#fuck if i know with the rest of the house though cus theres 2 living rooms and a dining room
theafrochick · 9 months
I was talking about room themes with my mom earlier and I'm glad she didn't look at me sideways when I said I wanted to get an electric kettle but I wasn't sure what vibe I wanted to commit to with the kitchen so I kind of don't want to buy anything for it. Cus the one I'm thinking about is like that retro blue but I sort of know I don't want a blue kitchen. Like idk what I want to do with it but deffo not blue lmfao.
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skiasurveys · 5 years
What’s your current boy situation? Taken and engaged.
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? Im not sure lol
Do you hate the last guy/girl you had a thing with?Yes.
Have you ever been out past curfew?
Not rly, I never had a true curfew cus I never rly went out hahahah unless i stayed at a friends house
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Maybe Connor.
What’s your relationship with the person you last texted?
shes my friend
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? No.
Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize? Nope.
Latest you stayed up in the past week? And why? it was like 4 am? which is rare cus lately i go to bed at 8 PM LOL
Do you cry a lot? Have you recently? Yes i cry way too much tbh
Do you think that you’re a good person? I think i am
What was on your mind most today? honestly, thinking of ending a friendship.
Have you held hands with anyone today? Nope
Last thing you and your ex boyfriend/girlfriend talked about? fuck idk, I think I saw his mom and told him that lmao. that was a long time ago though, like 4 years.
Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced? Nope.
INTERESTED in anyone at the moment? i am i guess? were together.
Have a best friend? I think so.
Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/girlfriends at the same time? no. 
Is a best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend or ex pissing you off at the moment? nope.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? I just have a family dinner i am doing.
For the rest of the week? working.
Are you in a good mood right now? I guess so. I am bored
What’s bothering you right now? I am itchy haha
Are you on medication for anything? Birth control and anti depressants 
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone for over an hour? i dont rly talk to anyone for over an hour lol
If you were upset, who’s the first girl you would go to? it depends on what
Do you need to say anything to someone? yes.
What was the worst mistake of your life? quitting my one job
When was the last time someone yelled at you? idk lol
How many kids do you want to have? None but if i were to i would have 2
Have you kissed someone in the past month? yes
What made you sad today? nothing
When was the last time you were disappointed? every day of my life hahah
Is the last person you kissed also the next person you’ll kiss? yes. 
Have you ever liked someone older than you? my bf is 6.5 years older
Do you have a good relationship with your parents? i do.
Do you believe exes can be friends? depends. I think you can but sometimes feelings are too strong.
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? yes even if they dont work out, you learn from them.
Have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader? hahah no
Will you talk to the person you like/love on the phone tonight? I just did. But we live together so 
What woke you up this morning? just natural
Did your last kiss mean anything? yes
What are you looking forward to in the next three months? Money
Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you? yes :)
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? i have. its been almost 4 years..
If you were pregnant, would your parents make you keep the baby? im 23 so..
Would you like to fall in love in the next few months? i already am
Have you ever eaten raw pumpkin? nope!
Do you have a favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie? idk tbh i like all his films
What was the reason you last received flowers? valentines day i think
Have you ever donated blood? no but i want to
What did you do for Valentine’s day? we didnt do anything because we dont celerbate valentines day just cus its so expensive and i dont like the idea of forcing each other for a capitalist society...we do stuff around the date like get thai food and watch a movie lol
Have you ever joined a gym? yes lol I need to be more active at it.
Do you eat breakfast daily? no like maybe once n a while but i just get sick from eating too early. maybe ill have toast
Are you Irish? nope.
List the people that live in your home from tallest to shortest? me.
Who was the last person to cook dinner? meeee
Is having sex on your mind? yes lol
What color is your bra? burgundy 
Do you answer the phones at your job? no thank god.
How many times have you actually been in love? once (this time)
Other than an ashtray, what else have you used? huh
What was the last type of vodka you consumed? i had blueberry vodka. Its actually super good with pepsi!
What movie do you really want to see? none atm maybe frozen 2
What time will you be getting up this morning? Tomorrow at like 5:30 AM
How are you feeling at this exact moment in time? okay.
Forget having a drunken night in Mexico-have you ever actually been there? no.
Did 11:11 already pass? yup
Does your car have a name? no i never rly got into that
What’s on your agenda for tomorrow? just work then dinner with a friend.
Will you be in bed within twenty minutes? no. Maybe next 3 hours
Who is your best friend? Sasha
Who was your last crush? my bf now?
Can you sing at the top of your lungs right now, and not get in trouble? i could but that would annoy my neighbours hahaha
When was the last time you saw your butt? today
When was the last time you went to the zoo? a few years ago
Can you kill someone if you had to? i dont think so. unless it was like defense
Have you ever sworn in front of your parents? by accident
Have you ever smacked a best friend across the face? no
What sport did you last play? idk hahahaha
Have you ever seen a guy take a survey? no
Do you know any fake, annoying girls? yes
Last thing that really hurt you? my nerve damage neck haha
Are you ever afraid to be yourself? depends
Did you kiss or hug anyone today? not yet
Does your heart ever ache for anyone? yes
What makes you happiest right now? Just money hahahaha 
How many people have told you they were in love with you? Maybe 2 people.
Is any part of you sad at all? yes.
Would you kiss anyone you have texts from in your phone? just my bf lol
Honestly, if you could go back one month and change something would you? theres nothing to change
Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2008? fuuuck no!
Has anyone told you they missed you lately? - Nope.
Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you? yeah like rape, cancer jokes, etc
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? yes
Is love really worth fighting for? I guess so? but sometimes you just cant fight for them.
Your phone is ringing. It’s your ex. What do you say? i wouldnt answer. I would maybe text and be like tf
Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you? Yes
Do you have a bad temper? i dont think so.
Do you believe that there’s good in everybody? not everyone..
What are you drinking right now? - Pepsi. <-- same lol
Are you the funniest of all your friends? hahahaha maybe.
Have you ever gone to work with a hangover? no
What pisses you off the most? being rude tbh
What is your favourite trait about yourself? I am empathetic
Who was the last friend to walk out of your life? daniel, will and cora.
Are you emotional? yes.
How do you get when you’re really mad? I get peeved. i need to be alone.
What’s something you wish you could go shopping for right now?
myself  LOL i need stuff for my apartment tbh.
Something you want right now? nothing
When you’re upset, who do you turn to? Depends. Connor or my friends.
Have you done anything illegal in the last three days? no
Do you ever get shy around the boy/girl you like? i used to when i was younger
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0225pm · 7 years
good morning! it's currently 9:18AM and i'm so damn beat i want to ko already but i'm pooping rn hence i've decided to post something!!!! soOoOoo because i'm an overly attached gf who needs attention like 24/7 i actually went down all the way to han's place because i missed him hahahahahaha like, initially i was contemplating about it because....... 1, i was afraid that he might have fallen asleep 2, he might not be able to leave the house at such timing 3, he might get mad at me for troubling myself before traveling to his place, dayah wanted to meet up after her shift ended for supper and since i haven't really had anything for dinner i thought it was a good idea to fill my tummy first. so i met her at our usual haunt (the mcds near our place) and asked her for some advice about whether i should go over to his place or not. she was rather against it since it was already really late (about 12ish by the time we reached mcds) and even if we're to uber or grab down it will be really really late and she was kinda worried about my wellbeing since his area is rather quiet with little to zero human traffic at such a late timing unlike our area - we have quite a fair bit of shops that are open 24/7. she also said i must be so obsessed with han to the point that i'm willing to travel all the way there so late which tbh is true la hahaha honestly i don't mind traveling anywhere he is, except maybe if i have to buy a plane ticket or smth la bc your girl is broke (;▽;) but anyway i ended up saying fuck it and just decided to go je because i'm gonna make "go je" one of my life mottos now (half kidding about this bc i'm still a coward and i'm forever thinking about the "what ifs"). and booked an uber around 1:45AM almost 2 i guess!! it was considerably cheap!!!! like $9 for the ride after discount. and wah u know how hard it was to try and surprise han HAHAHAHA i was trying to lie my way through to not make him suspicious of me by asking him to play ml together (another tactic to keep him busy so he won't fall asleep!) and then he got a lil mad bc i kept asking him to wait and wait so he played like i think 3 rounds of brawl while waiting for me to come online hahahaha but hoho little did he know!!! during the last round i told him to lemme know when his game was ending and when he finally texted me, i immediately called him and then asked him if he can come out. i'm not sure if he was taken aback bc he said no at first so i asked if his parents were asleep already and he said no LMAO i was soOo shocked but i didn't rly feel disappointed bc i know that was one of the possibility of him not being able leave the house and i actually brought along some things to keep me busy while i wait (my drawing stuff and a book i'm currently reading). then he asked me come out where? if go out he won't able to so i told him to just come down then cus i'm here and he was like "ok u wait there" AND TADA!!!!! my surprise visit was a success???!?!!!?! he asked me what i was doing there while grabbing me into a tight embrace hehehehe he looked genuinely happy and i'm happy too!!!!! he even brushed his teeth (i could smell the mint) before he left the house so that his "breath won't stink" quoted bc that's what he said hahaha lmao so cute rly!!! oh how i've missed him :') 3-4 days felt so longgGgGgg uGhhH and then we walked towards 7-11 cus i told him my breath prolly stinks since i just had macs so i wanted to get some candies to mask the grossness of the spicy nuggets i had hahahaha but he wasn't even bothered and leaned in for a kiss haisSSssssSss i spent a fortune (ok not rly) at 7-11 man like from just wanting to get candies, i ended up getting all sorts of things - a drink, ice cream, an onigiri. the amount u pay for convenience sake :') and then we decide to sit around mccafe and played a round of ml which we lost bc he didn't realised that his data was all out *rolls eyes* HAHAHAHA and then bc we were trying to conserve both our phones battery lives, we decided to stop playing and that was when i could really look at his face sighHh idk how he can look so good all the time wtf meanwhile i look like a kentang (this is true i have gained the weight i lost hahahha but good la this shows that i'm happy right) and then he went on and said "now dunno what to do right cus cannot play ml alr" and i was like nahHhh it's fine and then he looked at me and went all "is it you bored?" and i shook my head hahahah yallllllll idk about him but i don't think there will ever be a time that i will feel bored just looking at his face and basking his in presence sia like i can't get enough hahaha and then he took my phone and went through my camera roll of junk (i have 12k over photos) so i asked him for the password to his phone and he just went like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (damn taik rly) so i kept asking again and again and he just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯!!!! and finally said "theres some past stuff i haven't deleted yet not bc i want to keep them for memories but bc i'm lazy and idw u to see them there since it's not deleted" and i was like???? why?????? didn't u delete them???? then????? then he wanted to unlock his phone for me to let me see but i was like nah u kno what i'm not gonna get my feelings hurt bc maybe there are intimate photos inside too so i rather not look at them and he was like "no there's no intimate photos la" but it was like it's ok!!! :) and then i snatched my phone back from him since i felt like it was kinda unfair that he could see all the photos i have with no secrecy. but then he took his phone and went on a "deletion mode" clearing unwanted photos in his phone while showing me photos he had of me in his gallery!!!! i looked so!!! cute wtf HAHAHAHA like there was a few photos where i actually think i look quite cute and which i've never seen before bc he didn't send it to me wah damn selfish keep for himself HAHAHA JKJK but ya most of them were during my blonde/silver hair days tho sighhhh i rly miss having light colored hair tbvvvvh :( and then he gave me the password to his phone!!!!! wowowoow i never knew that such a day would come (no i'm not being loyar buruk ok hahahaahah) and gave me the freedom to look through his phone (but i never did actually hahaahha bc i was busy scrolling thru my 12k worth of photos instead wth i missed my chance!!!!) even when he went outside for a smoke and left his phone with me i didn't even look through his gallery wth so dumb i could have sent the photos to myself!! but ok ya then i wanted to pee so i asked him to accompany me (bc the toilet is the one at the food court and even though it's relatively clean, the atmosphere was still quiet since it was only around 4+AM in the morning). then we walked back to his place and sat at the void deck - he told me stories about his encik at the station and showed me a few diss track videos between some youtubers and this one really cool short stories videos of which i've forgotten the name of, i will have to ask him later!! and then around 630-7AM i decided to leave the place and instead of taking grab or uber back home i insisted on taking the train and bus bc i wanted to listen to an updated playlist of music that i had synced earlier on BUT LOL WTF apparently ZERO music got synced into the phone and my journey was kinda half shitty bc i thought that i can finally listen to some new tracks but i ended up just listening to the 200+ old music in my phone. not that they're bad music but it has been about 3 months since i last updated my playlist so i've been listening to the same old tracks for quite some time already. but anyway!!!! i still had a great time bc at least i managed to see han today ^^ i guess it's something to get me through the rest of the day and till tomorrow's shift. ok this took like rly long to write and i'm actually done pooping. time check: 10:09AM!! i'm gonna shower and remove my makeup before hitting the hay!
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