#ft Lucien Nightborne
faebound · 4 years
It was a rare occurrence to find Ada without her wolves. Perhaps the only exception for such falling under requests from those she cared about -- Or when wandering into the den of their Wolf King. It simply never felt needed on those occasions, and they always seemed perfectly content left to their own devices regardless. She was the one that had trained them for far more than their intended purpose after all. She moved with a blasé sort of purpose, a clear destination in mind even if she was perfectly fine taking the scenic route to reach it. The military advisor bumped into many of their pack along the way. The tensions and worries in such individuals at least malleable enough that a few choice words were enough to ease such unrest.              
Eventually making it to her intended objective, she gave a smile in greeting as she walked up to the lupine fae. “The provisions we discussed have been made -- I’ve also taken the liberty of putting a pair of our most trusted assassins to work for the sole purpose of highlighting any weaknesses in our defences at large. Both for ourselves and the Garden.” The Night Court was not her priority, even if it was potentially seen as such to the King. She had worked alongside their general civilly enough to bring about the arrangements agreed upon by her Alpha and his High Lord respectively, but she would no go out of her way to work on their defences when she could be tightening those for her own. 
“Though you know I always welcome your input, should you have happened to have any other thoughts on the matter in my absence?” The fae added, taking a seat on one of the many plush chairs within the interior as she made herself comfortable. A contemplation weighing on her mind she simply couldn’t seem to shake. “...Just how much do you truly trust this night Lord, Lucien?” She interjected after a moments pause, words fairly quiet compared to those previously offered, before they gave way to explanation. “I’d follow you to certain death, you know that, and i’m not questioning your decision if you feel it best for us -- But these courts are in disarray, and now more than ever it feels as though they’re spearheading us into some civil war we need not be involved in. Not with the humans growing so bold.” 
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