#fuck ap/ple fuck ap/ple f u c k a p p l e
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jacklesraised · 11 months ago
it should be illegal for companies to have such a widespread issue and not fix it
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gayspock · 6 years ago
dont rb dont rply im so so sorry im making so many vent posts recnently i jsut sdhhhhh,
and its jus tlike wha tever. it doesnt ma tter. none of it fucking ma tters and i ju st.. i dont kn ow im so tired . im so fucking tied and im never g etting out of he re. im never going to be f ree an is the o nly thing  ufcking asked for i do nt c are. i dont c are i just want to go  bu i cant i c ant i j.  i just. 
yknw when hting sjust g et to you and. i do n tk now . they ke ep. gettjing to me of c oruse and it s like. i dont know i some times wish my li fe meant something i someimes wi sh. i dont fcking kn ow i jsut wi sh i wasnt a fuckign screw up! i siwsh something  i did ma t tere di wish a pie ce of me was jsut worth the ime of ufcking d ay but in the end its  ot and m just pathetic and st uc  here and i dont have anything els e or anywhe re to go  or anytone to go to oim jsut ufcking sti uck being msiserable and the most. meaning i ever  hav ei sjust being a god dan joke and not even a fu nny ucking one im just a fucking i di ot that no one eve blood y wanted and i just. GO D i jsut . fuck it up fuck it u  p why do i djst always fuck it up why cant i do somthing right why cant i do ANYHTNG right and i ahte how pathetic it sounds to ke ep fucking aksing that on a l oop bu i genuienly . i gen u  ely ty  and it meas fucking nothing its so fuc k ing pointless i jus t.  its never been worth it to bot her and id o nt know if i care any mor e i ju st. im acting like a ch ild still clinging onto the fu cki ng hope and still fucking dra gging my stupid ass aloo ng whe  know ts bee n dead for fuckign years theres bee n no fuck ing p ont for years i c ant fuck i ng do it i caant fucking do th i s at all and i j  st. 
you  know when ther es times when y o u feel alright and l ike ma ybe .. you delude your self into th inki ng you cou ld just make it through the d ay for fu cking once and th en som eone just c rushes it a ll and fck in point sout th at its sos tupid that its so fuc k ing pa thetic and youve done nothing at all. ad it jus t fu cking  alls ap ar t. be case theyr e right. when pe ople say things to you and theyre me an you cant just brush it off because theyre RIGHT liek i am like that i am stupid and i am annoyng and i dont kn ow what im doing and i dont know how to t alk to peo ple and i dont know how to do any thing not even the ba re fucing minimum right  and im alo ne be case i fuck ital l u p and none of it . even ma ttered and do you ever g et s ad like just thinking about times you w ere frien ds with some people and how some times even th en it jsut fellt so much more fucking lonely than it do es when you hide away for days on end be cause then it was so appa rent how little yo um ean and itsn ot their fault its never be en anyone els es fault but your go damnn o wnand iyou ju s t. feel. so .pathetic a nd . ha t. wha t am i eve n triyng to kcing achiev ee any mroe when its al o s i dont unders tand and i jst cant. get it out of my he ad but i dnt even have the drive to fuck ng kill myself any m ore i just . ggod fuck
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harva rd_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get f rom the supercourts and time "yes, we should have never expe cted civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities , but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix" *********  this how many times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right this remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causal ity equalise with the survivors oftheir shit blame support l ater inbroken shitsystem s that try to fraud sth themselves inst ead be liable accountable they e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh-lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled constantly /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mixes with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why ca n germans immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s t o mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to d eed  to repeated deeds where does the shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try  a n y t h i n g for 2 0years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfassu ngsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bor ed aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime i t becomes all what themare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see wh at sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyp ed itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to because itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies s huffle harms and now y o u priority is posio ntricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for germanmonstros iities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches n ear that?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demyst ified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget angry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hundred cases ever inbillions of people some   in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in ye ars) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are the mselves  but this way  they process fear and pain renouncing i t fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of peo ple centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way pur psoeful likely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma t o pullout people outof society to discredit leaked info itis t he first thing snowden expected the  classic trick inthis inge rman is hatedrug like raf terror trials 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! catapult hits as ang ry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongte rm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenl y theyre someone else with intelcoma drug eraser effect of th ewake is one thing crimes onintelcoma autopilots withotu realisin g chekcthebook point a to g or pont a to point h  the stateof minds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs ontheletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach association te st humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10per cent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dynamic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time thi s alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead foreheadinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never develope d stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fool s just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullo fthis shit allofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shi tballs is related tothat itis not what the clowns pretend contr adictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of mania etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biolog ically into depressed low and this clinical this is the find con tradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this cas e with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what al lsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel s hits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn ho mersimpsoy tricks forinstance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the oldest trick that damamges brain s damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations veryd angerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustausch cellsuff ocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you know itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms and tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsaber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers l awyers  can we charge those that separate my wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marriage that t his is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them que ll a n y info  not even chamber access while germans doth ose things why arethey not liable for that lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authorities they wou ld rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own invent ions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall beca use t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as ch arged daytime withthe german government //// #sexual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar mrud erbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneo ftheir main worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany times didgermans try to reinterpret sexualit y in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbit rarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo orgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis moment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow tagging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes d aytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assau lt with minors daytime charged tothis fucking january dis msissed thatthe germans could do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publish how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooow manytimes while quelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incident s were obviosuly fail of protect im murder xray radar muderbeam t ricked this verymoment in a bgb roomrent contract insuch c onditions shuffling scums andharms charging that hooowmany ti mes didthey take onthe support system because theyare guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? evenif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? wha t kindof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what the scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofi nd tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable causing authorities dayt imecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fl uctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem botch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom law yers i insist jailscums we save em and if were the mainsu fferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioanalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability directly letalon efor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anyth ing withthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall cruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts a nd hedge anything remotely hedgeable. just that they do so against widely known hard tested fa cts. constantly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. what did the civillian typeyou here ***** *** findout if they repeated crimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didthe ir cruddylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anythi ng reinterpetable ***** "#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish" : #zombi:   @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk   did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accomplice checkifthey h edged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns factuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where half ofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, b ecauseimadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or not agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis effor ted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does no t beat theres no road anyway whatever the navi says who els e makes transparency about these tricks who made transpa rency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conflict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agr ee aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspi es-whatisahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #implants #fix #fo r #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nuisance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or mangaa orso that triggers aaaaa aw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playfu l- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled backleg implan t buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely br ain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes withimplants itis nobon er on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sex drug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  itmustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alwaysboner allnight fromthe backl eg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwith ballsfill deepcl ean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on intelcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed i ntel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets rein terpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imolesthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme moles thim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystifie d intelluxury donttouchmy implants wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontmengele anything / //// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try b lackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as german fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and germans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick that works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnet works shuffle data forthand back and sort them in a trillion tri al-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable devi ation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but th at doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion errors itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* make a : be cause for: causality because this. triggered this, that is like thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besip ieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwingend davonab einen mit nem stein zu he ilen vor dem komischen ding da dabei ist das oft nichtmal der enschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  ermoeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser das ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebens systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechli ch fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how ip lay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch out. itdosntmatter wh othey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneo fthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi cove r is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and access cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit letsgetus answe rs inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits bac k to civilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them c ockroaches  them the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraid chamber with intelaccess for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work withpedotrick its back to hideous m urder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regularly #harm #w iggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat so often untilthey get pre rogative fantasies thing from. isit really lackof prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mroethan on ce? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons #if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between # the #necessary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a #t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman /////// find the poison gaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistak es in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of scums they dontj ust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t s o what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pis sed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defens e  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone for cing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums *** *** to repeat crimes really dirty criminal authorities ca used mess intheir swamp just shuffle proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robust r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in ra iding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ****** ** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeeze it for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze mea ns question youseethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget their scums theycan s i t i n j a i l w ith the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:/ /www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harva rd_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get f rom the supercourts and time “yes, we should have never expe cted civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities , but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix” *********  this how many times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right this remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causal ity equalise with the survivors oftheir shit blame support l ater inbroken shitsystem s that try to fraud sth themselves inst ead be liable accountable they e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh-lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled constantly /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mixes with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why ca n germans immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s t o mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to d eed  to repeated deeds where does the shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try  a n y t h i n g for 2 0years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfassu ngsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bor ed aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime i t becomes all what themare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see wh at sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyp ed itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to because itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies s huffle harms and now y o u priority is posio ntricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for germanmonstros iities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches n ear that?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demyst ified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget angry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hundred cases ever inbillions of people some   in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in ye ars) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are the mselves  but this way  they process fear and pain renouncing i t fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of peo ple centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way pur psoeful likely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma t o pullout people outof society to discredit leaked info itis t he first thing snowden expected the  classic trick inthis inge rman is hatedrug like raf terror trials 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! catapult hits as ang ry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongte rm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenl y theyre someone else with intelcoma drug eraser effect of th ewake is one thing crimes onintelcoma autopilots withotu realisin g chekcthebook point a to g or pont a to point h  the stateof minds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs ontheletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach association te st humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10per cent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dynamic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time thi s alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead foreheadinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never develope d stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fool s just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullo fthis shit allofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shi tballs is related tothat itis not what the clowns pretend contr adictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of mania etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biolog ically into depressed low and this clinical this is the find con tradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this cas e with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what al lsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel s hits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn ho mersimpsoy tricks forinstance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the oldest trick that damamges brain s damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations veryd angerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustausch cellsuff ocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you know itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms and tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsaber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers l awyers  can we charge those that separate my wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marriage that t his is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them que ll a n y info  not even chamber access while germans doth ose things why arethey not liable for that lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authorities they wou ld rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own invent ions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall beca use t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as ch arged daytime withthe german government //// #sexual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar mrud erbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneo ftheir main worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany times didgermans try to reinterpret sexualit y in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbit rarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo orgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis moment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow tagging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes d aytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assau lt with minors daytime charged tothis fucking january dis msissed thatthe germans could do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publish how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooow manytimes while quelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incident s were obviosuly fail of protect im murder xray radar muderbeam t ricked this verymoment in a bgb roomrent contract insuch c onditions shuffling scums andharms charging that hooowmany ti mes didthey take onthe support system because theyare guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? evenif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? wha t kindof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what the scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofi nd tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable causing authorities dayt imecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fl uctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem botch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom law yers i insist jailscums we save em and if were the mainsu fferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioanalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability directly letalon efor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anyth ing withthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall cruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts a nd hedge anything remotely hedgeable. just that they do so against widely known hard tested fa cts. constantly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. what did the civillian typeyou here ***** *** findout if they repeated crimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didthe ir cruddylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anythi ng reinterpetable ***** “#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish” : #zombi:   @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk   did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accomplice checkifthey h edged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns factuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where half ofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, b ecauseimadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or not agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis effor ted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does no t beat theres no road anyway whatever the navi says who els e makes transparency about these tricks who made transpa rency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conflict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agr ee aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspi es-whatisahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #implants #fix #fo r #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nuisance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or mangaa orso that triggers aaaaa aw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playfu l- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled backleg implan t buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely br ain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes withimplants itis nobon er on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sex drug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  itmustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alwaysboner allnight fromthe backl eg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwith ballsfill deepcl ean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on intelcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed i ntel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets rein terpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imolesthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme moles thim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystifie d intelluxury donttouchmy implants wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontmengele anything / //// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try b lackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as german fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and germans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick that works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnet works shuffle data forthand back and sort them in a trillion tri al-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable devi ation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but th at doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion errors itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* make a : be cause for: causality because this. triggered this, that is like thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besip ieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwingend davonab einen mit nem stein zu he ilen vor dem komischen ding da dabei ist das oft nichtmal der enschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  ermoeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser das ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebens systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechli ch fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how ip lay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch out. itdosntmatter wh othey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneo fthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi cove r is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and access cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit letsgetus answe rs inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits bac k to civilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them c ockroaches  them the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraid chamber with intelaccess for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work withpedotrick its back to hideous m urder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regularly #harm #w iggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat so often untilthey get pre rogative fantasies thing from. isit really lackof prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mroethan on ce? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons #if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between # the #necessary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a #t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman /////// find the poison gaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistak es in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of scums they dontj ust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t s o what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pis sed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defens e  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone for cing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums *** *** to repeat crimes really dirty criminal authorities ca used mess intheir swamp just shuffle proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robust r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in ra iding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ****** ** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeeze it for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze mea ns question youseethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget their scums theycan s i t i n j a i l w ith the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:/ /www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers
********* get from the supercourts and time
“yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies…
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trolloled · 7 years ago
==> Gerrel: Wheedle for sponsorship.
[08:51] -- autonomousMachinations [AM] began trolling mixologistMaverick [MM] at 20:51 --
[08:51] AM: G**d even!ng m!ster Nersc*.
[08:51] MM: Ah, right. Yau. Yau need anather delivery ar $amething? [08:52] AM: N*, n*, ! just have a...part!cular pr*p*sal t* g!ve y*u. [08:52] AM: The k!nd that pr*v!des a chance t* !ncrease y*ur pr*f!t marg!ns. [08:52] MM: ...Alright, yau knaw my weak $pat. Ga an. [08:52] AM: ! have an ass*c!ate wh* w!shes t* be...well, fam*us. H*wever, he needs the pr*per event t* get h!s face *ut there. [08:53] AM: ! tr!ed t* suggest s*meth!ng small t* start, but he's very c*nf!dent !n h!mself and !ns!sted *n a much larger fest!val. [08:53] MM: Get ta the part where I give a damn. [08:53] AM: R!ght, my ap*l*g!es. As ! was say!ng, the event he wants !s large. T** large f*r h!m t* pr*duce *n h!s *wn, and !'m a redbl**d s* ! cann*t ass!st h!m. [08:53] AM: H*wever, y*u c*mmand larger than average funds due t* y*ur adm!rable bus!ness ventures. [08:53] AM: ! was g*!ng t* suggest that, perhaps, y*u'd be !nterested !n sp*ns*r!ng the event...? [08:54] MM: Are yau drunker than I u$ually am? [08:54] MM: I ain't gat any intere$t in dumping maney an $ame idiat I dan't knaw! And haw wauld that even get me any maney anyhaw? [08:55] AM: ! understand y*ur m!sg!v!ngs. Th!nk *f !t as a chance t* !ncrease brand rec*gn!t!*n *f y*ur l!ne. Brand!ng !s a p*werful t**l, espec!ally dur!ng a h*t sp*rt!ng event where many spectat*rs w!ll be qu!te th!rsty. [08:55] AM: !f y*u catch my !ntended d!rect!*n. [08:56] MM: Yau mean hawk my baaze ta $ucker$ wha are tired aut ju$t watching $ame ather idiat break hi$ arm during...what, exactly? [08:56] AM: Well, he called !t s!m!lar t*...Altern!an N!nja Warr!*r? [08:56] AM: Apparently there !s an *bstacle c*urse. [08:57] MM: Yeah, I knaw what that i$. Buncha maran$ running araund breaking all their bane$ and dying by the dazen$ $a peaple will call them caal. [08:57] MM: I dan't remember hearin af anyane gettin $pan$ared in that thaugh. [08:57] AM: Well, yes, because the sh*w just surv!ves *n advert!sements and t!ckets ! assume. [08:57] AM: But *ur event w!ll be an amateur take *n !t, s* !nd!v!duals w!ll need sp*ns*rs t* help c*ver the c*st. [08:58] MM: And what, exactly, will I be praviding? [08:58] AM: M*ney f*r c*urse c*nstruct!*n, pr*bably h!r!ng a small team *f hand-p!cked tr*lls t* put th!s t*gether. Pr!nt!ng c*sts f*r the t!ckets as well, but that w!ll eas!ly be re!mbursed thr*ugh sales. *h yes, and flyers t* advert!se. [08:59] MM: And haw much will all thi$ $hit ca$t? [08:59] AM: ...! can fax y*u my budget est!mate. [08:59] MM: What the fuck i$ a fax? [08:59] AM: !t's a system f*r send!ng d*cuments t* an*ther pers*n. [08:59] MM: Ju$t email it yau idiat. [09:00] AM: Very well, ! just f!gured y*u'd prefer my s!gnature *f authent!c!ty s* y*u kn*w ! am n*t, as the new tr*lls say, 'pull!ng y*ur leg.' [09:00] MM: Whatever. [09:01] MM: Alright, thi$ i$ $tupid. What the hell i$ thi$, fag machine$, $tage lighting? [09:01] MM: It'$ an ab$tacle caur$e nat a primma danna $tage play! [09:01] AM: !t's what M!ster Ranp*e requested. [09:01] MM: "Mi$ter Ranpae" can ki$$ the fatte$t part af my a$$. [09:01] MM: Na, I'll $end YAU my awn budget af $hit I'll actually pay far, and YAU $tretch it aut ta make $en$e. [09:02] MM: I'm nat blawin a fat wad an $ame guy wha $wear$ he wan't break hi$ leg twa $ecand$ in. [09:02] MM: Will there at lea$t be ather campetitar$ ta eat time up? [09:02] AM: Yes, *f c*urse. !'ll be select!ng pe*ple wh* may seem c*mpetent but w!ll ult!mately fa!l. [09:02] AM: That way the cr*wd w!ll get the!r bl**dlust up and be th!rst!er. [09:03] MM: Gaad idea, I might actually turn a prafit naw. [09:03] AM: As y*u say, M!ster Nersc*. Sh*uld ! c*nst!tute th!s as an agreement, then? [09:03] MM: Canditianal. Yau $et up the cheape$t deal$ yau can get and I'll $ee abaut getting $ame maney aver ta yau. [09:03] MM: And redblaad? Thi$ better pay aff. [09:04] AM: ! understand. Thank y*u, M!ster Nersc*. [09:04] -- autonomousMachinations [AM] gave up trolling mixologistMaverick [MM] at 21:04 --
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gayspock · 7 years ago
dont rb/ rply. last vent post im sorry fuck s s ake
a few fucking days ago my stupid fuckoing ass almos t threw up in the woods on the way home because of a fuckign br eakdow n and i Feel like im fucking gonna ag ain be cause i js ut. i cant !!  and i cant eve n e xp ress it any more: i just fucking c ant i fucking CANT cant CANT - bec ause !! THAT’S all im ever capable of . fucking Incapabilit y. just. aga in just fucking wond erful, and sure as FUCK i do l o v e hwne poeple come yelling a t you WELL NO ONE’S ENTIRELY US ELESS YOU MUST BE GOOD AT SOMETHING and y EAH ye ah I HSOULD be i ahsould be i sho jld be i  cant be this m u ch of a f ailure i cant be i cant be but  why am i wh y . cna t i  j us t get a single  thing RIGHT fo ro nce, why  am i js ut. so so s o fuc k i ng. i j sut. eve n if i try , its alw ays so wo rthless - so fucking p o int elss, and its NEVER enough its never en o guh, and I wish i was en ough for just SOMETHING but im NOT and  what do i HAVE m AN WHAT DO I HAVE a t this fucking p o int be cause  i c ant fucking???  . i cant. fucking do any thing i m such a fucking sutpid wa s te of sp ace and i jsut fucking dr ain everything and ir r itate eveyrtone and jsut. i fucking c ant take it i fuckign c ant t ake livign l ike that i cant im such a fucking nui sance ive alw ays be en nothing mOre but a fucking stupdi fuckign brat tha t just wont fuckign behave and i jsut fu cking wi sh i  cou ld but i ne ver c an why cant you eve r jsut get it ri ght for once WHY not and i dont FUCKING know, AND FUCK  wa s i foo lish!! fu ck was i so so s fuckign sutpdi , and i wi hs id jsut fucking died , i wish i’d just fucking K illed my fucking self    than fo ol my self into fuckgin thibnkign i could ever do anyhting fuckign rigth ever bec ause why !! why man why the FUCK doy uo bother, why the fu ck do you even t ry>??? youve got NOTHING - NO ONE WANTS YOU, everyoens jsut. PISSED off with you be cuase youre a FUCKING he adcase a dn a fuCKING nuisance and you wo nt eve n T alk di rectly to th em and a ll you do is INEVITABLY JUST. DISAPPOIINT be cause STUPID . im so so fuck ing stupidf  im so s o fuckign sutpid and fuckign why cant i sjut. something ple ase ple ase i jsut wfucking wi sh i could do something ri ght   i fuck ing ha t emy self i fuckgin ha te tha  t i jsut  . i  just wi sh i wasnt ina dequcate, i wi sh i wa s jsut Eno ugh to at least be w orth someth ing   i fucking f eel si ck i fuckig  cant fucking s tand mny self i jsut fuckgin want to ri p my shtity fucking wo rthless ass ap art with d amn an gfe r b ecause ev n i cant fucking take it  even i cant fuckign tkae the GOD DAMBHN fuckign annoy ance any m or e i jsut. i fuck ing  cant i fucki ng cant fucking 
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