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Fives Fubtol South Africa Montage Video🇿🇦🇿🇦⚽️⚽️
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(no me funcyona la y)
Nos, el orgulloso pueblo calamar, tenemos motyvo para escrybyr una carta decente. Sea cual fuere el lector, se constata que el caos pyde orden, y, ¿qué mejor pueblo? Aquy presente, la mas fyel.
La materya en cuestyón corresponde a la sensacyón actual del plantel: Ronaldo Martynez carga un tryple aura que demuestra con goles y bayles. En nuestro maternal cuydado por todo huérfano del fubtol que llega a una caryñosa ynstytucyón, se nos presenta la alterydad que la dygytalyzacyón arbytrarya ympryme en los resultado de la lyga nacyonal. Somos concyentes de la realydad del mercado, pero sy un adolescente chyno elyge a Platense para jugar contra Barcelona B, ¿Por qué hemos de lydyar con abogados árabes de pronto?
Junto a Ferrocarryl Oeste y Newells All Boys, protegemos el amateurysmo del futbol ynfantyl, es dyfícyl, pero estamos peleándola. Pero además, ¿utylyzar el systema hípyco que fundó nuestro maldyto y bendyto club para fynancyar centros de apuestas rusos radycados en Colombya? ¡Bah! Es una lucha desygual!
Sy los astros quyeren unyrse a nuestra causa, aquí estaremos, en los tablones que recuperamos.
- Gracyas, Marcos. - A vos polaco, ¿un feca?
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#david beckham#zinedine zidane#ronaldo#ronaldo nazario#real madrid#la liga#football#fubtol#soccer#sports
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Checking out some #fubtol practice . . . #boxersofinstagram #boxermix #mixedbreed #cockerspaniel #eldoradopark #longbeachpetcare #makeyourdoghappy #longbeachdogwalking #longbeachdogwalker #longbeachdoggiedaycare #longbeachdogboarding #losaltos
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Bernd Leno will reportedly be allowed to leave Bayer Leverkusen this summer. Arsenal and Napoli are rumored to be interested in the 26-year-old.
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ok thank god futbol is over cause that shit was getting parasocial. love those guys but that's enough for me thank you.
#the videos of the team celebrating and all im like ah....my best friends#ENOUGH enough futbol i dont wanna think about fubtol anymore#my tiktok fyp needs to stop go back to my regularly scheduled non futbol gay shit#according to jules
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Ctm mori con algunas respuestas jajaja aca te van mas 1 animal favorito 2 cual es la peor mentira que has dicho 3 te gusta caminar 4 que es lo primero que le ves a un hombre fisicamente 5 tienes mascotas? Que es y como se llama? 6 que lugares del pais conoces 7 si fueras comida que plato serias y porque 8 cuando fue la ultima vez que lloraste 9 te gusta el fubtol? Equipo? 10 numero favorito
LSKSKDKD me encanta responder preguntas 🤷🏻♀️ 1.-animal favorito: perritos2.-cual es la peor mentira que has dicho: LSLDLDLDLD no seeeeee😳 que solo hablaba con un loco a la vez (“solo hablo contigo”) la maraca LALWLDLSLSLS 3.-te gusta caminar: a veces y depende del lugar y la época 4.-que es lo primero que le ves a un hombre fisicamente: sonrisa, ojos y poto 🤤5.-tienes mascotas? Que es y como se llama?: siii, tengo una perrita mezcla cocker spaniel y se llama Amy 😻6.-que lugares del pais conoces: pocos, la serena, Coquimbo, viña, reñaca, pucon, villarica, lican ray, pichilemu, zapallar, maitencillo, SANTIAGO kdkdkd, valle del elqui, el tabo, algarrobo, isla negra KSKDKD eso, creo 🤭7.-si fueras comida que plato serias y porque: sushi, pq amo el sushi jejejejejjee 8.-cuando fue la ultima vez que lloraste: eh, cuando dieron los resultados de la psu 🙃9.-te gusta el fubtol? Equipo?: si, colo colo, el eterno campeón ⚪️⚫️10.-numero favorito: 8
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👔 Si vienes de con @rominacardmaking estas en el camino correcto, si no ve corriendo a iniciar tu recorrido con @Giddalthi.i, y disfrutar de este maravilloso InstaHop en honor a su nueva colección de sellos físicos. Tienes 4 dias para hacer el recorrido de los 4 dias y por todas las cuentas. 👔Este set trae a Matty con dos opciones, Matty con una pelota de fubtol y Matty en traje, yo elegi hacer a Matty en traje. 👔 Realice una tarjeta no tan elaborada como la de ayer (Alicia en las Maravillas), pero me encanto!! use papel azul para el fondo, y mis papeles que son de Mi querida amiga Mo, que realizo en colaboración con @abbondanzafiesta. 🎉🎉Habrá premio, el premio sera un set de tu elección! así que no pierdas esta gran oportunidad de ganarte uno de estos hermosos sets. Solo tienes que dejar tu comentario en todos los blogs participantes y en los Instagram participantes.🎉🎉 Te esperamos manana para que veas el siguiente set! Cual crees que es? 🖥️ https://www.myhobbymyart.com/2019/10/eres-mi-persona-favorita.html Te dejo la lista de todas y deben seguir a cada una, dar un ❤ y dejar comentario. ➡️ @Giddalthi.i ➡️ @adela_ser ➡️ @bety.beatpaper ➡️ @niniscraper ➡️ @pattytanuz ➡️ @rominacardmaking ➡️ @myhobbymyart #free #freebie # giddalthiilustration #digitalstamp #digitalart #digitalstamps #cardmaking #lanzamiento #newrelease #clearstamps #sellosenespanol #elprincipito #silhouette #cameo #cardmakersofinstagram #cardmaker #cardmakinghobby https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KDTKEA1Hs/?igshid=17uepg4cvh56l
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Se renta Departamento Fracc.- Pomoca Sector Valle Real $2,500.00 ☑️Planta baja A cinco minutos de Bodega ahorrera, Carniceria Cafisu, transporte público 24 horas, Abarrotes Monterrey, Abarrotes Sánchez, escuelas públicas, Cancha de Fubtol, panaderías 🧁 cerca, etc... Descripción; ☑️Sala ☑️Comedor ☑️Cocina ☑️Área de lavado ☑️Cajón para un vehículo ☑️Boiler ☑️2 Habitaciones ☑️Preparación para closet ☑️Baño completo compartido Servicios municipales; ☑️Agua potable ☑️Energía eléctrica ☑️Drenaje sanitario Servicios de contratación; ☑️Sky ☑️Vtv ☑️Dish ☑️Internet Satelital Citas e informes; Oficina ☎️. - (993)-478-0217 Movíl 📱. - 📧.- [email protected] NetWorking: Web🌐: selios.mx Facebook: Selios Corp Brs Fan page: @seliosMx Instagram: @seliosmx Youtube▶️: Selios Mx VivaAnuncios: Selios Mercado Libre: Selios Mx Twitter: @seliosmx TikTok: @seliosmx Googlee+: Selios Mx Tumblr: Seliosmx Pinterest: Selios Mx (en Valle Real Pomoca) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBc1AhBCKd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ukto41b6z90b
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Dicen, dicen eh, que fue un error.
- Muchacho, proba la tele que abrimos en 10.
El Times Square tiene una concurrencia que estblece una pauta: a las 19, la gente desea caminar por sobre consumir.
- ¡Muchacho! ¡Ya enciende el TV! - ¡No se que pasa!
Dicen, porque dicen eh, que fue un error de la frenciencia de la cadena TNT donde la señal que debio haber transmitido Terminator 3 va a interponerse con la señal del fubtol argentino mas al sur del globo. Por eso 14 televisores LED de alta gama proyectan a 22 jugadores corriendo de aqui alla.
Un japones recibido en MIT paseaba por la oferta de un reloj. Luego de comprarlo, ve en la pantalla una revelacion cosmica: los jugadores se mueven como las entidades que quieren comprar los derechos de Star Wars.
Trastornado pero vivo, el joven regresa a su casa y busca Club Atletico Platense y decide invertir un dolar en la variable futbol argentino. Sucede que ese dolar contenía los espiritus de una deidad japonesa del siglo IV, y al llegar a la caja de Platense, la cifra de la caja supera todo el activo que habian tenido hasta 1966.
La comision del club dona todo el dinero a la refacción del parque de diversiones Ital Park que habia caido en decadencia.
- Ma! Abrieron un parque de diversiones nuevo!- dice Federico a su madre. - Fede, ese parque esta maldito, fui de chica. - Si ma, pero hay un show de Dragon Ball Z.
La funcion de Dragon Ball Z supera la taquilla de los 100 años de Walt Disney en el teatro Colon, por lo que ambos gobernadores del recinto se reunen a tomar un vino de alaska.
- Que hacemos con esto? - Nose, tampoco nos compete. - Cierto, y todo por la donación de Platense.
Ambos rien, inmediatamente un rayo les parte la cabeza. El rejoj de uno hace numeros infinitos hacia atras y el policia ingresa la cifra en Google, al tiempo que el guardia de seguridad donde albergan el cerebro de Disney se olvida de apagar el aire acondicionado.
Esto es leido por el joven poeta platense que va a revelar su primer pelicula en Marzo de este año.
- ¿Así te gusta? - Me encanta. - Bueno, el titulo lo pones vos, sos insoportable.
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#sport #deporte #kid #kids #fubtol #soccer #Velezmalaga #malaga http://ift.tt/2oekQMB
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Ticos Face Pinto And His Team Today At 3:00pm
Ticos Face Pinto And His Team Today At 3:00pm
The Seleccion – Costa Rica’s national team – practicing in Honduras on Monday, Photo Daniel Jiménez, La Nacion
Q SPORTS – Get ready for another say of soccer (fubtol in Spanish) in paradise, as the national team, La Seleccion or Sele, take on Honduras in CONCACAF world cup qualifying.
Game time is at 3:00pm local time.
After a 2-0 loss to Mexico on Friday, Costa Rica slipped to second place, but…
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Ticos Face Pinto And His Team Today At 3:00pm
Ticos Face Pinto And His Team Today At 3:00pm
The Seleccion – Costa Rica’s national team – practicing in Honduras on Monday, Photo Daniel Jiménez, La Nacion
Q SPORTS – Get ready for another say of soccer (fubtol in Spanish) in paradise, as the national team, La Seleccion or Sele, take on Honduras in CONCACAF world cup qualifying.
Game time is at 3:00pm local time.
After a 2-0 loss to Mexico on Friday, Costa Rica slipped to second place, but…
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Buenos Aires
Full disclosure, I am an African American female so when I travel to places, unfortunately, my first instinct is to check out the race relations situation. Race, power and privelege in South America is complicated just as it is back home in the states but in different ways. However, what I experienced in Argentina was different from my expectations. I have a few thoughts on perhaps why. Language: I'm not fluent in Spanish (yet), but I understand and speak enough Spanish to get around. I spoke the language whenever I could but it's tough in Argentina because the style is distinct. It’s beautiful, actually, as if they’re singing a song. Anyway, I tried to never begin a conversation in English and would only switch to English if I was really struggling then I'd pray that the other person spoke some English. When I was in college I studied abroad at Oxford and one weekend me and some friends took a train to Paris. I knew very little French and still don’t know any French now. Well, one night we went to a restaurant and failed to speak French. Instead, the first words that came out of our mouths were "do you speak English?" and subsequently we were treated with poor and slow service. The treatment was completely understandable, honestly. We were in France for goodness sake! People already have perceptions that US folks are arrogant and a bit entitled so we basically fueled the stereotype and from then on let our friend who spoke great French be our mouthpiece, so to speak, for the rest of the trip. We had no other issues after that. It was a tough but important lesson to learn. When folks from other nations come to the USA we don't expect people to launch into their native tongue we expect attempts at English to be made and then we go from there. Curiosity: Folks were definitely curious about where I was from and don't get me wrong, I wasn't treated poorly, rather I received a lot of curious stares. I wrote a post on a similar experience I had while visiting Sri Lanka. I still don't know if I felt like a circus act or if it bothered me but I'd rather be curiously stared at than discriminated against or killed like what happens in other parts of the world, U.S. included, unfortunately. For the brave souls that moved beyond stares and into conversations with me, they either asked if I was Brazilian or just sprang into Portuguese because apparently, BA is a major vacation spot for Brazilians. I also learned a bit about why people were were so curious about people of African descent during a tour at the Museo Histórico Nacional. This museum is a MUST SEE and was built to pay tribute to the country's revolution during the early 1800s.
What's most intriguing about the landmark is that it contains a number of exhibits on African descendants in Argentina and their role in the war to the countless indigenous groups and their influences on the Spanish language and culture in A. Unfortunately these groups have had a dark history as well. These groups were essentially been wiped out of history because as I learned, founding fathers of the country thought that a whiter nation was ideal. This was evident is the paintings depicting soldiers of African descent with their true skin color shifting to to depictions of these same soldiers in later paintings with lightened skin tones. Though, there’s been a shift in recent years to really preserve and bring back historical contributions of African desecendants and indigenous groups that have made significant impacts on Argentinian culture. I’m hopeful!
Other Museums To Check Out
Some other museums I’d highly recommend are the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA) and the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. MALBA had this incredible exhibit by Yoko Ono called “Dream Come True” that was interactive and participatory. One piece in particular was so moving to me because of the vulnerability required of its contributors. Women from all over the word gave their testimonies of harm that’s been inflicted upon them to raise awareness around violence against women. There were countless testimonies on this wall but these are just a glimpse and small portion of the probably millions of other people who have had similar experiences.

There was also another exhibit that was interactive where you could stamp any place on the map where you wanted there to be peace.

Another must is the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral where the remains of General José de San Martín can be found and it’s just a few steps away from the Casa Rosada where the offices of the President can be found.

This section is going to be short because Argentina is really expensive for clothing shopping. Supposedly, most of the locals don’t even shop in the country because the malls are overpriced. However, you can find some incredible deals in San Telmo every Sunday during its street fair. Miles and miles of the San Telmo neighborhood are essentially taken over by vendors selling anything from mate thermoses to coats and jewelry for great prices.
I also found some time to indulge in the incredible Argentinian cuisine of course and fell in love with medialunas. Every morning it was a must for me to have coffee and a medialuna which you can find at pretty much every coffee shop or bakery. I went to dozens of restaurants with medialunas but the below are from Saint Moritz which has an old fashioned feel and the staff are incredibly nice and hospitable.

Other places to definitely check out include La Parolaccia which has a number of locations but the Casa Tua in Puerto Madero is where I went and it was DELICIOUS. The manicotti is out of this world but I think pretty much everything on the menu is great.
I’d also suggest a visit to Cafe Tortoni which was built in 1858 and is a historic landmark of the city, frequented by artists, writers, and other notable figures over the years. There’s usually a line but they get you in the cafe without having to wait too long. Lastly, a visit to El Ateneo is worth for getting lost in thousands of books or just enjoying coffee and a bite to eat. You’re engulfed in books; it’s quite the sight to see.

I’m sure vegetarians live in Argentina, but you should know that this country is famous for its amazing wine and meat.

I’d recommend La Cabrera but don’t plan anything afterwards as you’ll most likely be in a food coma post-meal. Located in the trendy neighborhood of Palermo, this restaurant is popular so prepare for a bit of a wait. Though, there’s a cool bar next door that you can wait at and have a glass of wine until your table is ready. Someone from La Cabrera will pop in and call you.
To Tour or Not to Tour
Ok so I usually stray from organized tours but I really liked the tour I booked through Bamba Experience. For $27, I did their city tour which lasted about 3 hours. We visited parts of the city I’m not sure I’d know about had it not been for this guided tour. A highlight was visiting the colorful neighborhood of La Boca which is home to the Boca Junior soccer (futbol) team and also the site of Caminito. Caminito is a gorgeous alley where you can find shops and tango dancers dancing in the street.

Last but not least is futbol (soccer). You can’t go to Buenos Aires without checking out a game of course! I went to the River Plate game and experienced the passion and love that nearly all Latin Americans have for the sport of fubtol with their creative chants and intense energy. It was quite the experience!

You should know that Buenos Aires is really close to Uruguay and can be accessed via the Buquebus (basically a boat). It takes about an hour or two and it’s totally worth it. Stay tuned for my post on Uruguay where I’ll share with you some information and photos on the fun places I visited while I was there.
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La Liga de Europa, el Clásico de México y más… #ResumenDeportivo 🏈 14/02 en #AristeguiEnVivo
La Liga de Europa, el Clásico de México y más… #ResumenDeportivo 🏈 14/02 en #AristeguiEnVivo
Se jugaron los 16vos de final en la Liga de Europa, las “Chivas” y las “Águilas” se preparan para el clásico del fubtol mexicano y más información deportiva en voz de Erick Casas.
Nota completa en : Aristegui Noticias
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