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bkenvs3000w24 · 9 months ago
Killer Whales
I have always been obsessed with marine animals, especially killer whales ever since I watched the movie Free Willy, back in grade two. And of course, since there is no prompt this week, I thought what better way to conclude this week by talking about Northern Resident Killer Whales (NRKW) and the ongoing efforts for their wildlife conservation. 
To provide some background, NRKW can only be found in Canada, specifically, on the coast of British Columbia, as well as some parts of Washington State and Alaska. They are under the Species at Risk Act as there are only 332 NRKWs remaining in the entire world as of 2022 (Fisheries and Oceans Canada). Back in the late 1900’s, NRKW populations used to grow by the hundreds but their life expectancy has been slowly declining due to a decrease in prey, impacting their survival rates (Fisheries and Oceans Canada). Having said that, they only feed on chinook salmon but it is not always available due to commercial fishing, climate change and river blockage (Fisheries and Oceans Canada). This results in the NRKWs traveling away from their natural habitat (Fisheries and Oceans Canada). Since then, there has been an increase in conservation efforts towards NRKWs as they play a critical role in the ecosystem. 
Raincoast Conservation Foundation, a non profit based at the University of Victoria has been working for years to educate the public via science and through courts to help the NRKW population thrive once again. They have led many legal battles against businesses like fishery companies in Federal Court to protect killer whales. One of their most notable cases which they won was against the company Kinder Morgan and their TransMountain Expansion through the Salish sea where these killer whales reside. 
A petition led by Dr. Lance Barrett-Lennard, an alumni of UofG, proposed ideas for protecting killer whale populations. Suggestions included increasing chinook salmon in critical habitats. This can be achieved by eliminating commercial fishing in feeding areas important to the killer whales (Rainforest Conservation Foundation). Using various scientific models, they were able to prove if fisheries were closed, it would improve their populations (Rainforest Conservation Foundation). If measures were taken to reduce physical and acoustic disturbances by prohibiting commercial and recreational whale watching at critical times of the year would allow NRKW to forage food (Rainforest Conservation Foundation). As well, establishing 200m distance and speed reductions for whale watching vessels in key foraging areas would allow killer whales to freely hunt and not be driven away (Rainforest Conservation Foundation). Measures like such would gradually present an increase in killer whale populations and allow their species to thrive. 
In all, many environmental groups and government agencies are understanding the impact of losing killer whale populations native to Canada. Experts like Dr. Barrett-Lennard and many other research collaborators used their experiences and scientific observations to draw out conservation plans which they presented to the government of Canada. They proposed emergency measures based on available science which Fisheries and Oceans Canada have been educated upon, resulting in an increased effort to preserve killer whale populations in Canada. 
Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (n.d.). Population status update for the northern resident killer … https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2023/mpo-dfo/fs70-7/Fs70-7-2023-031-eng.pdf 
Rainforest Conservation Foundation. (n.d.). Petition for an emergency order for the southern resident ... https://www.raincoast.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/SRKW-petition-for-Emergency-Order.pdf 
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shadowamongfireworks · 1 year ago
Handy Art Link Megapost
I take no credit for any of this, all I did was assemble them togetha’.
Hellooo friends, I was just handed a couple of useful links from a talented friend, and seeing some posts on Facebook and around the internets inspired me to share them all with you in this handy place.
Bookmark them all, or bookmark this note, idc, just keep track of ‘em!
ArtsyPoses - http://artsyposes.com
Relatively new, but very cool. The 30 second drawing tool seems to be glitching a little but that could be my computer being a dumb. Lots of unique poses and they’re looking to expand to other body types (if you read the FAQ they even said there are too many fit models haa)
PoseManiacs - http://posemaniacs.com
Everybody knows this one! Great poses, you can interact with them (rotation, etc) and has a very cool 30 second drawing tool. Also I belieeeve this is available on iOS.
Pixelovey - http://www.pixelovely.com/gesture/figuredrawing.php
Another fantastic drawing tool - I prefer it over PoseManiacs’ but I can NEVER FIND THE LINK :( Lots of options here, too.
CedarSeed - http://www.cedarseed.com/fire/tutorials.html
The drawings here aren’t great but there is so much information here. SO MUCH.
Color Is Value - http://sevencamels.blogspot.com/2010/09/color-is-value.html
Handy coloring tips and things!
Ctrl+Paint - http://www.ctrlpaint.com/
So many digital painting tutorials. SO MANY. Ridiculously helpful in everything ever, and constantly updated.
Lackadaisy Expressions - http://lackadaisy.foxprints.com/exhibit.php?exhibitid=333
This artist is incredibly talented and even though they are cats there is so much to be learned here.
+ more - http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/210/1/5/lackadaisy_construction_by_tracyjb-d422uo7.jpg
The Angry Animator - http://www.angryanimator.com/word/2010/11/26/tutorial-2-walk-cycle/
Because come on, all sorts of handy animation tips. I linked directly to the walk cycle because I found it to be most useful but there are other things floatin’ around there if that’s your thing~
Constructing the Head/Face - http://amberblade.tumblr.com/post/11177240121/tutorials-done-by-stanislav-prokopenko-who-is-an
Done by Stanislav Prokopenko, an instructor. Also really seems to know what he’s talking about. Saving images off of Tumblr seems to be hit-or-miss so keep this link handy as it may not save correctly. :(
And so begins the dumping of handy tutorial images that should all be on your harddrives soon :
How to Draw All Kinds of Shit - http://coelasquid.blogspot.com/2009/01/muscle-tutorial-thinger.html
Some of you may remember this from all of James Phegan’s classes ever! Super handy, and this is a printable version of the giant jpg he used to e-mail us.
How to Draw Beef - http://coelasquid.deviantart.com/art/Abdomination-How-to-draw-beef-132538271
The same artist; she’s really damn good at drawing beefy dudes.
Drawing people in perspective and other handy things - http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/125/9/9/IFX___Strike_A_Pose_by_WarrenLouw.jpg
http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Fellas-Tutorial-104865472 - Fellas Tutorial
http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Ladies-Tutorial-98311607 - Ladies Tutorial - NSFW
http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Pose-tutorial-72010406 - Pose Tutorial
http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Expression-tutorial-77399204 - Expressions/Head Tutorial
http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Hand-tutorial-83785318 - Hand Tutorial
http://alexds1.deviantart.com/art/Foot-tutorial-90158269 - Foot Tutorial
Resources :
http://lockstock.deviantart.com/ - Nude models and drapery!!
http://ictoa.deviantart.com/favourites/42274937 - Lots of nude models in all sorts of poses
http://www.japanesestreets.com/photos/ - All sorts of clothing styles!
http://tobyshelton.blogspot.com/2010/10/ive-got-to-hand-it-to-you-2010.html - Amazing amazing hands
http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m148/squidsmanphotos/?start=all - Coelasquid’s “manbucket”
http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsmtnfmnJV1qa8bb7o1_400.jpg - haaands
http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lshg8hi59P1qjozoyo1_500.jpg - HAAANDS
Other neat things :
Color Scheme Designer - http://colorschemedesigner.com/
Allows you to quickly and easily create specific color schemes for a wide variety of purposes! If you’re like me and terrible with color, this will help.
Make your brush in Photoshop look like Flash or Paint Tool SAI - http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa104/ResultGraphics/screenshot20100331at728.png
Things to keep in mind while gesture drawing - http://hospitalvespers.tumblr.com/post/8712840616/gesture-drawing-basics
Super Obvious Secrets I Wish They’d Teach In Art School - http://philmcandrew.tumblr.com/post/5588480161/super-obvious-secrets-that-i-wish-theyd-teach-in-art
The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck - http://inoveryourhead.net/the-complete-guide-to-not-giving-a-fuck/
How to Steal Like an Artist - http://www.austinkleon.com/2011/03/30/how-to-steal-like-an-artist-and-9-other-things-nobody-told-me/
Also, psst. - http://www.mediafire.com/?z7c401x9fdwqx - Ten art books that we should all own already.
For artsy fartsy types like me. I’ve got A LOT of this book marked already if that says anything about how useful this stuff is.
ALSO! Side note, there are a few very kind asks in my inbox regarding my artwork and inquiries about webcomics. I HAVE read them, and I WILL answer them. If the comic is any indicator, I haven’t had the time to sit down and do personal work as of late, and that includes responding to folks that would take a little longer than a quick “Hey! Thanks for that! I appreciate it!”
But, yes! Bookmark Miss Addy’s post and give this stuff a genuine look.
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nonbinarytriscuit · 3 years ago
Homestuck Adult GamKar RP
!Message me on here or discord 2tiredboi#1321 if this interests you!
(Karkat looking for a Gamzee. Hoping for some red-pale shipping. They won the game and they got their home planet back, but shit happens and its like their back in Ancestor time. Feferi lost her head and became like the Condesce which everyone was afraid of. Gamzee and Karkat were once matesprits, but after the whole thing Karkat breaks it off and tells him they can't be seen together due to his blood. They are adults in this! So heads up. Anyways They still have feelings for each other and Gamzee took the role of his ancestor. Gamzee in his free time tries to find Karkat and he wants him back. You can make Gamzee sober, crazy, whatever. Just no hard core shit kay? They're probably in their late 20s. Karkat looks like this; http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/111/5/5/karkat_rebel_ref1_by_spriteocarina-d4x4pdx.png) When they had one the game everything was fine and calm. Everyone was happy and relaxing for awhile. That was 7 years ago. Now shit was bad and it was like they took the places of their ancestors. Feferi had lost her mind and started to become violent and hateful towards the lowbloods and specially to Karkat. His mutation was bright as day, but its been like that since he pupated. Karkat remembered how things were before she lost it. He and Gamzee had switched from their pale quadrant to the red quadrant. The game had put shit between them, but they managed to stay close.
But after things went downhill Karkat broke it off. He had to protect Gamzee from his own fate. "I'm red for you Gamzee, but my fate is my own to follow." He sounded like he had grown and he did. The game pushed his foul mouth side into a pit filled with fire. That side of Karkat was gone and all that was left was a strong troll who cared about his friends and his freedom.
Karkat stayed to himself most of the time. He hated company because every time he had it he was afraid they'd be caught and culled. Anyone to come in contact with Karkat would be culled. Even if it was a simple hello, but the mutant blood never forgot his ex-matesprit that was with him thick and thin. His eyes would tear up at the good memories. Where everything was okay and he was safe in the arms of his Indigo matesprit, but now he was alone and following his fate.
It had been almost two sweeps since he had last seen any of his friends. Being alone for so long made him crave some kind of contact, but he knew things would go downhill I he even tried to start a conversation with some other troll. Right now he was curled up in a cave trying to get some sort of rest. Pain seeped through his head and amount the cuts he had gotten from an earlier fight. Today was just not his day.. Oh how did it get worse? Well he had been found and dragged to the Grand Highblood's hive. Of course he was angered by this, but he stayed silent and let himself eye dragged off to where he knew his ex-matesprit/moirial was.
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rebellect-writes · 4 years ago
[SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] Jess. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]How did you find us?:[/b] I blame Danni AND Joe.
[b]Name:[/b] Victoria Eden Moreau. [b]Nicknames & Aliases:[/b][LIST]Eden Morrison; Fake ID, obviously. Tori Babe. Vicky. Toria. Psychotic Hell-Bitch. [/LIST][b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] August 7th, 1977. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Heterosexual. [b]Occupation:[/b] High school PE teacher, former supernatural and occult hunter.
[b]Species:[/b] Lion. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ERJonp0xx1s/Tnqd6kffXjI/AAAAAAAAArE/NWtjP-3SVXo/s640/002-LIONESS-RESTING%2540body.jpg[/IMG][LIST]If it looks like a lion, smells like a lion and growls like a lion, it’s obviously a domestic house cat ready to bite your face off. Victoria’s animal form is pretty average, there’s nothing remotely distinctive about her. She may look a bit ragged at time, but the large tawny gold cat is hardly going to blend in with the UK scenery no matter what. In her feline form, she weighs in at 400lbs of muscle and tamed aggression and stands at 3’6 at the shoulders. From her nose to the tip of her tail, Vic’s a pretty average 8’3. [/LIST][b]Do you have a hybrid/alpha form?:[/b] [URL=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/136/b/b/__Lioness_Line_art___by_sirius_spirit.jpg]Indeed she does.[/URL][LIST]Her hybrid form is more for show than anything else, just something to give her a little extra kick when her full feline form doesn’t provide her with it. She doesn’t turn into some raging half beast, half woman form either. Standing a little taller than her human form at 5’11, and weighing in at 280lbs, she’s covered from head to toe in golden fur and looks like the perfect mix of feline and human. She has claws in this form, never forget that, and fangs, and oh! She can talk even though it’s a lot more growly than her human voice is. [/LIST][b]Rank:[/b] Adwar. [b]How long has your character been a lycanthrope?:[/b] 24 years (infected at age 9). [b]Mind-Set:[/b] Dominant. [b]Power level:[/b] Alpha. [b]Abilities:[/b] [LIST] [*] [b]Speed:[/b] Like all lycanthropes, she’s fast on her feet and can move faster than the human eye can see if she uses her alpha speed. [*] [b]Strength:[/b] She’s stronger than your normal human. She’s not the strongest lycanthrope out there due to her size, but she can go head to head with a vampire and with a bit of luck, over power them. [*] [b]Durability:[/b] Victoria can heal almost any wound like most shifters can, bar decapitation and wounds caused by fire and silver. Wounds caused by more dominant lycanthropes and vampires heal slower. Almost human slow. [*] [b]Senses:[/b] Vic has extremely acute senses like most shifters. She can sometimes tell when someone’s lying to her face by the change in the other persons scent. [*] [b]Partial Shifting:[/b] She can shift hands and teeth into those of her animal or focus on shifting into a full blown hybrid form instead of a full shift from human to lion. [*] [b]Block A Vampires Call:[/b] It takes a bit of energy on her side but she can block out the call of a vampire up to 900 years old and extend that shielding to weaker werelions. Anything over 900 hurts her too much to block. [*] [b]Shield her Beast:[/b] She can lock her animal aura away and pull off the human vibe to most lycanthropes except from stronger alphas, and in some cases, stronger Master vampires since from her experience, they can force her lion to show itself. She does this on a day to day basis when it comes to her job. [/LIST][b]Face Claim:[/b] Charlize Theron. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://www.topnews.in/light/files/Charlize-Theron5.jpg[/IMG][LIST]Victoria isn’t that outstanding to tell you the truth. She’s almost you’re typical blonde – though she’s got a thing for dying her hair other colours at times. She’s got the curves and the legs but the eyes, they’re not human. As a result of staying in her animal form when she as younger for longer than she should, her eyes are those of her lion’s. Of course, she hides them behind hazel green contacts that she never takes out unless she has to do so, she knows better. She’s pretty slim; and only 5’9, and a half inches tall, weighing in at 140lbs of toned muscle, that it’s pretty easy to work out that she’s fond of working out and keeping fit.
She’s not one for style; Vic just doesn’t understand the appeal of having the latest fashion accessories. Of course that doesn’t mean she doesn’t splash out on things like makeup now and then, but that’s purely for work interviews, she finds it works a hell of a lot better being ‘appealing’ then being herself. Whatever works huh? She’s more comfortable in reliable jeans and t-shirts; a nice pair of boots doesn’t go amiss or a leather jacket. Since she’s hung up her hunting gear though, there are fewer holsters for weapons. When she’s at work, its sports gear. Tracksuits for when it’s cold out, shorts and polo-shirts when it’s warmer.
Identifying marks are a little easier to describe. She has her fair share of scars, though most are long since faded. The most notable ones are what look to be claw marks curving down over her right hip. They’re just three jagged lines really, and she doesn’t talk about them ever. Her second most notable scar was given to her by a hunter that thought he was being clever and had all the time in the world, he put a silver hunting knife through her shoulder and left it there so it burnt her after he’d incapacitated her. Now, she’s not a fan of big tattoos but she does have two small ones of her own. A koi fish above her right ankle, and a small flower on the top of her right foot. The flower was gotten on a whim, but the koi is supposed to represent strength, determination, and persistence in the face of adversity. The only other thing that comes to mind is that her ears are pierced twice on both sides. [/LIST][b]Weapons of Choice:[/b][LIST] [*] Fangs, claws, full blown lion form. It’s fun to get messy! [*] She rarely hunts these days, so she’s hung up her holsters. [*] She does have a butterfly knife she carries regularly. [*] Has a necklace with a small vial of holy water attached. Just in case. [*] A white gold charm bracelet with holy items from different faiths. [/LIST][b]Special Skills:[/b][LIST] [*] She used to – and still does if a hunt crops up that tickles her fancy – ingests holy water to stop vampires from taking a bite out of her. Since she hasn’t hunted anything since late 2008, it’s not going to bother any vampires unless she starts up again. [*] She knows how to fight, mostly brawling and that’s what she relies on. However she’s dabbled in Krav Maga (grade: G1), and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (grade: Purple belt) over the last 10 years. It always surprises people when they learn this. [*] She can speak French and Italian, not fluently but enough to get by, she’s also learning German and in the future, hopefully Spanish unless she forgets. [*] Gets and knows the basics when using guns. She’s more a blade kind of girl anyway. [*] Not a half bad thief, - when she needs the money - if she does say so herself. [*] Did a three year “general” sports course followed by her PGCE and QTS. She’s pretty proud of that, so don’t knock it! [/LIST][b]Personality:[/b]  [LIST]Victoria isn’t actually that loud of a person in most respects, she’s the type of person that would rather sit and wait and have something to say rather than open her mouth and spew a bunch of pointless words just to hear the sound of her own voice. Then again, she was an ‘attack dog’ for a long time, and when you’re beat as a kid to learn how to hold your tongue, things sort of stick to you. When she speaks, she doesn’t raise her voice in anger unless it’s to get a point across – and when she does need to get a point across it’s normally accompanied by a blunt object of some sort if need be -, but she does get listened to. It just another part of whom she is, people just think she doesn’t have something to say when in actual fact; she’s just watching and waiting for a chance to pounce. She knows that she’s not the most relaxed of people, that’s for sure. However when you get past the creepy silence, she does brighten up a bit. She’s a loyal lass and keeps her word, even though she has her trust issues, but she doesn’t always think things through fully. She’s used to bulldozing her way through issues in her life, and then dealing with the fallout afterwards. Protective of what’s hers. Practical and strong willed she’s not likely to be cowed by someone playing mind games; in fact the last time someone tried that, she broke their arm without blinking.
She even smiles, though it’ll often be accompanied with a wiseass remark or comment. It is almost like she’s care free and forgets about all the crap she’s gone through to get where she is today. She’s loving and caring, hell she even cares though it doesn’t normally come off as most would expect it from a she-cat that could snap at a moment’s notice and become a big cat. While it may look like she has no control over her animal side, she’s got it, people have assumed that she has next to none and that has been their downfall. Oh yeah, she’s more than a little mental! If you push her, she’ll push back, only most people seem to forget she’s more on the animal side then most shapeshifters are and she loves that. She’s not afraid of her animal instincts and embraces them to the point that sometimes she doesn’t want to be human anymore but then she sees what she has and pushes to be normal.
Her views on vampires are slightly [i]skewed[/i] however. Having been used by a lion calling master for years, she has a distaste for anything over a hundred years old, sure she can curb her tongue and be civil to the creatures but present her with a lion caller – even Mikhail got snapped at – and she’ll do everything in her power to make it clear that she won’t become another and she won’t allow anyone in the Pride to be one either. This can be displayed in sarcasticness, threats and violence and promises of death. She just doesn’t like the creatures that can bend her like a crazy straw if it suited them. It’s driven by fear, something she’s not exactly sure how to react to and falls back on her more comforting animal nature to deal with it. As far as the rest of the supernatural world, well, as long as they don’t try and harass the Pride or start something they can’t finish with the people she cares about then she won’t bother them. [/LIST][b]Likes:[/b][LIST] [*] Swimming. [*] A good strong drink after a hunt. [*] Taking to the country roads on her bike and just driving until she can't. [*] Making known bullies fear her. Doesn't matter if they're kids or adults or anything else. [*] Spending time in her lion form, she doesn't do it as much as she used to do so. [*] When she can surprise someone by doing something. [*] Reading when she can get five minutes peace, normally during first break at work. [*] Not being dragged into supernatural turf wars, she joined the pride to stop that. [*] Protecting the Jackford pride. Bradon Mackenzie gave her a home. [*] Chinese food. Don’t ask her why, she just does. [/LIST][b]Dislikes:[/b][LIST] [*] Getting a ticket because she’s left her bike in the wrong place. [*] People that don't pull their own weight. You either sink or swim. [*] Being touched in lion form by people she doesn't know. She tends to bite [*] Having to clean her apartment. If it doesn't bother her, she doesn't bother it! [*] Parent/Teacher night. She'd take a feral shifter over that. [*] Doctors and medical types. Being poked and prodded? No thanks. [*] Being cornered. Have you ever seen an angry lion cornered? It's not nice. [*] Vampires that force themselves on others. It's not so bad when it’s voluntary. [*] Poor weapons maintenance. What is wrong with some people? [*] Being told she's over emotional just because she's female. [/LIST] [b]Strengths:[/b] [LIST] [*] Very familiar with her feline form, she shifts quicker because of this. [*] Doesn’t care if she gets hurt. In fact, she’d put herself in the firing line to save people she cares for. [*] Good tracking skills, urban or otherwise. [*] Isn’t easily backed down with threats and tends to laugh when they’re given. [*] Trusts her gut instinct rather than follow others unless she trusts them. [*] Loyal to people she trusts. Sometimes, even to those that just put up enough money. [*] She can hold her tongue and temper in check if she wants. [*] Knows a bit about witchcraft and the herbs used in most healing balms.   [*] Very fast and agile, good for when she’s working with heights in the gym. [*] Still has a fair few contacts from her days as a hunter that she calls up when needed. [/LIST][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [LIST] [*] She has a bit of a one track mind at times. [*] Doesn’t always notice when she’s treading on thin ice. [*] Silver. She may’ve been a lion for a long time, but that stuff still hurts. [*] Comes off antisocial at times. [*] Her anger issues tend to put a crimp in certain things. [*] She doesn't have a good grasp on that 'relationship' thing. It's been [*] Practical in a way, she won’t blink twice at putting someone down if it means protecting others. Even if she's seen as a monster afterwards. [*] Doesn't trust many people at her back. There’s like four people out of billions. [*] Tends to spend a lot of time in her lion form, pushing the limits. [*] Can rarely tame that persistent stubborn streak. [/LIST][b]History:[/b]  [LIST]Thomas and Natalie Moreau never took another hunt once they found out that they were due to have a baby together. They were hunters by blood, marriage and by trade; they did everything to stop the supernatural from infecting their ‘world’ and to keep people safe, but they would not endanger their soon to be daughter and in the august of 1977, their baby girl Victoria was brought into the world kicking and screaming like any normal babe and her parents officially hung up their weapons holsters and retired as hunters. Thomas took on a new job as a property developer that worked in and around Lancaster where they lived, and Natalie worked full time as a house wife. Together they doted on their child as Victoria grew up, giving her anything and everything that she wanted. Like any princess, she even had a pony at one point.
The happy little family however was torn apart just before Victoria’s ninth birthday, as the small farm house that the family owned was torn apart by rogue werelions and wolves, headed by a particularly vicious vampire who seemed to know all about her parents who were shocked by his apparent survival. The scariest thing of all for Victoria wasn’t that lions were everywhere or big werewolves; it was the Asian vampire Khan. The right side of his face was thick with holy water scars, the eye socket a gaping hole and mouth a jagged gash. Khan was one of the very few vampires that had ever escaped her parents, and he delighted on tearing through her mother’s mind and body as a werelion held her father back. When Khan was done with Natalie, he turned his attention to Victoria and forced a rather nasty looking lionman to tear into her young body before simply snapping her father’s neck. She should’ve died, would’ve died except werewolf alpha Jacques Rousseau had other ideas.
The wolf didn't take pity on her, far from it. When Victoria regained full consciousness now and again, she was told that she was Khan's new 'pet'. What better way to scare off hunters than by using the spawn of two fairly vicious hunters against them, it was put to her, before she was told that she had only survived because she'd contracted lycanthropy. Being a young lass, she didn't believe it. She screamed and raged and howled for her parents thinking it was a bad dream. It was only really brought home when Jacques, sick of the whelps screaming brought in a lion to teach her a lesson. Miranda was only slightly less cold than the werewolf, but under orders, she tore the beast from Victoria's body. Over and over, and over. Eventually, Victoria started to submit and forget about being who she really was and it was exactly what Khan wanted. Oh he had his pride and pack of bumbling misfits that had been thrown from their various clans for treasonous acts or for having broken the law, be he didn't have one animal at his command that would do simply as he asked, no if's buts or maybes.
By age 14, Victoria was a feral but suitably tamed little lion. She would sit pretty for Khan when he wanted to make a point in a business deal and she’d attack when given the order. Her first real kill wasn’t a goat or even a chicken; it was a frail old woman that owed Khan housing rent for staying in a housing complex he owned. Victoria snapped her neck and left her body where it dropped much to Khan’s displeasure and as a punishment she was put in the fight rings that one of his acquaintances ran. She tried her best, she really did. She’d gone from a pampered princess as a human, to a killer. Her fall from grace was bloody and violent and was brought to a sudden stop when she was put face to face with a full grown adult and alpha lion in the ring. She survived, but was sold on for being a failure to Master Khan and everything that she had been trained to hold dear.
After being past from vampire to vampire, and even the occasional knowledgeable human that knew of the supernatural and dabbled, Victoria ended up on a black market of sorts, nothing but a lost cause. She was stuck in a small cage for days, surrounded by other troubled souls such as herself, left to starve and in filth. Supernatural species of all shapes and sizes came and went sold off to the highest bidder as slaves that worked, fucked and various other things or prey for something else altogether. She even had a plan; she was going to attack the first handler she could get her hands on and hopefully have one of them kill her. Except, instead of a handler that came through the backstage area, it was something else entirely. He was young enough if a little older than herself, he was scared going by his scent, and he was…attractive for a human stumbling around in the dark. He changed her life the moment she had his scent. He left her alone in a loading bay however, such a hero for being forced into a nightmare of a fairy tale.
Free of the life she knew, Victoria did something that went against everything that had been beaten into her. She ran. For over two years she lived wild and on the move, most of her time in lion form and when she had to return to human form, she stole what she needed to survive on her own. Clothes from washing lines, food from market stalls if a hunt failed and the like, she even went as far for a while as to steal and fence property for money even though she never really needed it. However it worked out for her, though when she noticed that her eyes had stuck as those of her lions, she made it a personal mission to stay in human form more and more to get used to that form again. She even tried to talk to people; mostly farmers or hikers that crossed into her ‘territory’ at the time.
Once she was happy that she could return to being around people, Victoria ended up in Cardiff where she befriended a young couple that had lost their children to supposed gang violence and were so down on their luck that she couldn’t not help them even though she was barely considered an adult herself at the time. What the couple didn’t know was that it was supernaturally related violence that lost them their kids, so Victoria being the stereotypical cat riddled with curiosity looked into for them while she helped fight off bailiffs and other idiots that wanted to break her friends down more. She followed her gut instincts and tracked down the people that had been known as suspects in the community. It was teens mostly, desperate to rebel against the rules that their parents had set down but then she hit a lucky break, a werefox informant came forward to talk to her. Well, it was more warn her away from snooping because things would get ‘unpleasant’. She threw that fox out of a second story window… and then went back to searching.
It took her a year and she was roughly eighteen when she found the person that had ordered her ‘friends’  children be removed – her cat had claimed them as Pride even though she hadn’t known them long at all – and was marginally surprised to find out that it was a werelion male. The dominance battle was brutal; she was only a young woman and not used to the fighting the male easily won and inserted his dominance over her, claimed her as his ‘mate’ even though she’d clawed on of his eyes out with her own fingers. It was a huge leap and all that was really expected of her was to open her legs, be a submissive little waif of a woman that cowered behind the big bad lion. Well, she did as what was expected of her and after he was finished removed his head from his shoulders using the element of surprise. She disbanded the males operation – yes, in some cases she used violence – and the money that had been going towards other things, she sent to her friends before vanishing.
Bouncing around the UK for the next four years, Victoria picked up odd hunts here and there. A fey running a coven of witches and assuming Godhood over a town was dealt with, a Naga in Devon was told to move on because he’d started a turf war with the local snake clan. It was silly stuff really but the payment was ok. She managed to grab a job on an international freighter headed for America, and by the time she was 22 she landed her rear in Flordia. No papers, no money that she could spend easily, she was effectively back to when she was released from that cage by the scardy cat of a boy. It didn’t last long, America was so different and there was a lot of supernatural activity as well as human crime. She made her way as a supernatural bounty hunter of sorts, and not the legal kind most of the time. She was a monster hunting monsters, ironic huh?
Twenty three years old, she was still roaming the USA like she had done in the UK. Only this time she was more well off; and while she wanted to settle down somewhere she couldn’t unless she contacted the Pride that controlled that area. From what she’d seen since she’d actually come to the States, was that most of the USA Lions were a mite traditional, meaning that it was the woman’s job to do all the work. Since she had no interest of being a Pride gofer, she just spent her time on the road, staying in motels for a week or so or squatting in old properties. That’s when she got an interesting hunt, and came across someone she’d never thought to see again. Jothial Chapman. The little boy that had freed her had filled out, he was a man now and if she hadn’t got up close and personal to catch his scent, she wouldn’t have really known that it was him.
Stubborn male pressed her buttons though, and rather than outright kill him, she threw him through a wall and opened herself up to attack from the beast that she was hunting. She almost lost her life that night, and would’ve done so if her lycanthropic healing hadn’t worked its wonders on her battered body. She watched as Jo blasted the creature to nothing but ash and cinders before she even hinted that she knew him. Of course, it came out that she was a werelion and a hunter, and he was a bit iffy about the fact in her mind. Victoria expected him to kill her for being evil, instead they teamed up together and took on the evil that thought it could get past the Witch and the Lion.
They were together a year, hunting monsters that broke the laws of various things, putting themselves in the line of danger. What she failed to act on was the feelings that had stirred in her by being in close quarters to Jo. She never acted on them because she didn’t know how even though they were pretty intimate. She gave him and his creepy familiar the space and time they needed and Jo gave her the same thing. Honestly, Victoria would’ve said something sooner if she hadn’t made herself visible to a vampire that could control lions in the area. The last time she saw Jo was he was drooling into his motel pillow and that marked the end of that. She vanished without a trace using every means necessary to avoid detection. She hadn’t left him out of anger or anything; she’d left him because she was scared that the vampire would use her against him.
She ran from one vampire and lions and into another vampire, and ironically it was another lion caller a year or so later. This one was different though, he was older than anything she’d come across and Mikhail seemed just as surprised that she was a lion working as a bounty hunter. Victoria found herself drawn to this one, he didn’t abuse his people and he claimed New York as his city. Rather than run off again or try and kill him, Victoria struck up a bargain with the vampire master. She’d work for him as security and a hunter if she was needed as long as he didn’t try to call her and bend her to his will. Mikhail agreed and they went their separate ways for awhile. While in New York City, Victoria settled down in her first real apartment. She didn’t want to run anymore, but she had no idea what to do. Making that apartment as her base of operations, she spent the next few years learning how to be normal. She got a job, went to night school, made a few friends that weren’t anything that she was used to. They were simply normal. She did get called in to do some hunts for Mikhail every now and then, but they were neither here nor there.
Then in 2005, she returned to the UK after saying goodbye to Mikhail and the lions that she’d grown used to more confident in herself and happy enough. There was an ulterior motive for her return though; Mikhail wanted her to pass through a place called Jackford every now and again to make sure one of his fledglings in the local Kiss was doing ok and rather than argue or brush him off with a smile and a nod, Victoria agreed on the understanding that she wouldn’t tie herself to one place for so long unless he helped her out finding a reason to stay. By the end of July ’05 she was studying to become a Physical Education teacher after a brief course as a teaching assistant at primary school in York - which wasn't that far from Jackford so it suited her - but maybe she should’ve been clearer in what she wanted huh? She didn't stay there for long and by the end of 2010 she was a full-fledged teacher working at Jackford’s comprehensive high school teaching children about sports and how to stay healthy three days a week and spending the rest of the week bouncing between Pride duty and her own time, which she used as time to search for the odd hunt to keep her claws sharp and she's stayed there ever since ducking and dodging the crazy that was worse than her. [/LIST][/SIZE]
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art-now-poland · 5 years ago
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Drunken Boat, Piotr Zygmunt
Linocut 57x40cm 2003/2004 "Glaciers, suns of silver, waves of pearl, skies of red-hot coals! Hideous wrecks at the bottom of brown gulfs Where the giant snakes devoured by vermin Fall from the twisted trees with black odours!" A.Rimbaud The Drunken Boat ENLARGE: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/329/e/6/drunken_boat_by_peterzigga-d79s36.jpg
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ivycorp · 2 years ago
My predictions for the final episode of the three-part season finale.
I really miss Starscream.
And Soundwave’s gonna stand up for himself.
Also this was my first time drawing Optimus, Megs, Soundwave, and Airachnid. Whoo!
Ugh it’s so little on this site! Here’s a full size link: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/286/a/8/on_the_next_episode_of_tf_p_by_in_sideunder-d4cpxxl.jpg
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fabio5antana · 7 years ago
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Aproveitando os #benefícios da #acunputura como medicina #complementar e #alternativa. Para quem não conhece, a acupuntura é bastante recomendada para a redução de dores localizadas nas costas, diminuição da tensão emocional, entre outros. Porém, é sempre importante ter o acompanhamento de um profissional capacitado. A sensação de relaxamento é ótima! Grande @deyvsonmorais obrigado pela atenção e profissionalismo! #TeamFábioSantana #CiaAthletica #CiaAthleticaRecife #CiaRecife #Tfit #Tfitgroup #FS70 #Health #Science #Research #BodyandSoul (at Cia Athletica Recife)
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justgobhad · 8 years ago
Boy: I Love You, Tum Is Duniya Ki Sabse Khubsurat Ladki Ho
Boy: I Love you, tum is duniya ki sabse khubsurat ladki ho Girl: Par tumare piche toh mujhse bhi zyada khubsurat ladki khadi hai.
Ladke ne mud kar dekha toh waha koi nahi tha. Girl:Agar tum mujhse sachha pyaar karte toh kabhi mud kar nahi dekhte.. "I HATE YOU" Moral:- "Moral woral kuch nahi, bas ladki zara tez nikli.. (Girlz Thoko LIKE ) Par Baat abhi baaki hai mere doston . Boy:"Jaise tumari marzi, but ab ye diamond ring main kise dunga... ?? Girl: Lo Ab main apne jaanu ke saath mazak bhi nahi kar sakti kyaa.. ?? Ladki ne ring box main dekha. . Girl: Ye to khaali hai.. Boy:Agar tum mujhse sacha pyaar karti to kabhi verify nahi karti ke is me ring hai ke nahi.. ?? I HATE YOU Moral:- Ladki Jitni Tezz Hoti Hai Utni Hi Tez Uski Watt Bhi Lagti Hai..
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truck-fump · 2 years ago
If <b>Trump</b> Runs Again, Do Not Cover Him the Same Way: A Journalist's Manifesto
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2022/10/12/margaret-sullivan-how-media-should-cover-trump-next-campaign/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw3pByXdX7NZIQn-MwF-FS70
If Trump Runs Again, Do Not Cover Him the Same Way: A Journalist's Manifesto
President Donald Trump before a coronavirus news briefing at the White House in March 2020. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post).
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polarisclothes-blog · 3 years ago
Friends season 8 download torrent 1080p
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Friends S02E20 The One Where Old Yeller Dies (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (238.0 MB).Friends S02E19 The One Where Eddie Won't Go (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (238.2 MB).Friends S02E17 The One Where Eddie Moves In (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (238.2 MB).Friends S02E16 The One Where Joey Moves Out (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (237.0 MB).Friends S02E15 The One Where Ross And Rachel.Friends S02E14 The One With The Prom Video (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (240.7 MB).Friends S02E13 The One After The Superbowl, part 2 (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (238.9 MB).Friends S02E12 The One After The Superbowl, part 1 (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (242.2 MB).Friends S02E11 The One With The Lesbian Wedding (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (239.7 MB).Friends S02E09 The One With Phoebe's Dad (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (239.7 MB).Friends S02E06 The One With The Baby On The Bus (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (240.3 MB).Friends S02E05 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (242.4 MB).Friends S02E04 The One With Phoebe's Husband (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (238.0 MB).Friends S02E03 The One Where Heckles Dies (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (239.9 MB).Friends S02E02 The One With the Breast Milk (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (237.7 MB).Friends S02E01 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (234.3 MB).Friends S02E07 The One Where Ross Finds Out (1080p x265 10bit Joy).mkv (243.3 MB).Friends Season 2 (1080p BD x265 10bit FS70 Joy)
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esmeniasworld · 5 years ago
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lighthouseagogo · 6 years ago
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Hopefully it won't be raining for our Booze Buffet https://www.instagram.com/p/BwEvUi-FS70/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1taeldp7r5nup
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brewdeninglove · 8 years ago
while I'm airing out my old ass art, check out Baby's First "Sexy" Drawing
I drew this on August 19 2011, almost six entire years ago, when I'd just turned 16. The reaction I had when I found this while trawling through the old forum was so visceral that I actually had to suppress a shriek. I am in my own personal hell
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fabio5antana · 8 years ago
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Bateu aquela vontade de uma gordice, mas essa foi a melhor e a opção mais gostosa da noite. Alimentando meu vício no camarão combinado com a salada. 😝😋😀 #teamfabiosantana #vempracia #eunacia #ciaathletica #ciaathleticarecife #ciarecife #tfit #tfitgroup #FS70 #longevidade #saúde #vidasaudável #prevenção #emagrecimento #verão #projetovidão (at RioMar Recife)
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hoodiedesigninspiration · 5 years ago
{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"ImageObject","contentUrl":"http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/161/e/d/new_year_yorkie_by_francescalop-d7lrrrj.jpg","description":"Teacup Yorkie Coloring Pages Coloring Pages","name":"Teacup Yorkie Coloring Pages Coloring Pages"}Best representation descriptions: Related searches: Abstract Drawings,Printable Abstract Coloring Pages,Abstract Art Coloring Pages,Abstract Coloring Pages Full Size,Abstract Love Coloring,Geometric Coloring Pages,Cool Abstract Coloring Pages,Botanical Coloring,Abstract Coloring Pages Designs,Coloring Stress Relief Abstract,Coloring Pages,Abstract Doodle Art Coloring Pages,Abstract Designs to Color,Abstract Eye Coloring,Colors,Abstract Coloring Page Sheets,Abstract Coloring Pages,Adult Coloring Pages,Abstract Art,Abstract Coloring Print,Abstract Coloring Pages for Teenagers,Awesome Coloring Pages for Adults,Abstract Coloring Book,Advanced Coloring Pages,Coloring Pages for Adults Only,Abstract Adult Coloring,Geometric Abstract Coloring Pages,Abstract Coloring Yin and Yang,Abstract Coloring Pages for Girls,Abstract Wings Butterfly Coloring,Abstract Colouring Page
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mindijameson · 8 years ago
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(via http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/341/e/f/__flying_raven_animation___by_jesseth-d34fvum.gif)
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