#fuck i keep wanting to tag nickoflahertys
gaygardner · 7 years
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i guess that was too far? @kahlilravishans @zanesgarrett
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gaygardner · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by three different ppl so I’mma put all of them together. Long post ahead. 
answer the following eleven questions, add eleven questions of my own and tag 11 people.
tagged by @jeffersonjaxson cheers meg meg
1. What was the first fandom you remember being a part of?  Pretty sure it was band-dom. Might have been Simple Plan??? I was an embarrassing teenager.
2. Who would your Dream Team of characters be?  Joan Watson, Kate Kane, James Flint, Andrew Minyard, James Kirk
3. What is your opinion on AUs? It depends on the AU tbh. For the most part, I’m a fan. Some, not to so much. 
4. Favourite potential ship. You know the one where one half died or left before they could become a THING, but in your heart they were/should have been. before they become a thing? uhhh, probably timecanary?
5. fave poly ship/ot3s? you know the answer to this - james flint/thomas hamilton/miranda barlow
6. are you the head, heart, or hands? how much do personality tests fit you? the head i think. i pried being logical. also, yeah, most of them fits me for the majority of the time
7. Odd habit or thing you do? lmao i do this thing when my throat hurts that ppl have said sounds like the sound a gecko makes...
8. Favourite Dead Character Miranda Barlow.
9. Fave thing you’ve ever written/giffed/stanned? this jerejean gif, my sidewinder gifs, any of my flint/hamilton gifs. @nickoflahertys and @bcydbeaulieu‘’s header gifs
10. NOTPs goddddddd why meg whyyyy incestuous batfam, any bruce/kids, l/uriver, r/ay p/almer and anyone, v/ne x el/anor i can’t think of anything else right now but there is a list.... 
11. Hollywood Chris’ ranking i. Chris Pine ii. Colourful suit Chris Pine iii.  Sockless Chris Pine iv. the only chris that matters - Chris Pine   v.  Chris Evans
Tagged by @bisexuallaurellance​. Ta Mina xx
1. Put your music on shuffle and give me your favourite lyrics from the first five songs. I’m in the library and i didn’t bring my earphones so i can’t do this )): soz bud
2. how do you feel about kids? I’m indifferent? I’m not a fan but it’s fine. 
3. If you could be one fictional character for a day, who would it be and why? James Flint so that I know what it is like to be loved by both Thomas Hamilton and Miranda Barlow. 
4. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, alive or dead, who would it be? Celebrity? Chris Pine so that I can ask him what he has against socks
5. At a glance, who is your most popular artist in your music collection (i.e. whose songs do you have the most of)? Probably Panic At the Disco - mostly because Pretty. Odd is one of the albums I will always play on repeat
6. What would be your last meal? Idk. I’ve never really given this much thought if I’m honest with you
7. Favourite toy as a kid? My Tamiya toy car
8. What song fits your favourite character the best? Gay or European for James Flint. IDK where it’s from but someone made a fanvid of it and I haven’t stopped yelling about it.  That and Safe Inside by James Arthur for Zane Garrett. B Y E 
9. Ramble about something current affairs related. This is very local and no one outside my country will care but this sudden increase “malay rights” or as i like to call it ‘malay supremacy’. I know it has been happening since the country gained independence and social media has made it even more obvious. But the fact that because the malays are the majority, they think they have the right over everyone else. Like, fuck. you don’t shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. 
10. what fandom discourse makes you angry? all fandom discourse makes me angry
11. what’s your opinion on smut? I’m alright with it. But I’m not really a fan of Porn Without Plot
Tagged by @eliotswaugh​. Thanks for the tag, Ana! x
1. What’s the otp that haunts you? Like, we all have sunken otps, but what’s the ship that still haunts you and will always lowkey haunt you because they were so amazing that you will never understand how they didn’t end up together? God damn it Ana. I feel like you’re doing this on purpose. Our OTPs are so tragic. But the fact that Dan/Blair ended so badly will haunt me till my dying breath.
2. What show has Completely Disappointed You? Like, started-out-so-good-how-did-we-end-up-here disappointed you? ahem all of DCTV ahem. 
3.  What book has gotten to you? Not necessarily your favorite, but a book that hit you in the feels or made you cry or rethink things in your life or you just genuinely enjoyed? The Man Called Ove by Fedrik Bachmann. It’s not my absolute fave but god the book just got to me. 
4. If you could sink one of your otps so that another one of your otps could sail, which 2 would you pick? And why? I would sink Emma/Killian so that Thomas/Grace could sail. Out of all my proper I-was-so-invested-in-this-ship otps, I feel the least connection to Emma and Killian. I think it’s because the whole keeping things from each other to “save” them got so tiring and I wasn’t as invested in it as I was. And Thomas and Grace deserves to be happy together. 
5. What’s your IMBED alignment type thing? What does it mean? Explain that shit to me like I’m really dumb cause I’ve never understood it. I don’t know what this is?
6. Favorite book to movie or tv adaptation? ALL OF HBO WAR. B Y E 
7. What’s your HP house, who’s your demigod parent and what’s your Game of Thrones house? And do you think this actually says something about your personality? Ravenclaw, uh idk and I can’t remember. Sorry. Not really? I don’t know the Ravenclaw thing, parts of personality fits the house but others not so much. 
8. What’s your comfort show? Like, a show you can watch over and over again? Psych. Forever and always.
9. Favorite Queen song?  Somebody to Love.
10. Do you watch any medical shows (like Grey’s Anatomy or something)? What are your thoughts about it? jksladfhdsjafhjkdsafh NO. I have very, very strong feelings about this - and Emily knows all about them (mostly because she is a massive dick and keeps telling me about it and sending me videos and commentary). In saying that I tried watching Chicago Med and I quite liked it. But then the whole relationship issue got boring real fast and so I stopped. 
11. Who’s your Best Bisexual and your Best Gay character? Bisexual - god. ZANE ZACHARY GARRETT. I would die for him. I was gonna pick James Flint but I think he’s more pansexual Gay - MAX MAX MAX. Oh my god. Max is such as badass. She started as a prostitute and ended up controlling Nassau. And she doesn’t take shit from ANYONE. I love Max. 
My questions: 1. Would you consider watching a show/movie in a language you don’t understand? And have you? If so, what’s your favourite? 2. Three things you’ve bought and regretted.  3. Star Trek or Star Wars. Sherlock or Elementary. If you want, explain why.  4. Who is your favourite 25 and older LGBT+ characters? What book/movie/show are they from and why do you love them? 5. A book that you wish would be turned into a tv show or movie.  6. If we were to move to a different planet because this Earth is dead, would you call it Earth-2? If not, what would you name it?  7. Deep space or the deep sea?  8. Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise? 9. Diversity = representation: thoughts? 10. Why do you think buying things make us feel so happy? 11. Cillian Murphy: real or fake?
Tagging you’re not obligated to answer these questions as usual @nickoflahertys @zanesgarrett @chadwickbose @blackcanarydinah @scottsunmers @chochang @hcourageous @bcydbeaulieu @valjeanmoreaus @ruinsrebuilt @wondertrevz
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