#fuck if i know about the formless one but that hatemail was pretty funny
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sexygayvampire · 9 days ago
okay this is all based on thoughts i’m throwing together like a wendy’s soda fountain nightmare potion. but my theory is that the forbidden ones are only able to be summoned in places where the veil is thin, on account of their immense power and their being imprisoned deep in the fade by the evanuris. based on encounters with the forbidden ones, examples of such places are:
- kirkwall (xebenkeck). we know this for certain, as the veil being thin there is the reason behind kirkwall’s bullshit city planning and the fact that a lot of blood magic and possession happens there. the ancient tevinters who built the city did so specifically in a way that would allow them to take advantage of the thin veil and further wear it down so that they could do powerful blood magic there, presumably planning to summon xebenkeck, who is later actually summoned by tahrone
- emprise du lion (imshael): okay i’m not 100 that imshael was summoned in emprise du lion. but that’s where it’s encountered. it was summoned by keeper thelhen of clan virnehn in 9:40 and bound and then later michel released it. but a) emprise du lion is known to be a place where the veil is thin (as evidenced by a number of things while exploring there), and b) i don’t know where thelhen summoned imshael and i’ve given up trying to dig through the masked empire to figure out where specifically clan virnehn was located at the time. but i think celene and co. went southeast from halamshiral, which is where emprise du lion is. gave myself a headache with this one
- the grand necropolis (the formless one): this tracks. it’s full of wisps and spirits and demons. i don’t remember if it’s specifically mentioned that the veil is thin there but like it seems pretty likely. the formless one has been locked in the necropolis since the storm age. unclear how it got there or who summoned it but it sure is in there and also possessing a high dragon’s corpse which emmrich was sure to remind me every time i died and had to restart the fight against it. which was a lot
this all lines up with that theory well enough. right. which leaves us with:
- the middle of denerim apparently (gaxkang): is there any evidence that gaxkang actually was summoned/got into the mortal world in whatever way in denerim? not really. just the note from an unnamed guy saying that he “heard the same tales as a lad in denerim, felt the same pull” re: gaxkang, implying that it’s set up shop there, and that’s also where we fight it. but allegedly it has been jumping from body to body for millennia and thus has probably traveled all over ferelden if not all of thedas. there’s no reason for it to have stayed in one place unless it can’t go anywhere the veil is thicker (which could be something but is an idea based on almost nothing). HOWEVER the point of this post is i think the the veil being particularly thin in denerim would be really funny
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