#ft. julien theriot;
mccncreatures · 1 month
If nothing else, Julien could say with 100% certainty that he’d never been in as much pain as the e past few days. Black and blues, some fractures, tape and glue holding him together. Members of the Coven visited and while he knew they were supportive, he could feel the unease through each member that visited. The unfounded tension. No one knew what happened or who it was. And no one could say for sure it was the same group that had raided the party. It left a few too many questions in some of their minds.
He’d been drifting into a peaceful state when Teague (beloved by the nurses, thankfully) started thumping his tail against the cot they’d snuck for him. Juliens eyes opened, but again. Nothing but darkness. “You’ll have to forgive me for not having supersonic hearing fine tuned just yet.” He muttered quietly. “But if his tail is thumping it must be a good visitor.”
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mccncreatures · 2 months
Julien walked briskly down the dimly lit streets, his steps measured and precise despite the partial blindness that had plagued him. Teague padded silently beside him, always alert and ready to guide his master. The evening air was thick with the sounds of revelry from the distant party, the promise of a rare respite from the trials of their lives with tension ruling the day to day.
A sudden chill prickled the back of Julien’s neck. Teague’s ears perked up, a low growl rumbling from his throat. Julien stopped, his hand instinctively reaching down to the reassuring presence of his faithful companion.
“What is it, boy?” he whispered, straining his ears for any sign of danger.
Before he could react, shadows emerged from the darkness, swift and silent. Julien barely had time to register the attack as they were upon him, two sets of arms holding him, a flurry of fists and feet striking with brutal precision. He had enough time and sense to know that one of them was moving to grab Teague.
“Teague, help!” Julien gasped through the pain, his voice urgent and filled with desperation. The command was clear, and Teague hesitated only a moment before bolting into the night, heading out to seek a familiar scent, anyone to get their attention and bring help for Julien.
Blows rained down on Julien, his body crumpling under the relentless assault. His vision blurred, darkness encroaching as the beating continued. The attackers were methodical, ensuring he couldn’t identify them. One of them landed a particularly vicious hit to his face, and Julien felt a sharp, searing pain as his remaining sight was extinguished.
When the assault finally ceased, Julien lay motionless on the cold pavement, barely conscious. The assailants moved quickly, slashing his skin with claws they had brought for the occasion, making the attack appear to be the work of a werewolf. Satisfied with their deception, they vanished into the night as silently as they had appeared. Julien was an important member of the coven. This would spark just a flicker of ire between the species. And with Julien unable to identify anyone? The promise of discord amongst New Orleans residents was strong.
As the darkness threatened to claim him completely, Julien heard faint footsteps approaching. Teague had found someone. A glimmer of hope flickered within him as he slipped into unconsciousness, trusting that he would be found and saved from the brink.
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mccncreatures · 2 months
Character file: Julien Theriot
Full Name: Julien Thieriot
Faceclaim: Andrew Garfield
Affiliation: Witch of the French Quarter Coven
Specializations: Ancestral Magic, Elemental Magic, Hoodoo
Early Life and Background:
Julien Thieriot was born into the magical tapestry of New Orleans' French Quarter. From a young age, he showed exceptional promise in the mystical arts, quickly mastering basic spells and rituals. His father, a powerful witch himself, was determined to make Julien even stronger, seeing him as the future leader of their coven. A position which Julien himself, did not want.
When Julien was 19, his father attempted a Hail Mary spell designed to exponentially increase Julien's magical abilities. However, the spell backfired catastrophically, leaving Julien blind in one eye. This tragic accident was meant to be a turning point in his life, making him stronger, but instead, it brought unforeseen challenges. The physical and emotional scars from the incident have deeply affected Julien, creating a rift between him and his father.
Teague, Julien's loyal Irish wolfhound, plays a crucial role in his life. As both an emotional support animal and a seeing eye dog, Teague provides Julien with the companionship and assistance he needs. The bond between them is strong, with Teague offering unwavering loyalty and support.
Magical Specialties:
Ancestral Magic: Julien excels in ancestral magic, drawing strength and guidance from the spirits of his ancestors. His deep connection to his heritage allows him to channel potent ancestral energies.
Elemental Magic: Julien is rapidly becoming proficient in elemental magic. His control over the natural elements—earth, air, fire, and water—is growing stronger, enabling him to manipulate these forces with increasing precision.
Hoodoo: Learning from the local practitioners, Julien has started to delve into Hoodoo. His respect for this tradition and eagerness to learn have earned him the mentorship of experienced Hoodoo practitioners, who guide him in mastering this powerful practice.
Julien's relationship with his father is complicated and strained. The failed spell created a significant rift between them, filled with unresolved emotions and unspoken words. Within the coven, Julien is respected for his patience and skill, but his cautious and distant nature sometimes creates barriers with his peers.
Julien dreams of achieving mastery in his magical abilities and using his power to protect his community and preserve the rich heritage of the French Quarter. He hopes to one day reconcile with his father and find inner peace. Through his journey, Julien continues to grow stronger, embodying the resilience and complexity of a witch who has faced significant adversity and emerged more powerful than before
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mccncreatures · 1 month
Pressure Nova and Julien
Teague was good as a seeing eye dog, and he was a great companion. His one fault, if his only, was his obsession (nay, life’s passion) to chase frogs. It wasn’t a common occurrence in the city, more often it was a problem when they went to the bayou to speak with other covens. But today, oh today was one of those rare days after the rain when a frog just happened to hop directly into his point of view. Julien felt the giant hound tense up and his grip on the guide harness tightened.
“Teague, for the love of all that is holy d-“
Julien didn’t get to finish before the other quite literally yoinked him in the direction of the amphibian. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Julien, there was a street sign hanging just off to the right of him. Right where Teague had leapt. Forehead clocking off the metal, he hit his back with a hiss and felt the warm liquid dropping from just above his brow as he turned on his side when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“We…. Really need to stop meeting like this.” She sighed. Julien gave her a wry grin as he winced at the pressure being applied to his forehead. “To be fair…” he could hear Teague chomping away at the catch. “He was always meant to be a hunter.” Nova laughed as she moved, Julien assumed, to glance over at the pup. “Betcha he’s a real good graham cracker hunter, too.”
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mccncreatures · 1 month
Nightmare Ingrid & Julien
Julien would’ve been lying if he’d have told anyone the after effects of the attack weren’t messing with him. His dreams were vivid and changing all the time but one thing that remained was claws of silver slashing down at him. It never made sense but the pain was so sharp, so real, that the nightmares were night terrors at this point.
He’d started with shuffling in the bed but it wasn’t long before he was full on shouting at the attackers to get off, to get away and struggling out of their hold, except no one was there. Having come to visit and check on him, Ingrid had come into the room at just the right time immediately running to his side and shaking him awake. “JULIEN!” The hands on his shoulders jostled him and he almost leapt from the bed, grabbing at her arms as his breathing stayed rapid, uneven. The fear worse when he woke remembering he had no way to prevent further attacks. Shaking like a leaf, his hold softened and he let out a shaky laugh.
“So much for magic being a cure all.”
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