#ftf: dick grayson
rxdshood-a · 3 years
[ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down @catalystsofchange​
Jason wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up at Dick’s place, but there he was. His lead had led him to Bludhaven and after getting into a rough fight with his mark that resulted in a good few bruises and a gash that had cut through his leather jacket that he was more pissed about than the actual bruises. Dick’s place was closer than anywhere else so he ended up there to stitch himself up against his better judgement and now was regretting it due to the tangent he was being subjected to while his head pounded.
“Dude,” Jason sighed heavily in the midst of Dick’s tirade about Bruce. Again. “Seriously. This isn’t the first time he’s going to be a fucking idiot and it’s not the last. What are you even so mad about this time? Like, it’s not worth it. I started tuning him out at like age eleven.” He drawls out, leaning back in his seat, ice pack in his hand as he presses it to the bruise blooming on the skin of his cheek. “Also like, can you not yell? I think I have a mild concussion. My head bounces around in that helmet like a fucking ping pong ball sometimes. Sometimes I think I’m not built for this shit anymore because of it, but then again, what else would I do.” A pause and then, “you’re almost thirty and you don’t wear a helmet. How are you going to last this life?” He grins wickedly at him, far too happy to get a jab in when he can. 
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stxrsfires-a · 3 years
19. — fireworks @catalystsofchange​​
It was always hard describing how being with Dick Grayson felt. It was like experiencing many firsts all in the same breath. Kori had never experienced fireworks before becoming a resident of Earth. She was in awe of the color bursting in the sky with the loud boom that followed, lighting everything in the same hue of color. Looking at Dick’s side profile at that moment, Kori realized that it was how he made her chest feel when they were together. Even after all these years it was the same feeling that lingered in her. He’d always have a place in her no matter how much time passed. 
“Do you remember,” Kori began, unable to help herself as they sat on Dick’s couch and had takeout on the coffee table before them, “when we saw fireworks for the first time? Well my first time.” She corrected, fork twirling in the container of noodles and she grinned a bit at him. “Some...fair, I think it is what you called it. Gar ate too many fried foods and got sick.” Kori laughed at the memory.
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itsbxtgirl-a · 3 years
It was different seeing Dick was back via the group chat and actually seeing him in person. Especially with wearing the Batgirl symbol across her chest. She had only ever wanted to make them proud; Barbara, Tim, Dick, Bruce. Hell, even Jason. There was a desperation she felt to make someone proud. She had tried so long to get that approval from her father, only to get insults and finger shaped bruises on her arms in response. She still felt a warm buzz at Dick’s insistence in the chat she would do great. She hoped he’d stay believing that.
“Welcome back, Nightwing.” Steph offered as she finally approached the man on the rooftop. “I haven’t seen you out and about yet. Can’t let go of Gotham fully?” She teased, elbow bumping against Dick’s side. “I mean, who could? The smog and the...broken street lights totally have its appeal.” She deadpanned with a snort. “We missed you.”
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rxdshood-a · 3 years
(PUMPKIN KING): for OUR MUSES to run into a group of jack o’ lanterns shaking people down. @catalystsofchange​
“This situation just screams Nightwing to me, personally.” Jason drawled out lazily, leaning forward against the fire escape he was on while watching a group of jack o’ lanterns trying to steal from a man who seemed far too panicked about it being a group of pumpkins trying to get his wallet from him. “I got pumpkin guts on my new boots, dude. One called Kyle a twink.” Maybe Kyle, maybe him. Not that he would ever admit that to Dick of all people. He’d make fun of him for years and years to come. “Tell me, what do I get out of this? This guy will be okay without a debit card for a few days, I think.” Also, maybe he was feeling a bit lazy. Maybe. Dick probably knew that. 
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stxrsfires-a · 3 years
“I had heard you had returned.” Was the first words out of the Tamaranean’s mouth as she landed on the rooftop in Bludhaven. It’s not like she could exactly say much, she had been gone too. Komand’r was trying once more to extend her reach out to her and Kori wanted to do what she could for the remaining Tamaraneans, to save them from her sister’s rule. She had been gone for months and it had made her realize how much truly she missed what she knew was her true home: Earth and all the people on it. Especially the man that stood before her.
Kori and Dick were complicated. They had been for a long time. Wrong timing, perhaps, but Kori held a deep love in her heart for the man that didn’t compare to any other she knew. They were amicable after the break up, a neat little string connecting them and keeping them tied to one another in many invisible ways. She considered him her best friend and would always come running one way or another if he needed anything. She felt in her heart that the same went for him. 
“I am glad to see you are in one piece. No reckless injuries?” Kori inquired with a grin pulling at her lips, “do not try to lie either, Richard Grayson, I know you.” Better than anyone else. She paused and quickly looked around, grimacing a bit, “Nightwing, I apologize. It has been awhile since the need for codenames was required.” She let out a long breath, pushing the fiery hair away from her face. “...I did miss you dearly. I hope you realize that.”
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rxdshood-a · 4 years
Jason was tired. His limbs ached, his ribs hurt and there was blood smeared on various parts of his face. He had gone out on his own, whether it was an act or rebellion merely because he was pissed at Bruce or because he wanted to show the Bat that he was competent, he couldn’t tell you. An argument earlier in the night had his already short temper flaring. The moment Bruce had his back turned Jason had gotten on the nearest bike and shot out of the cave like a bat straight out of hell. The comm in his ear immediately crackled to life and was promptly thrown to the ground as soon as Bruce’s voice came through, demanding he come back. He just wanted to prove that he was a good Robin, that he didn’t have to live in the enormous shadow that Dick Grayson had left behind. 
Clearly that had been an awful idea.
The Robin got caught up in too many fights. It was an awful idea. His uniform was ripped, slashes on his body and bruises mounting. Bruce was going to kill him if he didn’t get killed in the midst of this fight. He had the street fighting tactics and training to back him up, but it wasn’t exactly useful with how many men were coming at him. Then suddenly, the men were shouting, but not at him. He stumbled back to see the remaining men were effortlessly taken down by the one and only Nightwing and Jason’s blood was instantly boiling. His hand cradled his side and if the white out lenses of his domino mask weren’t covering his eyes then the ferocity of his glare would be lethal. “I didn’t need or ask for your help, Nightwing.” His voice was void of all emotion, the anger being stuffed deep down, trying to remember the last time he had even seen Dick. 
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Too many times spent with empty promises that left him waiting for someone to show who always had an excuse up their sleeve to as why they were absent. The disappointment lived in him. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t already used to. His big brother, if he could even call him that with how many times he was shoved to the side, was as absent as they came. Missed birthdays, missed plans, missed opportunities. A brother just too far out of reach and a father that he strived to impress, barely filling the shoes left for him. Reaching up, Jason wiped at the blood smeared beneath his nose with the back of his gloved hand and his breathing was slightly ragged. “I don’t need a babysitter. You can go.”
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rxdshood-a · 2 years
[ fight ]   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else @catalystsofchange​
This felt like something out of an old, dusty memory. Barely even five foot and a chip on his shoulder, something to prove to the world that had been so intent on seeing the bad in him, in his situation. Immediately lashing out when something got underneath his skin, far too close to a button. These guys weren’t even worth his time if Jason were being honest, but the anger came to light all too easily at their jeers they had been throwing at people passing by. Fingers curling up into a fist, about to hit the guy nearest before he was stopped by an all too familiar, annoying figure. 
The guys were quick to scatter, Jason wheeling around to face Dick, practically snarling. “Are you serious?” He snapped harshly, “Seriously, what the fuck? I didn’t ask for you to interfere, in this, in my life—” Jason hissed out, gloved fingers jabbing harshly against the bright blue bird on the older man’s chest. “I am not something for you to try to handle, because that’s what you’re trying to do, right? Handle the problem child. I am a grown man, I’m not that thirteen year old that you barely gave a shit about.” It was a bad habit, venomous words dripping off of his tongue when he got angry. It was what Jason did best: violently push others away. 
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stxrsfires-a · 3 years
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt . @catalystsofchange​
The shirt was one that had been tucked in Kori’s drawer for far too long. She vaguely remembered stealing it out of the drawer inside of Dick’s apartment, tugging on the t-shirt with ‘BCPD’ on it for the Bludhaven city police department before going to find her boyfriend at the time. It lived in her drawer now, still worn here and there when she allowed herself to have a ‘lazy day’ as Donna had told her before. It was one she wore to bed now more often than not, forgetting that the shirt didn’t even belong to her anymore. It was her favorite one to wear, if she was honest. It brought her far too much comfort.
“I have acquired many snacks for us for tonight!” She informed Dick excitedly prior to their friendly movie night and paused in confusion when he seemed to be staring at the shirt she was wearing. Looking down, Kori froze when she realized she was wearing the shirt was once his again. “Oh! I—uh—” she stuttered a bit, unsure of how to even explain why she still wore it, the normal heat that radiated from her increasing tenfold in her flustered state. 
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