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FT.Willz Theory PT.2
Made by a Brazilian page (Not mine, I'm only translating).
Original content (PORTUGUESE, BRAZIL):
Read the first part!

A closer look to the symbol

Now ot turned down!
Thanks to nightingveil for the insight on the symbol, I have already spoken to her about it, and she was very kind to me ♥ Great theories and insights.
Frank answered about the about the book but deleted the tweet right after, too obvious right, Frank?
Anyways, if anyone still doesn't believe in the similarities..
“First of all, the way FTWillz writes is incredibly similar to Frank’s, with both the lack of capital letters and the frequent use of dashes in their poems.
There are about 34-35 poems written there, and FTWillz ‘sends’ a message that we could classify as ‘full of hate’ and ‘desperate for someone to find it.’
Nothing new, right? All things that connect us to Frank’s poetry, whose poems are very similar to FTWillz’s new ones.
Other important things could be the notes and tags: in fact, FTWillz doesn’t add tags to his posts and has only two notes, one of which is from the girl who told about this blog.
It seems like Frank didn’t want to be discovered.
I immediately thought that the blog was a sort of ‘refuge,’ where he wanted to write safely without issues.
The obvious question is: why didn’t he make a private blog?
You could say that this blog is absolutely interesting from every angle.
One of the things I noticed was the last poem he wrote, on September 20th, which appears at the top of the first page, where FTWillz mentions a certain Sylvia Plath."

So she mentions that in an interview, Frank compares the ideology of The Black Parade to a poem by Sylvia Plath.
Now go back to the poem i put on top, posted by both F.T.Willz and Frank Iero.

In August 25, it this Tumblr f-t-willz-must-die, a poem was posted with the same phrase as Frank's:

May 23rd, a poem titled "Houston we have a…" was posted.

"You're so cool cool cool"
Kill all your friends, remember that MCR song?
'Cause we are all a bunch of animais that never paid attention in school
So tell me all about your problems
I was killing before killing was cool
You're so cool, you're so cool, so cool!
In these poems, it seems like whoever wrote them was extremely upset/pissed at someone who decided to change their view on being 'cool' and thinks they're very important, described as "arrogantly successful" in the poem.
Wait for part three! xo 💕
#mcr#mychemicalromance#gerardway#frankiero#my chemical romance#frank iero#frerard#mcrx#gerard way#frerardisreal#frerardtheory#grank#ftwillztheory#ftwwillz
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#frerard#my edit#Mcr#yesibelieve#itsreal#frerardisreal#proofs#ftwwillz#frankiero#gerardway#frankierosongs#mychemicalromance#mcr#fucklynz
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"So you still shipp frerard in 2024? Lollll"
So you still think they were just friends and had NOTHING AT ALL happening between them EVER?
In 2024 you fuck? No, you apparently are the crazy one, buddy.
#mcr#mychemicalromance#frankiero#gerardway#my chemical romance#frerard#mcrx#frank iero#gerard way#frerardisreal#grank#gay#thatgayshit#ftwwillz#fiatc#fiatfv#fiatp#lgbtqplus#frerard theory
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Frerard CRIME
Hey gayasses.
One of my favorite subjects in the world is Frerard. Imagine two guys in a band who has shown affection in public, has kissed more then one time and made out but some fans don't believe it's somenthing.
Now imagine these two guys marrying both women and still writing songs that fit perfectly in what they lived together and also one of them confesses this in an website.
It's all about not saying it's real but making it CLEAR AS THE FUCKING WATER.
I love it.
Imagine them coming out in their seventies like: "fans, it was real! We're divorcing and getting married now" lol.
And I know it's tragic, but life is.
I'm not really expecting them to actually get together, i don't know if you guys have my thought.
I just have all the proofs to believe that sometime, somewhere they had this feeling.
Buy y'know sometimes people will judge you like you're an asshole for supporting a shipp of married people. I get it but it's not like we have something against their actual marriages (less for the kids which are all really cute) but I ALSO have my reasons to wish that they at least would go through this and do the right thing.
If you don't even think a little bit about Frerard being real or not, you've ignored;
Frank's lyrics
Important parts of my chem story.
I think it would be easier to just ignore but I can't!
And now we finally enter the subject. Who the fuck started treating us like criminals? Are we destroying their families? Don't be disgusting. I have nothing to say about this.
#frerard#frerardwasreal#frerardtheory#grank#my chemical romance#mcr#mcrx#mychemicalromance#frankiero#frank iero#gerard way#gerardway#gay#frerardisreal#frerard theory
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Leathermouth, Death Spells, Cellabration, Patience, Future violents
Be like:

And ftwwillz... Oh did you hear something? I said nothing!
#frankiero#frank#frank iero and the patience#frank iero and the cellabration#frank iero#leathermouth#death spells#barriers#parachutes#stomachaches#my chemical romance#mychemicalromance#mychem#mcr#ftwwillz#frerardisreal#frerard
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The Frerard theory
⚠️Make sure not to hate in the comments. If you're not interested chill out, go out!
This is a very important era. The fans started to really feel like it was actually happening. The evidences were getting much obvious, pretty soon they would tell us they were dating or something, right?
If I chose to waste the past 10 years of my life to explain something, that would be that confusing year in my chem. There was no single moment these two weren't doing something onstage. Seriously, look at those pictures yourself and tell me if for an anti-homophobia message it wasn't too much:

Much weird, right? I mean. Not disgusting at all lol. But isn't it too much even for making the fans happy, to make homophobes mad, or anything else? There was not only inoffensive kisses, they were not even fast, and sexual things was happening too much. About the kisses, what's more interesting were those passionate ones:
Chronologically 1st one ->
2nd ->
There you could watch them doing it freely. Nothing to hide, nothing to care. Frank was single and so was Gerard. But why? Why when people asked them it turned into nothing? When it comes to the interviews there was only laughing and embarrassment (specially coming from Gerard).. They were playing with us? With each other? Pretty soon you'll see who got more played in this situation.
Interview 1
Interviewer: (...) Wants to know if Gerard sleeps naked
Frank: Yes he does
Gerard: No!
Frank: Well you did when you slept with me
Gerard: a literal nervous laugh.
Interview 2 (About the most famous kiss)
Interviewer: How it was to kiss Frank?
Gerard: oh it was like magic! Fireworks!
Frank on the background: hiding his face
Ending of 07's: Suddenly Wife!?
Let's not talk about her in specifical this time, but about what brought her into the fandom. Surprisingly Gerard appeared with a woman, and we heard they got married in December 3rd. But not only us but everyone else including the bandmates didn't know Gerard was even that serious with her since they were dating about three months until that moment, even them being old friends it was still too soon. Fans shocked. Some of happiness, liking her, her band and stuff. Others wanted to know what about Frank. Others just hated her because she was too possessive (still) but as I said this is not the subject.
That was an literal nightmare. Gerard and Frank just fought onstage after that, not sure If Frank tried to kiss or tackle him but Gerard got him rolling to the floor. Everytime I watch this I feel so much pain.
The fight ->
We can guess Frank was the only one who fell for him. Or Gerard wasn't brave enough to show off with him. It's very hard to say but deep inside Gerard can be an insecure guy looking for some rescue, something that wouldn't make him worry and get anxious like a gay relationship for example. Not saying he doesn't love Lindsey, but I can't say he doesn't (didn't) love Frank sometime. Personally i feel like it can't be that he didn't fall for him. Even Frank being the insistent one, You need two individuals to make a kiss, right?
Frank started to show himself in a depressed way. Like one time that he went to the backstage and started crying when Gerard was singing Cancer, like he couldn't stand up even for a inoffensive sad song. And more, There's a rumor that says Ray saw Frank crying in the bathroom (not sure where).
Results: Frank was pissed. Like for real.
We never saw him this pissed before. We knew kiddo Frank. The crazy one, the eternal teen, the bone breaker. Now he was an literal adult.
As we all thought is the obvious, he got back together with Jamia and it didn't take long until he got married too.
With that, what a musician would do about it? Music, of course. First Frank started writing poetry (about Gerard) on his site on myspace called ftwwillz (which one he still used until 2013 or 2014), pretty soon he would use those lyrics to make his new songs. Leathermouth came with the most violently depressing songs, reminds a lot of Black flag, his favorite band.
MCR was inactive. Frank started a new band of electronic-rock called Death spells. Full of those myspace lyrics as much as Leathermouth. I think Frank made this account for some of the fans see and believe what he says. What he feels.

All for today killjoys
#frerard#frerardisreal#frerardtheory#gerardway#frankiero#frank iero#gerard way#my chemical romance#mychemicalromance#mcr#mcrx
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#frerard #yesibelieve #itsreal #frerardisreal #proofs #ftwwillz #frankiero #gerardway #frankierosongs #mychemicalromance #mcr #fucklynz
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