#ft. lorent
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wyldwolves · 14 days ago
for @crowndgods
The she-wolf is prepared to die for her people and her cause - for the things she loves, even if they are undeserving of that love or of her. There were reasons why off adventuring with those now dead and gone came back alive and a girl with barely a scratch upon her. Who was the fighter but the woman who fought to protect those, and now who did she have to protect but the interests of a king to avenge deaths she could’ve prevented? Armies had not drawn into full battle yet, not open warfare and the collision that would break men and see lions and wolves fall going for each others throat. Her specialty was the wild wolf, a she-wolf of the north. With her height, speed, stealth, and the dark thoughts in her head of having little to fight for but a king and the north, if given a sharp knife and a full hour, she could eliminate half a battalion before they woke from their beds. No, here they attacked scouting parties, created confusion and themselves sought paths forward for when true battle would occur.
It was, however, something to note how overwhelmingly sick this made her feel, a stomach tied in knots, barely able to keep breakfast down. Never before had it been like this for her, but in anticipation of such a fight and with very little to live for, was it the thought of potential death that ate at her? There was no time to truly consider the question though as she snarled, launching from her position as the single was given and the teeth of the wolves and war dogs descended. Fists launched forward, blades bared, and with great ferocity and an incredible amount of violence, a vengeful goddess stood as bodies dropped for her life, pouring out of them and worn on her hands dripping from steel fangs. They needed to move quickly to clear forward. The smell and sight of blood made her want to wretch but when the fight was over she could rest. The breaker of her heart hadn’t seen her like this before, wiping blood off blades along leather armor. He hadn’t indeed seen her in a fight. He hadn't seen her since they last argued but it was a moment and all she wanted to do was lose her breakfast. She couldn't stand the sight of him. “What are you staring at? "
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wyldwolves · 18 days ago
The handsome younger man, younger than herself or her husband was pleasant to be around and even firmly feeling his drink a gentleman raised to be mannerly. Fishing the drink into her hands, Zehra sipped deeply. Setting it back down it made a small clink and she smiled. "We are happy, despite how we started. Our children are proof of that. The oldest is eight and the youngest barely a year old. There are six so I do suppose I love him enough to want more of them. Continue to help yourself. Lord Tyrell. I am not hungry any longer " She lifts a brow surprised by his question as she tucks into the beef, humming his approval.."We do some of both. We do eat bear, there are too many but we do train them. Domesticate them - to a degree yes. The Mormont have a small army of bears. There is one such bear here with me. Wynnie I have raised since they were a cub and now they protect my family. If you are curious you're more than welcome to meet the animal that wears armor plating and just as tall as yourself."
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lorent wasn't incapable of behaving, a lord of highgarden had hardly been raised without decorum. it was simply more amusing, to shed all pretence of polished manners and state what he thought, for better or worse. given people saw him as little more than a drunken fool, he found he could say what he wanted, and no one blinked an eye. "well, i respect your devotion to your lord husband. may you live happily ever after, lady tarth." spoken with sincerity, he didn't mind the rejection. perhaps because she'd called him handsome, and he did respect her loyalty. "and do extend my apologies to him once more, if you'd be so kind. i believe i called him lord tarly when i met him." he noted with a grimace, soon morphing into a smirk. "a not-so horribly morning provided one continues to keep said belly full of wine after waking. a tried and tested method, m'lady. but i will eat, if you've not the appetite to finish." the offer needn't be extended twice, he was always hungry. "i've no taste for seafood, never developed it. not even in essos. rich beef is much more to my preferences." he remarked two forkfuls in, humming approvingly as he gestured at the wine she could help herself to. "lady tarth, originally of house mormont of bear island... bears. i believe i read once the island is full of them. what do you do with them? eat them? domesticate them and eat with them?"
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normvlise · 1 year ago
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“      just   imagine   the   cheering,      the   adoring   public.      have i ever steered you wrong ? i   am   your   dearest   friend, @regaliaeds,      and    handsome   as   you   are   -   I   should   like   to   see   you   compete and win   the   tournament.      ”  
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iceforveins · 24 days ago
closed starter ft. florence tyrell (@thcrnedcrown) location: a balcony at hightide
edrick did not need to skirt around the topic—he, himself, preferred a more direct approach to such diplomatic matters anyway. and with the lady florence's awareness of their younger siblings' tumultuous connection. yet personal feelings had no place in politics, in war, in death. with lord tyrell's continuing stance for neutrality, the reach as well as its lady florence's and lord florence's fate hanged in the balance. and if the starks were to throw its support behind a southern house, edrick found that he would sleep better at night if said alliance was sealed by a marriage.
as they sat before a chess board, edrick found himself losing to the lady of the roses and thorns. "it looks like you are winning, my lady." he rolled his finger on a rook that had been taken off the board. "i am glad that despite whatever is happening between my lyanna and your lorent, we can find time to entertain a game of chess together. though i would be lying if i say the invitation for chess is not pretense for a conversation i wish to have with you, lady florence."
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bogotamusicvideofestival · 4 months ago
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// Bogotá Music Video Festival // Selección Oficial 2024 // Competencia Latinoamericana Andrea Martinez & Rossy War - Bombo Vaivén (Alons Román; Perú) Alwa - La Boliviana (Jhonny H. Plata; Bolivia) Cementerio De Elefantes - Atómica (Facundo Quiroga, Sebastían García & Juan Nadalino; Argentina) Daniella Barbarito - Hoy no fío, mañana sí (Daniella Vittoria Barbarito & Jesús Ricardo Ascanio; España) Diles que no me maten - Obrigaggi (Manola Verdes, Inés Verdes & Pelayo Couturier; México) El David Aguilar Ft. Jorge Drexler - Tuyo (Joana Colomar & Giorgio Lorente; México) Inés Errandonea - Arde (Inés Errandonea & Magela Crosignani; Uruguay) Jovem MK - Meu Karma (Paladino & Kaique Alves; Brasil) La Yegros Ft. K.O.G. - Veo (Paula Verrua; Argentina) Lionel Daunais - Doux Temps (Caio Amon; Brasil) Luzmila Carpio - Kacharpayita (Camilo Coba; Ecuador) Noble Savage - Now (José Betancourt & Mariana Saldivar; México) Pabllo Vittar, O Kannalha - Penetra (Pedro Sampaio Remix) (Aline Moreira, Luanna Leonis & Julia Sandes; Brasil) Princesa Alba - Moonlight (Tiara Bustamante; Chile) Siamés - All The Best (Pablo Rafael Roldán; Argentina) Teto Preto - Put You In Your Place (Laura Diaz & Hick Duarte; Brasil)
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wyldwolves · 1 month ago
Lyanna had tried to shake the man at her side. she had tried to thwart his following of her or this insistence he serve as some sort of protector to her even if Lyanna could've flattened any man she'd never admit to his face how thankful to have the thorn in her side that Lorent was. He served a purpose. he was a distraction from the worry Lya and concern Lya would've had for Eira herself delivering her son into her arms. The traveling companions hadn't killed one another yet as surprising as that would be. In the days coming to this place and travel endured much had and would continue to be learned about one another. The wolf couldn't throw the damn flower but that same flower she would never tell was a godsend. He was not her concern at the moment. Enrick was.
"eira. enrick, little stag" She spoke after pushing back a dark hood from her traveling cloak a harshness faded from Lyanna as a cautious smile spread across her features. How the blonde beside her faded as she moved toward her sister and her son flooding with a near motherly concern; patterns of protectiveness in her aware of the small start that had been given at their approach however small of the boy's mother to fiercely protect the boy if they were nefarious strangers. Here was Enrick's Aunt Lyanna and.. a man who on the pain of his own death would help protect the young stag as well. Bridging the gap between them - Eira's younger sister was there at her side. She was there for no one else and no other reason but to protect what Eira loved because Lyanna loved her family more than anything else.
"You didn't travel alone, did you sister - not just you and your boy?" Lyanna questioned with a tone of concern in her voice moving to hug her sister tightly. It was a bittersweetness that filled her tongue aware quite honestly this could be the last time two siblings would ever see one another and a bit of the girl who had died a long while ago bubbled back up to the surface as Lya's attention diverted to the boy already near enough to surpassing his aunt's height. A hand extended towards the boy to rest on the same hand that held him to provide some reassurance that this would be alright. The gods had seen to cursing Lyanna to a life without ever knowing the level of concern it was to be a mother or parent but they had made her sister to ones such as that. Gently but with a firmness she held her hand it was her hope to communicate without words that Lya would never break the oath that it was to protect the child and preserve her for him.
"Little stag. I am here. Your mother has nothing to worry about not when its you and I." Lyanna spoke, shifting hands to draw the boy to her side squeezing a nephew tightly to her. She pressed a kiss to his forehead and in essence put a shield between her family and the king of thorns that was this persistent traveling companion of hers. A hand dropping to the back of the boy to rub soft circles into his back, Lyanna glance behind her.
Lya glanced now over her shoulder at the figure both stark women stared at watching for his response half wondering if he would abandon her now. For the smallest moment and in the close proximity of familial embrace eyes shot Eira a look as if they could say she had tried to shake him. Lya had tried to thwart his following of her. He despite abandoning her when she'd loved him wouldn't leave her now. It was strange but Lya stood by the logic despite her own personal thoughts Enrick would have two worthy protectors. "Lorent - this is my nephew. Enrick" Lya said intreating him forward to meet the child he'd be travelling with. @crowndgods
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status: closed ft lyanna @wyldwolves & lorent @crowndgods & eira location: the crossroads inn, the riverlands
eira and enrick rode hard. through rain and shine they powered on, only stopping for brief moments of rest for themselves and their horses. while eira was confident in her ability to wield a knife, and she kept her bow strapped to her back, the road was a brutal place and even with the stormlander she'd brought with them, gallick, she knew they were never safe.
but, blessedly, they made it to the inn without incident.
gallick was eager for a hot meal while eira and enrick opted to sit outside, her arms wrapped tightly around him from behind. he had grown so quickly, she could hardly believe this was the babe she'd held in her arms all those years ago. but he was still so small. it caused a bleeding ache in her stomach considering the possibility she wouldn't get to see him grow.
but this was for the best. he'd be safe. no matter which way the war turned, it was difficult for anybody to take on the north.
she'd sat mindlessly listening to him speak, her cheek rested against the back of his head, when two hooded figures approached. she stiffened, prepared to grab her child and run inside, until one took her hood off and identified herself.
"lyanna," eira breathed, releasing her son but keeping a hand on his shoulder. her eyes traveled to the second person and it took a significant amount of effort to keep her expression neutral as she looked him up and down.
"lord lorent," she said flatly.
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kenzonet · 11 months ago
WE MOVE AS ONE - Six Invitational 2024 from Histeria! on Vimeo.
Six Invitational is coming to São Paulo for the FIRST time in history! As the diehard fan runs through the streets of São Paulo, Rainbow Six legends breach reality itself, bringing the best memories and histories of SI to life until all converges at the iconic Ginásio Ibirapuera!
We were thrilled to be invited by Ubisoft, BLAST, and Rainbow Six Esports to create this INSANE animated film! High-tech visuals, grunge urban vibes, a mix of action and motion, and the best of São Paulo's street culture - it's all packed with the best track "We Move as One" by Ego Kill Talent (ft. Andreas Kisser and Rob Damiani)!
RB6 2024 - Six Invitational Theme Song “We Move as One” Ego Kill Talent (ft. Andreas Kisser and Rob Damiani)
Client: Ubisoft / BLAST Game: Rainbow 6 Event: Six Invitational 2024 Clients: Marcio Soares, Nelson Garcia, Lucas Reis, Leandro Estevam, Victor Niergue, Faye Marlborough, Chrystina Martel, Stig Debois, Matt Bundy
Produced by Histeria!
Director: Jan Xavier Story by: Jan Xavier and Ubisoft Executive Producer: Marcelo Moreno Producers: Tatiana Sato and Lívia Quintanilha Social Media: Sibelle Lobo
Art Directors: Igor Muniz, Victor Tchaba Art Supervisors: Igor Muniz, Victor Tchaba Concept Art: Igor Muniz, Victor Tchaba, Gabriel dos Anjos, Guilherme Lascasas Storyboard/Animatic: Tony Neto Concept Character: Victor Tchaba, Jeff Biglia, PJ Kaiowá, Shun Izumi e Flávia Passos (Estúdio Casa Locomotiva) Layout Character: Victor Tchaba, Jeff Biglia, Fábio Perez, Guilherme Olivieri, Marcos Kenji Uchima, Rodrigo Yokota Layout FX: Jeff Biglia, Mateus Pitta Design: Igor Muniz, Jeff Biglia, Rafael Nascimento (Escaphandro), Victor Tchaba Layout 3D: Jan Xavier, Igor Muniz 3D Generalist: Carol Fiorito, Cláudio Marques, Igor Muniz 3D Lookdev, Light and Comp: Cláudio Marques, Igor Muniz Background Simulation: Cláudio Marques Matte Painting: Gabriel dos Anjos, Guilherme Lascasas, Igor Muniz, Jeff Biglia
Animation Directors: Jan Xavier, Felipe Simões Rough/Tiedown/FX Supervisor: Felipe Simões Clean Up/Color Supervisor: Mila Queiroz 2D Rough/Tiedown: Breno Licursi, Bruna Santana, Catarina Niéro, Geovani Angelo, Lena Franzz, Lucas Franci, Matheus Fernandes, Robb Reis, Rodrigo Yokota, Thiago Geremias, Ton Presley, Viviane Guimarães 2D Clean Up/Color: Carol Caporrino, Denis Bargos, Francine Gonzales, Giovanna Jahjah, Juliana Gouvêa, Louise Bonne, Lucas Franci, Luiz Alvares, Mila Queiroz, Pedro Spaolonzi, Ton Presley, Viviane Guimarães 2D FX: Lucas Franci, Natália Faria Cardoso, Mateus Pitta
Post Production Director: Gabriela Zaneti Motion Graphics Supervisor: Gabriela Zaneti Compositing Supervisors: Gabriela Zaneti, Renato Montoro Motion Graphics: Gabriela Zaneti, Samantha Oda, Vinícius Ricardo, Ricardo La Bella Simonetti Compositing and Post Production: Gabriela Zaneti, Renato Montoro, Samantha Oda, Vinícius Ricardo, Ricardo La Bella Simonetti, Saulo de Castro, Tamires Campos
Musical Director: Samuel Ferrari Music Producer: Samuel Ferrari Original Music by Ego Kill Talent, Rob Damiani & Andreas Kisser Electric Guitars: Theo Van Der Loo, Niper Boaventura Electric Bass: Raphael Miranda Drums: Raphael Miranda Surdos: Raphael Miranda Vocals: Emmily Barreto, Rob Damiani Synths: Samuel Ferrari, Niper Boaventura Music Programming & Beats: Samuel Ferrari Alfaias: Samuel Ferrari Electric Guitar Solo: Andreas Kisser Anvil: Glauber Coelho Choir As One: Lucas Reis Pereira, Maria Paula Bonino, Jeniffer L. Ramlov, Mayara Abou Jaoude, Maite Fernanda Lorente Henrique, Lucas Miguel Cunha Silva, Diego Chagas Corrêa, Heitor Augusto Coelho Galceron, Maria Eduarda Maccagnan Avella Recording Engineers: Hugo Silva, Otavio Bonazzi and Cauê Del Grande at Dissenso Studio PreProduction: Clovis Vilela, Samuel Ferrari Vocal Production: Steve Evetts Mix: Steve Evetts Master: Maurício Gargel Executive Production: Samuel Ferrari, Glauber Coelho SFX Film: Glauber Coelho Produced at mdois Studios (mdois.tv)
Making of
Making of Produced by: Rockfilmes Production: Lucas Rocha Director: Lucas Rocha Director of Photography: Felipe Bezerra Audio operator: Willian Sassano
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year ago
[ad_1] Endesa, as an illustration, says that a typical indoor farm in northern Granada — which averages 215 sq. ft, in line with the police — consumes about 20,000 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy monthly, roughly 80 occasions the common consumption of a Spanish family. However Daniel Gómez Lorente, a civil engineering professor on the College of Granada, mentioned this determine appeared “fairly exaggerated.” Primarily based on his personal tough calculations of what a typical farm would wish to run, he estimated that it could eat solely 1 / 4 as a lot electrical energy as Endesa asserted. Rosario García, the pinnacle of an area residents’ affiliation, mentioned that marijuana farms had been an “straightforward excuse” to not tackle extra structural causes for the blackouts. She identified that blackouts had been occurring for greater than a decade however that the marijuana subject had arisen throughout the previous 5 years. As a substitute, Ms. García blamed what she mentioned was poor electrical infrastructure. A number of burned-out electrical containers are seen within the neighborhood, with a tangle of wires dangling over them. Mr. Revuelta argues that Endesa has tried arduous to repair these issues, investing greater than 8 million euros, about $8.75 million, within the space’s infrastructure over the previous three years, making it “essentially the most renewed” in Granada. [ad_2]
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jaimelorentedaily · 6 years ago
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jaimelorentelo: G2
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twinsrisingbandthings · 4 years ago
Twin's Rising Band Ft Lorent De Soul - Zip EP Download. We have a new Amapiano  from  Record Label - Twin's Rising Band . Stream And Download
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swtsvrndr · 5 years ago
📖 + shadowhunters
               ft.  @addictingvictories  @ofadan  @ircnxveils  @byacatalepsy
    in  this  au,  i  like  the  idea  of  having  maya  as  a  luke  garroway  type  of  character.  she  was  initially  a  shadowhunter  and  was  partnered  with  her  best  friend  /  parabatai.  there  isn’t  really  one  person  i  could  point  to  in  the  rp  that  would  fit  that  role  so  i’m  going  to  say  it  was  an  npc  with  miguel  herrán  fc.    basically  miguel’s  character  wanted  to  rid  the  world  of  downworlders  and  while  maya  rode  his  dick  for  awhile  (   which  i’ll  say  -  the  parabatai  curse  might  have  partially  led  to  his  mental  instability   )   eventually  she  questioned  the  logic  and  found  herself  trapped  in  a  wolf  den  on  the  full  moon.
       the  other  gangbangers  would  be  circle  members.   i’m  thinking  spades  maybe  was  inquisitor  so  victoria  was  given  leniency  and  she  and  adan  were  permitted  to  head  up  an  institute  rather  than  be  arrested.   jaime  is  the  stephen  wayland  of  the  group  and  was  probably  murdered  by  npc!miguel  to  take  over  his  life.    
  basically  maya  is  ostracized  by  the  shadowhunter  community  and  maybe  i’d  throw  in  a  romantic  plot  with  the  wc  i  have  up  for  jaime  lorente  as  a  jocelyn-esque  character.   then  as  his  kids  grow  up,  maya’s  a  reckless  aunt  who  gives  terrible  love  advice  and  constantly  encourages  rebelling  against  the  clave.
        so  i  wanna  say  that  maya  runs  the  local  pack  and  that  eliza  is  her  second  in  command.   maybe  they’re  a  little  gay,  maybe  they’re  not,  you  just  never  know.
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wyldwolves · 1 month ago
Taking the plate so unsanctimoniously handed over to her with pieces of food to provide them sustenance she made no play at being deeply ladylike. They needed to eat and knew each other well enough not to be perturbed by the way one another chewed. Lyanna even in her most savage of moments wasn't fully without basic manners. Reveling in the scrumptious flavor. It was juicy and tender Lyanna made a mental note to thank the owners of the establishment for accommodating her request to keep Lorent as comfortable as he could be. Perhaps she intended to abandon him here, slip free while he slept to continue her journey alone. It would be her luck that the fool man beside her would tug on heartstrings and manage to be charming enough to make her reconsider. Lyanna hated that how even when she had wanted him to suffer the idea of being truly evil to him never sat well. She had loved him once. A long time ago she had wanted to be his wife but Lya let the thought pass as she ate more pieces of meat in the moment between the conversation they were having. It was the closeness that whispered of those days. 
“Oh how well do you remember how kind I can be, hmm? You-” Lya paused abruptly, quieting as the hand of her companion hovered lingering on the edge of reality. He'd not touch her no but he rather preferred haunting her figure with the implication he would and then - then the specter that was Lorent broke a barrier between living and dead memories. It was an innocuous gesture, quietly pushing an errant curl behind her ear. How nearly Lyanna would've leaned into that touch until his words coupled with the cheek of his smile sent a flare of anger through her eyes - dark brown hues only softening slightly to a simmering boil. The muscles in her hand tensed partially coiled ready to smack forward - his words save him though. They save him from her ire or worse yet a knife in place of a kiss up against his throat. Which would've been worse - a kiss or a blade - the bite would be the same. 
“Your sword. I have my own and many blades but why die for me, Lorent? Why be willing to risk your life to save mine?” Lyanna asked sipping her wine now, setting the plate and drink beside his. It was hard not to bump against him having to reach past his figure to put them on the beside table. Hovering over him she stared looking for a moment for an answer those eyes would never give her before settling beside him laying a head against a pillow staring at the ceiling. To look at him in this moment would be to stir and stoke old flames and Lyanna ought to think rather than simply react to the being next to him realizing how long it had been since she allowed anyone to touch her. To brush hair behind her ear without a snarl or the threat of bodily harm to the other person had in the exact number of days since his hand had last been there was unheard of. Closing her eyes she was quiet a moment and quietly uncomfortable but calm none the less. A moment more she propped herself up, laying on her side to glance over his figure. To answer him Lyanna had to remove herself from the equation and think in cold hard logic not the feelings that threatened to bubble up in this small, cramped space in one bed. Her hair fell about her face again as she expanded upon this fanciful idea.
“You only remember my father's sense of honor but the existence of my sister Alson would tell you not even the great Jesper Stark took to them entirely. It is wise though. To hide identities until we are north and with all things considered - a lie not hard to believe” Lyanna sighed glancing up from her position beside him in the bed holding him in her gaze. To watch her think was to see the wheels spin to life, like a goddess calculate the cost of creation and see an idea breath life. “Logically, Enrick is an age that wouldn't be unbelievable to belong to a child we could've had. We fight like an old married couple already and to say we are a family travelling north to visit family to deliver a wife and child to safety so you were to go to war if your banners were called ... it's not so far off the truth. It would keep the three of us when we collect my nephew safe and no one would look further into a family then the needed.” Lyanna sighs, gesturing with a tilt of her head towards him. “You may have had a brilliant idea, husband. If it keeps him safe I will suffer being a pretend wife to a fake husband to keep an oath to my brother and sister.”
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"of course i will. eat." a command that carried warmth regardless, stemming from a place of well-intentioned concern. lorent held out the plate for her to share, unmannerly and crass, certainly, but they were hardly here to play court. plucking his wine from her hands, he drank a greedy glug and placed it on the bedside table. "i remember it well." he mused upon his companion's manifold qualities he had once cherished. cruelty, at times, but also kindness. her reverberating laughter, her warmth so close to his own -- it reminded him of long-gone nights besides crackling fires and long-lost promises under mingling breaths, heartbeat against heartbeat.
his hand reached for her face to ghost along her jawline without grazing skin once, only dancing tantalisingly close. with a crooked smile, his index finger eventually stilled at a curl that framed her face and tucked it behind her ear. "but your cruelty is hardly deserved, lovely lyanna. when have i been cruel to you?" he let the words settle before adding, "on this arduous journey."
"my sword is already yours, but travelling as husband and wife would be a prudent move, don't you think? since we are to conceal our identities." a delicate balance to be struck between refraining from vexing her enough to hold a blade to his throat (or worse, his nether regions. without doubt, lorent would rather be dead than cockless), and amusing her with his witticisms. he intended to arrive in winterfell in one piece, so he must maintain said balance. "knowing you priggish northerners and your notions of honour... seems a wise course to follow."
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puroalgarete · 3 years ago
1. Jorge Drexler, C. Tangana - Tocarte
2. Jaime Lorente feat. Natos & Deva - Romance
3. YENDRY ft. Damian Marley - YOU
4. SEVEN KAYNE x Khea - Dame Love (REMIX)
5. Khea, Maria Becerra - Te Necesito
6. Jaime Lorente - Saturday
7. Trueno, Nicki Nicole, Bizzarap - MAMICHULA
8. Pol Granch & Natalia Lacunza - En Llamas
9. C. Tangana, Paloma Mami - No Te Debí Besar
10. Harry James Jr. ft. C. Tangana - Honest
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iceforveins · 16 days ago
closed starter ft. lorent tyrell (@crowndgods) location: on the battlefield at green fork.
edrik’s sword felt heavy in his grip, his breath coming hard and fast as the chaos of battle roared around him. steel clashed, men shouted, and somewhere close, a horse screamed. the sounds blurred together, muffled and uneven—his bad ear caught only fragments, making it harder to track where the next blow might come from.
many had been against him fighting. but it was northern men fighting for a southern king's cause—a king who had just named him hand; they would not take kindly to their liege lord's son hiding behind castle walls. morals were too important.
he turned just in time to block a strike, the impact jolting up his arm, but he was too slow to react to the second attacker closing in from his blind side. by the time he realized, the blade was already swinging toward him—too fast, too close.
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vm4vm0 · 4 years ago
Straight To The Morning - Hot Chip ft. Jarvis Cocker from RÉALITÉ on Vimeo.
CAST Jana Navarro Aina Sierra Maya Pagan Jana Rodríguez Roser Rendon Virginia Perez de los Santos Giancarlo Pia
Directed by us. Produced by CANADA.
Producer - Karen Saurí MD / Executive Producer - Oscar Romagosa Head of Production - Alba Barneda
Production Manager - Itsasne Santos Cinematographer - Lucas Casanovas 1st AD - Anna Capdevila Production Designer - Pitu Fernandez Costume designer - Ahida Agirre & Jose Carayol Casting - LANE Casting Editor - Lluís Murúa Post Production - Álvaro Posadas @ CANADA Flame Artist - David Gómez Grading - Martí Somoza Photographer - Martín Urrea Graphic Design - Fundrawings Sound Design - Carnaby 2nd AD - Laura Ruiz Penacho Production Coordinator - Alba Sobrepera Production Assistant - Aleix Lorente Production Trainee - Marc Fernández PA - Pau Illana / Claudia Puig / Ricard Serrano
Focus Puller - Alicia Galiña 2nd Camera Assistant - Alba Pedreira Video Assistance - Pol Renau Steadicam Operator - Alberto Ojeda Gaffer - Albert Cantallops Spark - Charles Darby / Isabel Ebens / Aina Graupera
Art Director Assist. - Juan Gallo Set Dresser - Marta Archilés / Elena Ponsoda / Marta Rosell
Post Production Coordinator - Marina M. Campomanes & Javier Botella Sound Technician - Alberto de Ros Head of Researchers - Álvaro Gimeno Researchers - Angie Bolea / Cristian López
Hot Chip Stills EP London - Marta Bobić Stills Photographer - Sophie Williams Stills Producer - Sophie Williams Stills Gaffer - Roman Splicak Stills Stylist - Ailsa Chaplin Stills Hair Stylist - SOL Stills Runner - Susie Elliot
Jarvis Cocker Takes Producer - Davey Ahern Production Assistant - Ellie Bartlett DOP - Tyler Freeman Smith Video Comissioner - John Moule Directors Rep - Hands London
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pcachybvtch · 5 years ago
Estér Expósito x Jaime Lorente Crackship
“Maybe that what happens when a Tornado meets a Volcano”
— Eminem ft. Rhianna.
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