I'm proud of, but I write way more. Who would you put before everyone else? My mom. How many phone numbers do you have memorized? Literally none. Do you get motion sickness? No. Have you ever been on a cruise? No. Have you ever bailed a friend out of jail? No. Have you ever won anything from a radio station? No. What do you do when you go to the beach? Swim for a while and then sit under the tent or whatever we brought and think about how ready I am to go home and get out of the heat. How many pillows are on your bed? Two. Do you like pickles? Yeah. Do you like camping? I've never been *legit* camping; Dad would just sometimes set up the tent in the yard and he and my sisters and I would sleep out there. I LOVED that as a kiddo. I think I'd enjoy like, one night of actual camping, so long as I have my camera and phone. My technology dependence would probably get me by Day #2, lol. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? No, and I don't plan to. Wrecking in one of those can fuck you the hell up. Even with a helmet, just honestly, it seems... pretty stupid to put yourself at THAT incredible a risk. Have you ever had plastic surgery? No. Were you ever sent to the principal’s office as a kid? I don't think so... but maybe once? I have this super faint memory of being in the office, but maybe I was bringing them something from my teacher? That sounds about right. Have you ever used a slingshot? No. Have you ever driven an electric car? No. Do you live in an area that is prone to tornadoes? They happen here, but I wouldn't say we're "prone" to them. We get tornado watches/warnings a lot when we have summer storms, but it's seldom they actually occur, and it's even rarer for them to be noteworthy at all. What breed was the last dog you saw? One of our neighbors has a German Shepherd she walks a lot. How long have your parents been together (or how long were they together, if they no longer are): I wanna say around or over 20 years? I don't know. What 5 words best describe your mother’s personality? Loving, welcoming, resilient, selfless, and strong. Do you know any transgender people? Yes. Have you ever had a parrot sit on your shoulder? No, but that'd be cool. In the morning, do you eat breakfast first or brush your teeth first? I eat first. What’s something you’ve been struggling with lately? A number of things, but my weight's the real problem right now. All the weight loss progress I once made has almost been entirely erased... and I'm extremely, extremely upset about it. I'd rather move onto the next question than elaborate on this bullshit. Do you carry condoms? No, I don't have a reason to. Would you date someone with braces? Yes. Do you think people look up to you? God no. How often do you have trouble sleeping at night? Pretty much every night. Any vacations planned? No. We've never been able to afford vacations. Who were you last in a car with? My mom. Did you ever watch Sailor Moon? Yeah. My older sister was ooooobsessed. She even had the little toy wand and would dance to the theme when it came on. What do you want for Christmas? Well, it's rather early to think of that, but if I had to pull out an answer right now, it'd probably be either Venus' new terrarium (if I don't already have it) or supplies for it. If by some miracle I've been able to get everything I wanted for it by then, I would seriously love a hognose snake. If you had to get glasses would you wear contacts? I've worn glasses for many years, and I can live with it. I'd prefer contacts so I can get an undereye dermal piercing, but they're just too tedious for me. Best party you’ve ever been to? Maybe a big party my friend Summer had for one of her birthdays many years ago. We played lots of games like darts and stuff while listening to good music and just hanging out. Have you ever been surfing? I have not. Are you thinking about asking anyone out? No. Pink lemonade or regular lemonade? Pink. Chocolate or strawberry milk? Chocolate, for sure. I hate strawberry milk. Are you subscribed to a lot of channels on YouTube? Oh yes. Do you wish you had a better phone? Yeah. I mean, my phone is fine, but I particularly dislike the poor camera quality. Do you find texting fun? I'm officially becoming an old woman in that I don't really like texting anymore, but only because I make way too many typos. I would much rather type via an actual keyboard. Do you have any friends who have had twins? No. Do you have any past mistakes you’ve made that haunt you every day? Yes. Seriously. Are you bothered by something someone said to you years ago? Things especially Bryar and Colleen have said to me are probably going to die with me.
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keysharkz-blog · 8 years ago
When Emulation Becomes a Better Alternative Than Going Legit - The Downfall of Nintendo
We’ve all heard Nintendo’s tired insistence that emulation is piracy and they consider it a huge threat to their business, blah blah blah, we’ve probably seen it a million times over. There is a huge crowd against it and I used to actually prefer the legit hardware over emulators for a long time, but over the years I’ve come to learn that emulation actually in most cases (at least for pre-N64 games, but we’ll get to that) emulation is far more practical and better than owning the legit hardware. For those still in the boat of “but emulation is bad!” hear me out here and listen to my argument and perhaps you may change your mind.
1. Nintendo uses emulators and ROMs
It’s probably fairly well known now, but Nintendo has been using emulators and ROMs themselves for years now. Many Wii Virtual Console titles people have dug through the code and proved that Nintendo just downloaded off the net and sold back to you. This has been proven almost beyond any reasonable doubt. Nintendo is using them, despite not inventing said emulators, so why it is not okay for the original creators of said emulators to use them?
2. Emulators are perfectly legal.
Contrary to popular belief, emulators are legal. ROMs are where the grey area comes in. As far as the law is concerned if you own the original game and you use it to say... Dump the data onto your PC into a ROM, it’s technically 100% legal. The illegal part comes where you are downloading games you’ve never purchased. There is no law that states you are obligated to play a piece of software on a specific hardware and no court will uphold such a thing either. Sony attempted this back in the 90s and last miserably.
3. Most people only download games they already own.
It’s been proven most people just download ROMs for games they already own. This is because it’s more convenient than using the original hardware or the hardware is damaged and hard to replace, and many of said games have never been re-released on a modern platform. Backing up your games is perfectly legal and has been a practice on PC for decades. It’s the same principle.
4. Emulation gives you access to games that the original creators clearly were never trying to sell you in the first place.
If you lived in the US chances are you never got to play Mother 3 on your GBA. Nintendo never released it in the US and it’s been almost 15 years later and still no news on if it will ever come out. If it weren’t for fan translations and ROMs the game would have never been seen in the West at all. How is it harming the creators to download something they were never going to sell you in the first place?
5. Emulators are more convenient.
When I can customize my control scheme beyond what the original game allowed, put it on a portable device, an HDMI supporting device, back up my save games, it’s pretty obvious that emulation offers far more convenience. The NES Mini was a perfect example of how people tried to actually support the games legit, for Nintendo to purposefully understock them and then discontinue them after only a few months, fucking over everyone who actually WANTED to support them and forcing them to turn to emulation. The Wii U and the Switch are also examples of how Nintendo drip feeds games onto the virtual console instead of releasing the entire library they have already available. Gabe Newell said it best: “Piracy is a problem with service, the solution? Offer a better service.” When it’s more convenient to emulate a game, it’s a sign that you are doing something wrong.
6. Nintendo violates copyright all the time, why should they not be held to it, but hold you to copyright laws that don’t even exist?
Literally Nintendo has no actual right to take down Let’s play videos of their games or force creators to give them part of their ad revenue. They get away with it because they threaten to drown people in legal fees and a long legal process that would take far longer than it’s worth to combat. Nintendo violates the copyright laws, but expects you to not only follow them, but follow laws that are not even real. Nintendo can’t pick and choose which parts of the law apply. It either all applies, or none of it.
7. Buying physical copies of games in the after market doesn’t aid the original devs at all, and is technically the same as downloading it for free.
Devs don’t get any money when you buy a SNES game at a garage sale. You’re hurting them just as much by buying used games as you are by downloading for free. Actually you’re doing worse because you’re letting someone who is not the creator of the game make a profit off of it. At least with downloading you’re not lining the pockets of Gamestop to continue to rip devs off. So it’s actually morally better to download games than to buy them used.
8. Emulators have preserved games that would have otherwise been lost in time.
Nintendo doesn’t keep old copies of their entire game library around. They often dump and get rid of them. Many games would have been long forgotten had it not been the hard work of emulator makers and ROM dumpers to preserve them. Is it truly better to let those games be lost forever just to avoid making ROMs of them? Emulation has kept many games alive and even made some games popular that would have otherwise never been noticed.
9. Emulation is pretty damn close to looking like the original hardware nowadays.
Anything pre-N64 is basically perfect for most emulators nowadays. It’s a 99.9% accuracy to the point where you can’t even tell the difference. 
Maybe this changed your mind. Maybe it didn’t. Whatever the case, it might be better to stop shaming people for using emulators and start really considering the real problem: why is Nintendo not doing anything to make their service better than emulators and downloading ROMs? Steam proved quite well that a superior service will make people pay for it. PC games have always been some of the easiest to pirate and yet Steam makes tons of money because it’s more convenient to buy the games legit than pirate them. Why get mad at people using a superior service when you could be mad at Nintendo for not trying to make their service worth the money? This shame tactic is just Nintendo getting into your head and telling you to think what they think. Think for yourself for a moment: is it really a good business move to shame people for using the alternative rather than making your product so much better that it’s worth the money?
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punkwhodrinkstea-blog · 6 years ago
Update on my Mental Health & More
Hello folks. I can pretty much say that this blog is dead. The only point of it now is for my emergency need to write without anyone watching which is basically never since my fiancee has taken the place of that and I am doing so much better then I was when I started this blog. This post will be all about my current emotional and mental health status. Along with any rants or ideas I have jumbling around in my head and plans for the future.
I am doing very well. As predicted a while ago, my mental strength of sorts is significantly stronger then I would have expected. Before my depression, I was only 15 or 16 years old. It’s hard to compare my mental and emotional strength to how it was then since obviously before my biggest problem was a zit or math homework… which I rarely did. Now my problems are greater. I have a loved one to care for, I have college which is way more stressful and demanding and has higher stakes then highschool ever did, I have a car which sometimes causes stress. (Speaking of which I need an oil change.) but yeah, you get the point. I’m in an entirely different stage of life at 21 years old opposed to being 15 or 16. I handle stress better and I would say I have almost zero depression symptoms now. But I could make the argument that I have more anxieties, mainly just due to college. Also, I no longer feel like I’m on the defensive. No longer a need to actively keep myself emotionally or mentally well. I have gotten better at picking my battles, avoiding things that aren’t worth engaging in, engaging in things I can win, and even subtly changing others. For a while now my fiancee started to notice that my family is slowly changing to be more like what I’ve been sorta preaching on my blog. My actions and example along with my blunt, “I no longer give a fuck” attitude along with the fact that I am much happier than any of them, seems to be showing them something. At first, I didn’t believe my fiancee that this was happening, not until I started seeing somethings that correspond to her theory myself. It’s very interesting.
Next for something kind of funny. So my fiancee doesn’t like it too much when I get really into a hard level of a video game or any kind of thing that requires me to try again and again for who knows how long to try and beat. For example, in Forza Horizon 2 I tried a side mission where I had to drive a certain car to a certain location and it was one of the hardest things to do in the game. I tried at it for at least an hour and never succeeded. So now when she’s around she encourages me to give it a rest and just have fun. However, she clearly isn’t a competitive male because my idea of fun is taking something like that and mastering it. Challenges like this drive me to be a better player. So ironically Ghost Recon has a mode called Ghost mode where you must beat the whole game without dying once….. Now any attempt can vary from 1 minute to about 50 hours. If I did, I must start from scratch. Well, my stubbornness and need to complete this challenge has caused me to try it over 20 times now and wasted probably about 100 hours of my life. However……...I’m getting better and I will beat it eventually!
While I’m on the theme of gaming I am taking a dive into the first generation of virtual reality. Now VR has a long way to go before it’s a normal thing for the masses. It still needs time for the technology to become affordable, convenient, and, have enough good content to make it mainstream. However, with enough research, I can tell you that if you’re tech-savvy enough or at least willing to put in a little effort and patience. Current generation VR has a lot going for it.
There is one irrational reason why I want to get into VR and it’s not something that drives me too much but it’s something. The thing is, I never got to grow up with the original game consoles. I didn’t have an NES or an Atari and I’m definitely not old enough to have lived in the era arcades living in their hay day. I did have a SNES and my parents never got the family an N64 so I did grow up on 16bit but I also missed the beginning of PC gaming too. The way I see it, this generation of VR is the 8bit equivalent that I wish I could have been around for. I just wasn’t born yet, not much can be done about that lol. VR, as we know it today, will be something to look back on in 15+ years and think he he he eh…. Ya, that was fun and interesting. It’s a pinnacle moment that I’d like to be able to say, ya I was around for that and I gave feedback to help improve it, but more importantly. I was there to enjoy it, simply for what it was.
Next, let’s move onto school stuff. School is very stressful and overwhelming. It helps a lot that I have my fiancee. Without her, I would likely have little to no drive to get things done and to get good grades. Heck, I probably wouldn’t have gotten even close to where I am now without her. She also encourages me to get my work done before each weekend because those are the only times I can see her each week so I make sure I get all my work done so I can see her and not have to worry about too much. But as a college student, you’re always worried. ALWAYS. But whatever. Only 4 more weeks I think and the last week hardly counts. I can make it…. Then I have next year.
So folks other than that I might as well talk about what I have in mind for the future. My website is still a big thing that I’ve been slowly adding too. I hope to somehow start some sort of recreational league for online gaming to help connect people and make friends along with friendly competition. Also, I have so many books I want to write and the one book that I finished…. Well, ‘finished’. I am basically redoing it. It’s not that it’s bad, but I’ve learned so much about writing and have things I want to improve and more subtle topics and world issues that I think I could expose through my book that I’d like to touch on. Plus I actually want to make it more of a gamer story than a drama, even though it was hardly a drama at all. Also, some characters need to be either cut, added to, or get more screen time per se.
Lastly, my fiancee and I have a pretty good plan which will see us moving into our own cheap apartment in a little over a year. It’s a bit ambitious and optimistic, however, it’s possible. She will be in school and I’ll hopefully be pulling in around 25k a year with whatever journalism, writing or media related job I can find after college. But I mess up a lot so we’ll see.
I will continue to write here sorta as a journal or epilogue to the rest of my earlier blog posts which have far more important topics in them. So ya. That’s all folks.
Punk Who Drinks Tea Signing off… *static sound*
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skiasurveys · 8 years ago
if you could have sex with any celebrity right now, who would it be? well he aint a celeb but an youtuber since i dont like celebrities..so maybe markiplier? if you had to have sex with one of your best friends who would it be? all of em ;) ever fallen in love with a friend?  well they all start off as friends did you end up getting together or not? nobody specif i mean my current bf and i were friends for  little while before we officalized it but it wasnt like we were just friends. ive never dated anyone where we were friends for a while then started to date.
if yes, how did you end up together? if no, why not? ^
have you ever been the other woman? No. we all have that one song that gets us pumped, what’s yours? i hate these questions cus i forget every song i know have you ever been to prom? did you have a good time? well we dont have prom in canada, well where i live but we did have a grad dance but i didnt go. But how my grad worked was we all got to dress up in nice dresses/tuxs for the dinner. so thats what i did. don’t you just hate it when someone is a boring texter? yES. usually i try to make a conversation.if they dont add i just stop texting. ever let someone use you knowing they were using you? Yep how many people have you slept with (sexually not actually sleeping)? one. how many of them were you actually in love with? one ever taken someone’s virginity? No. would you ever want to be with a virgin? if no, why not? no actually lol favorite song lyrics? i have lots but im too tired to think of em. do you constantly find yourself internet stalking your ex? no but sometimes i check their fb but like once in a blue moon. i dont care. if yes, how many times a day on average do you find yourself doing this? like i said, once in a blue moon. usually if im thinkin about them or something but last tme i checked was months ago cus i saw he got a new gf and i wanted to see what she looked like. and no not to be a dick either. so like, what’s your zodiac sign? Sagittarius 
what’s your favorite item of clothing you have & why? eh, nothing really. im bored of my clothes atm im in a desperate need to shop.. do you have anything to hide? my emotions are you friends with any of your exes? eh. not really. my one ex who always talked to me stopped texting me, thak fucking god it was so annoying.
given the chance would you take any of your exes back? No. do you have an addiction? to what? my phone do you like being taken or single more & why? taken. its just who i am i guess. i just like knowing i have someone there who i can be myself with and have a romantic relationship with.
being loud & obnoxious is fun huh? nope. do you feel like you’re sorta split personality? half & half? not really. I am just myself with people im comfortable with and then i have my professional self with work.etc lol do you act like your own gender or more like the opposite sex? wtf.. do you have more friends of the same sex or opposite? its kind of half and half.
blunts, bowls or bongs? eh. i smoked weed like 5 times soo.. favorite sexual position? idk. the one where he puts his dick in me
3 traits your dream partner would have? funny, loyal, empathetic  do you really care what people think of you? Yes when you have a fight with your partner what do you do? usually get worried that they might leave me cus im an insecure piece of shit, but we havent had a really bad fight, theres just been times where he is a dick. holiday closest to your birthday? christmas. scenario time.. you have a wedgie in public, you… fill in the blank. go to the wash room and fix who does the grocery shopping in your house? mom
are your parents still together? if no, do you wish they were? they would be if my dad didn’t die. have any siblings you know of but don’t actually know personally? no
greatest fear? losing someone i love again and suffocation something most people fear that you do not fear at all? spiders don’t you hate getting nice & comfy & then having to pee? yea  what do you think of porn & the people who watch it? i mean whatever, watch whatever but i just hate people who think that alot of the things they do in porn is normal.  (like rape play, hardcore bdsm..etc) when your friends mention you in fb statuses & tweets do you get happy? yeah how much does it really take to get you mad? not that much. would you date someone that your parents & friends didn’t approve of? depends do you have any regrets? Yes. are you always the one to apologize even if it’s not your fault? Yes ever lost friends because of a certain guy or girl? nope. ever used a legit sex toy before? nah never bought one before. ever questioned your sexuality? not really ever thought you were pregnant? one time i didnt get my period at all and it was 3 weeks late and i took 3 test and i wasnt pregnant but i was still freaking out and then i lightly spotted for a week..and then i didnt get my period til he next month, that was scary. ever faked being pregnant? who does this favorite song at the moment?  nothing ever had a major surgery performed on you? one do you actually like school lunches? the ones in high school were actuallly good. do you think you’re a boring person? no but i can be do you think you’re more or less a good person? i think  im a good person which of the 7 deadly sins are you guilty of? envy ever made a survey & then taken it yourself? yeah i did once haha do you think it’s possible to dislike all music?  some people just dont like music i guess. i think theyre crazy. what’s one thing you think everyone has in common? we all have to breathe oxygen. do you believe that there’s actually good in EVERYONE? well we all start good but it all depends during the age development.. what’s one thing that bothers you that probably wouldn’t bother most people?  need to  have tv on a even number of sound level do you believe in forever? no how many relationships have you been in? 4 including the one i am in do you ever want to get married? why or why not? I do. Because i want to lol do you believe in divorce? well i mean some people just cant stay married.
is there a song you can’t listen to without thinking of someone? Yeah. do you think a lot of the surveys on here are too alike? sometimes they all ask the same question how are you feeling right now? decent do you like being called babe, baby, hunnie, etc? I do like baby/babe but only from my boyfriend have you ever thought etc was actually ect? no do you have any sort of ongoing health problem? i dont think so
ever lost someone close to you? Yes my dad died ever been hit by a motor vehicle? actually yeah. when i was 8 i was hit by a car on my way to school lol can you play a musical instrument? I cant do you wish you did? I wish i wouldve joined band tbh
are you able to speak fluently in more than one language? No. ever self harmed in any way? Yes. do you prefer longer or shorter surveys? Medium to long. what is one word you just cannot pronounce? specific  if you could look like any celebrity who would you look like? Hmmmmmmm ever wish you were of the opposite sex? No. don’t you just love fun people? i guess. i just hate people who ALWAYS wanna do shit especially when youre tired and they almost force you to go out. is there that one person who you just CAN NOT seem to get over? no one currently so what’s your dream job? animator someone you can’t see yourself being able to live without? My boyfriend best & most favorite video game (pc or console) ever?  hmmm. depends. I really love Kingdom Hearts 2, or even Elder scrolls online but My fav game ever is The Last of Us  would you ever tattoo someone’s name on you? maybe my dads name but not really when people sing happy birthday to you do you feel awkward or happy? It’s so awkward. favorite thing about being in a relationship? having someone be there for you..and cuddles and oh sex favorite thing about being single? the freedom i guess? not having to worry about someone else, or worry about getting texts back lol ad also you can kind of go out and not worry if youre flirting idk. I hate when im talking to another guy and im afraid im leading them on, especially when im not. ever been hurt by someone you thought would never hurt you? Yes. don’t you hate it when people in relationships act single? it annoys me. Like whats the point of hiding shit? so is your hair dyed? Yep. but fading back sex is really good isn’t it? It sure is ever had a friends with benefits? no do you like trains :)? uhmmm do you think you have a pretty good singing voice? Nope. how about dancing, are you a good dancer? I am white. is intelligence a turn on for you? It’s good. i hate stupid guys lol do you like to feel powerful & in charge? No capricorns are the best aren’t they? I don’t believe in astrology. <--- same are you afraid to stand out? just a little.
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