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Kyvaru Morningleaf @virtuousfury
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Carmi Devine @melligine
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Eldris Starleaf @notalestra
Kortin Silverstorm @storm-of-silver
Erengyl Blightmourn @blightmourn
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Carmen d’Brosia @gcdling
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Assigning Attributes - Kiaran Galliiryn, Pathfinder 1st Edition
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/ebba04f73ccd86b6dbfed603aee9975b/2d733c062cf38f66-54/s500x750/de3cf68c8c69e7c3485bdcb35b8995452cf9689a.jpg)
Kiaran Galliiryn
Pathfinder 1st Edition
Fighter 3rd Level/Rogue 2nd Level
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 53
Attack Bonus +05 Melee / +06/+01 Ranged
Movement 30’
Saves: Frt +05 Rfx +05, Wll +01
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
STR 12 [+01] INT 10 [+00] WIS 10 [+00]
DEX 14 [+02] CON 12 [+01] CHA 12 [+01]
Fighter Abilities
Bonus Feat 01 – Weapon Finesse
Bonus Feat 02 – Weapon Focus
Bravery +01
Racial Ability: Add +1 to the fighter’s CMD when resisting a disarm or overrun combat maneuver
Rogue Abilities
Sneak Attack +1d6
Trap Finding
Talent: Rope Master
Racial Ability: Add a +1/2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint and Diplomacy checks to gather information
Half-Drow Abilities
Ability Score Modifiers: Half-elf characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Half-elves are humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf subtypes.
Size: Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Drow Heritage: Half-elves with this trait count as drow for the purposes of any effect related to race, including prerequisites. This racial trait replaces the ability to choose any language as a bonus language, instead limiting the character to the bonus languages offered to drow
Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Alert for Betrayal: You gain a +2 racial bonus on saves against illusion spells and effects. Perception and Sense Motive are class skills for you. This racial trait replaces adaptability.
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Drow-Blooded: Some half-elves born of drow parents exhibit more drow traits than others—particularly many of the physical features of the drow—and have darkvision 60 feet and light blindness. This racial trait replaces the low-light vision racial trait.
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Multi-talented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
Items - Leather Armor and Cloak, Silk Clothing (Gloves, Pants Shirt, Open Jacket, Silk Gloves), High Long Soft Boots, 2 Hand Axes, 2 Punch Daggers, 4 Throwing Daggers, Medium Crossbow, Quiver w/24 Bolts, Luck Stone +2, 3 Potions of Healing (3d6 hit points each), Wand of Detect Magic Magic (23 Charges), Thieves’ Picks and Tools, 2 Large Bags
Kiaran is the daughter of Kishal Lunara, a human sorceress with an evil reputation for reputed witchcraft and fowl summoning. Her father is Bhelazar Galliiryn, a dark elf sword-wielding mercenary now living a semi-active lifestyle. Two years after Kiaran was born, her mother Kishal perished in the cavernous lairs of the Oculus Beasts. Her magics were negated by the arcane gaze of the creature while a second eye beam ravaged her biology to the entropic energy of its death beam. Kiaran, angry at her father, never forgave him, but having little choice in the matter stayed faithful to her father, and he, Bhelazar would honor and cherish his daughter in an unusual act of duty and memory. She inherited her father’s dusty dark skin and her mother’s strikingly solid blue eyes and the latter being the only indicator revealing her mixed heritage.
Kiaran, when not adventuring as a mercenary, works as either a tavern wench in her father’s spacious feast hall and tavern or as a bathing wench in the Vergonian Spas. She’ll work as an escort, masseuse, or prostitute if the money is right and only in large cities.
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A New KHallenger emerges
My take on a d20modern version of the Tarkata from Mortal Kombat
Powerfully built extra-dimensional humanoids from Outworld.
Tarkata are brutish creatures, but, with a feral cunning and a strong sense of personal honor, Tarkata love conflict and will actively seek out new opponents.
Physical Description
Tarkata are large bestial looking, spine covered humanoids with wide fang filled mouths, cat like eyes and retractable bone spurs in their forearms. Tarkata skin tones range from a pale yellowish-beige to light tan.
History and Technology
While most people believe that the Tarkatan are the result of cross breeding between an unknown humanoid species native to Outworld and Netherrealm demons, the truth is that, they are not. Tarkatans are natives from dimension previously conquered by Shao Kahn, swearing fealty to him after the fact. The Tarkata are proud warriors with a long history of combat.
Tarkatans don't get along with anyone particularly well, but, they bear a grudging respect to other species and races under Shao Kahn's banner as long as they have proven to be strong warriors
Tarkatans are nomads, wandering the wastelands of Outworld in tight-knit tribal groups.
Most Tarkatans venerate the Kahn of Outworld as a diety.
The Tarkata have their own language, called Tarkatan.
Example names
Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +2Str, +2Dex, +2Con, -2Int, -4Cha, Tarkata are physically powerful creatures, but, not particularly bright or personable.
Creature Type: Tarkata are considered Monstrous humanoids with the Extraplanar subtype.
Size, Medium: As medium sized creatures, Tarkata receive no size based benefits or penalties
Low-light vision (Ex): Tarkatans can see twice as far as humans in poor light conditions
Scent (Ex): Tarkatans have scent as described in the d20modern RPG, allowing to track and detect hidden foes.
Base Land Speed: 30ft.
Natural Weapons (Ex): A Tarkata has a bone spur growing from each forearm and a mouthful of sharp teeth, a bone spur deals 1d6 plus the Tarkata's strength modifier worth of piercing or slashing (declared when the attack roll is made) damage and has a critical threat range of 18-20 and can be used in to block enemy melee attacks like an off-hand weapon. A Bite attack deals 1d4 plus half the Tarkata's strength modifier in damage and has a x3 critical damage multiplier. Bone spurs can not be used in conjunction with manufactured weapons, but, bites can. If a A Tarkata loses a bone spur, it will regrow over the next 1d4+2 days.
Bone Spines (Ex): Share spines cover the backs and shoulders of most Tarkata allowing them to deal an automatic 1d4 points of piercing damage when grappled. Additionally a Tarkatan can fire these spines as a defensive measure a number of times per day equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day) as a Full round actiom., a Tarkata can choose to remain standing project the spines in a 20ft cone, hitting everything behind them or, curl into a ball releasing the spines into a 10ft raduis burst. Anything caught within the threatened area suffers 4d6 points of piercing damage a Reflex save halves the damage (DC equal to the Tarkatan's Dexterity score). Each time the Tarkatan launches Bone spines they must pass a Fortitude save (DC 15 plus 1 per previous successful save) or fall unconscious as if they had failed a Massive damage save against a non-lethal attack.
Sparks (Ex): As an Attack action, a Tarkata can strike their bone spurs together releasing an energy projectile at an opponent, the spark deals 2d4 points of damage with a range increment of 20ft (max range 100ft), half the damage is piercing and half is fire. If the Tarkata decides to take a Full Attack action, they can fire off as many sparks as they have attacks.
Musk (Ex): Male Tarkata produce a potent essence, at certain times, a Tarkata male will produce so much essence that the scent will drive other males into a blind rage. When this happens, all Tarkata within 30ft (including the one producing the excess essence once it has been detected) are thrown into a rage, while in this state, the Tarkata receive a +4 circumstance bonus to their Str, Dex and Con scores but, are unable to use any Int, Wis or Cha based skills except for Intimidate. Once the rage has taken hold, all afflicted Tarkata will exclusively attack each other until only one is left standing, the last Tarkata left standing is fatigued for 2d4 hours after the battle. Tarkatan essence can be collected and stored with a successful DC 15 survival check, if a Tarkatan or third party gathers at least 16 ounces of essence they can coat a small to large sized creature or object with it as a Full-round action, or placed into a container and thrown like a grenade (Range Incrment 10ft, max range 50ft), splashing everything within a 5ft radius. Regardless of the method used the target(s) will trigger any Tarkatan males that pass within 30ft as described above for as long as the essence persists, enraged males will percieve them as rival male Tarkata. When used in this manner, Tarkatan essence will persist for one hour after coating a target, and can be stored in a sealed container for upto a year.
Bonus Feats: A Tarkata receives Archaic Weapons proficiency as a bonus feat.
Automatic Language: Tarkara begin play with the ability to read, write and speak Tarkatan
Level Adjustment: +3.
Base Height Modifier Base Weight Modifier
5'6'' +3d6" 175 x(1d6)lb
Common Tarkatan warrior CR8. Monstrous Humanoid (Extraplanar) Strong Hero3/Martial Artist2/Shadow Slayer1 HD:6d8+18. HP:48. Mas17. Init:+3. Spd 30ft. Defense:19, Touch13, FF16(+3dex,+5Class, +1 equip). Bab+6. Grapl+9. Atk: +9melee(1d4+5/x3 bite) or +9ranged (2d4 RI; 20ft, spark). Full Atk:+5melee(1d6+5/18-20, 2 bone spurs or 1d6+5, 2 unarmed strikes) and +4melee (1d4+3/x3 bite) or +9/+4melee (1d8+6 Spear) or +9/+4ranged (2d4 RI; 20ft, spark). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft when using spear). SQ: Monstrous humanoid traits, Low-light vision, Scent, Bone spines (3/day, Ref 16), Musk, Living Weapon, Flying Kick (1d6+7 unarmed), Detect Shadow. AL: Chaos, Shao Kahn's empire. Sv Frt+6, Ref+8, Wil+1. AP:6. Rep+0. Str16, Dex16, Con17, Int10, Wis8, Cha6.
Occupation: Law Enforcement (Intimidate, Listen)
Skills: Climb+5, Intimidate+2, Jump+7, Listen+3, Read/Write/Speak (Tarkatan), Tumble+7
Feats: Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Combat Martial Arts, Defensive Martial arts, Leg Kabob, Power attack, Simple Weapons proficiency
Talents: Melee Smash, Improved Melee smash
Possessions: Leather Armor (15lb) (non-prof), Spear w/war banner (9lb), various gear and personal possessions
Leg Kabob
Prerequisite: BaB+6, Power Attack, must be a Tarkatan
Benefit: If you score a successful critical hit with one of your bones spurs, you can make a Strength Check (DC equal to the target's Con score plus half their total HD rounded down) as a free action. If the check succeeds the bone spur breaks off and is left in the victim. If the check fails, you must pass a Fort save (DC equal to the victim's Con score + half their character level rounded down) or be incapacitated with pain for 1d4 rounds. While the spur is driven into your victim, they suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to all d20 rolls they make and the spur inflicts slashing damage to the victim equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1), every time they attempt to perform a Full round action or take 2 standard actions in a single round. A broken-off bone spur can be removed with either a successful Strength check (DC Your Strength score+1/2 your Hit Dice rounded down) as a full round action, or with a successful First Aid check (DC Your Strength Score+Your Wisdom modifier) and a full 6 minutes of work. If an attempt fails a new attempt can immediately be attempted. If the check fails by 5 points or more the bone spur deals automatic critical damage to the victim.
Normal: A Tarkata can not and will not voluntarily break off one of their own bone spurs
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The Three Types of Hearing Test
A hearing test is usually done by an audiologist with an audiogram. An audiogram measures a person's hearing ability at various frequencies and helps to determine a person`s hearing loss at those frequencies. There are several other hearing tests also, e.g., hearing test , listener tests and participant observation test. One of the most common tests for hearing aids is the VH questionnaire. This is a twenty-four-question questionnaire that measures a persons hearing loss at seven different frequency ranges.
1)Pure tone audiometry measures the ability to detect differences in sounds at pure tones. There are two types of pure tone audiometry, namely, transfer and concentric. In transfer, the ear canal is open and the tester plays a series of tones at different volumes in each ear. In concentric, the ear canal is closed and a machine plays pure tones at various volumes at the same time in each ear audiometric testing . The results of this hearing test are usually displayed on a computer screen and graphs can be created to show the hearing difference at various frequencies.
A frequency response test (FRT) is sometimes required when dealing with audiometry. This involves responding to different sounds at various frequencies. The audiologist plays recorded sounds at various volumes along with the frequency response measured with an audiometry machine. The user hears a signal that varies in frequency and responses by pressing one of three buttons.
Mains audiometry tests the hearing ability of the ears themselves. The medical term for this type of hearing test is "Mains audiometry." This type of hearing test measures the electrical impulses that pass through the auditory nerve and convert the electrical signal into sound. Mains audiometry is usually performed on patients' non-dominant ears. For some people, however, dominant ears may respond to the probe better than the non-dominant ears.
Auditory nerve auditory evoked response (ANWER) tests are a special type of audiometry that measures brain activity during different pitches and frequencies of sound. AnWER is used for detecting brainstem dysfunction, especially when it occurs with consistent and chronic problems such as chronic pain, insomnia, and depression. AnWER is not only used for detecting neurological problems, but also in detecting hearing loss or other abnormalities in the human ear.
Sound field audiometry measures the acoustical effects of sound at various distances from the ear canal hearing aids pakistan . Sound field audiometry is often combined with magnetic detection in order to pinpoint the source of a sound. Common equipments used in sound field audiometry are audiometers, head telephones, and sound field generators. Head telephones use a pair of small headphones which are placed on the head and ears of the listener , while audiometers produce sound waves in real time from the speaker and send them (referred to as audiograms) to the listener's ears.
A speech audiogram, sometimes called a true hearing test, involves having the person hear a spoken word at varying speeds ear machines . The audiologist then analyzes the brainstem responses from each speaker. If there is a discrepancy between the response and the speaker's own response, the patient may be suffering from a hearing loss. Although audiologists are the only qualified medical professionals who can diagnose hearing loss, many audiologists offer speech evaluation services to patients. They can do this by using a special microphone that can pick up slight differences in sound speed and frequency that are not heard by the average person.
Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss can both be detected through Hearing aids in Lahore . Conductive refers to devices which redirect sound to the inner ear, while sensorineural refers to devices that allow sound to pass directly to the inner ear without any rerouting. In order for these tests to be properly conducted, both ears must be regularly checked and tested by the medical professional. This ensures that no hearing loss is being missed during a standard medical check-up.
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d20 Modern Stats for the Empire of Zin (Saints Row IV)
The Empire of Zin
Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +4Str, +4Con, -2Int, -2Wis, -4Cha.
Creature Type: Zin are Humanoids with the Zin Subtype.
Natural Armor: +3
Size: Medium, Zin receive no sized based bonuses or penalties
Base Land Speed: 30ft
Natural Attacks (Ex): 2 slam 1d4+Str Modifier Bludgeoning.
Spikes (Ex): Zin have sharp spikes jutting from their shoulders, forearms, and forehead. These spikes are not long enough to be used as natural weapons but, grants a +1 bonus to grapple checks and deals 1 point of piercing damage for each round a grapple is maintained.
Custom Clothing (Ex): Because of their spikes, Zin clothing and armor must be custom made, increasing their Purchase DCs by +4.
Automatic Languages: All Zin can speak/read/write their own language (Zin) and learn at least one langauge of the peoples they've subjugated or intend to conquer.
Level Adjustment:+0.
Progress Level: Base Human +2.
Common Zin CR1. Medium Humanoid (Zin) Fast Ordinary1/Dedicated Ordinary1 HD:1d8+2 plus 1d6+2. HP12. Mas15. Init:+0. Spd ft. Defense:18,Touch14, FF18(+4Class,+1Equip,+3Nat). Bab+0. Grapl+3. Atk/Full Atk:+2melee(1d4+2 slam or 1d6+3 Riflebutt) or +0ranged (3d6 RI; 100ft Alien rifle or Special RI;20ft Suppresson grenade) or -4ranged (Alien Rifle Auto-fire). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft. SQ: Spikes. AL: Empire of Zin. Sv Frt+3,Ref+1,Wil+0. AP:N/A. Rep+1. Str15, Dex10, Con15, Int8, Wis9, Cha6.
Occupation: Blue Collar (Climb, Intimidate, Repair)
Skills: Climb+4, Drive+2, Intimidate+0, Read/Write/Speak (Zin), Repair+1, Ride+2, Treat Injury+2
Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Alien Rifle (14lb), Leather Jacket (4lb non-proficient), 1d4 Suppression grenades (.75lb each)
Elite Zin CR4. Medium Humanoid (Zin) Strong Ordinary2/Tough1/Fast1 HD:3d8+9 plus 1d10+3. HP31. Mas17. Init:-1. Spd 30ft. Defense:19, Touch15, FF19 (-1dex,+6Class,+1Equip,+3Nat). Bab+2. Grapl+7. Atk/Full Atk:+6melee(1d4+4 Slam) or +1ranged (3d4 RI; 40ft Alien SMG or 2d12 RI; 20ft Alien Pistol). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft. SQ: Spikes. AL: Empire of Zin. Sv Frt+3, Ref+1, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex8, Con17, Int10, Wis12, Cha6.
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Survival)
Skills: Demolitions+5, Drive+1, Intimidate+0, Listen+3, Pilot+1, Read/Write/Speak (Zin), Spot+3, Survival+6
Feats: Alertness, Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Alien SMG (5lb) or Alien Pistol (3lb), ZinTek Force Shield (4lb, non-proficient), various gear and personal possessions
Species Traits
Bonus Hit Dice: A Warden begins play with 6 hit dice, these Hit Dice grant 6d8+6x their Con Modifier worth of bonus Hit Points, a +6 Base Attack Bonus, A +2 base Fortitude save bonus, a +5 base bonus to Reflex and Will saves 2 bonus feats and 10+2x their Int Score worth of skill points, for purposes of spending these skill points Climb, Jump, Intimidate, Listen and Spot are considered “class” skills.
Ability Modifiers: Str+10, Dex-4, Con+10, Int-4, Wis-2, Cha-4..
Creature Type: Wardens are Monstrous Humanoids with the Zin subtype.
Natural Armor: +10
Size: Large, because of their size, Wardens suffer a -1 size penalty to Attack rolls and Defense, a -4 size penalty to Hide checks, a +4 size bonus to grapple checks, and have twice the carrying capacity as a medium sized creature.
Darkvision: Wardens have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft
Base Land Speed: 40ft.
Natural Attacks (Ex): A Warden possesses 2 Slam attacks (1d8) and a Bite (1d4) as natural attacks. A Warden can use its bite attack in conjunction with a manufactured weapon as a Full attack action.
Elbow Spikes (Ex): Wardens have long blade like bone spurs protruding backward from their arms. As a Full round action a Warden can attempt to slash an opponent with one or both of these blade (standard rules for two weapon fighting with light weapons apply), dealing 1d8+the Wardens strength modifier worth o piercing damage and threatening a critical hit an a natural 19 or 20. The coordination need to attack with their arm spikes prevents a Warden from using them in-tandem with other natural or manufactured weapons.
Improvised missiles (Ex): As a Full round action a Warden can pick up an object upto huge size and hurl it at its target, the thrown object deals bludgeoning damage equal to a falling object of the same size (see d20 Modern RPG pg 214) plus1.5x the Warden's Strength Modifier and has a range increment of 30ft with a maximum range of 150ft. A Warden can also throw a grappled opponent in this way.
Enhancement (Su): The Empire of Zin has further modified some Wardens to use a single “super power”. At character creation roll on the Enhancement table below.
Bonus Feats (Ex): Wardens receive Archaic Weapons proficiency and light armor proficiency as bonus feats.
Special requirements: Wardens require larger clothing/armor than medium sized creatures (+4 Purchase DC) and can not use weapons sized smaller than small.
Starting Language: Wardens can speak read and write Zin, while it is technically possible for them to learn other languages but, most never do.
Level Adjustment:+3.
Thrown Objects
Object size
Enhancement Table
d100 roll Enhancement
00-50 No Enhancement
51-60 Blast: Once every 1d4 rounds the Warden can cast Concussion as a 10th level Battlemind. +2 CR, +1 Level Adjustment
61-70 Stomp: Once every 1d4 rounds a Warden can generate a shock-wave, the wave effects everything within a 30ft radius centered on the Warden, it deals 3d6 damage and everything caught in the wave must make a DC 20 Reflex save (or Drive check for vehicles), or be thrown backward 15ft, the pulse does not effect targets more than to size categories larger than the Warden, +2 CR, +1 Level Adjustment
71-80 Buff: Once every 1d4 rounds the Warden may cast Bless, Aid and Enhance Ability on itself as a 5th level Acolyte. +2 CR, +1 Level Adjustment
81-100 Telekinesis: Once every 1d4 rounds the Warden can cast Telekinesis as a 10th level Telepath. +2 CR, +1 Level Adjustment
Typical Warden CR6. Large Monstrous Humanoid (Zin) HD:6d8+30.HP57. Mas21. Init:-2. Spd 40ft. Defense:20,Touch7, FF20(-1size, -2dex,+3Equip,+10Nat). Bab+6. Grapl+15. Atk: +10melee (1d4+5 bite) or +0ranged (3d8 RI;120ft Laser gun arm, auto-fire). Full Atk: +4/+0/-1melee(1d8+5/19-20 Elbow spikes) or +5melee (2 Slams 1d8+5) and +0melee (1d4+2 bite), or +0/-5ranged (3d8 RI;120ft Laser gun arm, auto-fire) or +3ranged (4d6+7 RI;30ft Huge object). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Improvised Missiles, Monstrous Humanoid traits, DR25/-- (when Warden Shield is active). AL: Empire of Zin. Sv Frt+7, Ref+3 (+11 when Warden Shield is active),Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str21, Dex6, Con21, Int6, Wis9, Cha6.
Skills: Climb+6, Hide-9, Intimidate+4, Jump+6, Listen+5, Read/Write/Speak (Zin), Spot+5.
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Run, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Modified Laser gun arm (11lb), Studded Leather, Warden Shield (15lb), various gear and personal possessions.
Enhanced Warden CR8. Large Monstrous Humanoid (Zin) HD:6d8+30.HP57. Mas21. Init:-2. Spd 40ft. Defense:20,Touch7, FF20(-1size, -2dex,+3Equip,+10Nat). Bab+6. Grapl+15. Atk: +10melee (1d4+5 bite) or +0ranged (3d8 RI;120ft Laser gun arm, auto-fire). Full Atk: +4/+0/-1melee(1d8+5/19-20 Elbow spikes) or +5melee (2 Slams 1d8+5) and +0melee (1d4+2 bite), or +0/-5ranged (3d8 RI;120ft Laser gun arm, auto-fire) or +3ranged (4d6+7 RI;30ft Huge object). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Improvised Missiles, Monstrous Humanoid traits, Enhancement (Blast, Buff, Stomp or Telekinesis), DR25/-- (when Warden Shield is active). AL: Empire of Zin. Sv Frt+7, Ref+3 (+11 when Warden Shield is active),Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str21, Dex6, Con21, Int6, Wis9, Cha6.
Skills: Climb+6, Hide-9, Intimidate+4, Jump+6, Listen+5, Read/Write/Speak (Zin), Spot+5.
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Run, Simple Weapons Proficiency
Possessions: Modified Laser gun arm (11lb), Studded Leather, Warden Shield (15lb), various gear and personal possessions.
Elite Warden CR14. Large Monstrous Humanoid Tough Hero3/Strong Hero3 HD:9d8+45 plus 3d10+15.HP102. Mas21. Init:-2. Spd 40ft. Defense:24,Touch11, FF24(-1size, -2dex,+3Equip,+4 class, +10Nat). Bab+11. Grapl+20. Atk: +melee (1d4+5 bite) or +ranged (3d8 RI;120ft Laser gun arm, auto-fire). Full Atk: +11/+11/+6/+1melee(1d8+7/19-20 Elbow spikes) or +11melee (2 Slams 1d8+7) and +6melee (1d4+4 bite), or +8/+3/-2ranged (3d8 RI;120ft Laser gun arm, auto-fire) or +3ranged (4d6+7 RI;30ft Huge object). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Improvised Missiles, Monstrous Humanoid traits, Enhancement (Blast, Buff, Stomp or Telekinesis), DR25/-- (when Warden Shield is active). AL: Empire of Zin. Sv Frt+11, Ref+5 (+13 when Warden Shield is active),Wil+6. AP:6. Rep+1. Str21, Dex6, Con21, Int6, Wis9, Cha6.
Skills: Climb+6, Concentration+8, Hide-9, Intimidate+4, Jump+6, Listen+5, Read/Write/Speak (Zin), Spot+5, Swim+5.
Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Alertness, Archaic Weapons Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (Light), Cleave, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Machine guns), Power Attack, Run, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Two Weapon Fighting
Talents: Second Wind, Stamina, Melee Smash, Improved Melee Smash
Possessions: Modified Laser gun arm (11lb), Studded Leather, Warden Shield (15lb), various gear and personal possessions.
Species Base Height Modifier Base Weight Modifier
Zin 5'5” +2d12" 150lb x(2d6)lb
Warden 8'6” +4d8" 450lb x(4d12)lb
Construct (Ex): C.I.D.s have all traits common to constructs.
Darkvision (Ex): C.I.Ds have advanced sensors that grant them Darkvision to a range of 60ft
Skills: Because of their advanced AI C.I.D.s receive a number of skill points equal to their Intelligence Modifier +15, they Treat Listen, Spot, Hide and Move Silently as “class” skills. C.I.D.s possess an advanced Vocabulizer that grants it the ability to speak Zin plus a number of additional languages equal to their intelligence bonus (minimum +0)
Spell-like Abilities (Su): Once Per Round as a Full Round Action a C.I.D may cast Mage Armor, Resist Energy or Stone Skin on a friendly target as a 7th level mage
Self Destruct System (Ex): As a Free Action a C.I.D can cause itself to explode, destroying itself and dealing 4d8 points of Slashing/Concussion damage to everything in a 10ft radius (Ref 15 for half damage)
Communications Array (Ex): A C.I.D can triple the signal range of and friendly communication device within 100ft.
Revive Target (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds a C.I.D. May revive an ally that has been reduced to zero (0) HP, the target is revived at 50% their maximum HP and suffer a
C.I.D. CR7. Small construct HD:2d10+5. HP16. Mas---. Init:+0. Spd 50ft fly (Perfect). Defense:18, Touch11, FF18(+1size, +7Nat). Bab+1. Grapl-4. Atk/Full Atk:+0melee(1d3-1 Slam) or +2ranged (2d12/x3 RI; 20ft integrated Alien Pistol). FS:2.5ftx2.5ft. R:0ft. SQ: Construct Traits, Spell-Like Abilities, Self Destruct System, Communications Array, Revive Target. AL: Empire of Zin. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str8, Dex10,Con--, Int21 Wis10, Cha10.
Skills: Hide+9, Listen+5, Move Silently+5, speak (Zin, plus 5 more), Spot+5.
Feats: None
Possessions: Integrated Alien Pistol
Species Traits
Construct Traits (Ex): Marauders have all the traits common to constructs.
Integrated Laser Cannon (Ex): A Marauder has a powerful Laser cannon built into its turreted sensor systems. The Laser has a fire rate of Single and a Range Increment of 250ft with a maximum range of 2,500ft.
Reinforced armor plating (Ex): The Heavy metal plating for a Marauder, is heavily reinforced, granting a +10 Equipment bonus to Defense, 45 points of Hardness and is always considered to be behind ¾ cover when calculating Reflex saves.
Roll out (Ex): The Marauder can fold into a compact sphere (or unfold again) as a Full Round Action, while rolled up, the Marauder can not use its laser but, can make a Slam attack. While in its spherical form, the Marauder receives a +5 Deflection bonus to Defense and an additiona 5 points of hardness to its shell, while in its spherical form the Marauder's speed increases to 80ft and the Marauder can run at upto 4x speed (when unfolded the Marauder can not run)
Sensor Array (Ex): Marauders receive Alertness, Attentive, Guide and Track as Bonus Feats
Programming (Ex): A Marauder is programmed with 24 skill points (divided between the skills provided from its Sensor Array) and Mobility, Point Blank Shot and Shot on the Run as Bonus Feats
Cold vulnerability (Ex): In addition to the standard effects of cold based weapons/attacks, a Marauder also suffers the effects of a Slow Spell as cast by a 10th level Mage.
Marauder CR10. Huge Construct (Mechanical) HD:8d10+40. HP84. Mas---. Init:+1. Spd 20ft. Defense:,Touch,FF(+dex,+Class,+Equip,+Nat). Bab+6. Grapl+24. Atk/Full Atk:+14melee(4d10+15 Slam) or +5ranged (15d6 Fire, Laser Cannon). FS:20ftx20ft. R:10ft. SQ: Reinforced Armor Plating, Roll out, Sensor Array, Programming, Cold Vulnerability. AL: Creator or Master. Sv Frt+2, Ref+6,Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str30, Dex13, Con---, Int---. Wis10, Cha4.
Skills: Hide-7, Investigate+8, Listen+8, Navigate+8, Sense Motive+8, Spot+8, Survival+8
Feats: Alertness, Attentive, Guide, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Shot on the Run, Track
Advancement: 9-15HD (Huge)
Murderbot (PL7) CR4. Large Construct. HD:2d10+20. HP:31. Mas-. Init:+1. Speed:30ft. Defense:16, Touch8, FF16 (-1size, -1dex, +8equip). BaB:+1. Grapl:+11. Atk/Full Attack: +6melee (1d4+6 non-lethal slap) or -4ranged (3d8 RI; 120ft laser Auto-fire) or +0ranged (4d8, RI; 50ft mine thrower). FS:10ftx10ft. R10ft. SQ: Construct Traits, DR2/--. AL: Creator, Empire of Zin. SV: Fort+0, Ref-1, Will+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str22, Dex8, Con--, Int--, Wis10, Cha1. Skills: Hide-5, Intimidate-1, Listen+6, Spot+6 Feats: None Equipment: Laser Gun arm, Mine Thrower arm w/50 mines Purchase DC: 35 ($136,840) Restriction: Mil+3. Frame: Biomorph. Locomotion: Enhanced Legs(pair). Manipulators: Advanced hands(x2) Armor: Duralloy Armor w/Concussive Plates. Sensors: Class VIII. Skill Software: 2x Skill Chips (Listen and Spot), Skill Progit (Intimidate) Feat Software: None Accessories: 2x Weapon Mounts
Weapon list Range PDC/
Weapons Dmg Type Crit Inc RoF Mag Wght SZ Res
Alien Rifle 3d6 Fire 20 100ft S,A 875(cell) 14lb L 21/mil
Disentigrator 4d12 Energy 20 100ft Sin Special 18lb L 24/ill
Bounce Rifle 2d8 Pierce 20 150ft S Special 12lb L 25/mil
Alien Pistol 2d12 Fire 20x3 20ft S 437(cell) 3lb S 19/res
Alien SMG 3d4 Electric 20 40ft A 1750(cell) 5lb M 23/mil
Thump Gun 2d12 Energy 20x3 40ft S 175(cell) 15lb L 20/res
Alien RPG 20d8 Conc N/A 350ft Sin 14(cell) 24lb H 25/mil
Abduction Gun N/A N/A N/A 60ft Sin Special 26lb H 28/ill
Black Hole Launcher Special Special N/A 350ft Sin Special 32lb H 29/ill
Mine Thrower arm 4d8 Conc N/A 50ft S 50(box) 9lb L 26/mil
Laser gun arm 3d8 Fire 20 120ft A 500(cell) 11lb L 27/mil
Hand Grenades
Weapon list Burst Range Reflex PDC/
Weapons Dmg Type Radius Inc Save Wght SZ Res
Suppression Grenade N/A N/A 20ft 10ft N/A .75lb T 15/Ill
Alien Rifle
Fire three beams at once. More firepower, less aiming. What's not to love?— Weapon Description
D20Rules: The dominator has a 3 Round burst setting (-2Attack, +3d6 damage). A Dominator must be allowed to cool for 1d4 rounds for every 30 shots fired, built up heat can be vented at anytime before hitting the 30 shot mark as a Move Action (less than 20 shots fired) or as a Full Round Action (20-29 shots fired). A special module can be purchased for the Dominator (Purchase DC 19, Repair DC 15 and a full round action to install), with the module installed the Dominator restores 1 point of health to the shooter for every 5 points of damage an attack deals to a target. A Dominator can be purchased with the health draining module preinstalled (+4 PDC, Restriction increases to Illegal). A character/NPC with either Personal Firearms Proficiency or Alien Weapons Proficiency can operate a Dominator without penalty.
One hit. One kill. No mess to clean up.— Weapon Description
D20Rules: A target that fails a Massive Damage save or is reduced to 0HP by a disintegrator is instantly slain and reduced to ash, the Disintegrator has theoretically infinite ammunition thanks to its integrated power generator but, must be charged as a move action the first time it is fired in an encounter and must recharge for 1d8+2 rounds between shots, the recharge time can be reduced to 1d6+2 rounds (Purchase DC 21 repair DC 15 when purchased at a later date, +4 Purchase DC when buying an already modded disintegrator) and again to 1d4+2 rounds (Purchase DC21 Repair DC 15, recharge time must have already been reduced to 1d6+2 when purchased at a later date, +3 Purchase DC [stacks with previous +4 increase] when buying an already modded disintigrator). A character/NPC with either Personal Firearms Proficiency or Alien Weapons Proficiency can operate a Disintigrator without penalty.
Bounce Rifle
Fires compressed energy bolts that bounce from target to target. Fun at parties!— Weapon Description
D20rules: On a successful hit from a Bounce rifle everything within a 10ft radius of the target must pass a DC15 Reflex save or suffer 2d8 piercing damage. Confirmed critical hits do not apply to secondary targets, anything with less than total cover is vulnerable. A Bounce rifle can be fired upto 6 times before it has to recharge for 1d6 rounds. The Bounce rifle requires either the Personal Firearms or Alien Weapons proficiency feat to operate without penalty and can be used in conjunction with the Double tap and Skip shot feats (bonuses and penalties granted by these feats also apply to secondary targets within the 10ft radius).
Alien Pistol
A hefty punch in a small package.— Weapon Description
D20rules: A Z9 Handcannon must be allowed to cooldown for 1 round after every 20 shots fired, if less than 20 shots have been fired, the shooter can vent built up heat as a move action. A special module can be purchased for the Z9 (Purchase DC 17, DC 15 repair and a Full round action to install), with the module installed the Z9 grants a +2 equipment bonus to critical confirmation rolls, a Z9 with the module preinstalled can be purchased (Purchas DC 21). The Z9 Handcannon requires either the Personal Firearms Proficiency or Alien Weapons Proficiency feat to use with out penalty.
Alien SMG
This gun, used by aliens for zapping, can also be used for zapping aliens. Handy!— Weapon Description
D20 rules: The Xenoblaster expends 20 rounds into a 10x10ft square on an auto fire attack (Ref 17 negates), or 10 rounds on a burst fire attack (-4 Attack, +3d4 damage). A Xenoblaster must be allowed to cool for 1d4 rounds for every 60 shots fired, built up heat can be vented at anytime before hitting the 60 shot mark as a Move Action (less than 30 shots fired) or as a Full Round Action (30-59 shots fired). Their is a special module for Xenoblasters (Purchase DC 21, Repair DC 15 and a Full Round action to install), with the module installed, the Xenoblaster will receive a cumulative +2damage bonus for every consecutive attack made with the Xenoblaster (maximum +10 damage), the bonus will reset after the Smg fires 60 shots and triggers its cool down, or if the shooter triggers a manual heat vent. Xenoblasters with the module preinstalled are available (Purchase DC 25 Restriction Illegal). A character with eithe the Presonal Firearms or Alien weapons proficiency feat can use the Xenoblaster without penalty. Firing a Xenoblaster one handed imposes an additional -2 penalty to attack rolls in addition to any other penalties the shooter may already be incurring (Non-proficient, Two Weapon Fighting penalties, ect)
At last, the range of a rifle paired with the finesse of a brutal curbstomp!— Weapon Description
D20rules: After every 20 shots the Thumpgun must be allowed to cooldown for 1d4 rounds, the weapon's heat can be manually vented (as a move action for 10 shots or less, or as a Full Round action for 11-19 shots). Requires Personal Weapons or Alien Weapons proficiency to use without penalty.
"Tyrant" Alien RPG
This alien weapon lays down the law ... and a blast of superheated plasma.— Weapon Description
D20rules: Burst Radius 10ft (Ref 15 for half), must cooldown/recharge for a full round between shots. Ignores upto 10 points of hardness against target struck. Requires the Exotic Firearms (Rocket Launcher) proficiency to use without penalty.
Abduction Gun
Give your foes a close encounter. Also works on cows.— Weapon Description
d20rules: Firing the Abduction gun is a Full Round action. The Abduction gun creates a column of red light with a hieght of 60ft and a radius of 15ft. Anything within the radius must make a DC 25 Escape artist check or begin floating into the air at a rate of 15ft per round. Creatures outside the radius may attempt to pull a victim out of the column as a Full Round Action with a successful DC 20 Grapple check, failing the check by 5 points or more drags the would be rescuer into the column of light, anything that reachs the top of the column must make a DC 16 Fort Save, on a failure a creature with 4HD or less is instantly slain, a creature with 5HD or more suffer 6d8 points of Negative Energy damage, creatures slain by the column disintegrate. The Column persists for 1d4+2 rounds, when the column flickers out after the time runs out, all targets not slain by the column plummet to the ground suffering applicable fall damage. The Abduction gun has theoretically infintie ammunition but, must be allowed to recharge for 1d6+4 rounds between uses. Requires the Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Cannons) feat.
Black Hole Launcher
Black holes suck, weaponized black holes suck more.— Weapon Description
d20rules: Firing a Black hole cannon is a full round action, once fired it must recharge for 1d8+2 rounds. The generated singularity effects anything within a 40ft radius, crushing gravitational forces deal 6d12 points of bludgeoning damage to all targets within the radius (Ref 25 for half damage), additionally all targets within a 60 feet of the impact point must pass a DC 30 Balance check or be knocked prone and drawn toward the singularity at a rate of 15ft per round. The singularity persist for 1d4 rounds, at the end of its duration it collapses exploding, dealing an additional 6d12 points of bludgeoning damage to everything within 40ft (Ref25 for half), additionally everything within the 40ft radius must make a DC 25 Tumble check or be hurled 60ft away from the impact point (suffering fall damage if applicable).
Minethrower Arm
The Attached heavy weapon for Murderbots
d20 rules: The Minethrower arm fires proximity mines, the proximity mine will detonate when a hostile NPC/character within 5ft. Once triggered, the mine detonates, dealing the listed damage to anything within 10ft (Reflex 15 for half damage). Mines are sold in bundles of 10 with a purchase DC of 17 per bundle. Requires the Exotic Firearms Proficiency (Grenade Launchers) Feat
Lasergun Arm
The primary weapon for Murderbots and Wardens
d20rules: must be allowed to cooldown for 1d4 rounds every 100 consecutive shots, requires exotic firearms Proficiency (Machine guns)
Suppression Grenade
D20rules: everything caught within the blast radius of a Suppression grenade must pass a DC20 Fort save or be unable to use any spells, psionic powers or natural abilities with the supernatural description for 1d4+2 rounds.
Type/ Equip Bonus Dex Armor Spd
Armor Name Sub-type Prof. Non Prof. Bonus Penalty (30ft) Weight PDC/Res
ZinTek Force Shield Med/Shield +3 +1 N/A -2 N/A 4lb 15/lic+1
Warden Shield Light/Tac N/A N/A +8 -2 30ft 15lb 27/mil+3
ZinTek Force Shield
d20rules: ZinTek shields impose a 25% Arcane Spell failure penalty, when making a shield bash with a ZinTek Force Shield, half the damage is bludgeoning and the other half is non-specific energy. A
Warden Shield
A special full body shield provided to wardens
d20rules: The Warden shield that grants the wearer Damage Reduction 25/---. and a +6 reflex save bonus against non-supernatural AoE weapons. If the wearer is caught in a AoE of a spell, psionic effect or supernatural ability that forces a Reflex save, and fail the save by 5 points or more the shield generator will shutdown for 1d4 rounds, restarting the shield after the cooldown ends is a Full Round Action. A Warden Shield is generated from a belt that can be worn and used in conjunction with other armors
Vehicle Top PDC
Name Crew Pass Cargo Init/Man Speed. Def: Hard HP SZ Res
Assert 1 3 400lb -0/+1 210(21) 8 10 36 H 34/lic
Assert, Armed 2 2 200lb -2/-1 210(21) 8 15 36 H 34/mil
Destructor 2 0 600lb -4/-4 70(7) 6 45 75 G 47/mil
Void, flight mode 1 2 450lb +1/+2 2600(26) 6 15 45 G 45/mil
Void, hover-mode 1 2 450lb -2/-4 260(26) 6 15 45 G ----
XOR 1 0 125lb +1/+1 400(40) 9 10 20 L 30/mil
Weapon list Range PDC/
Weapons Dmg Type Crit Inc RoF Mag Wght SZ Res
Laser Machine Gun 4d8 Fire 20 120ft A Cell 106lb H 25/mil
Laser Beam 6d6 Fire 20 400ft A Cell 70lb H 30/mil
Destructor Cannon 24d8 Fire 20 600ft Sin Cell 750lb H 46/mil
Void Laser Cannon 10d10 Energy 19-20 500ft Sin Cell 800lb H 51/mil
Laser Machine gun (PL6)
The standard armament for Armed Asserts and XOR scout vehicles, and a secondary weapon for Destructor main battle tanks, the laser draws power from the vehicles own battery granting technically unlimited “ammunition”.
D20rules: The Laser Machine gun requires the Exotic Firearms (Machine guns) Feat to operate without penalty and must be allowed to cool for 1d4 round after firing 100 consecutive shots.
Laser Beam (PL6)
The Coaxial beam weapon for the Destructor Main battle tank
d20rules: A shooter with the Strafe Feat can arc the weapon as a full round action allowing them to hit everything in a 100ft cone or anything in a 30ft radius centered on the turret. Must be allowed to cooldown for 1d4 rounds after every 100 shots fired.
Destructor Cannon (PL7)
The Main gun for the Destructor Main battle tank.
D20 rules: the cannon's beam causes an explosion at the point of impact (radius 10ft, Ref 15 for half damage, the target struck does not get a save). Targets caught in the blast radius are not subject to critical hits.
Void Laser Cannon (PL8)
Fires three energy orbs at a target.
D20 Rules: Battery Fire (+2 Attack, deals an additional 2d10 damage per 5 points the attack roll exceeds the targets defense [max +4d10]), Over Heat (The Cannon must cool for 1d4 rounds after each shot), Blast Radius (10ft Ref 17 for half, target struck does not make a saving throw and secondary targets caught in the blast radius are not subject to critical hits)
Assert (PL7)
D20 Rules: An assert is 2 squares wide by 3 long and provides ¾ cover to crew and passengers (½ to gunner). The Laser Machine gun on the armed variant is mounted in a full turret. All variants of the assert come with a GPS system and a radio that can be used as both a CB set and AM/FM receiver. Asserts are hover vehicles that can cross land or water with equal ease and ignore terrain based movement penalties. In emergancies the driver of an armed assert can operate both the vehicle and the turret, when doing so, they may take a move action and attack action each round.
Destructor (PL8)
D20Rules: The Destructor is 4 Squares wide by 6 long providing Full cover to the driver and ¾ cover to the secondary gunner. The Destructor has a Turret mounted Destructor Cannon and coaxial mounted laser beam that can be operated by the driver, and a Laser Machine gun in a semi exposed pintle mount that can be operated by a separate gunner. The Destructor is a hover vehicle that can cross land or water with equal ease and is uneffected by terrain modifiers. The Destructor has a GPS navigation system and a radio that can be used as both a CB set and AM/FM receiver
Void (PL8)
D20Rules: Void fighters are 6squares wide and 6 squares long, they provide full cover to crew and passengers. Dual Mode (A Void can switch between flight and hover modes, In flight mode it functions like a standard jet aircraft, in hover mode it handles like a helicopter), The Void has a powerful active radar and a radio that can be used as both a CB set and AM/FM receiver. Void fighters can operate in atmosphere or in vacuum and require the Aircraft operation (Space craft) feat to use without penalty. The Void is armed with a Void laser cannon and 2 fire-linked laser machine guns (+2d8 damage), these weapons are fixed forward when in flight mode and full turret when in hover mode.
Xor (PL7)
D20rules: Xor bikes are flying hover vehicles with a 30,000ft flight ceiling. A Xor has a fixed forward firing Laser machine gun. Xor bikes a 1 square wide by 2 long and provides half cover to the pilot.
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5 Fire Retardant Building Materials You Didn’t Know About
There are a number of heat-resistant materials used in home construction, including concrete, fire-rated drywall, treated lumber, fire-rated doors, and fire resistant glass windows. Of course, no structure is entirely fireproof, but new and improved fire resistant fabrics and building materials are constantly being developed.
Home Renovation Ideas Using Fire Retardant Building Materials
Fire retardant building products can slow the spread of flames and reduce the amount of smoke produced. These fire-resistant materials will give you and your family more time to safely leave the home if a fire does occur.
Learn more about the NFPAs Life Safety Code, which focuses on protecting people by establishing recommendations for heat resistant materials for walls during a building’s construction or renovation. It also suggests other features that can help reduce fire’s harmful effects.
Here is an extended list of fire retardant materials:
Gypsum board
Intumescent paint
Perlite boards
Proplex Sheets
Calcium or Sodium Silicates
Treated lumber plywood
Treated Fibers – cotton, jute, hemp, flax
Fire-retardant treated wood
Cement render
Consider Installing a Fireproof Wall
When homeowners want to increase the fire safety of a certain room or area, they often construct a fireproof wall to protect valuables or family. Consider installing fireproof walls around a designated safe room, a nursery, the kitchen, egress paths, or where you keep valuable jewelry, collectibles, or financial instruments.
You can also reduce the spread of smoke, heat, and fire by using firestopping materials within walls and sealants at wall joints and penetrations where gaps provide an opening for smoke and flames to enter.
Use NFPA No. 101, Class A building materials that have the highest ability to resist the spread of flame. Various treatments can bring lumber into the Class A category. Consider using composite lumber, pressure-treated lumber and fire-retardant wood which has earned a Class A rating for fire safety.
Intumescent seals or strips can be used to stop the passage of smoke and fire under doors and through other openings that can block escape routes. The heat-activated material expands to fill gaps around pipe openings and under and around doors
Firestop Pillows can be added to larger openings within walls where pipes, HVAV ducts and cables pass through or anywhere holes in the wall can permit fire to spread more easily.
Fire-rated wall assemblies are pre-manufactured and have already matched the proper wood studs and drywall into one convenient wall product ready for installation. Consider a one- or two-hour rating which allows your family time to exit, as these walls will resist fire for up to two hours.
Use Fire Resistant Fabrics Whenever Possible
Some fabrics are better at resisting ignition when temporarily in contact with a flame. While untreated natural fibers like linen and cotton generally don’t melt, they do ignite and burn more quickly – while others like silk and wool will burn more slowly.
When selecting fabrics for your home decor, think about avoiding lightweight fabrics with a loose weave because they tend to burn quicker than tightly woven, heavy fabrics. When choosing a fabric for your home’s area rugs, consider wool — the most fire resistant natural material. Other fire resistant fabric rugs include jute, seagrass, and treated cotton.
Incorporate as many fire retardant fabrics as possible throughout your home, from draperies and bedspreads to upholstery and rugs. Today’s fire resistant polyester fibers offer homeowners an economical solution to previous manmade fibers that burned quickly and emitted noxious odors into the air.
When remodeling, choose treated lumber that can bring the wood studs and drywall into the Class A fire-rating category
Choose to fireproof an exit route from bedrooms using various fireproofing seals and materials.
Learn about Life Safety Codes that address fire preventing building codes for residential and commercial structures.
RWC provides home remodeling solutions including bathroom and kitchen remodeling, along with design consultations, door installation and window replacement to homeowners in northern New Jersey.
*Note: this is an updated post from our previous blog post published Oct 13, 2017. Read the original post below!*
Recent history is a heartbreaking reminder of the importance of using fire retardant building materials for homes and multi-dwelling units. The 24 story Grenfell Tower in London, England brought tragedy and mourning to many families. The suspected cause – a faulty appliance. Yet, a full inspection of materials points to an inferior cladding. This building material had been proven to be combustible in government tests. Consider these 5 fire retardant materials for home construction:
Concrete makes poor fuel for a fire and as it is considered non-combustible. As a result, concrete is enjoying a resurgence in the residential construction as one of most fire retardant building materials. Additionally, concrete stands out as being extremely resilient to high winds, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Concrete’s one-hundred-year service life and has good thermal properties – as the thermal mass of a concrete structure can reduce heating and cooling energy requirements by 29% and more.
Fire-resistant Glass Windows
The intense heat of flames shatter normal glass windows, but fire resistant windows such as dual-paned glass windows will double the time it takes for a fire to enter. Tempered glass is heat treated making it up to four times stronger than regular glass against breakage. Steel framed window construction add an extra layer of protection for windows versus wood framing.
Fire Rated Doors
Fire rated doors reduce the transfer of smoke and the spread of fire between rooms. The actual performance of the door is to limit the heat transfer and slow down the fire propagation into the protected area. Fire rated doors are available in wood, steel, and fiberglass, with ratings to withstand a fire from 20 minutes to 90 minutes. In lieu of a fire door, homeowners may consider a 1-3/8″ thick solid wood or steel honeycomb core door.
Treated Lumber – Plywood
According to NFPA, residential structure fires caused $7.2 billion dollars in 2015. Fire retardant wood is pressure treated with a chemical that remains stable under high temperatures. The result is a fire resistant barrier that effectively distributes the heat uniformly over the wood surface, slowing combustion. FRT wood is classified by its flame spread rating – or how far and how fast flames spread across the surface of the test sample. Consider brick is a Class A material, and so is fire retardant treated lumber.
Fire-Rated Drywall
According to ‘This Old House‘, for about 5% more per sheet, “5/8-inch, fire-code drywall Type X increases a wall’s fire rating to a minimum of 1 hour, from the 30-minute rating for standard ��-inch drywall.” Type X drywall is not 100% fireproof, but it contains glass fibers in addition to gypsum, and it is denser, making it harder for a fire to degrade the wall. Fire-rated drywall has increased sound insulation and resistance to impact. With this in mind, building codes in some states require Type X drywall near furnaces, utility rooms, and on the common wall and ceilings of attached garages.
Save your Life and Home
When renovating your home, consider all fire retardant and fire resistant materials that help reduce the spread of fire – allowing time to exit the home. When you replace the entrance to your home, consider the thicker wood or steel core models. If you’re updating your kitchen, install Type X drywall – and always choose quality window replacements. While there are no 100% fireproof materials, using materials like these slow the spread of fire in your home. Another small a preventive measure is to regularly check your smoke detectors; they can save your life and home. Finally, discuss your family escape plan before disaster strikes.
RWC stands out as one of the largest home remodeling contractors in New Jersey. Our professional and courteous staff is committed to working with your family to use the highest quality materials and to make your home safer. If you’re still wondering how to fireproof your house, contact us today to learn more.
The post 5 Fire Retardant Building Materials You Didn’t Know About appeared first on RWC.
from RWC https://www.rwcnj.com/5-fire-retardant-building-materials-home/
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5 Fire Retardant Building Materials You Didn’t Know About
There are a number of heat-resistant materials used in home construction, including concrete, fire-rated drywall, treated lumber, fire-rated doors, and fire resistant glass windows. Of course, no structure is entirely fireproof, but new and improved fire resistant fabrics and building materials are constantly being developed.
Home Renovation Ideas Using Fire Retardant Building Materials
Fire retardant building products can slow the spread of flames and reduce the amount of smoke produced. These fire-resistant materials will give you and your family more time to safely leave the home if a fire does occur.
Learn more about the NFPAs Life Safety Code, which focuses on protecting people by establishing recommendations for heat resistant materials for walls during a building’s construction or renovation. It also suggests other features that can help reduce fire’s harmful effects.
Here is an extended list of fire retardant materials:
Gypsum board
Intumescent paint
Perlite boards
Proplex Sheets
Calcium or Sodium Silicates
Treated lumber plywood
Treated Fibers – cotton, jute, hemp, flax
Fire-retardant treated wood
Cement render
Consider Installing a Fireproof Wall
When homeowners want to increase the fire safety of a certain room or area, they often construct a fireproof wall to protect valuables or family. Consider installing fireproof walls around a designated safe room, a nursery, the kitchen, egress paths, or where you keep valuable jewelry, collectibles, or financial instruments.
You can also reduce the spread of smoke, heat, and fire by using firestopping materials within walls and sealants at wall joints and penetrations where gaps provide an opening for smoke and flames to enter.
Use NFPA No. 101, Class A building materials that have the highest ability to resist the spread of flame. Various treatments can bring lumber into the Class A category. Consider using composite lumber, pressure-treated lumber and fire-retardant wood which has earned a Class A rating for fire safety.
Intumescent seals or strips can be used to stop the passage of smoke and fire under doors and through other openings that can block escape routes. The heat-activated material expands to fill gaps around pipe openings and under and around doors
Firestop Pillows can be added to larger openings within walls where pipes, HVAV ducts and cables pass through or anywhere holes in the wall can permit fire to spread more easily.
Fire-rated wall assemblies are pre-manufactured and have already matched the proper wood studs and drywall into one convenient wall product ready for installation. Consider a one- or two-hour rating which allows your family time to exit, as these walls will resist fire for up to two hours.
Use Fire Resistant Fabrics Whenever Possible
Some fabrics are better at resisting ignition when temporarily in contact with a flame. While untreated natural fibers like linen and cotton generally don’t melt, they do ignite and burn more quickly – while others like silk and wool will burn more slowly.
When selecting fabrics for your home decor, think about avoiding lightweight fabrics with a loose weave because they tend to burn quicker than tightly woven, heavy fabrics. When choosing a fabric for your home’s area rugs, consider wool — the most fire resistant natural material. Other fire resistant fabric rugs include jute, seagrass, and treated cotton.
Incorporate as many fire retardant fabrics as possible throughout your home, from draperies and bedspreads to upholstery and rugs. Today’s fire resistant polyester fibers offer homeowners an economical solution to previous manmade fibers that burned quickly and emitted noxious odors into the air.
When remodeling, choose treated lumber that can bring the wood studs and drywall into the Class A fire-rating category
Choose to fireproof an exit route from bedrooms using various fireproofing seals and materials.
Learn about Life Safety Codes that address fire preventing building codes for residential and commercial structures.
RWC provides home remodeling solutions including bathroom and kitchen remodeling, along with design consultations, door installation and window replacement to homeowners in northern New Jersey.
*Note: this is an updated post from our previous blog post published Oct 13, 2017. Read the original post below!*
Recent history is a heartbreaking reminder of the importance of using fire retardant building materials for homes and multi-dwelling units. The 24 story Grenfell Tower in London, England brought tragedy and mourning to many families. The suspected cause – a faulty appliance. Yet, a full inspection of materials points to an inferior cladding. This building material had been proven to be combustible in government tests. Consider these 5 fire retardant materials for home construction:
Concrete makes poor fuel for a fire and as it is considered non-combustible. As a result, concrete is enjoying a resurgence in the residential construction as one of most fire retardant building materials. Additionally, concrete stands out as being extremely resilient to high winds, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Concrete’s one-hundred-year service life and has good thermal properties – as the thermal mass of a concrete structure can reduce heating and cooling energy requirements by 29% and more.
Fire-resistant Glass Windows
The intense heat of flames shatter normal glass windows, but fire resistant windows such as dual-paned glass windows will double the time it takes for a fire to enter. Tempered glass is heat treated making it up to four times stronger than regular glass against breakage. Steel framed window construction add an extra layer of protection for windows versus wood framing.
Fire Rated Doors
Fire rated doors reduce the transfer of smoke and the spread of fire between rooms. The actual performance of the door is to limit the heat transfer and slow down the fire propagation into the protected area. Fire rated doors are available in wood, steel, and fiberglass, with ratings to withstand a fire from 20 minutes to 90 minutes. In lieu of a fire door, homeowners may consider a 1-3/8″ thick solid wood or steel honeycomb core door.
Treated Lumber – Plywood
According to NFPA, residential structure fires caused $7.2 billion dollars in 2015. Fire retardant wood is pressure treated with a chemical that remains stable under high temperatures. The result is a fire resistant barrier that effectively distributes the heat uniformly over the wood surface, slowing combustion. FRT wood is classified by its flame spread rating – or how far and how fast flames spread across the surface of the test sample. Consider brick is a Class A material, and so is fire retardant treated lumber.
Fire-Rated Drywall
According to ‘This Old House‘, for about 5% more per sheet, “5/8-inch, fire-code drywall Type X increases a wall’s fire rating to a minimum of 1 hour, from the 30-minute rating for standard ½-inch drywall.” Type X drywall is not 100% fireproof, but it contains glass fibers in addition to gypsum, and it is denser, making it harder for a fire to degrade the wall. Fire-rated drywall has increased sound insulation and resistance to impact. With this in mind, building codes in some states require Type X drywall near furnaces, utility rooms, and on the common wall and ceilings of attached garages.
Save your Life and Home
When renovating your home, consider all fire retardant and fire resistant materials that help reduce the spread of fire – allowing time to exit the home. When you replace the entrance to your home, consider the thicker wood or steel core models. If you’re updating your kitchen, install Type X drywall – and always choose quality window replacements. While there are no 100% fireproof materials, using materials like these slow the spread of fire in your home. Another small a preventive measure is to regularly check your smoke detectors; they can save your life and home. Finally, discuss your family escape plan before disaster strikes.
RWC stands out as one of the largest home remodeling contractors in New Jersey. Our professional and courteous staff is committed to working with your family to use the highest quality materials and to make your home safer. If you’re still wondering how to fireproof your house, contact us today to learn more.
The post 5 Fire Retardant Building Materials You Didn’t Know About appeared first on RWC.
from RWC https://www.rwcnj.com/5-fire-retardant-building-materials-home/
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Internship Opportunity - DEADLINE APPROACHING - Hawaii Marine Animal Response
JOIN OUR FIELD RESPONSE TEAM on the beautiful island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii. We are accepting applications for interns for our Fall 2018 internship period. The deadline is July 31, 2018. Here is more detail about this opportunity.
Hawaii Marine Animal Response (HMAR) is the field operations arm of Hawaii Marine Mammal Alliance Inc. and is Hawaii’s largest non-profit marine species conservation and response organization. We cover approximately 300 miles of coastline on the islands of Oahu and Molokai with our team of volunteers, interns and staff. We are a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation, conservation and stewardship of Hawaii’s protected marine species. We focus our work on marine species whose natural behaviors and habitat put animals in close proximity to humans and are therefore most adversely affected by human activity. These species include the Hawaiian monk seal, the Green sea turtle, the Hawksbill sea turtle, the Spinner dolphin and the Humpback whale. HMAR is supported by private donations, corporate funding and government grants and operates under partnerships with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). More information about HMAR is available at http://h-mar.org.
- Surveying for, or responding to sightings of, endangered or threatened marine species such as Hawaiian monk seals and sea turtles to provide shoreline response to haul-outs and strandings.
- Perform land-based field response to reports of marine mammal haul-out or stranding activity.
- Perform land-based and in-water marine turtle stranding and field intervention.
- Report on animal behavior, provide basic animal assessment information, provide photo-documentation and other important data used in protected marine species research, health management and species recovery efforts.
- Perform outreach to the public to teach sustainable human interaction and fishery behaviors and encourage stewardship of Hawaii’s protected marine species.
- Response team duties may also include escalated or emergency field response and assisting with protected marine species intervention activity and stranding support.
- Participate in dispatch and reporting activity such as the taking and documenting phone call reports of marine species activity, coordinating field response activity, data entry and generating reports.
LOCATION: These positions require on-island travel throughout the island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii.
- This is an un-paid internship opportunity that requires the intern to live on the island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii for the period beginning 2 weeks prior to the start of the internship until the end of the internship. The intern is responsible for all lodging, living and transportation costs associated with the internship.
- U.S. citizenship or possession of passport and all applicable visas and work permits needed prior to and during the internship period.
- 18 or more years of age.
- English language fluency.
- Must be a degree-seeking student or a graduate of a college or university program associated with one of the following courses of study: marine biology, marine ecology, conservation, environmental science or a related field.
- Minimum grade point average (GPA). For college/university graduates, a 2.7 cumulative GPA prior to the internship. For current students, a 2.7 cumulative GPA prior to and during the internship.
- College credit: If college credit for this internship is desired it is the intern’s responsibility to obtain necessary approvals from the applicable college or university.
- Ability to walk in sandy, rocky and sometimes unstable shoreline conditions for 2 miles.
- Ability to lift and carry a minimum of 75 pounds for 100 feet in shoreline beach and rocky conditions.
- Ability to swim required.
- Experience with small boat operations and open ocean in-water environments (desired but not required).
- Ability to maintain a calm demeanor in potentially stressful conditions.
- Possess a team-based work ethic and attitude.
- Acceptance of our Intern Policies, Waivers, Releases and Indemnifications.
- Attend mandatory in-field or classroom training sessions as required.
- Possess an interest and a desire to engage with the public.
- Must have access to a reliable car or truck (truck preferred) during the internship period. Motorcycles or scooters will not be sufficient.
- Possession of a valid driver’s license.
- Proof of automobile insurance carrying Hawaii minimum liability coverage levels.
- Access to a cellular phone with 4G data service and camera.
- Access to binoculars with at least a 10X magnification level, OR access to a digital camera (not a smartphone) with at least a 35X zoom lens and Wi-Fi capability. One of these two items is required.
- Pass a background check.
- Internship term: Minimum of 3 months (may be extended for up to 1 year upon mutual agreement)
- Hours per week: 20 hours minimum however due to the unpredictable nature of marine animal response, the intern may sometimes be required to work beyond their normal scheduled hours. Travel time to and from training locations, field survey locations or response locations is not included in these minimum hours. The intern must be able and willing to work flexible hours including weekends and holidays.
- The intern is expected to be available for response anywhere on the Island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii.
The 3-month September 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 internship period deadline is approaching. The application deadline is July 31, 2018. Some flexibility on the internship start date and end date may be available depending on the situation. If you are interested in applying for an internship in 2019, you may still apply (see below).
Please go to http://h-mar.org/apply and complete the online application. IN ADDITION to completion of the online application, please submit the following information via email to [email protected].
(1) A cover letter of interest, maximum of 1 page, including your availability.
(2) Confirmation that you have, or will have, access to a reliable car or truck during the internship period (truck preferred)
(3) A resume describing your training, experience, relevant skills and GPA (maximum of 2 pages).
(4) Names and contact information for three references.
Your application cannot be considered unless both the online application and the required documents listed above are received. We look forward to receiving your application.
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It’s time for the bi-weekly activity check! The following blog will have received a strike towards their blog due to inactivity. ( Inactivity counts as no IN CHARACTER posts for the past two weeks. ) HOWEVER if the blogs listed below are still inactive by the next activity check, they will be dropped from the group.
Camelia Sage Astrae @camelliasage
Itzen Plaguedrinker (Zanazen Autumnwing) @plaguedrinker
Ceteris Paribus @canonici
Kortin Silverstorm @storm-of-silver
Erengyl Blightmourn @blightmourn
Gaila Covenbane @ambitioux
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It’s time for the bi-weekly activity check! The following blog will have received a strike towards their blog due to inactivity. ( Inactivity counts as no IN CHARACTER posts for the past two weeks. ) HOWEVER if the blogs listed below are still inactive by the next activity check, they will be dropped from the group.
Kortin Silverstorm @storm-of-silver
Erengyl Blightmourn @blightmourn
Gaila Covenbane @ambitioux
Quincy Adam Vail @quincite
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It’s time for the bi-weekly activity check! The following blog will have received a strike towards their blog due to inactivity. ( Inactivity counts as no IN CHARACTER posts for the past two week. ) HOWEVER if the blogs listed below are still inactive by the next activity check, they will be dropped from the group.’
Quincy Adam Vail @quincite
Quinn Asker @aigida
Ansel Fortier @tastefuls
Delilah Lovall @mageiia
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d20 rules for Creatures of Titanfall
Species Traits
Animal traits (Ex): Flyers have all traits common to animals.
Keen Senses (Ex): Flyers possess Low light vision and Scent
Mauling bite (Ex): The long tusks protruding from a Flyer's lower jaw give it a disproportionally powerful bite
Bonus Feats: Flyers receive Fly by Attack and Alertness as bonus feats
Skills: Flyers receive a +6 species bonus to Climb and Jump checks
Flyer CR6. Huge Animal HD:8d8+40. HP76. Mas21. Init:+3. Spd 20ft, fly 80ft (good). Defense:21,Touch11, FF18(-2size, +3dex,+10nat). Bab+6. Grapl+19. Atk:+9melee(bite 2d8+5/x3). Full Atk:+9melee(2 claws 2d4+5) and +4melee (bite 2d8+2/x3). FS:15ftx15ft. R:10ft. SQ: Animal traits, Low light vision Scent. AL: None or flock. Sv Frt+11, Ref+9, Wil+3. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str21, Dex16, Con21, Int2 Wis13, Cha2.
Skills: Climb+11, Hide-5, Jump+11, Listen+9, Move Silently+4, Spot+9, Survival+3
Feats: Alertness, Flyby Attack
Advancement: 9-16HD (huge)
Species Traits
Animal Traits: Leviathans have all traits common to animals.
Low light vision: Leviathans can see twice as far as humans in poor light conditions
Trample (Ex): A Leviathan can trample Huge or smaller creatures for 4d6+24 points of damage. Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity against it can attempt a Reflex save (DC 35) to halve the damage.
Hazard to Navigation (Ex): Do to their almost impossible height, any time the crew of a spacecraft must plot a course that requires leaving or entering the atmosphere of a planet populated by Leviathans, increase the DC of the required Navigation checks by 4.
Leviathan CR20. Colossal Animal HD:32d8+288. HP432. Mas28. Init:-2. Spd 40ft. Defense:20, Touch1, FF20(-8size, -2dex,+30nat). Bab+24. Grapl+56. Atk:+32melee(Slam 4d6+16). Full Atk:+32melee(2 stomps 2d8+16) and +27melee (Slam 4d6+8). FS:60ftx60ft. R:30ft. SQ: Animal traits, Low light vision, Trample, Hazard to Navigation. AL: None or Herd. Sv Frt+27, Ref+16, Wil+12. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str42, Dex7, Con28, Int2 Wis14, Cha1.
Skills: Balance+3, Hide-18, Listen+7, Spot+7.
Feats: None
Advancement: 33+HD
Species Traits
Magical Beast traits (Ex): Prowlers have all traits common to magical beasts.
Darkvision: Prowlers can see in the dark out to a range of 60ft
Bonus Feats: Prowlers receive Alertness and Multi-attack as bonus feats
Skills: Prowlers receive a +4 species bonus to Bluff, Hide, Intimidate and Move Silently checks
Pounce (Ex): If a Prowler leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.
Rake (Ex): A Prowler that has pounced a target can make two rake attacks (+12melee) with its hind legs for 1d8+6 points of damage each.
Prowler CR6. Large Magical beast HD:6d10+18. HP51. Mas17. Init:+2. Spd 40ft. Defense:16, Touch11, FF14(-1size, +2dex,+5nat). Bab+6. Grapl+16. Atk:+11melee(claw 1d8+6). Full Atk:+11melee(2 claws 1d6+6) and +5melee (bite 2d6+3). FS:10ftx10ft. R:5ft. SQ: Magical beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Rake 1d8+6. AL: Pack or Master. Sv Frt+8, Ref+7,Wil+3. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str23, Dex15, Con17, Int4, Wis12, Cha6.
Skills: Balance+7, Bluff+2, Hide+5, Intimidate+2, Jump+8, Listen+3, Move Silently+6, Spot+3, Swim+7
Feats: Alertness, Multi-attack, Weapon focus (rake)
Advancement: 7-12HD (large), 13-18HD (huge)
Tick (PL6)
Spider-like drones actively seek out enemies before self-detonation. Comes with 2 charges.— Multiplayer Description
Tick CR1/4. Tiny Construct. HD:1/4d10. HP:1. Mas---. Init:+3. speed:30ft. Defense:18, Touch15, FF16 (+2size, +3dex, +3equip). BaB:+0. Grapl:-10. Atk/Full Attack: None. FS:2.5ftx2.5ft. R:0ft. SQ: Construct Traits, Detonate Shrapnel grenade (5d6 slashing, burst 20ft Ref15). AL: None. SV: Fort+0, Ref+3, Will+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str7, Dex16, Con---, Int---, Wis10, Cha1. Skills: Hide+11, Spot+4 Feats: None Equipment: Modified weapon mount with integrated Shrapnel grenade Purchase DC: 21 ($2,710) Restriction: Military+3. Frame: Armature. Locomotion: Legs (Multiple). Manipulators: None Armor: Duraplastic. Sensors: Class III. Skill Software: Skill Progit (Spot +4) Feat Software: None Accessories: Weapon Mount with integrated Shrapnel grenade
Reaper (PL8)
“The IMC should thank me for perfecting the Reaper. Maybe I should renegotiate my contract.”—Ash
Reaper CR7. Large Construct. HD:7d10+20. HP:58. Mas---. Init:+0. Speed: 30ft, fly 30ft (poor). Defense:, Touch , FF (-1size, -1dex, +6equip). BaB:+5. Grapl:+4. Atk:+9melee(claw 1d6+5) or +3ranged (Reaper Rocket 4d12 RI;120ft). Full Attack: +5melee(2 claws 1d6+5) or -1ranged (2 Reaper rockets, auto fire). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Construct Traits, Darkvision 120ft, . AL: Owner. SV: Fort+2, Ref+2, Will+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str20, Dex9, Con-, Int10, Wis10, Cha5. Skills: Balance+3, Climb+9, Hide-5, Intimidate+1, Jump+9, Listen+2, Spot+2 Feats: Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Exotic Firearms proficiency, Two Weapon Fighting Equipment: 2 integrated Reaper Rocket launchers with 5d10 rockets each, upto 8 Ticks Purchase DC: 35 ($143,180) Restriction: Military+3. Frame: Biodroid. Locomotion: Legs, speed enhanced (pair) and Thrusters. Manipulators: Claws (x2) Armor: Resillium. Sensors: Class VI. Skill Software: Skill Net (Balance, Climb, Jump Intimidate 4 ranks each) Feat Software: 3x Feat Progits (Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Exotic Firearms proficiency, Two Weapon Fighting) Accessories: 2x weapon mounts, 2x reaper rocket launchers, 2x Internal Storage units, Integrated Dome Shield generator and Integrated Warpfall Transmitter
Reaper Rockets (PL7) (Requires exotic Firearms proficiency; Heavy machine guns)
Damage: 4d12 Magazine: Linked Critical: 20 Size: Large Damage Type: Slashing/Electric Weight: 30lb Range Increment: 120ft Purchase DC: 27 Rate of Fire: S,A Restriction: Military+3
Special: Splash damage (anything within 5ft of a target struck must make a DC 15 reflex save or take 2d12 points of slashing/Electric damage).
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d20 rules for Mobile Trench equipment
Sprinting Biped Legs (PL5)
"Why walk when you can run? With these legs equipped, press and hold the A button to sprint."
Slots: replaces up all leg and boot slots (incompatible with leg slots provided by the Spider legs, or quadraped stance)
Activation: Free Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special (see description)
Purchase DC: 10+1/4 mecha's base purchase DC
Restriction: Restricted +2
d20rules: Allows the mecha to charge forward a upto 5x its base movement speed as a full round action, everything within the path of the sprinting mecha must pass a Reflex save (DC 5+ mecha's size based grapple bonus) or suffer automatic damage equal to the mecha's slam damage. Sprinting provokes attacks of opportunity from anything outside the path of the sprint, creatures in the sprinting mecha's path may choose to take an attack of opportunity against the mecha instead of rolling a reflex save. The mecha is considered flat-footed while sprinting, Sprinting biped legs impose a cumulative -2 penalty to attack rolls for each successive use of sprint, waiting at least 2 rounds between uses will clear all accumulated attack penalties. Increases Mecha's base land speed by 10ft.
Hot Pants (PL6)
"The Hot Pants' explosive stride was originally discovered on accident. Initially considered to be a malfunction, it was soon discovered that the gas leak triggering the explosions could be channeled and put to good use."
Slots: replaces up all leg and boot slots (incompatible with leg slots provided by the Spider legs or quadraped stance)
Activation: Free Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Ref DC 5+Mecha's size based grapple bonus
Purchase DC: 20+1/4 mecha's base purchase DC
Restriction: Military+3
d20rules: As the Sprinting Biped legs except that colliding with a creature or object deals slam damage to everything within a 15ft radius. Increases base land speed by 10ft.
Tripod Legs (PL6)
"This three-legged Mobile Trench platform's Lockdown ability increases the Trench's defenses and decreases reload times."
Slots: replaces all leg and boot slots (incompatible with leg slots provided by the Spider legs or quadraped stance)
Activation: Move Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 15+1/4 mecha's base Purchase DC.
Restriction: Restricted +2
d20rules: While active the mecha can not move, but, receives a +6 equipment bonus to checks to resist bullrush attempts and reduces the reload time of all equipped weapons by 1 step (1d4 rounds becomes 1d3, a Full round becomes a move action ect). Reduces mecha's base land speed by 5feet, each tripod leg provides 1 leg slot for equipment 3 in total)
Scrap Bin (PL5)
A specialized container space designed to store the scrap generated from slain Monovision creatures
Slots: 1
Activation: Free action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 10+1/2 mecha's base purchase DC
Restriction: None
d20rules: Absorbs all scrap within the equipped mecha's fighting space as a free action. A Scrap bin can store upto 1000 pieces of scrap
Scrap Magnet (PL6)
A powerful electromagnetic device, that can attract scrap while active
Slots: 1
Activation: Free Action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 15+1/2 mecha's base purchase DC
Restriction: None
d20rules: draws all pieces of Monovision scrap within 40ft of the equipped mecha into its fighting space to be collected by the mecha's scrap bin. The Mecha can not take any other actions while the magnet is active.
Turret Beacon Array (PL6)
A laser designator that spends scrap to call down turret pods
Slots: 1 for Beacon Array with 2 turret beacon inserts, plus 1 per additional turret beacon insert assigned to the array
Activation: Move action
Range: 50ft
Target: 10ftx10ft area
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 22 for unit with 1 turret option, +15 per additional turret option
Restriction: Licensed +1
d20rules: Each insert can be programmed to summon one type of beacon (Light Heavy or Support). An array can have multiple Inserts of the same type. Turret beacons and Beacon arrays are designed to be semi-modular, to that end an insert can have have its currently installed beacon removed and a new one (compatible with the insert type) installed with 1 hour of work and two DC 15 repair checks (one for each beacon)
Turret Beacon (PL6)
A special piece of equipment designed to work with a Turret Beacon array
Slots: None, mecha must have a Turret Beacon array with a compatible slot
Activation: N/A
Range: N/A
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
Saving Throw: N/A
Purchase DC: varies (see below)
Restriction: Licensed +1 or same as installed weapon (whichever is more restrictive)
d20rules: A Turret Beacon has a Type and subtype assigned to it at creation, this determines what Turret Beacon array slot it can be placed into.
Beacon Type Purchase DC Formula
Light, 5+Weapon Purchase DC+Special*
Heavy 10+Weapon Purchase DC+Special*
Special 24+Special*
*Turrets can be built with additional starting Hit Dice, each extra hit die increases the unit's Purchase DC by 1.
Turrets (PL6)
Turrets are experimental mechanical constructs. Each turret can be slotted into 1 of 3 types; Light, Heavy and Special, each turret type has 3 to 4 subtypes (Machine gun, Shot gun or Flak for Light. Sniper, Mortar, Mine Layer or Laser for heavy. Repair crane, Collection Prong and Dampener for special)
Deployment rules
Deploying a turret requires the mecha that called for it to expend a certain amount of scrap when marking an area for deployment. The turret will use the scrap to set itself up. Deploying takes a full round.
Turret Type Scrap Cost
Light 50
Heavy 60
Special 80
Once a turret has been deployed it can be upgraded upto two times. Upgrading a turret for the first time cost an amount of scrap equal to 1.5x the turret's deployment cost, upgrading it the second time cost double the turrets deployment cost. Each upgrade increases the turret's Hit Dice by 2 (provides all standard benefits for increasing a creature's Hit Dice) and provides one or more additional bonuses based on the turret's subtype
Light Turrets
The light turrets are the bread and butter of Emplacements. All chassis, except the Hamer chassis, can carry at least one light turret. The light turrets consist of variations of the Shotgun turret (for ground-based enemies), Flak turret (for Aerials and the Volt Dropper) and the Machine Gun turret (which hits both ground-based and aerial enemies).
Species Traits
Construct Traits (Ex): Light Turrets have all traits common to constructs
Sensor Array (Ex): Light Turrets possess a basic sensor audio/visual receiver and primitive AI, allowing them to comprehend their surroundings, identify friend or foe and follow simple commands (Attack, Hold fire ect)
Bonus Feats: All Light Turrets receive Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency and Weapon Focus (for their integrated weapon) as bonus feats
Skills: At the time of creation a Light Turret receives 15 skill points and treats Hide Listen and Spot as Class skills
Specialization (Ex): A Machine gun or Flak Turret can be armed with any weapon from the Macchine gun list (see Iron Brigade Mecha weapons) with the exception of the Master Blaster and Faster Blaster, while a Shotgun Turret can equip any weapon from the Shot gun cannon list. Flak Turrets can only attack flying targets but, receive a +4 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, Shot gun turrets can only attack ground targets but, increase the Reflex DC for area attacks by 2.
Upgrades (Su): Each time a Machine gun turret is upgraded it receives a +2 equipment bonus to damage rolls, each time that a Flak turret is upgraded, its circumstance bonus to attack rolls is increased by 2, each time a Shot gun turret is upgraded its Reflex DC bonus is increased by 1. Each time that a Light turret is upgraded, it selects either the Farshot or Point Blank Shot feat as a new bonus feat.
Light Turret, base frame CR: N/A. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +1ranged (d). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus ()
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Beacon Purchase DC:
Typical Machine gun Turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: -2ranged (Standard Machine gun 2d10 RI; 130ft, auto fire). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Standard Machine gun)
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated Standard Machine gun with 1d4+1 magazine drums and integrated Auto-loader
Beacon Purchase DC: 26
Typical Flak Turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14,Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +1ranged (2d10 RI; 130ft). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Flak Machine gun)
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated Flak Machine gun with 1d4+1 magazine drums and integrated auto loader
Beacon Purchase DC: 26
Typical Shotgun turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14,Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +0ranged (Light Shot gun 6d10 RI;50ft Ref17). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Light Shotgun)
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated Light Shotgun cannon with 5d6 shells and integrated auto loader
Beacon Purchase DC: 24
Heavy Turrets
Heavy turrets are the most powerful Emplacements, but also generally the most expensive. Mine turrets continuously drop mines around them, which damage Monovisions when they walk over them. Mine turrets are invisible to Burst Transmitters, so they are best placed where they can do damage to the turret-killing Monovisions. Mortar turrets fire explosive shells at a long range, thus are quite good for guarding against Breakers. Sniper turrets fire at extremely long range, perfect for taking out Snipe Tuners and Arty.
Species Traits
Construct Traits (Ex): Heavy Turrets have all traits common to constructs
Sensor Array (Ex): Heavy Turrets possess a basic sensor audio/visual receiver and primitive AI, allowing them to comprehend their surroundings, identify friend or foe and follow simple commands (Attack, Hold fire ect)
Bonus Feats: All Heavy Turrets receive Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency and Weapon Focus (for their integrated weapon) as bonus feats (Mine layer turrets replace weapon focus with Lightning Reflexes)
Skills: At the time of creation a Heavy Turret receives 15 skill points and treats Hide Listen and Spot as Class skills
Specialization (Ex): A Sniper Turret can equip any weapon from the sniper cannon list. Mortar turrets can use any weapon from the grenade launcher list, Mortar turrets can not attack flying targets but, increase the base Reflex DC by 2. Mine Layer turrets use the mine layers and receive a +10 equipment bonus to hide checks. Laser turrets can use any of the laser weapons from the machine gun or broadcaster weapon lists.
Upgrades (Su): Each time a Sniper turret is upgraded its critical threat is increased 1 step (ie from 20 to 19-20), each time a Mortar turret is upgraded the reflex save for its grenades is increased by 1, each time a Mine layer turret is upgraded its Hide bonus is increased by 5 and each time the Laser turret is upgraded its damage dice are increased one step (d6 to d8, d8 to d10 ect). Each time that a Heavy turret is upgraded, it selects either the Farshot or Point Blank Shot feat as a new bonus feat (Mine layers instead choose between Stealthy and Quick Reload).
Heavy Turret, base frame CR: N/A. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +ranged (d). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus ()
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Beacon Purchase DC:
Typical Sniper Turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +1ranged (Light Sniper cannon 5d12 RI; 660ft). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Light Sniper Cannon)
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated Light Sniper cannon with 1d4+1 clips and integrated auto loader
Beacon Purchase DC: 31
Typical Mortar Turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +1ranged (Light grenade launcher 15d6 RI;70ft, Ref17). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Light Grenade launcher)
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated Light grenade launcher with 5d6 grenades and integrated auto loader
Beacon Purchase DC: 32
Typical Mine layer turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: None. FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+2, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+11, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Lightning Reflexes, Mecha Weapons Proficiency
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated Makeshift mine layer (15d6, Burst 5ft, Ref 15) with 1d4+1 mine bundles and integrated auto loader
Beacon Purchase DC: 29
Typical Laser Turret CR2. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +1ranged (R-GNS Lazlo Device 15d6 RI; 660ft). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Weapon Focus (R-GNS Lazlo Device)
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: Integrated R-GNS Lazlo Device
Beacon Purchase DC: 35
Support Turrets
Favored by Engineers, Support turrets come in three flavors meant to help out Trenches. Dampening turrets slow down Monovisions, giving other Emplacements higher DPM. Collection Prongs gather Scrap in hard-to-reach areas, in much the same way as the Trenches' Scrap Magnet. Finally, Repair Cranes refill Trench health.
Species Traits
Construct Traits (Ex): Special Turrets have all traits common to constructs
Sensor Array (Ex): Special Turrets possess a basic sensor audio/visual receiver and primitive AI, allowing them to comprehend their surroundings, identify friend or foe and follow simple commands (Attack, Hold fire ect).
Skills: At the time of creation a Special Turret receives 15 skill points and treats Hide Listen and Spot as Class skills (Repair Cranes also treat Repair as a class skill)
Specialization (Ex): A Repair crane Turret has 4 repair arms, each of which can be used to heal a damaged vehicle, mecha or construct for 2d6 points of damage per round with a DC 10 repair check (2d8 if the turret is huge) depending on how many viable targets are within range, a Repair crane turret heal 4 separate targets or use all of its arms on a single target. Dampening turrets generate a 60ft cone with the same effect as a Slow spell (Caster level 10th Will 20 negates) and grants a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack and damage rolls of all friendly turrets within 20ft. Collection Prong turrets have an integrated Scrap magnet
Upgrades (Su): Repair crane turrets increase the amount of damage they heal by +1d6 (d8 if huge) with each upgrade. The range of the Damping turret's attack/damage boost is increased by 10ft with each upgrade. Each upgrade increases the range of the Collection prong's scrap magnet by 20ft
Special Turret, base frame CR: N/A. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14,Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +ranged (d). FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Beacon Purchase DC:
Typical Repair crane turret CR1. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: +ranged (d). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide -4, Listen+5, Repair+2, Spot+5
Feats: None
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: 4 repair arms
Beacon Purchase DC: 24
Typical Dampening turret CR: N/A. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF14(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: None. FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+5, Spot+5
Feats: None
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Possessions: None
Beacon Purchase DC: 24
Typical Collection Prong turret CR: N/A. Large Construct HD:2d10+20. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+0. Spd 0ft. Defense:14, Touch9, FF15(-1size,+5nat). Bab+1. Grapl+5. Atk/Full Atk: None. FS:10ftx10ft. R:0ft. SQ: Sensor Array, Specialization, Upgrades. AL: Master. Sv Frt+0, Ref+0, Wil+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex10, Con---, Int4, Wis11, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+5, Spot+5
Feats: None
Advancement: 3-7HD (large), 8-10HD (huge)
Beacon Purchase DC: 24
Modular Weapon Mount (PL5)
Allows the mecha to swap weapons
Slots: Replaces selected slot with a quick access weapon mount
Activation: N/A
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Persistent
Saving Throw: None
Purchase DC: 15 + each weapon must be purchased individually
Restriction: None
d20rules:A Modular weapon Mount allows a mecha to swap between an assortment of weapons depending on the requirements of the mission. Installing or uninstalling a weapon in a MWM requires 1 hour of work and a DC 10 repair check. A single Modular Weapon Mount can Hold a Single slot weapon and 2 “magazines” worth of ammunition. If 2 or more MWMs are placed on the same side of a mecha, it can mount single or multi-slot weapons on that side (either a single weapon that consumes all slots or a combination of weapons that consume all slots) plus 2 “magazines” of ammunition per mount. A MWM (or set of them) can not hold a weapon with more slots the space the MWM(s) take up, and the mecha's builders can not combine MWM and standard slots when mounting weapons, MWMs can only support ranged weapons and 2 “magazines” worth of ammunition, regular equipment slots must still be assigned for storing additional ammunition. Ranged weapons must be custom-built to work with the MWM (Purchase DC +2)
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A Unique form of alien government
d20 modern stats for the Trisolians of Trisol
Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +2Dex, +2Con, -2Int, -2Wis, Do to their unique physiology, Trisolians are agile and durable, but, their lack of regular contact with other species renders them less mentally acute.
Elemental Type (Ex): Trisolians have all traits common to the elemental type.
Subtypes (Ex): Trisolians have the Water Subtype and Native Subtype
Medium Size (Ex): Trisolians receive no special bonuses or penalties do to size.
Low-light Vision (Ex): Trisolians can see twice as far in poor light conditions as humans
Base Land Speed: 30ft, do to their unique anatomy, Trisolians do not suffer from terrain based movement penalties.
Base Swim Speed: 30ft, Trisolians can swim without making checks, and receive a +8 circumstance bonus to swim checks when forced to make one.
Condense (Su): When a Trisolian wishes to rest, they can increase their density allowing a typical adult Trisolian to fit in a container roughly the size and shape of a 20 oz bottle or large finger bowl. Trisolians require roughly the same amount of rest as a comparable humanoid
Absorb and Consume (Su): If a Trisolian comes across a fellow Trisolian “resting” in their condensed form, the alert/active one may seize the container as a full round action and attempt to “drink” the resting one. Once the resting Trisolian is consumed in this manner they can make a special Fortitude save opposed by a grapple check from the consuming Trisolian. If the Fortitude save succeeds the resting Trisolian escapes from their attacker and may take actions normally, if the Save fails, the resting Trisolian dies and their liquid body is absorbed by the attacker. Non-Trisolian creatures that must consume liquids to maintain their health can also do this (consciously or inadvertently), however, in this case if the resting Trisolian flails the save they will not persish, and will reform unharmed (though presumably quite angry), as part of the creature's normal waste removal process, however, they can not interact with other creatures (including the one that drank them)while “trapped” in this other creature (for exception see the Glow special quality), slaying and destroying the non-Trisolian will also free the consumed Trisolian. A Trisolian (or in rare cases non-Trisolian) that successfully consumes the current Trisolian Emperor in this manner becomes their heir apperent, it is unclear if this is also the case when a regular Trisolian consumes another regular Trisolian
Glow (Su): Trisolians produce an ethereal glow (equivalent to a Faerie fire spell), when night falls on the planet TriSol. A Tirsolian can suppress this glow as a free action. An unexpected side-effect of the Glow is that, Trisolian that has been consumed by a non-Trisolian and not yet been passed, can see and be seen through the creature in question and verbally interact with other creatures as normal (but, can take no other actions)
Fluid Anatomy (Su): Trisolians are immune to Sonic damage, treat all Bludgeoning, concussion, Slashing, Piercing and Ballistic damage as non-lethal damage, and receive a +12 species bonus to Grapple checks. Trisolians do not get the Grapple bonus when fighting oozes, elementals or outsiders with the Water subtype, or creatures using devices specially designed to absorb/contain water. Clothing and armor must be specially designed for Trisolians (Purchase DC +4)
Level Adjustment: +3.
Progress Level: Base line human
Some example Trisolians
Trisolian Laborer CR2. Medium Elemental (Water, Native) Tough Ordinary2/Strong Ordinary1 HD:2d10+2 plus 1d8+1. HP16. Mas N/A. Init:+1. Spd: 30ft, Swim 30ft. Defense:14, Touch14, FF13(+1dex,+3Class). Bab+2. Grapl+14 (or +2, see Fluid Anatomy). Atk/Full Atk:+2melee(1d3 non-lethal slap) or +3ranged. FS: 5ftx5ft. R: 5ft. SQ: Elemental Traits, Water Subtype, Low-light vision, Condense, Absorb and consume, Glow, Fluid Anatomy. AL: Trisolian empire. Sv Frt+4, Ref+1, Wil-1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex12, Con13, Int8 Wis9, Cha10.
Occupation: Rural (Balance, Repair)
Skills: Computer Use+2, Drive+4, Pilot+4, Read/write/speak (Trisolian or English), Repair+2
Feats: Gearhead, Personal Firearms proficiency, Simple weapons proficiency, Vehicle expert
Possessions: Various gear and personal possessions
Trisolian Soldier CR6. Medium Elemental (Water, Native) Dedicated Hero4/shadow Slayer2 HD: 4d6+4 plus 2d8+2. HP31. Mas: N/A. Init:+1. Spd: 30ft, Swim 30ft. Defense:15, Touch15, FF14(+1dex,+4Class). Bab+5. Grapl+17 (or +5, see Fluid Anatomy). Atk/Full Atk:+6melee(1d8 trident) or +7ranged (trident Range Increment 10ft). FS: 5ftx5ft. R: 5ft. SQ: Elemental Traits, Water Subtype, Low-light vision, Condense, Absorb and consume, Glow, Fluid Anatomy, Detect Shadow, Shadow Immunity. AL: Trisolian empire. Sv Frt+5, Ref+4, Wil+4. AP:6. Rep+2. Str11, Dex12, Con13, Int8, Wis10, Cha10.
Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Hide)
Skills: Demolitions+6, Hide+5, Intimidate+4, Listen+6, Read/write/speak (Trisolian or English), Sense Motive+5, Spot+6
Feats: Alertness, Archaic weapons proficiency, Personal firearms proficiency, Simple weapons proficiency, Weapon focus (trident)
Talents: Skill emphasis (Demolitions), Aware
Possessions: Trident (5lb), badge of office, various gear and personal possessions
Trisolian Entertainer CR5. Medium Elemental (Water, Native) Charismatic hero3/Personality2 HD:5d6+5. HP22. Mas: N/A. Init:+1. Spd: 30ft, Swim 30ft. Defense:13, Touch13, FF12(+1dex,+2Class). Bab+2. Grapl+12 (or +2, see Fluid Anatomy). Atk/Full Atk:+3melee(1d6 non-lethal slap) or +3ranged. FS: 5ftx5ft. R: 5ft. SQ: Elemental Traits, Water Subtype, Low-light vision, Condense, Absorb and consume, Glow, Fluid Anatomy, Unlimited Access, Bonus Class Skill (Drive). AL: Trisolian empire. Sv Frt+5, Ref+5,Wil+0. AP: 5. Rep+7. Str11, Dex12, Con13, Int8, Wis9, Cha11.
Occupation: Criminal (Disable Device, Gamble)
Skills: Diplomacy+8, Disable Device+5, Drive+4, Gamble+5, Gather Information+2, Knowledge (Current Events)+2, Listen+1, Perform (Stand up or Singing)+6, Profession+5, Read/write/speak (Trisolian or English), Spot+1.
Feats: Alertness, Brawl, Renown, Simple weapons proficiency, Trustworthy
Talents: Dazzle, Fast talk
Possessions: Various gear and personal possessions
Trisolian Politician CR6. Medium Elemental (Water, Native) Charismatic Ordinary 10 HD: 10d6+10. HP45. Mas: N/A. Init:+1. Spd: 30ft, Swim 30ft. Defense:14, Touch14, FF13(+1dex,+3Class). Bab+5. Grapl+15 (or +5, see Fluid Anatomy).Atk/Full Atk:+6melee(1d6 non-lethal brawl) or +6ranged. FS: 5ftx5ft. R: 5ft. SQ: Elemental Traits, Water Subtype, Low-light vision, Condense, Absorb and consume, Glow, Fluid Anatomy. AL: Trisolian empire. Sv Frt+6, Ref+6, Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+8. Str11, Dex12, Con13, Int8, Wis9, Cha12.
Occupation: Criminal (Disable Device, Gamble)
Skills: Bluff+16, Diplomacy+16, Disable device+14, Disguise+3, Gamble+12, Gather Information+1, Knowledge (civics)+4, Read/write/speak (Trisolian or English), Sense Motive+12
Feats: Brawl, Deceptive, Renown, Simple weapons proficiency, Windfall
Possessions: Various gear and personal possessions
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The Planet of Dr Henry Wu
My stats for the Saurians from Borderlands 3
(From the Borderlands Wiki)
Saurians are large, dinosaur like-creatures, easily identified by their two hind legs and violent behavior.
Saurians are native to the harsh, swampy climate of the planet Eden-6. They live in both the open swamp land as well as closed off cave systems. Smaller species tend to hunt in packs, while the larger specimens prefer a more solitary life.
Some Saurians may be tamable as seen by Pippie and the sneak peak of DLC 3
d20 Rules: All Saurians are susceptible to the Awaken Spell (d20 Past pgs 92-93) and can be tamed/trained like regular animals (-4 circumstance penalty to all Handle animal checks)
Species Traits
Magical Beast Traits (Ex): Pollygrogs have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Darkvision (Ex): Pollygrogs can see in the dark out to a range of 60ft
Scent (Ex): Polygrogs hve scent as described in the d20 Modern RPG.
Bonus Feats: Pollygrogs receive Track, and Weapon Finesse (bite) as bonus feats
Wings (Ex): Pollygrogs have a 10% chance to spawn with wings (CR+2, fly 40ft clumsy)
Skills: Pollygrog receive a +4 species bonus to Jump checks and and +8 size bonus to hide checks
Pollygrog CR1/2. Tiny Magical beast HD:1/2d10. HP2. Mas10. Init:+2. Spd 30ft. Defense:17, Touch14, FF15(+2size +2dex,+3Nat). Bab+0. Grapl-12. Atk/Full Atk:+4melee(1d2-4). FS:2.5ftx2.5ft. R:0ft. SQ: Darkvision 60ft, Magical Beast traits, Scent. AL: Pack. Sv Frt+2, Ref+4, Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str3, Dex15, Con10, Int2, Wis12, Cha7.
Skills: Hide+11, Jump+1, Listen+5, Spot5
Feats: Track, weapon Finesse (bite)
Advancement: 1HD (small), 2-3HD (Medium)
Flying Pollygrog CR2. Tiny Magical beast HD:1/2d10. HP2. Mas10. Init:+2. Spd 30ft, fly 40ft (clumsy). Defense:17, Touch14, FF15(+2size +2dex,+3Nat). Bab+0. Grapl-12. Atk/Full Atk:+4melee(1d2-4). FS:2.5ftx2.5ft. R:0ft. SQ: Darkvision 60ft, Magical Beast traits, Scent. AL: Pack. Sv Frt+2, Ref+4, Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str3, Dex15, Con10, Int2, Wis12, Cha7.
Skills: Hide+11, Jump+1, Listen+5, Spot5
Feats: Track, weapon Finesse (bite)
Advancement: 1HD (small), 2-3HD (Medium)
Fire Grog
Baby Toxic Grog
Badass Toxic Grog
Shiny Grog
Species Traits
Magical Beast Traits (Ex): Grogs have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Subspecies (Ex): Four species of Grog are currently known to exist, Standard, Fire (CR+4), Toxic (CR+2) and Shiny (CR+2)
Darkvision (Ex): Grogs can see in the dark out to a range of 60ft
Scent (Ex): Grogs hve scent as described in the d20 Modern RPG.
Tail Swing (Ex): Once every 1d4 rounds a Grog can spin in place hitting everything in a 10ft radius centered on itself as a Full-Attack action. The Tail swing deals double the Grog's tail slap damage to anything that fails a DC 15 Reflex save, at large size, the Radius increases to 15ft and the Reflex save increases to 17
Tongue Lash (Ex): Grogs can attack other creatures with their tongues, this has twice the Grog's normal reach.
Pounce (Ex): If a Grog leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.
Spit (Ex): Grogs can project blobs of sticky fluid 1 per round as a Full Attack action, this blob has a maximum range of five increments and can be fired at a creature or 5ftx5ft square (treat as a grenade attack), deals non-lethal Bludgeoning damage, persists for 2d4 rounds and has varying effects based on Subspecies; Standard (Target is considered shaken until the spit is cleared, spit automatically burst into flames if it comes with 10ft of an open flame or active incendiary rounds, continues to burn for remainder of spit duration), Fire (deals bonus fire damage to anything struck as long as spit persists, ignites standard Grog spit), Toxic (Deals bonus Acid damage as long as spit persists), Shiny (Moderately Radioactive, any target struck is considered shaken as long as spit persists)
Resistances (Su): Fire Grogs are immune to fire based damage, Toxic Grogs are Immune to Acid damage and Shiny Grogs are immune to Radiation
Expensive Loot (Su): Shiny Grogs have a 45% chance of carrying 1d4 large or smaller items or weapons (purchase DC 35 or lower)
Fire Trail (Su): Instead of releasing a regular ball of spit, a Fire grog may choose a to drool fire in a line as part of a run action. The fire will burn for 2d4 rounds,deal fire damage and ignite Grog spit as normal. If a viable target is within melee range of the Fire grog it may make a free bite attack that deals bonus fire damage. A Fire grog that uses Fire Trail can not use it or its regular spit for 1d4+1 rounds.
Corrosive Volley (Su): Instead of releasing a regular ball of spit, a Toxic grog can rapidly spit a cluster of spit globules into a 10ftx10ft area (Def 10), this has the same range as a normal spit attack and can be used against occupied or unoccupied area. A Toxic grog can not use Corrosive Volley or its normal spit attack for 1d4+1 rounds after using corrosive spit.
Death Throes (Ex): When a Fire grog is slain its boy disintegrates, spilling fire spit into every 5ft square it occupied and all adjacent 5ft squares, these act as normal globs of fire spit.
Bonus Feats: All Grogs receive Alertness and Weapon Focus (Spit) as bonus feats
Wings (Ex): Grogs have a 10% chance to spawn with wings (CR+2, fly 40ft clumsy)
Skills: Grog receive a +4 species bonus to Jump checks, baby Grogs +4 size bonus to hide checks, large Grogs have a -4 size penalty to hide checks
Baby Grog CR1. Small Magical Beast HD:1d10+1. HP6. Mas12. Init:+3. Spd 30ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+1size, +3dex,+1Nat). Bab+1. Grapl-5. Atk:+0melee(Tongue slap 1d2-2). Full Atk:+0melee(bite 1d4-2) and -5melee (Tail slap 1d3-2) or +6ranged (Spit 1d4 non-lethal plus Shaken Range Increment; 30ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d3-2, Ref15ft). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+3, Ref+5,Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str7, Dex17, Con12, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+9, Jump+4, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 2-4(Medium), 5-9HD (Large)
Adult Grog CR3. Medium Magical Beast HD:4d10+4. HP26. Mas14. Init:+2. Spd 40ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+2dex,+3Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+4. Atk:+4melee(Tongue slap 1d3). Full Atk:+4melee(bite 1d6) and -1melee (Tail slap 1d4) or +7ranged (Spit 1d6 non-lethal plus Shaken Range Increment; 40ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d4, Ref15ft). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+6, Ref+6,Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex15, Con14, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+4, Jump+6, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 5-9HD (Large)
Badass Grog CR8. Large Magical Beast HD:9d10+36. HP85. Mas18. Init:+1. Spd 50ft. Defense:15, Touch10, FF14 (-1size,+1dex,+5Nat). Bab+9. Grapl+17. Atk:+12melee(Tongue slap 1d4+4). Full Atk:+12melee(bite 1d8+4) and +7melee (Tail slap 1d6+2) or +10ranged (Spit 1d8 non-lethal plus Shaken Range Increment; 50ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d6+8, Ref15ft). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+10, Ref+7,Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex13, Con18, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide-1, Jump+8, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: none
Baby Fire Grog CR5. Small Magical Beast HD:1d10+1. HP6. Mas12. Init:+3. Spd 30ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+1size, +3dex,+1Nat). Bab+1. Grapl-5. Atk:+0melee(Tongue slap 1d2-2). Full Atk:+0melee(bite 1d4-2) and -5melee (Tail slap 1d3-2) or +6ranged (Spit 1d4 non-lethal plus 1d4fire Range Increment; 30ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d3-2, Ref15ft), Fire Immunity, Fire Trail (Bite 1d4-2plus 1d4 fire), Death Throes. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+3, Ref+5,Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str7, Dex17, Con12, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+9, Jump+4, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 2-4(Medium), 5-9HD (Large)
Adult Fire Grog CR7. Medium Magical Beast HD:4d10+4. HP26. Mas14. Init:+2. Spd 40ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+2dex,+3Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+4. Atk:+4melee(Tongue slap 1d3). Full Atk:+4melee(bite 1d6) and -1melee (Tail slap 1d4) or +7ranged (Spit 1d6 non-lethal plus 1d6fire Range Increment; 40ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d4, Ref15ft), Fire Immunity, Fire Trail (Bite 1d6plus 1d6 fire), Death Throes. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+6, Ref+6,Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex15, Con14, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+4, Jump+6, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 5-9HD (Large)
Badass Fire Grog CR12. Large Magical Beast HD:9d10+36. HP85. Mas18. Init:+1. Spd 50ft. Defense:15, Touch10, FF14 (-1size,+1dex,+5Nat). Bab+9. Grapl+17. Atk:+12melee(Tongue slap 1d4+4). Full Atk:+12melee(bite 1d8+4) and +7melee (Tail slap 1d6+2) or +10ranged (Spit 1d8 non-lethal plus 1d8 fire Range Increment; 50ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap), Fire Immunity, Fire Trail (Bite 1d8+4plus 1d8 fire), Death Throes. SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d6+8, Ref15ft). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+10, Ref+7,Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex13, Con18, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide-1, Jump+8, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: none
Baby Toxic Grog CR3. Small Magical Beast HD:1d10+1. HP6. Mas12. Init:+3. Spd 30ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+1size, +3dex,+1Nat). Bab+1. Grapl-5. Atk:+0melee(Tongue slap 1d2-2). Full Atk:+0melee(bite 1d4-2) and -5melee (Tail slap 1d3-2) or +6ranged (Spit 1d4 non-lethal plus 1d4 acid Range Increment; 30ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d3-2, Ref15ft), Acid Immunity, Corrosive Volley (+5ranged). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+3, Ref+5,Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str7, Dex17, Con12, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+9, Jump+4, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 2-4(Medium), 5-9HD (Large)
Adult Toxic Grog CR5. Medium Magical Beast HD:4d10+4. HP26. Mas14. Init:+2. Spd 40ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+2dex,+3Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+4. Atk:+4melee(Tongue slap 1d3). Full Atk:+4melee(bite 1d6) and -1melee (Tail slap 1d4) or +7ranged (Spit 1d6 non-lethal plus 1d6 acid Range Increment; 40ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap), Acid Immunity, Corrosive Volley (+6 ranged). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d4, Ref15ft). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+6, Ref+6,Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex15, Con14, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+4, Jump+6, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 5-9HD (Large)
Badass Toxic Grog CR10. Large Magical Beast HD:9d10+36. HP85. Mas18. Init:+1. Spd 50ft. Defense:15, Touch10, FF14 (-1size,+1dex,+5Nat). Bab+9. Grapl+17. Atk:+12melee(Tongue slap 1d4+4). Full Atk:+12melee(bite 1d8+4) and +7melee (Tail slap 1d6+2) or +10ranged (Spit 1d8 non-lethal plus 1d8 acid Range Increment; 50ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d6+8, Ref15ft), Acid Immunity, Corrosive Volley (+9 ranged). AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+10, Ref+7,Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex13, Con18, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide-1, Jump+8, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: none
Baby Shiny Grog CR3. Small Magical Beast HD:1d10+1. HP6. Mas12. Init:+3. Spd 30ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+1size, +3dex,+1Nat). Bab+1. Grapl-5. Atk:+0melee(Tongue slap 1d2-2). Full Atk:+0melee(bite 1d4-2) and -5melee (Tail slap 1d3-2) or +6ranged (Spit 1d4 non-lethal plus Moderate Radiation Range Increment; 30ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d3-2, Ref15ft), Radiation Immunity, Resistances. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+3, Ref+5,Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str7, Dex17, Con12, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+9, Jump+4, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 2-4(Medium), 5-9HD (Large)
Adult Shiny Grog CR5. Medium Magical Beast HD:4d10+4. HP26. Mas14. Init:+2. Spd 40ft. Defense:15, Touch14, FF12(+2dex,+3Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+4. Atk:+4melee(Tongue slap 1d3). Full Atk:+4melee(bite 1d6) and -1melee (Tail slap 1d4) or +7ranged (Spit 1d6 non-lethal plus Moderate Radiation Range Increment; 40ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d4, Ref15ft), Radiation Immunity, Resistances. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+6, Ref+6,Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex15, Con14, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide+4, Jump+6, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: 5-9HD (Large)
Badass Shiny Grog CR10. Large Magical Beast HD:9d10+36. HP85. Mas18. Init:+1. Spd 50ft. Defense:15, Touch10, FF14 (-1size,+1dex,+5Nat). Bab+9. Grapl+17. Atk:+12melee(Tongue slap 1d4+4). Full Atk:+12melee(bite 1d8+4) and +7melee (Tail slap 1d6+2) or +10ranged (Spit 1d8 non-lethal plus Moderate Radiation Range Increment; 50ft). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft (10ft tongue slap). SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Tail Swing (2d6+8, Ref15ft), Radiation Immunity, Resistances. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+10, Ref+7,Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex13, Con18, Int2 Wis12, Cha2.
Skills: Hide-1, Jump+8, Listen+7, Spot+7
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Spit)
Advancement: none
Species Traits
Magical Beast traits (Ex): Slingers have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Darkvision (Ex): Slingers have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft.
Pounce (Ex): If a Slinger leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.
Scent (Ex): This ability allows a Slingers to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Tail Quills (Ex): Slingers have sharp aerodynamic quills lining their tails. As a Full round action a Slinger may throw a cluster of quills in to a 10ft by 10ft area (Ranged attack, Defense 10 range 120ft), everything within the area must make a DC 15 reflex save or suffer 2d4 points of piercing damage (20/x3 crit). A Slinger may perform this attack a number of times per day equal to their Constitution score.
Wings (Ex): Slingers have a 10% chance of spawning with wings (CR+2, fly 60ft clumsy)
Bonus Feats: Slingers have Alertness Multi-attack, and Weapon focus (Tail Quills) as bonus feats
Skills: Slingers receive a +4 species bonus to Jump checks.
Slinger CR5. Large Magical Beast HD:4d10+12. HP34. Mas17. Init:+2. Spd 50ft. Defense: 16, Touch11, FF14(-1size, +2dex,+5Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+12. Atk:+8melee(Bite 1d6+4). Full Atk:+8melee(2 claws 1d4+4), +6melee (bite 1d6+2), +6melee (2 kicks 1d4+2) or +6ranged (2d4 120ft range Tail Quills [10ftx10ft area]). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Scent. AL: Pack. Sv Frt+7, Ref+6, Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex15, Con17, Int2, Wis12, Cha10.
Skills: Hide+3, Jump+8, Listen+8, Spot+8.
Feats: Alertness, Multi-Attack Weapon Focus (Tail Quills)
Advancement: 5-8HD (large), 9-10HD (huge)
Winged Slinger CR7. Large Magical Beast HD:4d10+12. HP39. Mas17. Init:+2. Spd 50ft, fly 60ft (clumsy). Defense: 16, Touch11, FF14(-1size, +2dex,+5Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+12. Atk:+8melee(Bite 1d6+4). Full Atk:+8melee(2 claws 1d4+4), +6melee (bite 1d6+2), +6melee (2 kicks 1d4+2) or +6ranged (2d4 120ft range Tail Quills [10ftx10ft area]). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Pounce, Scent. AL: Pack. Sv Frt+7, Ref+6, Wil+2. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex15, Con17, Int2, Wis12, Cha10.
Skills: Hide+3, Jump+8, Listen+8, Spot+8.
Feats: Alertness, Multi-Attack Weapon Focus (Tail Quills)
Advancement: 5-8HD (large), 9-10HD (huge)
Species Traits
Magical Beast traits (Ex): Ravagers have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Darkvision (Ex): Ravagers have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft
Scent (Ex): This ability allows a Ravager to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Wings (Ex): Ravagers have a 10% chance of spawning with wings (CR+2, fly 60ft clumsy)
Bonus Feats: Ravagers receive Alertness and Multi-Attack as Bonus feats
Skills: Ravagers receive a +6 species bonus to Jump checks
Ravager CR3. Large Magical beast HD:4d10+12. HP34. Mas17. Init:+2. Spd 50ft. Defense:16, Touch11, FF14(-1size,+2dex,+5Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+12. Atk:+8melee(bite 2d4+4). Full Atk:+8melee(2 claws 1d3+4), +6melee (bite 2d4+2) and +6melee (2 kicks 2d6+2). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Scent. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+7, Ref+6, Wil+2. AP. Rep+0.Str19, Dex15, Con17, Int2, Wis12, Cha10.
Skills: Hide+2, Jump+14, Listen+3, Move silently+6, Spot+3, Survival+4
Feats: Alertness, Multi-Attack
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large).
Species Traits
Magical Beast traits (Ex): Reavers have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Darkvision (Ex): Reavers have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft
Scent (Ex): This ability allows a Reaver to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Wings (Ex): Reavers have a 10% chance of spawning with wings (CR+2, fly 60ft clumsy)
Bonus Feats: Reavers receive Alertness and Multi-Attack as Bonus feats
Skills: Reavers receive +8 species bonus to Hide and Move silently checks and a +6 species bonus to Jump checks
Reaver CR4. Large Magical beast HD:4d10+12. HP34. Mas17. Init:+2. Spd 50ft. Defense:16, Touch11, FF14(-1size,+2dex,+5Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+12. Atk:+8melee(bite 2d4+4). Full Atk:+8melee(2 claws 1d3+4), +6melee (bite 2d4+2) and +6melee (2 kicks 2d6+2). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Scent. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+7, Ref+6, Wil+2. AP. Rep+0.Str19, Dex15, Con17, Int2, Wis12, Cha10.
Skills: Hide+10, Jump+14, Listen+3, Move silently+14, Spot+3, Survival+4
Feats: Alertness, Multi-Attack
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large).
Winged Reaver CR6. Large Magical beast HD:4d10+12. HP34. Mas17. Init:+2. Spd 50ft, Fly 60ft (clumsy). Defense:16, Touch11, FF14(-1size,+2dex,+5Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+12. Atk:+8melee(bite 2d4+4). Full Atk:+8melee(2 claws 1d3+4), +6melee (bite 2d4+2) and +6melee (2 kicks 2d6+2). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Magical Beast traits, Darkvision 60ft, Scent. AL: None or Pack. Sv Frt+7, Ref+6, Wil+2. AP. Rep+0. Str19, Dex15, Con17, Int2, Wis12, Cha10.
Skills: Hide+10, Jump+14, Listen+3, Move silently+14, Spot+3, Survival+4
Feats: Alertness, Multi-Attack
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large).
Badass Ramtaurus/Badass Ceratops
Species Traits
Magical Beast traits (Ex): Ramtauruses have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Darkvision (Ex): Ramtauruses have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft.
Armored Hide (Su): Ramtaurus have thick hides that grant Damage Reduction 10/+1 and Electricity Resistance 15
Charge (Ex): A Ramtaurus typically begins a battle by charging at an opponent. In addition to the normal benefits and hazards of a charge, the beast can make a single gore attack that deals 4d6+20 points of damage, the damage increases to 4d8+32 at huge size and 4d10+32 at Huge (Badass) size.
Scent (Ex): This ability allows a Ramtauruses to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Tail Spikes (Ex): Ramtauruses have sharp aerodynamic Spikes lining their tails. As a Full round action a Ramtaurus may throw a spike as a grenade weapon (Ranged attack range 120ft), The spike deals 1d10 plus ½ the Ramtaurus strength modifier in piercing damage, and then explodes dealing 3d6 (4d6 for huge, 6d6 for Badass) points of concussion damage to everything within 15ft of the impact. Targets in the blast radius may make a DC 15 reflex save for half damage, the target struck can not. A Ramtaurus may perform this attack a number of times per day equal to their Constitution score.
Tail Smash (Ex): As a Full round action, a Ramtaurus may slam the ground with its tail sending a spray of debris in a cone, the cone is 15ft long and Deals 6d6 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (Reflex 15 for half), when a Ramtaurus reaches huge size, the cone extends to 30ft, the damage increases to 8d6 and the Reflex save increases to 17, a Badass Ramtaurus increases the cone to 45ft the damage to 10d6 and the Reflex save to 20
Tail Swing (Ex): Once every 1d4 rounds a Ramtaurus can spin in place hitting everything in a 15ft radius centered on itself, dealing 2d8+10 points of slashing damage to everything within the radius (Reflex 15 for half damage) at Huge size the Radius increases to 20ft, the damage increases to 2d10+16 and the reflex save increases to 17, at Badass the Damage increases to 4d6+16 and the Reflex save increases to 20.
Wings (Ex): Ramtauruses have a 10% chance of spawning with wings (CR+2, fly 60ft clumsy)
Bonus Feats: Ramtaurus receive Weapon Focus (Gore and Tail Spike) as bonus feats
Ramtaurus CR10. Large Magical Beast HD:8d10+40. HP84. Mas20. Init:-1. Spd 20ft. Defense:14, Touch8, FF14 (-1size, -1dex,+6nat). Bab+8. Grapl+22. Atk/Full Atk:+18melee(2d6+10 Gore) or +17melee (1d8+7 Tail slap) or +7ranged (1d10+3 plus 3d6 Tail spike). FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Charge (4d6+20), Darkvision 60ft, DR10/+1, Electricity Resistance 15, Scent, Tail Smash (6d6 Ref 15), Tail Sweep (2d8+10 Ref15). AL: None or Mate. Sv Frt+11, Ref+5,Wil+3. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str24, Dex9, Con20, Int2, Wis12, Cha3.
Skills: Hide-5, Listen+6, Spot+6
Feats: Weapon Focus (Gore, Tail Spike)
Advancement: 9-16 HD (huge); 17+ HD (huge [badass]).
Huge Ramtaurus CR12. Huge Magical Beast HD:10d10+70. HP125. Mas24. Init:-2. Spd 20ft. Defense:15, Touch6, FF15 (-2size, -2dex,+9nat). Bab+10. Grapl+29. Atk/Full Atk:+20melee(2d8+16 Gore) or +19melee (1d10+11 Tail slap) or +7ranged (2d6+5 plus 4d6 Tail spike). FS:15ftx15ft. R:10ft. SQ: Charge (4d8+32), Darkvision 60ft, DR10/+1, Electricity Resistance 15, Scent, Tail Smash (8d6 Ref 15), Tail Sweep (2d10+16 Ref15). AL: None or Mate. Sv Frt+14, Ref+5,Wil+4. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str32, Dex7, Con24, Int2, Wis12, Cha3.
Skills: Hide-5, Listen+6, Spot+6
Feats: Weapon Focus (Gore, Tail Spike)
Advancement: 11-16 HD (huge); 17+ HD (huge [badass]).
Badass Ramtaurus CR19. Huge Magical Beast HD:17d10+170. HP263. Mas24. Init:-2. Spd 20ft. Defense:15, Touch6, FF15 (-2size, -2dex,+9nat). Bab+17. Grapl+36. Atk/Full Atk:+27melee(2d10+16 Gore) or +26melee (2d6+11 Tail slap) or +14ranged (2d8+5 plus 6d6 Tail spike). FS:15ftx15ft. R:10ft. SQ: Charge (4d10+32), Darkvision 60ft, DR10/+1, Electricity Resistance 15, Scent, Tail Smash (10d6 Ref 15), Tail Sweep (4d6+16 Ref15). AL: None or Mate. Sv Frt+17, Ref+8,Wil+6. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str32, Dex7, Con24, Int2, Wis12, Cha3.
Skills: Hide-5, Listen+6, Spot+6
Feats: Weapon Focus (Gore, Tail Spike)
Species Traits
Magical Beast traits (Ex): Tyrants have all traits common to non-sentient magical beasts.
Darkvision (Ex): Tyrants have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft.
Scent (Ex): This ability allows a Tyrant to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Tyrant must hit an opponent two or more size categories smaller than itself with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it shakes the grabbed opponent back and forth, automatically dealing bite damage each round. Once the opponent stops resisting, the tyrannosaur attempts to swallow on its next turn.
Swallow Whole (Ex): If a Tyrant begins its turn with an opponent two or more size categories smaller than itself held in its mouth, it can attempt a new grapple check as though trying to pin the opponent. If it succeeds, it swallows its opponent, automatically dealing bite damage. Once inside the tyrannosaur, the opponent takes bludgeoning damage equal to the Tyrant's bite attack plus 1d6 points of acid damage per round from the monster's gizzard. A successful grapple check allows the swallowed creature to climb out of the gizzard and return to the Tyrant's maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. Alternatively, the swallowed creature can attack from inside the gizzard using claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon. Dealing at least 25 points of damage to the gizzard (Defense 20) in this way creates an opening large enough to permit escape. Once the creature exits, the tyrannosaur must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 20) or die, whether or not the full amount of damage was dealt with a single blow. A Huge Tyrant's gizzard can hold 2 Medium-size, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or smaller opponents.
Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4+1 rounds a Tyrant can exhale a 60ft cone of fire or a 120ft line of fire. The cone Deals 8d6 points of fire damage (Reflex 17 for half damage), the Line deals 4d6 points of fire damage (Reflex 25 negate). A Tyrant's fire breath can ignite flammable objects.
Bonus Feats: Tyrants receive Power Attack and Cleave as bonus feats
Tyrant CR15. Huge Magical Beast HD:20d10+80.HP190. Mas19. Init:+1. Spd 40ft. Defense:,Touch,FF(-2size, +1dex,+5nat). Bab+20. Grapl+37. Atk/Full Atk:+25melee(Bite 4d6+13). FS:15ftx15ft. R:10ft. SQ: Magical Beast Traits, Darkvision 60ft, improved grab, scent, swallow whole, Breath weapon. AL:.Sv Frt+16, Ref+13, Wil+8. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str28, Dex12, Con19, Int2, Wis15, Cha10.
Skills: Listen +11, Spot +11.
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack
Advancement: 21-36 HD (Gargantuan), 37-54 HD (Colossal).
0 notes
d20 Modern Metal Slug Part 3 Mars People
Martians/Mars People (From the MetalSlug Wiki)
Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: +2dex, -2con, +2int, -2cha. Mars People are agile and clever but, they are not hardy creatures and their alien minds make relating to other creatures difficult
Aberration traits (Ex): Mars People have all traits common to aberrations.
Natural Armor
Medium Size: Mars people receive no special bonuses or penalties based on size.
Darkvision: Mars People have Darkvision out to a range of 60ft
Base Land Speed: 30ft, Mars people ignore the normal penalties for moving across rough terrain.
Skills : Mars People receive a +4 Species bonus to Jump and Tumble checks
Multiple Limbs (Ex): Mars People have dozens of tentacles, granting the the Mars people a +4 species bonus to Grapple attempts, Climb checks, and checks to resist trip and over run attempts. A Mars person may use upto 4 tentacles to manipulate equipment when moving or all of its tentacles for manipulating controls in their vehicles.
Grace (Ex): Mars People suffer half as much fall damage as normal on a failed reflex save or no damage on a successful save.
Limited Telepathy (Su): A Mars Person can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100ft that has a language.
Free Language: All Mars People begin play with the ability to read, write and speak their own language (Mars People).
Level Adjustment:+1.
Progress Level: Base line Human +1
Typical Mars Person CR4. Medium Aberration Fast Hero2/Smart Hero2 HD:2d8-2 plus 2d6-2. HP17. Mas8. Init:+3. Spd 30ft. Defense:18,Touch18, FF15(+3dex,+5Class). Bab+2. Grapl+7. Atk: +5ranged (2d10 RI; 40ft Plasma Pistol). Full Atk: -2melee(1d3+1 non lethal 4 tentacle slaps). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft. SQ: Aberration traits, Darkvision 60ft, Multiple limbs, Grace, Limited Telepathy. AL:Mars People Empire or Invader Empire. Sv Frt-1, Ref+5, Wil+3. AP:4. Rep+1. Str13, Dex16, Con8, Int18 Wis12, Cha6.
Occupation: Adventurer (Survival, Treat Injury)
Skills: Climb+5, Computer Use+13, Demolitions+9, Disable Device+9, Drive+8, Hide+10, Jump+5, Move Silently+10, Pilot+8, Profession+6, Read/Write/Speak (Mars People), Repair+11, Ride+8, Treat Injury+6, Tumble+7
Feats: Aircraft Operation (Space craft), Gear Head, Mecha Operation, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Stealthy
Talents: Evasion, Savant (Computer Use)
Possessions: Plasma Pistol (3lb) w/1d4+1 power cells, various gear and personal possessions.
Species Traits
Outsider Type (Su): Monoeyes have all traits common to outsiders.
Darkvision: Monoeyes have Darkvision out to a range of 240ft
Bonus Feats: Monoeyes receive Archaic weapons proficiency as a bonus feat
Telepathy (Su): Monoeyes can communicate telepathically with any creature within 1 mile that has a language
Levitation (Su): Monoeyes are constantly surrounded in a field psionic energy, this field allows the Monoeye to fly at a base speed of 50ft with perfect maneuverability. A Monoeye can perform run actions while flying.
Telekinetics (Su): A Monoeye can manipulate all unattended objects of upto 50lb within 100ft.
Energy Barrage (Su): Monoeyes can conjure 5ft diameter orbs of energy, these orbs deal 6d6 points of damage half the damage is Electricity the other half is Fire. A Monoeye can throw bolts individually (As a normal ranged attack), in “bursts” (-6 attack +3d6 damage) or in volleys into a 10ft by 10ft square (Def 10, -4 Attack, Reflex save 15 negates), the orbs have a range of 120ft with no increments
Natural Psionics (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds a Monoeye may manifest the following powers as a 10th level Psionic Agent; Burst, Combat Precognition, Levitate, Dimension Slide, Dimension Door, Immovable Object.
Monoeye CR16. Gargantuan Outsider HD:16d8+16. HP88. Mas13. Init:-2. Spd 10ft, fly 50ft (Perfect). Defense: 16,Touch4, FF16(-4size, -2dex,+12Nat). Bab+16. Grapl+38. Atk:+22melee(2d6+10 claw) or +11ranged (6d6 energy orb). Full Atk:+18melee(2 claws 2d6+10) or +11/+6/+1/-4ranged (6d6 energy orb) or +7/+2/-3/-8ranged (6d6 Ref 15 negates energy orb volley) or +5/+0/-5/-10ranged (9d6 energy orb burst). FS:30ftx30ft. R:15ft. SQ: Outsider traits, Darkvision 240ft, Levitation, Telepathy, Telekinetics, Energy Barrage, Natural Psionics. AL: Mars People Empire. Sv Frt+11,Ref+8,Wil+10. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str31, Dex6, Con13, Int30, Wis11, Cha6.
Skills: Computer Use+29, Craft (Any three)+29, Demolitions+29, Diplomacy+1, Disable Device+29, Drive+17, Hide-14, Intimidate+17, Knowledge (Any three)+29, Listen+21, Move Silently+17, Pilot+17, Repair+29, Spot+21
Feats: Alertness, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Star ship Gunnery, Star ship Operation (Any one), Two weapon fighting, Weapon Focus (Energy Orb)
Advancement: None
Monoeye UFO
D20rules: The Monoeye UFO is considered a Huge Object (Def8, Hardness 25, HP110)
The Monoeye UFO has the following powers
---Animate Dead; Upon initial activation, every creature with 4 or fewer Hit Dice within 2 miles must pass a DC 25 Fortitude save or be converted into a random Undead (GM discretion, typically Zombies, d20 Modern Ghouls or Viral Deathspawn)
---Summon Monoeyes; At time of creation, a Monoeye UFO is bonded to 2d4+2 Monoeyes, once it is activated the UFO can summon these Monoeyes at anytime as a Full Round Action
---Homing Beacon; Once activated, the Monoeye UFO grants a +10 circumstance bonus to Navigation checks for friendly starships and aircraft.
---Summon Monoliths; The Monoeye UFO can create massive stone slabs that it will drop on to any potential hostile creatures. The falling slabs hit everything within a 10ftx10ft square dealing 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Ref 15 negates), a Moneye UFO may summon upto 6 monoliths in a single round, but, it must recharge for 1d4+3 rounds between uses.
Hopper Mecha (PL6)
Hopper Mecha CR1/4. Construct. HD: 1/2d10+5. HP:7. Mas---. Init:+1. speed: 30ft. Defense:15, Touch12, FF14 (+1size, +1dex, +3equip). BaB:+0. Grapl:-4. Atk/Full Attack: +1melee(Slam 1d4). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft. SQ: Construct Traits, Self-Destruct (1d6). AL: Mars People empire. SV: Fort+0, Ref+1, Will+0. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex12, Con---, Int--, Wis10, Cha1. Skills: Listen+2, Spot+4 Feats: None Equipment: None Purchase DC: 23($4,870) Restriction: Mil+3. Frame: Armature. Locomotion: Legs (4). Manipulators: None Armor: Duraplastic. Sensors: Class V. Skill Software: None Feat Software: None Accessories: Self-Destruct System
Big Eyes (PL7)
Big Eye CR1/4. Construct. HD: 1/2d10+5. HP:7. Mas---. Init:+1. Speed: fly 30ft (Poor). Defense:15, Touch12, FF14 (+1size, +1dex, +3equip). BaB:+0. Grapl:-4. Atk/Full Attack: +ranged (2d10 RI; 40ft Plasma Pistol) and (d). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft. SQ: Construct Traits. AL: Mars People empire. SV: Fort+0, Ref+1, Will+0. AP:N/A. Rep+0. Str11, Dex12, Con---, Int---, Wis10, Cha1. Skills: Listen+2, Spot+4 Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency Equipment: Integrated Plasma pistol w/auto-loader gadget, 1d4+1 power cells Purchase DC: 24($6,410) Restriction: Mil+3. Frame: Armature. Locomotion: thrusters (basic). Manipulators: None Armor: Duraplastic. Sensors: Class V. Skill Software: None Feat Software: Feat Progit (Personal Firearms Proficiency) Accessories: Weapon Mount
Ring Laser Mecha (リングレーザーメカ)
Species Traits
Construct Traits (Ex): Ring Laser Mecha have all traits common to constructs.
Advanced Sensors (Ex): The visual and audio sensors on a Ring Laser Mecha grant it Low-light vision and 60ft Darkvision
Skills: Ring Laser Mecha receive skill points as an aberration.
Ring Beam (Ex): The Mecha can fire a Ring shaped Line of energy 160ft long by 10ft wide, the beam deals 12d6 points of Electricity damage (Ref15 negates)
Limited Telepathy (Su): Ring Laser Mecha can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100ft that has a language
Ring Laser Mecha CR4. Large Construct HD:4d10+20. HP:42. Mas---. Init:-2. Spd 20ft. Defense:18, Touch8, FF18(-2dex,+10Nat). Bab+3. Grapl+11. Atk:+6melee(1d4+4 pincer). Full Atk:+melee(2 pincers 1d4+4) . FS:10ftx10ft. R:10ft. SQ: Construct traits, Advanced Sensors, Ring Beam, Limited Telepathy. AL:.Sv Frt+1,Ref-1,Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str19, Dex6, Con---, Int6, Wis11, Cha6.
Skills: Computer Use+3, Listen+4, Read/Write/Speak (Mars People), Spot+4
Feats: None
Advancement: 5-7HD (Large)
Mars Mecha (マーズメカ) (PL7)
Size: Huge, Quadrupedal (-2size) HP: 200 Super Structure: Duralloy Hardness: 15 Armor: Alumisteel Defense:+5 Penalty: -6 Reach: 10feet Strength:+16 Dexterity: --- Speed: 35feet Purchase DC: 45 ($2,114,500) Equipment Package: Crew: Cock Pit (Torso+Back), Integrated AI (Helmet), Class III Sensor System (Visor), Comm System
Defenses: Space Skin (Belt), 24 hours Life support (Shoulders)
Weapons: Bubble Launcher (Left arm+Right arm)
Bubble Launcher (PL6)
Creates bouncing spheres of energy to attack targets.
Damage: 4d6 Bludgeoning
Weight: 175lb
RoF: S
Slots: 2
Activation: Attack
Range Increment: 20ft
Target: Special
Duration: 1d4+2 rounds per bubble
Saving Throw: Ref 15 negates
Purchase DC: 30
Restriction: Mil+3
d20 rules: Releases a bubble of force in the direction the Mecha is currently facing (No attack roll required), the bubble of force will move 20ft per round dealing the listed damage to anything in its path (Ref 15 negates), upon striking a target the bubble will ricochet off in a random direction. A bubble will continue to bounce around the area until its duration has expired. A Single Bubble launcher can maintain upto 3 bubbles at one time
Species Traits
Construct Traits (Ex): Rootmars has all traits common to constructs.
Keen Senses (Ex): Rootmars has Darkvision out to a range of 120ft and low-light vision
Bonus Feats: Rootmars receives Aircraft Operation (Spacecraft), Gearhead, Star ship Battle Run, Star ship Dodge, Star ship Feint, Star ship Gunnery, Star ship Mobility, Star ship Operation (Ultralight, Light, Medium-weight, Heavy, Super Heavy), Star ship Strafe, Vehicle Dodge and Vehicle Expert as Bonus feats
Skills: Rootmars receives Skill points as an Outsider
Acid (Ex): Rootmars can spit blobs of acid, it may spit as many globs per round as it has attacks, acid globs have a 30ft range increment and a max range of five increments.
Energy Barrage (Su): once every 1d6 rounds, Rootmars can conjure 5ft diameter orbs of energy, these orbs deal 6d6 points of damage half the damage is Electricity the other half is Fire. Rootmars can throw bolts individually (As a normal ranged attack), in “bursts” (-6 attack +3d6 damage) or in volleys into a 10ft by 10ft square (Def 10, -4 Attack, Reflex save 15 negates), the orbs have a range of 120ft with no increments.
Electronic Powers (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds Rootmars may cast or manifest one of the following spells or psionics as a 10th level caster. Degauss, Electromagnetic Pulse, Lightning Bolt, Electric Charge, Lightning Strike.
Ship Integration (Ex): As long as a star ship has at least 200 tons of cargo space, Rootmars may be integrated into that ship's system, allowing it to control the ship completely on its own. The process of integrating Rootmars into the ship's control system take 2d12+8 hours, safely removing Rootmars takes another 2d12+8 hours. If Rootmars is reduced to 0hp while controlling the ship or if it is forced to quickly extract itself from the control network, the ship automatically drops to -1hp and begins breaking up as detailed in the star ship rules for d20 Future
Telepathy (Su): Rootmars can communicate telepathically with ant creature within 1 mile that has a language
Rootmars CR24. Colossal Construct HD:32d10+120. HP296. Mas---. Init:+1. Spd fly 80ft (Average). Defense:15, Touch3, FF14(-8size, +1dex,+12nat). Bab+24. Grapl+50. Atk:+26melee(4d6+10 Slam) or +17ranged (4d4 acid spit). Full Atk:+21melee(2 slams 4d6+10) or +17/+12/+7/+2ranged (4d4 acid spit) +17/+12/+7/+2ranged (6d6 energy orb) or +11/+8/+3/-2ranged (6d6 Ref 15 negates energy orb volley) or +9/+6/+1/-4ranged (9d6 energy orb burst). FS:60ftx60ft. R:30ft. SQ:. AL: Mars People Empire or Regular Army. Sv Frt+10, Ref+11, Wil+10. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str31, Dex13, Con---, Int10 Wis11, Cha8.
Skills: Bluff+16, Computer Use+19, Concentration+17, Demolitions+17, Diplomacy+16, Disable Device+17, Drive+20, Hide-16, Intimidate+16, Listen+17, Navigate+17, Pilot+20, Repair+19, Sense Motive+17, Spot+17, Survival+17.
Feats: Aircraft Operation (Spacecraft), Gearhead, Star ship Battle Run, Star ship Dodge, Star ship Feint, Star ship Gunnery, Star ship Mobility, Star ship Operation (Ultralight, Light, Medium-weight, Heavy, Super Heavy), Star ship Strafe, Vehicle Dodge, Vehicle Expert
Flying Machines
Mini UFO, Black Mini UFO (プチUFO·黒プチUFO) (Requires Aircraft Operation: Spacecraft) (PL6)
Crew: 1 Pass: 0 Cargo: 600lb Init: +1 Maneuver: +2 Top Speed: 250 (25). Defense: 9 Hard: 10 HP: 35 Size: L PDC: 47 Res: Res (+2) Face: 2/2 Armament: Turreted Laser Sniper Rifle. Bonuses: None. Equipment: -Laser Sniper Rifle: Damage: 3d8 Damage Type: Fire. Critical: 20. Range Increment: 120feet. Rate of Fire: S. Magazine: Infinite (attached to ship's power supply). Size: L. Weight:14lb. Purchase DC: 21 Restriction: Res+2 -Tractor Beam: Allows the pilot of the mini UFO to make grapple attempts against a single target within 100ft. The Grapple check uses the pilots BaB, but, the UFO's size modifier and is considered to have a Strength Score of 20 (+5) for purposes of the check. -Comm System: Allows the Mini UFO to communicate with its mother ship when out of range of the crew's telepathic abilities. Comm range 200miles
-Experimental Jump Drive: Allows the UFO to instantly travel upto 5 lightyears away from current position 1 per day as a Full Round Action or cast Dimension Door twice per day as a 10th level mage (can not perform both actions in the same day)
UFO (Requires Aircraft Operation; Spacecraft) (PL6)
Crew: 4 Pass: 0 Cargo: 2500lb Init: - Maneuver: - Top Speed: (). Defense: Hard: 15 HP: 55 Size: H PDC: Res: Mil (+3) Face: 4/4 Armament: Turreted Heavy Laser. Bonuses: Mil+3. Equipment: -Heavy Laser: Damage: 3d10 Damage Type: Fire. Critical: 20. Range Increment: 240feet. Rate of Fire: Single . Magazine: Infinite (attached to ship's power supply). Size: H. Weight: 100lb. Purchase DC: 27 Restriction: Mil+3 -Comm System: Allows the Mini UFO to communicate with its mother ship when out of range of the crew's telepathic abilities. Comm range 200miles
-Remote control system: Allows the UFO to be operated from the relative safety of a mothership, range 100miles
Dai-Manji (PL8)
Type: Ultra-light Size: Colossal (-8size)
Subtype: System Patrol Craft Tactical Speed: 3,500 Ft ( 7Sq)
Defense: 7 Length: 140ft
Flat Footed Def: 5 Weight 800Tons
Autopilot Def: 5 Targeting Bonus +5
Hardness: 20 Crew: 4 Trained(+4)
Hit Dice: 15d20 (300hp) Passengers: 8
Initiative Mod +2 Cargo: 18,000lb
Pilot’s Class bonus +3 Grapple: +16
Pilot’s Dex Mod +2 PDC: 57
Gunner’s Atk +2 Restriction: Restriction (+2)
EMP Cannon +1ranged(8d8 [36], RI; 4000ft)
Plasma Cannon +1ranged (14d8 [63] RI; 3000ft)
Attack of Opportunity:
Standard Design Specs: Power Plant: Anti-matter Reactor
Engines: Induction Engine, Thrusters
FTL Drive/After burners: None Super Structure/Armor: Alloy Plating Defenses: Power-link, Auto Pilot Sensors: Class V Sensor Array, Improved Targeting System Communications: Drivesat Comm array, Mass Transceiver Weapons: Power-link, EMP Cannon,
Grapplers: Tractor Beam
Hangar: 8 Mini UFOs, can deploy upto 2 per round as a move action
Power-link (PL6)
A special Coupling system that allows larger vessels to boost the fire power of a smaller one. As a Full Round Action an Ultralight vessel with a Power-link may dock with a Light size or larger star ship that also has a Power-link (Each ship must pass a DC 15 Pilot check) while connected, the larger vessel receives a +500ft bonus to its movement speed per attached Ultra-light, and the Ultra-light receives a substantial power boost to its energy based weapons (+4 Attack bonus, +1 Step Critical threat increase, +25% damage bonus [rounded down]). A Power-link takes up 1 weapon slot and 1 Defense slot, a Light or Larger vessel may have multiple Power-links each link can only support one Power-linked Ultra-light at a time.
Purchase DC 5+1/4 base purchase DC
Rugname (PL 6)
Type: Light Size: Colossal (-8size)
Subtype: Destroyer Tactical Speed: 3,000 Ft ( 6 Sq)
Defense: 3 Length: 500ft
Flat Footed Def: 2 Weight: 8000Tons
Autopilot Def: 5 Targeting Bonus +3
Hardness: 30 Crew: 1 (Rootmars+20)
Hit Dice: 80d20 (1,600hp) Passengers: 88
Initiative Mod +2 Cargo: 120Tons
Pilot’s Class bonus +0 Grapple: +16
Pilot’s Dex Mod +1 PDC: 61
Gunner’s Atk +24 Restriction: Mil (+3)
Attack of Opportunity:
Standard PL Design Specs: Power Plant: Fission Reactor
Engines: Fusion Torch, Thrusters
FTL Drive/After burners: N/A Super Structure/Armor: Vandium Defenses: 4x Power-links, improved autopilot system, improved damage control (3d10), radiation shielding, self-destruct system Sensors: Class II Sensor system, Targeting system Communications: Laser Transceiver, Radio Transceiver Weapons: 4x Power-links
Grapplers: None
Hangar: 16x Mini-UFO's, can deploy upto 4 at a time as a move action, 4 Dai-Manji attached to Power-links, 24+ Big Eyes
Ground Vehicles: 1d4 Mars Mecha.
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