kattodoroki · 5 years
awkward assistance. (Bakugou x Reader)
/Back at it again w the fic! hopefully, this one is enjoyable, likes, reblogs, and comments are so loved and welcome! thanks for reading <3/
You thought being Bakugou’s new sidekick was going to be cake, it turns out you took a big piece that you knew you weren’t going to finish.
You had applied for a lot of jobs, mostly ones in a different country, you just didn’t want to live in the United States anymore. Graduating from a good hero school really paid off for you; you were really proud of your resume and having a lot of recommendations. You wanted to take the first plane out of your country once you got a call, any call would make you buy any plane ticket.
Your anxiety with each passing day started to get dreadful, staring at your phone, desperately waiting for the call you feared you would never get. Until four days after you started applying, you had finally gotten your call. You tried so hard to understand what the person on the other side of the phone was saying, they had to get you a translator eventually. Besides not knowing the language you still took the job, more than excited to hop on a plane to Japan.
Once you got there after copious amounts of hours on the flight, you finally landed in Japan. You left the plane and found it comical when you found someone holding up a sign with your name on it, in English. You found it hard to not laugh when you saw the limo waiting for you also. You came to realize that it was your job that was doing all of this for you, you thought it was overboard but you weren’t going to complain about a free ride, not really wanting to make conversation with the driver.
When you got there you were getting smaller by the minute, already feeling the weight begin to drop on your shoulders. Having now realized how many people you were going to talk to and interact with, you felt the new job hype wash away, your awkward demeanor now crawling back like a monster you haven’t killed yet. It fit you even worse when you remember that you were also meeting your boss.
Once you were welcomed into the agency everyone smiled and saying hello, or at least what you guessed was hello. You had been informed over the phone that the head of the agency only knew how to speak English and also translate other people for you, so you knew you were going to meet him right away. You were waiting in the lobby, not bothering to even sit down, you just stared at your feet and waited on the ding of the elevator.
When you heard it you thought your heart was going to jump out of your chest, you almost broke your neck, snapping it up when the annoying sound hit your ears. You stared at the man, you parted your lips to form a gasp that never escaped, he looked beautiful with a permanent scowl on his face, silently hoping he wasn’t going to yell at you on your first day. He wore his suit with a wild hair due that didn’t match his neat body.
You closed your mouth, realizing that he now parked himself in front of you, now looking down at your closed posture. You didn’t really know what to say, wondering if you should start the conversation, but your throat closed, palms now forming a fine layer of sweat, and you noticed the room was ten times hotter now. You wanted to reach a formality with him, wanting to leave a first good impression by just saying a simple hello, knowing that he would understand, but you felt defeated when nothing came out, just staring him down like a hawk.
He cleared his throat, wanting attention, you wished you could grow smaller, “Hello, I’m your new boss, Bakugou Katsuki, or you can call me by my hero name, ‘Ground Zero’,” He paused in case you wanted to add anything and when you didn’t he continued, “You are my new sidekick, yes?” He looked at you, smirking. All you did was shake your head yes, now remembering that was the position you did apply for online. His smirk grew wider, satisfied with your reply, “Good, you and I will be working together, let’s go to my office and we can discuss the details further.” He picked up his foot and turned on his heel, now walking away from you, you stared at his back for a second, admiring the way his hips slightly swayed with the way he walked. You reluctantly followed him to the elevator, not daring to look at his employees eyeing you.
You noted that he kept the elevator open for you, knowing you took the longest time to stare you were surprised he even waited for you. The ride up to his office was layered with a quiet awkward aroma, you wanted to disappear but your boss didn’t think anything of it, just scrolling away on his phone.
You gave a little sigh in relief when the door opened up, showing off dark, professional office space, you were welcomed by the cold temperature, now feeling like you could actually breathe again. You looked back at your boss and quickly looked away when you noticed that he was looking at you, you gave the floor a wide-eyed look and you scrunched your face up in embarrassment.
He chuckled and you didn’t dare to look at him, you would probably die from embarrassment. He moved over to his desk and started moving things around, trying to clear the awkward air by being away from you; you didn’t blame him. He cleared his throat and walked towards a smaller desk that was more towards the wall then the middle of the room, “This is your desk,” He stated.
You bowed your head, “Thank you, sir,” You didn’t realize that your voice had even cracked and you were flushed like a tomato. You looked up at him and started making your way towards your desk, now inspecting every little detail about it.
“Now I will let you get comfortable and then we will discuss sleeping arrangements.” He didn’t look at you, you looked over to see him sitting comfortably at his desk, now looking through papers. You hummed in response, now remembering that this job did come with free housing provided by the company. You sat down at your desk, admiring how the chair pulled out with ease, not making a scratching noise from the floor. You pushed yourself forward and folded your hands atop the table, smiling about how professional you felt at the moment. You felt indifferent as you continued to stare, your smile faltered thinking about how dumb you looked. You forced your lips into a thin line, trying your hardest not to quiver with each aching moment that passed by in awkwardness.
Bakugou coughed, and you look at him, he was staring at you with a look in his eyes that he was about to say something. You waited a good two minutes before he even started speaking, “Let’s go check out that apartment, yeah?” You nodded and stood up, banging your knee on the desk in the process, your boss tried not to laugh but didn’t say anything in response, you didn’t say anything about it either, now just wanting to get out of there.
Bakugou lead you to the apartment building next door, “I built this so my employees would have an easier time getting to work, it's optional to live here though, but its all owned by me,” He smiled with pride. You looked the tall building up and down, impressed that he managed to do this also, he must really love his agency if he was willing to go this far and house some of his employees. You walked in after him, now taking in the nicer interior, “Your apartment is on the same floor as mine, since you’re my sidekick you get the second-best seat in the house.” He smirked.
You swallowed, nodding at his statement, you didn’t really care where you were put at but you weren’t fond of the idea of sharing a floor with him. You just wished it was furnished already so you could go inside and sleep the rest of the day away. Bakugou leads you to the elevator and pushed the button, “I already had your things sent here if that's okay,” He looked over at you and you gave him a nod, “It’s just easier that way.”
You chuckled at his comment but didn’t say anything, not really wanting to compliment on his sense of humor, this was your boss after all. “Thanks, for this.” You whispered looking down at the floor.
He didn’t say anything, just waited with his hands in his pockets. When the elevator dinged you followed him down the hall and a door that was identical on the right, you noticed your boss’s last name was on the door, and your last name was on the door across. You cringed when he slide the key into the lock, now opening up the door with your name on it. He motioned his arms towards the room, wanting you to get a look of it before he entered. You walked past him, keeping your head down, not wanting your awkward expression to be seen. You lifted your head up, now meeting the warm glow of the lantern above you, how the floor windows showed you a perfect sight of the city, and how the furniture complimented the wall paint. You were really in awe from an apartment, one that was much better than the one you lived in at home.
“It’s great, I love it.” You said out loud, hopefully, your boss around to hear the praise.
“I look forward to working with you, your resume was very impressive.” He said.
You were taken aback at his compliment, “T-thanks.” You managed to squeak out.
“We start training tomorrow, show me what you can do with your quirk.” He looked at you for confirmation.
You nodded, “Of course sir, I’ll be there on time.” You gave him a courteous smile.
“I sure hope so,” He mumbled before closing the door and leaving you alone.
You sigh in content, now moving to the bedroom to finally sleep for the day… and night.
You awoke to your alarm, now getting you up an hour before work. You noted how your boss had placed a special space in the closet for your hero costume, you put it on with vigor of excitement, now actually wanting to interact with someone new, wanting to prove you are more than a scared sidekick from a different country.
You left for the agency and gladly made your way to the elevator, now going to your office desk, and sitting down, patiently waiting for your boss. You were watching your computer screen, noticing that he arrived forty-five minutes after you left, you smiled at him and felt your cheeks flair up when heat when he didn’t smile back. You quickly snapped your head down and stared at your hands like they were the most important thing in the room.
You looked back up at Bakugou, trying to sneak a glance every few seconds. You noticed how different he looked now wearing his hero costume, looking like a completely different person from when he wore his suit. Taking in his form, the way he was fit so securely in the restraints of fabric, how they molded his body into that of a God, one you wanted to worship for the rest of your life. You shook your head, not even clocked in for two hours and you already thinking about your boss in a way that was upmost unprofessional. You sighed, now just wanting to train and show off your quirk.
“Let’s go,” You looked up from where Bakugou was now standing, in front of the open elevator, waiting in annoyance for you to come and join him. You quickly got up, remembering not to hit your knee this time and make a fool of yourself, you bounced over to where he was and joined him in the confinements of the elevator. You watched with worry as the doors closed.
It took a minute and about twenty floors before you made it to the training area, you looked around and noticed that it was only you and Bakugou. He was your boss after all, and you were there to be his sidekick so you knew you would have to show him your quirk now, you had to explain it on the resume but there is only so much you could write with words.
“Okay, let’s start.” He informed you, you smiled and walked over to the middle of the room, you touched the chair that was in front of you, but didn’t sit down.
Bakugou gave you a quizzical look, “Show me.”
You tried to hide the laugh that was rising out of your throat, “Pick up the chair.”
He scoffed and moved over to your surroundings, now entering the space between you and the chair, he turned away from you and tried to pick up the chair, he struggled and tried to pry the metal legs from the floor. You watched and admired how his bicep and tricep flexed every time he tested the strength of the chair.
He huffed and looked over at you, “Impressive.” You smiled and looked down at the ground, not wanting him to see the awkwardness that invaded your body. You kicked his shoe, making him stay in place. He tried to move but wasn’t able to, you laughed as he tried to move his foot.
“I see,” He gave a weak chuckle, “Very funny. Now undo it.” You complied and touched his shoe again, now making it a bit lighter than what it was, to begin with.
He sighed and straightened his costume out, “Ready to go patrolling.” You nodded in response, face still stinging red from trying to joke around with him. You followed him down to the main floor and out the building, you enjoyed the warm sun and slight breeze, letting yourself get lost in the moment.
“Let’s go.” Bakugou found himself repeating the same words from this morning. You opened your eyes and looked at him in surprise, feeling dumb that he caught you in an embarrassing daydream. You followed him down the street, trailing after him in his shadow like he was still leading you somewhere that you would never reach.
“Stop hiding,” He grumbled. You reluctantly stepped out of the darkness and forced yourself to keep pace with him as you walked side by side. You felt honored that he saw you as an equal but uneasy about how professional he was trying to be like it felt wrong.
Bakugou and you didn’t get any calls yet, but you heard shouting, alarmed by the commotion Bakugou put an arm out making you stop, you collided with his arm and looked at the men, you realized the group was yelling to you and your boss.
You didn’t understand what they were saying, but you noticed it was bad by how Bakugou’s calm demeanor changed to sour.
You froze, now feeling all eyes on you, “What did they say?” You whispered to your boss.
“Uh, Nothing,” Bakugou managed to tell you through the anger he was trying to suppress.
“Was it anything good?” You asked. You tugged on the sleeves of your shirt, you got a rock ready, now touching it with your shoe, making it lighter so you could launch it at them, you looked over at your boss who looked like he was going to do worse damage, you were confused on what they said that made him really angry but if it really was bad then you probably didn’t want to hear it too. You tried your best to drown out the yelling and focus on your boss, trying to fight back the rising panic in your chest and ignore the way your stomach contorted every time they opened their mouth you felt like you were about to dissolve into dust and fly away with the wind. You looked at Bakugou for a response, a validation that everything was okay, and that you didn’t need to panic.
“Uh, No.” Your boss answered.
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