megcapulet · 7 years
Tread gently||10/23
Megan had calmed down from the previous night but she was still a bundle of nerves following her cancelled date.  She met Emmet for a quick catch up before she made her way to Jared’s house.  She needed something, anything to get her head clear and back on an even keel again and it looked like she wasn’t going to get it from Oz right now, if ever.  Knocking at the door she leaned against the wall giving a small shrug when the door opened, “Hi.”
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switchwaymeg · 8 years
Dining Cherubs || 3/2
Megan was pleased that Jared had offered to pick her up from her home as it gave her a little more time to get herself ready.  Never one to shy away from color Megan had chosen a bright red dress and accessories and matching her red lipstick to her dress, making her dark hair even more striking in contrast against her pale skin.  Giving herself a final check in the mirror as she heard the door Megan moved quickly to open it.  With a bright smile she looked at the man in front of her, “Hello Sir, how are you?”
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megcapulet · 7 years
Who: Jared Brooks and Megan Capulet
Date: 9/12/17
Notes: Megan goes for her punishment with Jared and secrets are revealed.
Megan was nervous as she arrived at Jared's door. Not only was he punishing her for being disrespectful, which while she wasn't thrilled about she could agree she deserved, but following on from her date with Oz she was freshly bruised and had a feeling that wasn't going to go down too well. She hadn't mentioned her date to the Dominant and as he was already cross about her not telling him things she was nervous about how he might take this news too. Megan knocked at his door and dropped to her knees not willing to give him any further reason for complaint.
Jared was completely annoyed with his friend. He had no allusions about what they were to each other. But they were close. He would have thought that something as big as going home with the Lord of the Montagues would warrant personal revelation. She'd only added insult to injury by being a complete brat about his annoyance. He didn't relish the idea of punishing Megan but she didn't leave him much choice. Seeing her kneeling when he opened the door let him know that she knew the punishment was deserved. "Crawl to the living room, Megan and kneel in front of the sofa."
Megan looked up as the front door opened but as she had expected she wasn't greeted by a cheery smile but rather a serious look. She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes when he told her to crawl through, clearly he was taking it seriously and wasn't going to just tell her off. With a slight huff she crawled inside and through, leaving her bag with her things for work the next day on the doorstep for him to bring in. She knelt as instructed, a small hiss leaving her lips as she caught one of her more prominent bruises as she moved into position.
Jared picked up her bag and sat it inside the door. He caught the huff and frowned, following behind her. He waited till she was on her knees before sitting directly in front of her. The hiss of pain didn't go unnoticed either. "Are you sore, Megan?"
Megan bit down on her lip to stop any further sounds but she clearly wasn't quick enough. Her eyes flashed up to the Dominant before dropping to her lap again. "A little Sir," she said quietly.
Jared sighed. Really? She had the nerve to show up for a punishment sore? "Seriously, Megan? Tell me why you are sore."
Megan felt her stomach flip when she heard him sigh. It was clear he wasn't happy with her but the question just made her shoulder's sag. "I had a scene on Sunday," she said plainly before adding. "A sort of date type scene." Whatever she said wasn't going to make him happy but not telling him the truth would no doubt annoy him further.
Jared "And were you aware of having a date before or after you knew you would be punished," Jared asked. He shook his head. Part of him wondered if it was even worth it to punish her at this point. "So do I have to ask who you went out with or are you going to share that information this time?'
Megan didn't like the tone of his voice but studiously studied her lap, feeling even worse at his question. She waited a moment before she answered, "I knew I had a date first but you wanted to punish me as soon as you could." She finally looked up at his second question, "I had dinner with Lord Montague."
Jared stood and left her alone for a moment. The fact that she'd known and still hadn't told him made him livid. He went and fetched some water and brought it back. "So, to recap. You went on a date that you knew would probably end in a scene that would leave you sore but you scheduled time with me anyway. That sound right? Because right now, Megan, I'm tempted to send you right back out the door."
Megan didn't know what to think when he walked away. Turning her head she watched him leave, knowing better than to say anything. When he came back and ran through everything she had to admit it didn't sound good at all. She didn't want punished even though she knew she needed it from him but the thought of him sending her away was more than she could bear. "Please Sir, I'm sorry. Don't send me away. I should have told you but I was mad at you and wasn't thinking. Punish me for this too if you want but please don't send me away Sir."
Jared ran a hand through his hair with a sigh before reaching out and taking her chin between his fingers and making sure she was looking at him. "Megan, I won't send you away. I care about you too much for that," he said, brushing a thumb over his cheek. "Being mad at someone is no excuse for disrespect, however. So, it appears that because my choices of punishment are now limited by your extracurricular activities that I need to find a plan B."
Megan had no choice but to look at him and she nodded as best she could. "No Sir, there was no excuse," she agreed quickly. In many respects she was glad he was changing the punishment because it meant she had been due to get a spanking and the thought of that on top of the bruises she already had was not pleasant. "I'm sorry Sir," she whispered and genuinely meaning it. She enjoyed her time with Jared and hated him being cross with her in any form.
Jared "I appreciate that and you are forgiven," Jared said sincerely. He wasn't relishing this punishment. Though he'd have been far happier to turn Megan over his knee and bruise her ass himself. "There is a small wooden stool in the kitchen, go get it. Take it to that corner over there. You will sit facing the wall for at least 30 minutes. Movement of any kind will only prolong your punishment. Are we understood?"
Megan felt she could breath a little easier as he accepted her apology but that lasted as long as hearing what her new punishment would be. She went to the kitchen, groaning to herself when she saw the stool and well aware it was going to be a very uncomfortable thirty minutes and that was without considering that he was punishing her like a naughty child. By the time she had picked up the stool and carried it back through to the corner she was in a foul mood and determined not to talk to him. Pouting like the petulant child she felt she dropped the stool down with a thud before she sat down, tipping her hips so as little of her bruised ass as possible was touching the solid wood. Her arms folded and her lips pouting she tried to ignore how uncomfortable and unbalanced the position was and she knew there was no way she could maintain it for any length of time.
Jared said nothing as Megan turned from apologetic to brat in the blink of an eye. He covered the smile on his face and watched as she dropped the stool and sat. He waited a minute before standing to grab some more water and some paperwork he needed to look through. "You are setting yourself up for failure, love," he called, the comment almost offhand.
Megan huffed when she heard his words. She was so frustrated with herself - for getting mad during the texts and getting herself in this position and then for upsetting him and not scheduling it for when she was better although she did know that would have been difficult to organise and now for being in this ridiculous position. Her legs trembled and she knew that she was doing her body no favors trying to hold the ridiculous pose. Much as she hated to give in she had no choice and placed her bottom properly on the stool so her knees were bent up putting most of her weight on her ass. She could feel every mark and while usually she would enjoy that her headspace wouldn't let her think of the fun she had had getting the bruises, only the pain that they were causing during her punishment. In her own little protest she still huffed loudly and folded her arms and hoped that thirty minutes would pass quickly.
Jared shook his head as he watched her. The settling on her ass, he could ignore. But those crossed arms broke the rules. "Another five minutes, Megan. I told you not to move."
Megan turned with a frown, her arms flying out to grab the edge of the stool as she did. "I didn't move," she protested loudly.
Jared sighed. "Forty-five minutes," he intoned. "Keep it up and you'll sit there all night."
Megan was livid as he added on another ten minutes but she also knew him well enough not to doubt he would follow through. She turned back to face the wall, her chest heaving and her blood boiling but not going to say another word.
Jared was happy to see Megan finally acquiesce. He noted the time and then sat down to read the documents that he grabbed. He occasionally looked up, monitoring any signs of real distress, though he doubted he'd see any.
Megan rolled her eyes so many times she was surprised they didn't fall out. Her back to him it was the biggest protest she could without him adding any more time and even after just a short time she was really regretting her outburst. She had always hated this as a punishment, a spanking was over quickly but corner time dragged and not being able to move was even worse. All she could do was sit and think and try to ignore the pain and while she tried not to think about her behaviour that brought her to her current position she couldn't keep the thoughts out of her head. Her eyes began to water and she knew she owed Jared another proper apology.
Jared was pleased to see that Megan at the very least resigned herself to her punishment. There was no more movement and he didn't detect any heavy sighing. Knowing Megan, the wall had probably been subjected to some serious eye rolling and death glares but that was fine. As the clock ticked on, he waited until exactly 45 minutes had past before rising and walking over to her. "Your punishment is over, you are forgiven. You can stand up now," he said gently, holding out his hand to help her stand.
Megan was beyond bored and in pain but she decided she didn't want to have to sit any longer than necessary. As much as she tried to think of other things her attitude to Jared kept coming back to her and she did feel very guilty. When he finally came over and told her the time was up he eyes were still glistening and her lower body was definitely very sore. Holding his hand she stood up and stretched herself. "Thank you Sir and I'm sorry - for the disrespect and not properly informing you of my plans," Megan said as she looked at him. She stood awkwardly, not sure if he would still want her to stay now he had had to change his plans.
Jared leaned down and kissed Megan's cheek at the apology. "I am sure you are sore, love. What do you need? Aspirin? Anything else?" He lead her back to his couch. "If it is more comfortable to lie down, please do so. I'd like for you to stay. I can order food and we can just be lazy."
Megan gave him a slight shrug, "Aspirin would be good Sir." She lay down on her stomach at his instruction and smiled brighter at him, feeling things were a bit more on a familiar course. "That sounds lovely Sir. Can we have Chinese please?" Laying her head on her arms she looked up at him with bright eyes.
Megan joined the chat 2 days ago
Jared joined the chat 2 days ago
Jared chuckled and bent over to kiss the top of her head. "Yes, pretty girl, we can have Chinese," he said. He fetched aspirin and a bottle of water and brought it back for her. He sat on the floor, back leaning against the back of the couch by her head. "Your usual?" He asked pulling out his phone.
Megan sat up and took a couple of asprin and swallowed them down quickly. Putting the water bottle down on the floor she lay back down on the couch grinning as she heard his question. "Yes please Sir," she replied quickly as her stomach gave a growl in agreement. "You don't happen to have an open bottle of wine do you?" she smirked.
Jared leaned back and returned the smirk. "I don't have an one open but I think, for you, I can open one. You have a preference?" Megan knew what he kept handy. He quickly placed the order and flopped his head back on the couch.
Megan leaned her head forward and kissed his cheek at the offer. "Do you have any more of that lovely Chardonnay? I think it was from New Zealand." She picked up the remote and switched on the TV calling up Netflix, "Your choice tonight since I've chosen everything else."
Jared smiled at the kiss. "I believe so," he replied, not moving yet. "My choice, huh. How gracious of you, love," he said, not particularly caring. "I'm not terribly fussed about what we watch. Something mindless will be fine."
Megan took back the control and flicked through finally settling on some singing show that was vaguely familiar. "Hmm, maybe this isn't such a good idea, am I going to have to deal with your singing if we watch this," she teased.
Jared would have reached back and pinched her ass if she wasn't already in pain. "My singing is respectable I have you know. Stop comparing me to my mother," he said, defending himself. "Be nice or the wine will stay unopened."
Megan giggled at his warning. "It's wonderful, I never knew why you didn't go into the performing business." She pouted at him as he warned her about not getting wine, "You wouldn't Sir, you want deprive me or you of alcohol."
Jared rolled his eyes. "Because it's respectable and my mother is an Opera singer. Enough said." The doorbell rang and he pushed himself to his feet. "Unfortunately, you are right. You also cannot eat lying down. I suspect the couch is considerably more comfortable than the stool though." He left her for a moment and fetched the take out from the delivery person. He brought it back and set it on the coffee table before retrieving the requested wine and cutlery.
Megan chuckled at his comeback but before she could say anything the doorbell rang. She groaned as he told her she couldn't eat lying down. "I don't see why I can't eat lying down," she complained, pulling herself up to sitting anyway. Once he had brought everything through Megan handed him his food before she settled down with hers. "So what is new in the amazing world of Jared anyway?" she asked lightly.
Jared ignored the complaining, knowing that Megan would comply. He chuckled as he sat down next to her with his food. "You make my life sound like a tv show..." he chuckled, taking a bite while he thought. "Really there hasn't been anything knew or terribly exciting. Still wrestling money from nobles with too much of it." He shrugged. "Watching the madness that the decree has caused as been about as exciting as it gets." Though he was admittedly curious, if Megan wanted to share what was going on between her and Lord Oz, she would do so without prompting.
Megan teased, "Your life is amazing and entertaining and full of intrigue and mystery." She ate her food and nodded appropriately as he spoke, her lips twisting as he mentioned the decree. "You don't feel compelled to see what is on offer from the Montagues then?" she asked curiously. "Most people I have spoken to are at least having a look at the goods so to speak."
Jared "Oh yes. Intrigue and mystery," Jared said blankly. The question was valid though he didn't really relish answering it. "A look at the goods? You make it sound like a meat market, Megan," he said, and it a lot of ways it was, he supposed. "I don't feel terribly compelled to walk down that road again, no. I'm not even sure I would count as a Capulet anyway, job notwithstanding. My nobility still lies in Venice, after all." It was a tenuous argument but one he planned to use if he were in anyway pressured to claim.
Megan looked down, examining her food at his slight chastisement. She wasn't wrong, everyone was viewing each other in a different way since the decree and it wasn't necessarily pleasant. "You don't want to try again, if it was someone you really cared for?" she questioned gently. Finishing off her food Megan put everything down and lay down again, her head resting on his lap. "What if it was me? I don't care about where your nobility lies. We would be a wonderful claim."
Jared: "I never say never," Jared said, nearly cryptically. He would have to be head over heels to consider claiming again. His own food finished he set it aside and leaned back against the couch, immediately beginning to card his fingers through Megan's dark hair. "You are right we would." In fact, if not for the decree they would have probably gotten there eventually. "We should have thought of it before the Prince became involved." He stroked her hair and hummed in contentment. "Are we going to make one of those hideous pacts now...the one that says if we aren't part of the twelve we will claim?"
Megan smiled up at him, humming softly as he began to stroke her hair. She laughed at his pact suggestion, "Absolutely we should. Especially if there aren't the twelve claims and we all get exiled. You can take me with you back to Venice." For a moment it all seemed very serious again but then Megan tried to lighten the mood again smirking up, "After all I need to be in a claim with someone who knows my takeout order and favorite wine and doesn't get too mad when I become a brat occasionally."
Jared laughed and smirked down at the dark-hair submissive. "Occasionally?" he teased, tugging on her hair. He could picture it, really. The two of them settling down into something permanent. But it didn't seem fated to happen so it would likely remain a lovely thought.
Megan giggled at his teasing but she could so easily see herself with him, before the decree for definite. But now, the decree was a complication and so was Lord Montague and her strangely growing feelings for the Dominant. "It was Lord Montague," she suddenly blurted out, her cheeks flushing at her boldness. "My date the other day, it was with Lord Montague again...but you can't tell anyone Sir. Especially not Drew, he'll go mad."
Jared 's hand stilled for an instant. Of course it had been. "I won't tell anyone, Megan," he said softly, suspecting that Drew's anger had been a bit like his own at the revelation. He also suspected that he wasn't ready to hear about her exploits with the head of the family.
Megan felt the pause and her heart sank. She should have kept it quiet for a little longer, Jared was her friend but Oz had a reputation and if she pursued something with him she was going to have to get used to this kind of reaction. "Thank you," she replied as quietly at the assurance he wouldn't tell. It would all come out soon, she wasn't naive enough to think otherwise but for a little while she needed to keep it quiet.
Jared sighed. "Megan, if you are happy and safe, that is all that matters to me," he said sincerely, despite the fact that he had serious doubts that she'd ever be truly safe with Lord Montague. Whatever they could have had between them was surely no more than a dream now.
Megan turned so she could look up at him. "I like him Jared, more than I probably should but I've had two nights with him so it's hardly a long term thing." She turned away again leaving out the 'yet'. The dominant had got right under her skin in a way nobody, not even Jared had done before but she was clearly going to have a lot of concerned people if it did continue.
Jared stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I know you, Megan. It's easy to see that you like him. Maybe it won't be long term, but I'm betting that you wouldn't be opposed to seeing him more, especially if you are concerned about keeping it quiet."
Megan closed her eyes at the soothing touch. "No, I would happily see him again. He's different, he takes me even further than I thought possible and demands so much more but all without talking above a whisper. It's like he knows what he wants and is in control the whole time and he just ...it's just already he's had me so deep in subspace it's incredible. Everything he does just hits my kinks and it's amazing." With Jared being so sweet and understanding Megan's reservation talking about Lord Montague waned and she was happy to have someone she could tell.
Jared listened, though it was difficult to hear Megan wax poetic about another person. But he was sincere enough in his wish for Megan's happiness that he managed to stay silent. He wasn't sure what he could say to all that. "I'm glad for you, love."
Megan smiled as he said he was pleased for her. It was a relief to know that at least one person was happy that she had some prospects. "Thank you Sir," she said softly before turning her gaze back to the TV.
Jared returned Megan's smile and resumed petting as he rested his head on the back of the couch and turned his own attention back to the screen. Despite his bruised ego, he did wish the best for her and if this was what she wanted, he'd support her.
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switchwaymeg · 8 years
Coffee mix || 2/21
It had been a very long morning and her afternoon wasn’t looking much better so Megan had decided that for her own sanity she needed out of the hospital for a short break at lunchtime and some decent coffee.  The queue in the coffee shop was longer than she would have liked but they were fairly efficient and it wasn’t too long before she had placed her order.  Waiting at the side as they made up the drinks her name was called and she grabbed the cup sitting on the counter, stepping away before she took a sip. Screwing up her face at the taste she made her way back to the counter, through the throng of people .  “Excuse me, this isn’t my order,” she called, failing to catch anyone’s attention.  “This isn’t my coffee,” she shouted, trying again.
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switchwaymeg · 8 years
Birthday treat
Who: Jared Brooks and Megan Rogers
When: 15th March
Notes: Jared helps Megan celebrate her birthday.
Megan had enjoyed a relaxing, lazy day for her birthday. She had spoken with her parents and her brothers and actually spent time lying on the couch just watching a movie. By the time the doorbell went in the evening she was dressed in one of her favourite dresses - short, dark green and very comfortable. She had wine chilling in the fridge and multiple menus to order something in and was looking forward to a fun time. Pulling open the door she grinned at Jared, "Good evening Sir."
Jared was looking forward to the evening. Megan was a pleasure to spend time with and they got on quite well. He arrived at her door with gifts for the Goddess. "Good evening to you beautiful," he smiled, leaning down to kiss her gently. "And Happy Birthday." He stepped in before handing her the bouquet of spring flowers and box of chocolate truffles. "A very small fealty for the Goddess on her special day."
Megan tipped her head to accept the kiss, smiling brightly as she took the gifts. "Thank you very much," she laughed stepping aside so Jared could pass. "I will just pop these in some water," she said as she led him into the living room. "Can I get you a drink while I'm through there?"
Jared was definitely a fan of Megan's smile. It lit not just her face but the whole room. "You are quite welcome," he smiled as they moved to her living room. "That would be lovely, thank you. Have you enjoyed your day so far?"
Megan took a few steps towards the kitchen, turning back at his question. Holding out her hand to encourage him to follow her through to the kitchen which would be easier than trying to shout back and forth, Megan led the way so she could deal with the flowers. "It's been very chilled which has been lovely. I spoke with my parents and my brothers and just confirmed a few things for Friday's party," she explained as she pulled out the wine and a couple of glasses. "Is white alright?" she asked as she put them down and then got out a vase to arrange the flowers.
Jared took Megan's hand and squeezed it gently as he followed her into the kitchen. He watched as she retrieved wine and began to arrange the flowers. "Sounds like a very relaxing day. Something I am sure you needed." Jared was aware at this point as to how hard Megan worked. "White will do, just fine. Is the party coming along well?"
Megan laughed softly at his comment, "Yes, a chance to just do nothing for a few hours is a rare treat." Asking him to pour the wine as she organised the flowers she nodded at the question, "I think so. The bar is obviously dealing with the drinks and their usual DJ is playing. I spoke to the caterers and they are still on track so I think it should be fine. It's just that whole - what if there's not enough food, or the DJ doesn't show up or I've forgotten to invite someone who really should be there." She looked at him with wide, panicked eyes wondering yet again why she thought this would be a good idea.
Jared set about pouring the wine while she worked with the flowers. He frowned a bit as she began to discuss her party. She sounded far less like the confident person he knew she was. He set down the wine and stepped forward, catching her chin between his fingers and kissing her again to stop her train of thought. "It is going to be fine, darling. There is always a way around some little what if you may have forgotten. I promise." Stepping back, he handed her a glass of wine. "Now, relax for me. It is your birthday, after all. Goddesses should be off-duty."
Megan was cut off from her negative thoughts by the kiss and she sighed taking a deep breath as it ended. She took the glass from him with a smile, giggling at his final comment. "Oh it's very hard for goddesses to be off duty, those naughty cherubs can sense weakness," she replied with a shrug before reaching for his hand. "C'mon, let's go and order some food before I drink too much on an empty stomach," she raised her brows at him in mock concern as she led him through to the living room and the menus.
Jared chuckled at the comment and took her hand again to be led back to where they started. "Lead the way," he said, face mimicking her mock-concern. "I wouldn't want the alcohol to go to your head or anything. Who knows what would happen?" He winked and seated himself in front of the menus that were spread out. "So, what kind of sustenance would you like for your birthday dinner?"
Megan chuckled as he agreed about the alcohol as she took another drink. "Absolutely, if anything were to happen I would hate to have alcohol to blame it on," she replied with a smirk and feeling much less panicked about things. Her eyes raked over the menus, "How about Thai? Something light and tasty, would you like that?" Yes she thought, she definitely needed to eat soon, it had been a long time since lunch and the wine was already making her flirty.
Jared smirked back. "Oh, no. Definitely don't want to blame the alcohol. If something were to happen, I would want the complete blame." His eyes raked over her as she perused the menus. "Thai sounds perfect."
Megan laughed out loud at him taking the blame. "That's a deal then Sir. I am entirely innocent in everything," she purred, her hand brushing over her neck and pushing her hair back off her shoulders. "I'll have a massaman curry, what would you like?" Giving him a moment she picked up the phone to place the order.
Jared gave Megan a sly smile. "Now, now. I didn't say you were entirely innocent," he teased, "Where would the fun be in that?" He had an urge to tangle his hand in her hair and pull her in for another kiss but resisted. Food first, then play. "Pad Thai, I think. Please."
Megan hung up the phone after placing their order and shook her head sadly, "They said they are quite busy so it will be about forty minutes. Guess we need to amuse ourselves until then." With a smirk she nodded towards the TV, "Shall we watch something? Or perhaps you would like a nice game of cards?" The switch moved closer as she spoke until she was practically on his lap but stopping herself taking the last step.
Jared "Well, I do play a mean game of Old Maid," Jared teased, snaking an arm around her waist and hauling the switch into his lap. "You looked a tad uncomfortable. I think this is a better seat don't you?" He brushed her hair away from her neck before leaning in to nip at a patch of pale skin.
Megan squealed as she was pulled into his lap but very happy to be there. Shifting her hips to settle herself more comfortably she smiled, "So much better Sir." Sighing happily as he pushed her hair back she gave a soft moan as he nipped at her delicate skin. "You are a tease Sir," she grinned. "Distracting me so you will win at cards."
Jared "Me? A tease?" Jared muttered into her neck, still distracted by the skin there. "Never. I would win from my incredible skill, obviously." His lips and teeth moved and found new areas, the shifting of her hips giving him incentive to slip his hand between her thighs. "You, darling, are the tease. Asking me if I wanted something light and tasty? As if anything would taste as good as you right now."
Megan "I look forward to witnessing this display of skill then," she giggled between gasps as he continued to explore her neck. As his hand pushed between her thighs she moved her legs further apart to encourage him. At the back of her mind was the idea that the doorbell could go any moment and they shouldn't get too carried away but at the same time her panties were already growing damp and she really wanted to feel him. His words made her shake her head with a disagreeing grin, "I'm not a tease Sir. If I was I wouldn't have bothered wearing underwear at all...and would be saying no treats until after dinner!"
Jared grinned as Megan's legs parted further for him, his fingers teased next to the edge of her panties, drawing patterns on her thighs but never touching the dampened fabric. He pulled the fabric of her dress up with one hand and stopped kissing long enough to glance down. He scoffed at the sight of her panties. "Darling, these hardly qualify as panties," he chided, finally running a finger over the center of her. "But you most certainly are a treat. Though I'm not terribly fond of people, even Goddesses, telling me what I cannot have."
Megan: moaned against his lips as his fingers brushed over her thighs. Her lips twitched, amused, as he glanced down at her panties before dismissing them. She began to argue that she had chosen them specially for him when he gave his small reprimand. Pouting at him Megan shook her head sadly, "But if people just gave you everything you wanted straight off where would the challenge be? Besides..." she tried to continue but his finger over her core made it difficult, "Besides ....the food will be here soon and you don't want to have to stop in the middle of something do you?" Her words were forced out and she looked at him with flushed cheeks knowing she certainly didn't want to stop in the middle of something to answer the door.
Jared continued to tease over the slip of panties that Megan wore, admittedly eager to peal them away and reveal the prize underneath. The pout was adorable. He placed a finger under her chin and tipped her face up to kiss it soundly. " As much as I do love a challenge, I also enjoy being indulged," he chuckled, nipping again at her skin. "Don't I? Not a fan of anticipation then? I think there is something to be said for bringing someone right to the edge and then being forced to stop. Think of it darling, you'd have to answer the door flushed and disheveled. The delivery person knowing exactly what you've been up to. Maybe they'd walk away and get themselves off thinking about you, hmm?"
Megan was on a losing battle, there was no doubt left in her mind as his kiss made her melt. As he spoke about her answering the door needy and breathless she shifted in his lap and thinking it sounded pretty perfect. "You seem very confident you could get me to the edge in the time we have left," she challenged, despite knowing it would be easy. "And do you really think that is fair on the delivery person? Turning them on when they have more deliveries to make?"
Jared nodded and continued to press hot lips against her neck and collarbone. "You may even say I'm overly confident," he teased, pressing his finger against the outline of her pussy through her panties, not rubbing just pressing firmly. "I think it wouldn't take much work at all to have you begging to come." God, how he wanted to hear her beg. "Oh, see I look at it completely differently. Think of how boring those shifts must be. We may be the highlight of their evening. The only bright spot in their very humdrum existence. You'd be providing charity. Something I also excel at," he chuckled. "Say it, darling. Say you want me to get you close."
Megan tipped her head back, her breathing already becoming labored as the mixture of his lips on her neck and that finger applying heated pressure to her damp core. "Fuck," she mumbled quietly at him telling her she would have to beg and how right he was that it wouldn't be much work at all. He did make her laugh though, his notion that her answering the door while wet and needy was a sort of charity. "Since it's for charity I can hardly refuse Sir," she quirked, though a desperation hung over her words. "Please touch me Sir, bring me close," she said as her hand lay lightly on her thigh before leaning in to whisper, "Feel how wet I am already for you Sir, make me moan."
Jared savored every reaction he pulled from the switch. She was beautiful when she was needy and wanting. He matched her laugh with one of his own, knowing he would get his way. "Darling, how can I refuse such a request?" he said, a bit smugly and slipped a finger under the fabric of her skimpy panties. He drew it slowly along her slit, moaning against her neck as her juices coated his finger. "Is this all for me, darling?" The words were a purr against her ear before he took hold of her earlobe with his teeth and tugged. He zeroed in on her clit and circled it slowly, building speed and pressure as she adjusted to the feeling.
Megan held her breath as his fingers grew closer to where she wanted them. Part of her wanted him to take her panties off and leave her bare for him but there was something about still wearing them that she found quite exciting. Perhaps it was knowing that they would be wet but a sign that she wasn't getting her prize quite yet that turned her on. Moaning softly as his fingers teased over her slit she had to resist pushing her hips forward but being positioned on his lap helped with that. His words in her ear made her shiver, especially as he followed it by biting at her lobe and mixing it with that tantalising touch on her clit and Megan was rapidly slipping under his spell. "All yours Sir, anything you want," she murmured, a small part of her wondering if she could cancel the food order and just get naked for him right now.
Jared chuckled darkly in Megan's ear as she shivered in his lap. He was quite obviously having an affect on the switch and it was a heady, powerful feeling. "Mmm, be careful what you wish for, beautiful. Anything is a dangerous word." Not that he would ever cross a limit, this was just part of the tease and build up. He continued to work his finger in circles against her clit, alternating the pressure. "You won't be coming until after we eat, darling. Tell me when you are close." He was certain she could feel his own arousal against her bottom. He was denying himself as much as her but it would definitely be worth the wait.
Megan tried to laugh at his warning but it came out as a more desperate sort of groan. At that moment she would do just about anything he wanted knowing he would never push her into something she didn't want. She was getting close and the way he kept changing how he touched her clit was rapidly driving her nearer to her climax. She managed to turn her head towards him, pouting between ragged breaths, "It's my birthday and you are going to make me wait!" It was an observation rather than a question and he knew already that edging and denial were major kinks for her but she still felt the need to protest. His own body was clearly reacting to their exploits and shifting her hips slowly to rub against his growing length she leaned in whisper in his ear, "Do you think I have time to make you moan before dinner?"
Jared let out another nearly menacing chuckle at her observation. "Yes, darling, I am. I'm going to bring you to the edge over and over until all you can do is whimper and beg," he said, voice a husky whisper before he bit down on her collarbone and worked a dark mark into her skin. The shifting of her hips was giving him just enough friction to be a tease of its own. "Hmm. Possibly. You are quite talented, after all. Do your worst darling."
Megan threw her head back as he sucked a vivid mark on her collarbone, soft cries tumbling from her lips as his promise simultaneously filled her with dread and was practically enough to make her come on the spot. She didn't immediately move but it was clear to them both she wouldn't last much longer. "Sir...please, I'm close," she whined, edging back from his fingers but causing her ass to rub harder against him. Before she could so anything else though the doorbell rang and she looked at Jared with wide eyes, her cheeks flushed, the mark fresh on her collarbone and her thighs sweaty and sticky from her own arousal.
Jared stopped the movement of his fingers immediately upon her declaration that she was close. The whining was absolutely delicious and when she pulled back, the movement against his cock combined with her sounds was enough to pull a loud groan from him. When the doorbell rang, she looked completely debauched. "Go on, love. Answer the door." He kissed her lightly, eyes full of devilish light.
Megan sighed dramatically as he told her she was still going to answer the door. "So mean Sir," she complained with a giggle and scrunching up her nose at him. Picking up her purse so she could find some money Megan tugged her dress down as she walked to the door and completed the transaction as quickly as possible, avoiding the delivery man's eye as much as possible. Closing the door she leaned against it for a moment as she tried to get her excitement back under control and make it through dinner. "Do you want some wine?" she asked as she walked through to the kitchen, placing the bag on the dining room table as she went.
Jared refrained from pulling her back at the teasing accusation and showing her just how mean he could be. Instead he rolled his eyes and stood, stretching and very visibly arranging his erection. He watched out of sight of the delivery man as Megan paid for the food, cock twitching painfully against his zipper. He was still smirking as she gathered her wits and went to the kitchen. He followed, waiting until she placed the bag on the table before snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her back against him, cock pressed hard against her ass. "Yes, wine would be good," he said into her ear as he kissed the mark he made. "Do you know how absolutely delicious you looked? The delivery person is probably pleasuring himself right now to the thought of you."
Megan squealed in surprise as he pulled her close. She could feel his erection pressing against her and yet again she wished they hadn't bothered with food and they could carry on where they left off. His voice in her ear made her tremble, especially as he spoke about how she looked. She leaned back against his chest with a whisper, "You would like that Sir, wouldn't you? To know you get the real thing and he just has a memory." Sighing softly Megan stepped forward, "The food will get cold if we don't eat soon." She got out some plates and cutlery and handed them to Jared with a grin before she got out the wine.
Jared loved every reaction he pulled from the switch and the trembling body against his did nothing to dampen his arousal. It was going to be a long dinner for both of them. "You've no idea, beautiful," he said in response. It would give him great pleasure to show her off and then deny anyone who wanted a taste of her. He accepted the plates and cutlery with grace, while she retrieved the wine.
Megan brought over the wine and poured them both a glass before passing him his box of food. Putting some of her dinner onto her plate she sat down and began to eat. The conversation was light and easy as they both ate. She frequently found herself glancing over at him, her anticipation growing with the passing time. Having eaten her fill Megan nodded towards her plate with a smirk, "Would you like a taste Sir?"
Jared was distracted throughout the meal by thoughts of Megan. He did manage to eat as they continued to talk. The question pulled an answering smirk of his own to his lips. He was quite done with waiting. "I believe I would," he purred, leaning in and catching her lips in a dirty kiss. As he parted their lips he stood, and drew Megan to stand as well. "Bed. Now."
Megan picked up her glass and took a final sip as she waited for his answer, swallowing quickly as he leaned in. The intensity of the kiss caught her by surprise but she happily returned it and hoping that meant she wouldn't have to wait too much longer for more touching. As he brought her to stand now she looked with wide eyes to see what he wanted. "Yes Sir," she giggled at the order leading the way through to her bedroom, the dishes could definitely wait until the morning.
Jared eagerly followed Megan to her bedroom, done with any teasing for the evening. Well, done teasing himself any way. He reached for her as they entered her room and closed the door with his free hand. Drawing her into his arms, he pinned her against the door and kissed her again, hot and hungry. One hand raised the hem of her dress as he raked his nails up her thigh, and slipped a finger under the wisp of panties again. "Still soaked for me, darling?" he said, voice lust drenched. He pulled his finger free and tasted her with a low moan. "Strip. Now. Before I rip your beautiful dress."
Megan headed towards the bed as she entered the room only to be pulled back into his embrace. Her heart was racing as he held her against the door, her lips quickly caught in a deep kiss. Sighing deeply Megan licked her lips as his hand edged her dress up and went straight to her core again. Not sure the question really needed an answer, it was obvious she was drenched and had been thinking about this all through dinner Megan made a sound close to a whimper watching him taste her on his finger. God she really needed him to touch her further and thank goodness for an order which brought her back to the moment and stopped her just staring at those perfect lips. "Yes Sir," she uttered as she pulled her dress over her head without hesitation. She did enjoy stripping, having someone watch her as she slowly peeled off her layers but tonight she was too interested in after. Dropping her dress on the floor she removed her shoes, bra and then panties before looking to him again, expectantly.
Jared watched as her clothes fell to the floor, noting that she was not bent on teasing any further. The clothes were dispatched with little care, yet the reveal of skin caused his cock to throb. He managed to pull his shirt off and stalk forward again. "Beautiful," he growled, thumb brushing her lips and pushing between them. "I seem to need some help with my pants, love."
Megan admired his toned body as he pulled his shirt off. Smirking slightly as he came closer his deep, rough voice would have made her wet, if she wasn't already. He pushed his thumb between her lips and she sucked on it, holding his gaze and sucking harder as she heard his predicament. "I think I can probably help you with that," she grinned before quickly dropping to her knees. Megan ran her palm over the bulge on his pants before unfastening them. She pulled them down far enough to release his hard length and with a quick glance up at him, licked from his balls to the tip tantalisingly slowly.
Jared watched with dark eyes as Megan drew his thumb into her mouth and sucked. He drew in a harsh breath as she dropped to her knees. Fuck but she was gorgeous. All pale skin and dark hair that fanned over her shoulders. The little bit of friction over his clothes wasn't nearly enough. He let out another soft growl as his cock was finally released from its confines. God, she was skilled. The slide of her tongue along his length sent another jolt of desire through him. He tangled his fingers in her hair and tugged, encouraging her further. "Suck." He was too far gone to be eloquent.
Megan parted her legs as he yanked at her hair. She wanted him inside her and soon but birthday or not she knew it wasn't her choice, he had made it clear earlier that he was still in charge. Her tongue ran round the head of his cock for a moment before she complied with his order. Her lips slipped over his thick length and she took as much in as was comfortable, sucking hard as she began to bob up and down. Her tongue ran over the throbbing vein as she held him in her mouth. Gradually she was able to relax her throat and take more of him until she was right down to his balls, her eye watering at the effort.
Jared let out a deep moan as Megan wrapped her lips around him. The warm mouth was nothing compared to her slick pussy but it was a very good warm up. His fingers tensed and relaxed in her hair, tugging at it as she sucked. There was no way he would finish like this. As gorgeous as she looked like on her knees, he was too starved for her slick core. "Good girl," he praised hoarsely as she deep-throated him. He let her go a moment longer before tugging her off his cock and to her feet. Without any further ceremony and picked her up easily and tossed her to the bed. He climbed atop her and pinned her wrists over her head, lips capturing hers as he parted her legs.
Megan was getting into a rhythm as she bobbed and sucked against his cock as his hand pulled and relaxed in her long locks. The praise ran through her and encouraged her further until, without warning she was pulled off and before she knew what had happened Jared lifted her and dropped her onto her bed. Eyes full of lust she watched as he mounted her and quickly claimed her lips. His fingers edged her legs open and Megan moaned against his lips, desire building within her. "Please Sir," she whimpered as strong arms held her wrists still.
Jared mirrored Megan's lust-filled gaze. He was just as far gone and needy, though he refused to let himself lose control of the moment. Realizing that he'd nearly forgotten something, he released her hands for a moment. "Stay put, don't move those arms," he husked, moving to retrieve a condom from his pants and slide it over his rigid length. He was sure he'd never put one on as quickly before. He was back on her in seconds, sliding his cock through her wetness and over her clit as his hands returned to holding her down. He nudged at her entrance, watching her face. "Say it again, beautiful. Say please."
Megan's gaze followed him in bewilderment as he left her but following his orders she kept her hands in position. It didn't take her long to realise what he was doing and almost before she knew it he was back over her. She groaned as he teased her with his cock, her eyes fluttering shut for a moment. Looking up at him with her need clear on her face Megan smiled at the request. "Please Sir," she begged, a little louder than the last time but every bit as pleading.
Jared "As you wish," he growled, wasting no time entering her swiftly. His grip on her wrists tightened as he sunk into her hot body. Jesus, how had he waited this long? She felt perfect around him. He didn't wait to let either of them adjust before he was thrusting, driving them both towards what they'd been denying themselves all evening.
Megan cried out as he thrust roughly into her and quickly found his rhythm. Her hands twisted against him and his grip tightened making her moan louder. There was no way she was going to last long with the way he was filling her, controlling her. Her hips moved to meet him each time and the burn in her stomach rapidly grew. As her cries and moans echoed round the room Megan looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Please can I come Sir...please."
Jared was drive to move faster and harder by her cries, reveling in her need. He answered her cries with his own moans and harsh gasp of air. His hips drove relentlessly as he took what he wanted from her body. If he'd not already been close, her request to come would have pushed him there. "Yes, come for me, beautiful. Let me feel you."
Megan let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding as he gave her permission. It took barely two more thrusts before she fell apart, her body tightening before releasing with a yell. "Thank you Sir," she huffed between pants as he body began to calm.
Jared held on until he felt Megan's body clench and spasm around him. It was her release that triggered his own. He came nearly immediately after with a shout of his own, shoving deep inside her and stilling as he spilled into the condom. He pressed kisses to her cheeks as he calmed, smirking at the breathless thanks. "Darling, it was more than my pleasure." He held still for a few more moments until he finally slid from her body and disposed of the condom before lying back down and drawing her close. "Happy Birthday."
Megan laughed softly at his choice of words in response to her thanks. She was contented to stay as she was, chilling quickly as he moved away to sort himself before pulling her back into his embrace again. "I like birthdays like that," she chuckled, his warmth filtering through her as she lay against him. Turning so she could lay her head on his chest she pulled the covers up over them. "Thank you for coming over," she mumbled through a yawn, closing her eyes for a moment.
Jared smiled and kissed the top of her hair as she returned to his embrace. He held her close, enjoying her warmth and the press of her bare skin against his. The repeated thanks brought another soft smile to his face. He tilted her chin up and kissed her gently, knowing she was beginning to drift. "Really, Megan. It was my pleasure. Sleep, beautiful."
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